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Jun 2022 · 445
Within Me Lies
Hans Peter Jun 2022
I can't find the words
to articulate accurately
the feelings for you
that within me lies

but if you want
the true poetry
of my heart and soul
just look deeply into my eyes
May 2022 · 412
Black Russians
Hans Peter May 2022
I know you'll have your fun
I know you'll have your laughs
so I'll keep this short and sweet
confined to a few paragraphs

I'll be thinking of you, of course
I'll be wishing you were here
I'll be thinking of our bagels
Black Russians with a schmear

I know you'll be okay
I know that so will I
but still my day is always better
when I catch you in my eye
May 2022 · 145
Hans Peter May 2022
Love gives me strength
but also makes me weak
Love gives me hope
though our future seems bleak

Love makes me see
but also makes me blind
the closeness that I seek
is really hard to find

I strive to love in the present
Love only for Love's sake
because in reality
ALL love ends in heartbreak
Apr 2022 · 124
Hans Peter Apr 2022
They say those in love are blind
but maybe they just see reality of a different kind
they say those in love are fools
maybe their metrics are measured by different tools
They say those in love are left defenseless
maybe those without love live a life that is truly senseless
Mar 2022 · 285
Love at First Sight
Hans Peter Mar 2022
Love at first sight
is easy to understand
You see someone attractive
and you want to hold her hand.

But love that's deep and true
is when you see inside
and all their inner beauty
is in your view and amplified.
Feb 2022 · 797
If I Was Blind
Hans Peter Feb 2022
If I was blind
I would have fallen in love with your voice
I would have fallen in love with your laughter

If I was deaf
I would have fallen in love with your beauty
I would have fallen in love with your graceful movements

... but I am neither and I have fallen in love with it all and more.
Feb 2022 · 168
If I could Speak
Hans Peter Feb 2022
Maybe if I could speak
as well as I write
I wouldn't have to quickly
get out of your sight

If I could turn the thoughts
that I have in my head
and string them into
some sort of viable vocal thread

I know what I want to say
but the thoughts go through a shredder
and come out of my mouth
like some sort of garbage spreader

so I keep my words short
when I'm talking to you
and hope that my love
will always shine through
Jul 2021 · 172
How To Do It
Hans Peter Jul 2021
Love isn't always easy
it isn't cut and dried
there's nothing you can plan
there's no how to do it guide
Jul 2021 · 154
Divinely Essence
Hans Peter Jul 2021
In five minutes
or maybe ten
I get to see
my baby again

seems like ages
although it wasn't
time moves on
just seems like it doesn't

can hardly wait
to be in that place
where I gaze upon
her beautiful face

I dream of always
being in her presence
and being embraced
by her divinely essence
Jun 2021 · 132
Hans Peter Jun 2021
You are the sunrise in my life
bringing me light
and blue skies
warming up my day

I hope I can be your sunset
bringing you the moonlight
to light your way
when things turn to a dark and dreary gray

In a perfect world
we'll always be each other's blue sky
with long Summer days
and the shortest dark nights
followed by a brilliant sunrise to make everything okay
Jun 2021 · 119
Hans Peter Jun 2021
Being close to you
is remarkably divine
it's like all the stars
conspired to align
some things aren't
meant to be understood
we must trust the universe
is unfolding as it should
Jun 2021 · 214
Here and Now
Hans Peter Jun 2021
Oh these days
I want them to last forever
to make that happen
I'm willing to do whatever
My heart is happy
my soul is at peace
it's almost as if my life 
has been given a new lease
I won't worry about the future
it'll all work out somehow
I really enjoy our time together
in the present, here and now
Jun 2021 · 183
Hans Peter Jun 2021
There are gifts that can't be bought
love and patience and lessons taught
and our true friendship that goes beyond
it is forever and ever, an unbreakable bond

Of all the gifts that I could want
to always be your confidant
and of course it works both ways
we help each other through rough days

