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513 · Mar 2014
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
Copy you this, and properly that
Under a tow o'prudent MeOrKat
Fate maybe or Folly, makes deeply enticing. I cannot commit, I'll take the time. It's ripe to spin into oblivion the numbers phase outly In, a swirling feeling is Beginning Again, a rush, On Us I must be going back Inly out.
And vaguely so~So please forget or just don't Know - what matters now if we never do Go?
Where oh where did that fantasy fly oh where oh where oh me oh my
512 · May 2014
Spirit Locality Naturally
NuurSeraph May 2014
Body is not optional so We trace our faces in the strangest of places 
Here we stand amongst the strange and yet call ourselves one in the same, but could this be simply the truth?
~why couldn't this make perfect sense?
In an Oblong World, How to decide what shows the proof?
If you're the one who speaks a different tongue, perhaps a tongue in cheek
Well maybe we All mean well but aren't quite skilled or smooth...
~ Is it Crazy actually to do this amongst the strangest cellular plugged in populous ~ if We cannot contemplate, cannot swallow something unknowable, seemingly impossible??

So why be One, if one is unfathomable?

We can be many fractions of the very same number.
Fractal Upon fractal we build upon each other, a patterned sequence, a human development.
Awakening to disguise, no more lies, no more masks, facades, or pretence.  
No difference, the Same 
Our conscience emergence ~ the fabric is space, the time an illusion...... the place, an assemblence.... Cooperating a Complex Creation...each a puzzle piece of our Own Imagination 

511 · Jan 2015
A Sight for Seeking
NuurSeraph Jan 2015 therein
           within flys
my Wonder-vaulted

I return the Call to my Attention

...­and it is Here, My Dear
           that I could
care to dare to bare the Stare
           from where
the Heart-Center feels so

I close the windows of my Soul
            to Open wide the
Doors inside
            for Me to See
my Hopes and Dreams

Of lapping tides
rhythm like
                  this Be my Sight
        Everywhere and all Around

Beyond the old, into the New


             ...*I search for You
Seeking what I wish for, I need a heart centered focus and concentration.
511 · Mar 2014
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
PlayKate Me, It Was so I Am
wither Fancy, it's usually better in the sequel, trust Me
Or don't - I have no zeal to cruel Law
PlayStraightly, indigenous ShameMan
Lord be Rule of this Land.
Because You Can.

•[{For my Earthen Brethren, The spirit man is Shaman. Of this Grace, I do not speak of in prose above. This is reference to false offenders. Not True Heart Soul Tribe, pardon please if there was heresy on my part.}]•
Meant to read top to bottom then bottom to top.  Don't Stop. :-)
509 · Nov 2014
Into the Night
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
What will it take
Reaching out with
Supple touch
Such soft things
will suffer well

All good things
wait in hiding
with the Cresent
moon behind barren
tree branches
on the Other Side
of the night sky

All bad things
Cancel, Cancel
replaced with
Joyous Ease
and Wonder
for All and

Now I feel better
her Majesty
has come
The hum of the cold
still night strum
me into morning~
The hum of the cold still night strum me into morning~
509 · Aug 2014
So Profound (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
What a pretty little leaf, so profound
that little leaf
All is All
Reflecting All
Macro or Micro
Some Prefer to contemplate one or the other sometimes. Nothing at ALL wrong with that.
505 · Dec 2014
Shifting Faces (Eyes Avert)
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
Ahhh…you, yes You
…You know,
it’s in the motion
in the follow-through
until too
with gravity
hooks that hold me
together much better
leave me
such a tease
to have been baited from
those who rest among
the Placid Pond.

Ahhhh…you, yes You
…You must,
Trust me to breed seeds
wild and much bigger
Sprouting out
from the past
walk-about shoe's
of my grooves
& the steps that I take

Five hundred and twenty eight
hertz a lot sweeter
the more trips that you make
On Love’s circular soundtracks
Another round of aftershocks
& Gods' greatest flashbacks.

