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Mar 2018 · 312
OC Mar 2018
My heart will be broken into a million pieces but that's okay I'll find a way to put it back together.

Emotions feel like a string pulling me, am I the puppet? Could it be or is the state only within my sleep. Aggression, misery and false hope can easily keep one company. Yet I ask, isn't there so much more to live for?

My heart will be shattered from situations. Some out of my control, others within my grasp. As tough as it might seem, tough love is the best form of love I'd have to agree. It prepares you for the world from its beauty to its greed.

Never stay too long on your knees. The world needs your gifts where as a shattered heart only wants you to grieve.

Can't you see, there is no joy without misery. No success without failure. Everything comes full circle so a shattered heart will be repaired again and again.

Chao friends!
Beauty, Misery, Tough Love, Rejoice
Aug 2017 · 564
OC Aug 2017
Cherish the one's you love dearly. Time well spent is with close friends and family. Cherish the small things as they have the ability to move mountains. Something which once looked so out of reach is now yours thanks to patience.

Cherish the air you breathe as this shouldn't be taken for granted. The beauty of nature is so unique yet ambiguous. Trees and birds stand out or remain identical yet admiring this beauty can make our hearts warm.

Cherish the time you have and the people you meet; the great music you listen to and the art you see. Because all these gifts are for both you and me. To share experiences and embrace cultures is a wonderful thing.

Cherish all that we are. Confused, loved, courageous, ambitious, protective and intelligent. Cherish what we do and the reasons why we do it. This will lead to more happiness for both me and you.

Life's a stage and each day is broadway, cherish your performance a standing ovation is waiting.
Aug 2017 · 192
OC Aug 2017
Forever Young, we never want to grow old. Bring me a fountain of youth and it would be treasured forever.

These moments go so quickly in this world. Things tend to be moving slow or extremely fast paced, sometimes we forget to appreciate each moment.

Youth brings innocence, old age tends to bring wisdom. Living young forever would be one of my birthday wishes.

We grow older and live through our children. Teach them some valuable things so they can flap their own wings.

We all go through this process, yet none of us really knows what it means. Youth is full of fun, adventure and bad behaviour. Rebel with a cause. As the years roll on, it's time to slow down and appreciate the small moments.

Youth, you're a vibrant feeling, thank you
Jul 2017 · 362
OC Jul 2017
Timeless, what could that possibly be? It's the oxygen inside of me that keeps me breathing. Timeless, can that possibly be a thing? Since there always seems to be some new fashion. Timeless, the thought of it inspires me. To inspire people for a generation, even a lifetime possibly?

Timeless, a thing which should be admired and seeked. That is only partially true, since something can only be timeless in the present moment. We are constantly writing and rewriting our history. Is it destiny to achieve great things and sore to magnificent heights? Well it's all about perspective.

Are you living for the here and now or is there something bigger you're striving for? A type of ambition that can knock down doors, patient at best. The aim of longevity, mixed with integrity can truly cater to the hearts of the masses, as it helps us become the best version of ourselves.

We? You and I, let's chase our dreams and become one with destiny. Let's promise to be the best we can be. Shine as we were born to do. Leave something meaningful behind and spread cues so others may follow you.Your moves and mindset can create something timeless. Let's go for it!
Jul 2017 · 296
OC Jul 2017
Sweet joy, you've left me unanswered. Why do I feel this despair, this grief? My heart shivers with pain, uncertainty seems second nature. Where has my sense of humour gone? Maybe I should just throw on a Bob Marley song.

We all feel heartbreak at one time or another. It doesn't make you a coward to admit, simply human. Mistakes made, lessons learnt, brides burnt. The uncomfortable truth about being wrong. Nonetheless, if you've learnt from it, a lesson has arisen.

The pain does get easier to manage, to handle. Experience is the best teacher so don't beat yourself up about past events. Simply move forward and make amends. Strive for becoming a better person. Life comes with its trials and tribulations yet you are strong enough to weather the storm.

Heartbreak and food, possibly ice cream can be a perfect combination. The pain evaporates, yet it isn't easily forgotten. Nonetheless we live to fight another day.
Jul 2017 · 519
High Spirits
OC Jul 2017
In high spirits! Life is truly a profound journey. Ups and downs, twists and turns, beliefs and fears yet I wouldn't want it any other way.

How would we appreciate the sun if there was no rain? How would we learn if we never made a mistake? Learning to love and appreciate all of life's mysteries and gifts can seem like a tall task. Yet if you lend your ear I would like to ask, why must we go through life wearing a mask?

We were each born to dance, explore, learn and love. Be gracious in defeat and humble in victory. High spirits can give us the strength in difficult moments we all seek.

Trust your instincts! Because needing to be right or accepted all the time would become boring, even futile! We all seek excitement.

Cherish each moment without a second glance. Never live in the past as it isn't coming back. Remain in high spirits and the future will seem hopeful, meaningful as well as peaceful.

Our beating hearts connect as one in high spirits.

— The End —