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Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018



waging war upon my senses

What I want

and what I need

A battle of great proportions

Almost as though I had you in my grasp

I lost it

Almost just as fast

The weapons used

hand made and raw

the most brutal of devices

most painful of them all.

None will survive

the blood will stain my skin

I am forever trapped inside

my walls

no longer thin.

With one last option

The destroyed lifeforce reacts

A last ditch effort

There is no turning back

Saliva dripping from my lips

Brain rendered useless by the heart broken battleships

The end of pains

An empty vessel

A heartless soul

A mindless body

all that remains
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
When one falls in Love, we must be careful of our reasoning.

Are we falling for their gorgeous eyes?

   ...the iridescent barrier to their soul...

Is it their smooth skin drawing us in?

   ...the touch we crave continueously...

Does their body control our sensations?
...the shapely curves or sharp features...

So what happens when those dissapear?
Will Love suddenly be something we must have mistaken something else to be?

Through the looking glass,

I see your face.

I hear your voice.

I feel your soul.

Breathless when you smile

The risk we take.

The thrill of the ride.

The end of NOTHING...

...that NEVER was.
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
Oh what I'd give...

to live in my dreams

where everything's perfect

and just as it seems

There are no hidden meanings

or broken hearts

nothing left unanswered

straight forward from the start


Here in reality

I can barely breathe

my heart has stopped beating

and I no longer believe

There is no hope

no cure for this cause

Just a heartbroken misfit

holding onto love that once was

Oh what I'd give...

to live in my dreams

where everything's perfect

and just as it seems

If I could sleep forever

In my dreams I'd be a queen

In a castle on a hillside

covered in flowers amongst green

I'd have the King I’d always dreamt of

His love I'd never question

with a smile there would be no doubt

I am the object of his affection


Forever is impossible

Reality has it's hold

I am alive and wide awake

fearing the untold

I share a world with others

some surviving just fine

Those who can't handle it

simply give up and resign

I've written my resignation

and several times thrown it away

wasted sheets of apologies

never knowing how to explain

Oh what I'd give...

to live in my dreams

where everything's perfect

and just as it seems
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
I yearn to lay naked before you

Exposed for all that I am

Covered in scars

Bruises, a deep green

Swollen eyes
and a broken heart

Clothed in fear instead, I stand before you

my smile, my shield

laughing to hide the pain

refusing to admit blame

Behind closed doors I cry outloud

Craving your shelter

Beaten and bound

Please accept my confessions

my truth and my sorrow

...and I pray that you will still forever
love me tomorrow.
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
I never had a very tight grip on the difference between:



******* Reality

Always merging the two into one disaster

The difference between night and day is no more than simply hiding the sun away.

Without you, my day will never be as bright

The stars will never live as long

The world will never spin as accurate

The bird will quickly forget its song

And my heart will never beat as perfect

You are my fantasy and can never be my reality.
Knowing this, I question my sanity

Refusing to admit

Denying how I feel

A downward spiral

This heart may never heal

Can you break something which is not whole?

Does that mean...

Do I love you?

After all..
You are my favorite
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
I wrote this letter

I was going to give to you

later in the day

But since I've written

I've decided that

There's still things I'm not ready to say

Until that time

I'll fold it so

and hide it somewhere safe

Then when I'm ready

I'll face my fears

And try my hardest to be brave

Within this letter

are heartfelt words

said with the strongest of passion

Yet hurtful 
in the worst of ways

carrying a terrible burden

There are lies that course

through the invisible ink

penned across this tattered paper

Just remember

when you read these words

its my strongest form of armor

I wrote this letter

I was going to give to you

but instead I threw it away

Because since I've written

I've decided that

These are things I'm not strong enough to say
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
If I could have just a single wish
I think I’d want to see
exactly what you’re looking at
when you’re watching me.

I hear my taunting mirror
hung backwards on my wall
All my imperfections
Shattered from the fall.

I fear not so much the physical
but the emotional wreck inside

You say i’m inspirational

What I see is horrible

Overly dramatic
Buried in my dreams
thinking quite sparatically
nothing’s as it seems

I’ll break your heart
It’s inevitable

You’ll never be the same

I’m nothing but bad news
Quite negligible

Another pawn of this game.

If I could have just a single wish
I think I’d want to see
exactly what you’re looking at
when you’re watching me.
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