with a knife dipped in crimson fire
i murdered the red sky
(the doors of platinum)
twas god twas saul twas garden blue
what to be like a semi
i x actl y know what i knew
the blue waters of the earth could not
cleanse the pitch-black night
the riders of paul saw
saul dancing in the moonlight
and chirst he was a beautiful man
more beautiful than the secret diamonds of the universe
to take it into account of beauty of peace
its lie a thousand times over roll over the kids
whatta joke he tells me
with a blue glass blink to his eye
green three times two times five over a million
brings me here
you're humble i know
pray for me
saul or whoever cracks his knuckles and waits
thomas has to forgive again
mary was a symbol and judas hung
for it all
we all hang once in a while
over and over
to be through the bleeding doors the cracks
of the doors of platinum
step inside
and you'll never return
don't look back
or everything will disappear
but by chirst jesus the lord almighty god (jesus christ)
*it already has
Something different
this time around