The best gifts can't be bought at the mall
but when it comes to you, I want it all
Of all the gifts that life could send
the best is is experiencing you, my friend
Jun 2021 · 802
Hans Peter Jun 2021
While others lust for things 
that you can't hide
I lust for the things
that are concealed inside
I lust for your heart
I lust for your soul
I lust for the things
that make you whole
Jun 2021 · 106
Hans Peter Jun 2021
sure you're a beauty
everyone can see
there's more than that
something touches me

I can't put my finger on it
I just can't explain
it's something I can feel
but it's on a different plane

Is it supernatural?
esoteric or mystical?
it pulls my heart
could be metaphysical

it pulls me towards you
something magnetic?
it brings out rhymes,
something poetic

I know we're connected
tell me you're affected
just as I suspected
a sly smile is detected
Jun 2021 · 673
Hans Peter Jun 2021
I get lost in your beauty
I get lost in your eyes
you're as real as it gets
you wear no disguise

on a scale of one to ten
you must be a twelve
for the more I get lost
the more I find myself
May 2021 · 127
Hans Peter May 2021
They say dare to dream
but what if I dare
and my beautiful dream
is someone else's nightmare
Life would be a dream
with a stunning and beautiful hue
if only the dream would fall
in love with the dreamer too
May 2021 · 140
When Did I fall in Love
Hans Peter May 2021
When did I fall in love?
what was my first clue
all of a sudden
every love song was about you

When did I fall in love?
when did my heart start to ache?
When I dreamt of you at night
and dreamt of you even awake
Apr 2021 · 443
My Forever
Hans Peter Apr 2021
Whenever I am with you
time just seems to fly 
whenever I look at my watch
another hour has gone by

if you were my forever
it is my strong belief
that even an eternity
would still be way too brief
Apr 2021 · 458
love works
Hans Peter Apr 2021
To tone it down
 I tried my best
 that's not the way
  love works I guess 

I love you deeply and 
far too much I'm sure 
but my heart ain't listening 
or trying to find a cure  

to not love you so much 
I tried my best 
but that's not the way 
love works, I guess
Apr 2021 · 151
3rd Person Perspective
Hans Peter Apr 2021
What's up with those two? 
watch the strange things they do 
they always lunch together 
They walk in nice weather 
they work together as well 
come on now, what the hell 
Tell me what do you think 
what is this strange link? 
they take off the same time 
there's no reason or rhyme 
whether it's vacation or not 
if it snows or if it's hot 
what's going on, I can't discern 
whether or not it's my concern 
I just can't figure it out 
what this relationship is all about 
maybe my inquiry is a bit overzealous 
or maybe I'm just a little bit jealous
Apr 2021 · 281
No Words Needed
Hans Peter Apr 2021
No words needed
nothing to be said
it's deep in our soul
known in our head

It's still nice to say
what I feel for you
you already know
I deeply, truly love you
Mar 2021 · 148
Let It Go
Hans Peter Mar 2021
I went to see a guru
life seemed to be too much
he asked what the matter was
I told him such and such
told him about the woman I love
already he seemed to know
told him what I expected
and he said, "Let it go!"

Let it go? I asked
but I want things to go my way
doesn't matter what you want
you'll just chase her away

but I want...
Let it go
but I need....
let it go
but she don't...
let it go
but I'd love....
let it go

He kept on interrupting
before I could even finish
like the values of my desires
he was trying to diminish
Let me tell you something, he said
I hope it's not too deep
The more that you let go
the more you get to keep
Mar 2021 · 452
Morning Bird
Hans Peter Mar 2021
The morning bird
a tune it sings
from my heart 
a joy it brings

but the words
lost in my soul
deep in my chest
they fill a hole

still this tune
I sing as well
my love for her
on that I dwell
Mar 2021 · 123
Day After Day
Hans Peter Mar 2021
Love is not the words I say
Love is not the poems I write 
Love is what I do day after day

No matter how many "I love you's" I say
Words without actions are just words 
Love is what I do day after day

Love is not how much I spend
Love is not the gifts I give
Love can’t be bought or given away
Love is what I do day after day

It's the little things, 
the stuff not noticed,
things done just because,
That’s how my love is manifested 
Day after day
Mar 2021 · 258
Morning Meditation
Hans Peter Mar 2021
I'm up before the sun
up before everyone
I sit in the stillness
the morning's chillness
then I quiet my mind

like an energetic child
my mind is running wild
I bring it back to center
a calmness state to enter
and inner peace to find

Some use a mantra phrase
others at a dot they gaze
some invoke a Holy Being
for me it's you I'm seeing
and my world responds in kind
Mar 2021 · 123
I would Die
Hans Peter Mar 2021
I would die for your forgiveness
I would die for a smile
I would die for a kind word
I would die for your touch
I would die for your time
I would die for a reply
Yet... it's what I live for
Mar 2021 · 288
Stars Aligned
Hans Peter Mar 2021
I fell in love with you
it wasn't by design 
nothing much I could do
the stars were all aligned
your eyes smiled at my heart
my heart went to pursue it
then I tried to use my charm
and I almost blew it
Feb 2021 · 98
As If It Was Our Last
Hans Peter Feb 2021
People like to say
you should live every day
as if it was our last
good words to heed
if of commitments you are freed
or a fortune you have amassed
I'd like to propose
a new tradition to impose
for people that we love and hold dear
I think we should start
whenever we have to part
to act as if the end is near
A hug and a kiss
to show that you'll be missed
out of love, not out of fear
Of course we'll have to wait
until this covid does abate
so to this practice we can adhere
Jan 2021 · 100
Give Us A Break
Hans Peter Jan 2021
I hate this virus 
with a passion
Everything I enjoyed
has gone out of fashion

I hate it that I can't see your face
can't stand that social distancing space
you know I miss your warm embrace
we're being cautious, just in case

We must be cautious for our own sake
careless risks we cannot take
we all know what is at stake
but come on Covid give us a break
Sep 2020 · 172
expiration date
Hans Peter Sep 2020
My love has no expiration date
It'll be just as good in 2028
My love for you will never expire
it'll be there when you and I retire
My love will never go bad or get old
in fact it multiplies a hundredfold 
My love you can't measure with any gauge
because my love, like you, gets better with age
May 2020 · 116
Hans Peter May 2020
They gave us credentials
by calling us the essentials
but it's just superficial
all we are is sacrificial
May 2019 · 133
My Heart
Hans Peter May 2019
If it was just my eyes
that saw your beauty
and fell in love
I could just shut them

If it was just my ears
that heard you laugh
and warmed my heart
I could wear ear plugs

If it was just my ****
that got aroused
whenever you were near
I could take care of it

But it was my heart
my ******* heart
that sealed the deal
and made my love real
I'll shout it from the mountaintops
'till the day my heart stops
Sep 2018 · 237
Meant To Be
Hans Peter Sep 2018
Not everything is meant to be
that's just the way it's meant to be
Sep 2018 · 206
Hans Peter Sep 2018
Whether you feel a warmth
or you got the chills
That's me thinking of you
with different degrees of thrills
Sep 2018 · 356
My Muse
Hans Peter Sep 2018
If you really want to meet
the one of whom I write
my muse and my inspiration
the one that sets my heart alight

If you really want to see
the most astounding vision
who breaks mens hearts
with random precision

if you're really that curious
I'll show you, step nearer
and when you get close enough
I'll hand you the mirror
Jun 2018 · 179
Hans Peter Jun 2018
like a pendulum
I swing back and forth
between doing my best
to stay healthy
not giving a ****
and eating everything I enjoy
and washing it down
with a good Bavarian beer
or six
what’s the point?
for a little extra time
is it worth it?
well if you have grandkids
I guess it is
maybe I’ll find a balance
or wait for the pendulum
to stop swinging
Jun 2018 · 184
Liquid Therapy
Hans Peter Jun 2018
unrequited love isn't like a cancer
there is no remission at all
there is no chemotherapy
or any pills large or small
there's always alcohol therapy
to relieve some of the pain
but when the sessions over
here comes the hurt again
Jun 2018 · 196
What Are Friends For
Hans Peter Jun 2018
You know I'm your friend
and I really do care
and I'm always there for you
if you really want to share

if you just want me to listen
I'll be as quiet as a mime
if you want my 2 cents worth
I'll try not to give you a dime

but I do have to tell you
and I do want to assert
it's nothing devastating
but I was a little hurt

I never want you to feel
like you can't come to me
If I don't have the answers
I'll be as honest as can be
Jun 2018 · 177
Beautiful Thoughts
Hans Peter Jun 2018
I've always heard them say
you should always end your day
with a beautiful thought or two

I hope that it's okay
my dreams I hope to sway
with beautiful thoughts of you
Jun 2018 · 719
Attract and Repel
Hans Peter Jun 2018
we are everything
that we have experienced
in life so far

all our experiences
have made us
what we are at this moment

but something
has brought us together
maybe something in our past

maybe a common event
that only we share
that can make us complete

maybe it's that same event
that sometimes attracts
sometimes repels

maybe the closer we get
to the truth
the more we repel

but we desire
the truth
so we attract
as well
Jun 2018 · 170
Hans Peter Jun 2018
your love is not more inferior
in spite of your rough exterior
never leaving yourself exposed
always in control and composed
but on occasion sometimes I detect
my love for you does have an effect
May 2018 · 185
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
Hans Peter May 2018
Here I sit
trying to write
a different way
to say good night

The page is bare
as is my mind
no sweet words
for me to find

here I sit
I wish I knew
a powerful way
to say I love you

but anyway
sleep well my dear
and maybe for once
in your dreams I'll appear
May 2018 · 200
Lunch Service
Hans Peter May 2018
sitting and eating lunch alone
taking bites, staring at the phone
today is the day that she will call
the phone is ready, but nothing at all
I have no idea why I get nervous
where I’m sitting there is no service
May 2018 · 207
The D, the Vitamin D
Hans Peter May 2018
That was my day
and how was yours?
did you at least
get to go outdoors
this beautiful day
there for you to see
and take in some
of that vitamin D
now this gorgeous
evening has begun
and my day is
almost said and done
there's nothing left
for me to do
but hurry to bed
and dream of you
May 2018 · 187
Dream Invasion
Hans Peter May 2018
Night is here
dark and peaceful
A comfy bed
warm and cozy
as I drift off
I await your arrival
I wait for you
to invade
my dreams
Apr 2018 · 169
Romantic Rain
Hans Peter Apr 2018
Did you enjoy the morning rain
knocking on your window pane
Did you hear the howling winds
blowing away the streets ***** sins
Did your mind wander during the storm
whilst inside your shelter comfy and warm
some people get all panicked and frantic
but you and I know the rain is romantic
Apr 2018 · 214
Foggy Mirror
Hans Peter Apr 2018
This morning in an early hour
I took a long hot steaming shower
until I was all wrinkled and soggy
the room was humid and really foggy
could not even find the doorknob
the mirror couldn't do its day job
it was no reflection on me
I looked but my face I couldn't see
so with my finger I wrote your name
and drew a heart to make a nice frame
I thought of taking a picture to be gifted
by then the mirror had cleared and the fog had lifted
Apr 2018 · 157
In Another Life
Hans Peter Apr 2018
I'm sure I knew you
in another life
somehow connected
maybe my wife
maybe we were together
in another time
travelers of the world
maybe partners in crime
I have this strong feeling
running through my head
maybe we were lovers
sharing the same bed
or maybe I'm clairvoyant
and I can see what is our fate
whether here or in our next life
give me patience, I'll have to wait
Apr 2018 · 158
I am not a poet
Hans Peter Apr 2018
I am not a poet
and don't i know it
I only try to give a hint
of my hearts blueprint
words I try to fashion
into a flash of passion
and if I have the time
I try to make them rhyme
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