Ahhh…you know, yes You…
…You now,
Avert eyes straight
A head of You
Shift faces

Super-vision is suggested
but not yet required
of the diametrically
opposed Divina
to whom you've inspired.
all of Life will rise to surface and come full circle.

A fun free cultured itself without much purposeful direction, however I am rereading and I think I am taking a little lighthearted jab at myself for being such a silly ******...I must laugh or I would cry.
Laughing works for me....
498 · Oct 2014
Age of Hypocrisy
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The greatest Expense to our Humanity~

The political Investiture to further the
Facade of Integrity

A Cracked Clock is Broken Every Time of Day

"Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed


bassnectar lyrics in quotation, Nothing has been broken
Global Diplomacy does not work when its influence is overseen by immoral bullies (psychopathic rule)
498 · Jul 2014
Until This too Shall Pass
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Dreams stream meaning anxious grieving like I'm lost in freezing frost cracking crisis vast madness condensed in a sense I wake dense heavy and weary confused and crazy restless as the fury who knows something is coming closer~closer still closer dust to dust flaming flashes my ashes to ashes until this life too passes.
Quick free flow reflecting disturbing dreams I've been having.
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
And in the beginning, there is a cry unto the void as black as night ~ before the word is spoken...this is her story of Creation.

She had been punctured from the inside~
and Her shattered Core harnessed the wailing waves of this Primordial Mourning.
Into violent vibration arose the Creation of this Principle...

We are all but the Sacred Wounds of Her Original Innocence

It's not the Sound...It never was the Sound~
It's what I heard before I fell back into this All again ~ so Now all the Things I've Lost~ I find It All in Time...
I can't pretend It anymore.

It's not always in this Place to Go and Live and Lose and Love and Be All that ever was...
~See ~

No one tells You anymore what to expect so You just have to guess and You guess...and You get what You get.

But You won't know what You knew before...Oh No.    


That's restored to Everything that could ever have been explored..

And You fell to It All again because You knew It was something that you would have to find..

Lost in the Rhythm again...Love...
No one but Eye could be able...too wrapped Inside.

And Gone...Emeraldly
And Gone In...A Head

And I fell again to Heavens Dance ~
to Heaven's Bed.

I guess I took out of my Heart...
I guess It made Itself known why I Love You so~

Nothing here pretends to know ~
it just goes on and lives and grows and knows that it falls back to its Heaven...


...and Heaven begins again.

Never, Never did It end too long to go back again...No!
~too long to know that Nothing lasts Forever.

Just your Soul...just your Holy Sigh, You leave the rest behind because You can't refine and You can't resign in this
until you've lost your Heart~


The broken pieces You can find went Home~
...Are never's just to find them again...That's All.      
A repost from the beginning...
494 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Gut~tight feeling, punching, flooded.
~ • ~
Flooding into every ******* Breath, Digest the Power, Arrest Yourself to utter Absolution.
 ~ • ~
You will not falter beneath this weight, so insurmountable, rumble beneath the covers, shiver in your skin, use it for the masquerade ball for each and all to crawl through you to the funhouse mirror peerers, gaggle toothed crocodile tamers, all will smile in the pantomime hall, pointing the way, you'll hear them say,
   "Next time it will be You"
  ~ • ~
Run Son,
Along the night it will come, it will brush your back with jackal teeth, frozen tundra beneath your Electric Skin, take it off so I may climb in, adjust myself, clear the emptiness, shake it all about,
turn you inside out.
~ • ~
You are helpless, naked, breathless, devastated, Divine. You are Mine.
Close your eyes and breathe, that's better, clever little Valentine. Remember, your heart is mine, all of you, completely, what would you like me to do for you in your body?
Stroke it, Pet it, Touch You...There? Where?
I would like to know your Mind, explore your Circuitry, rearrange the wiring, clear some space for the
Then I will return your Wrapping Robe for you to wear. It will feel a little new, unknown, dissociated maybe, but at least you have a new machine to
~ • ~
Will You act the same way, ******* the same way, how will it Feel?  
How good can you make it feel?  
How about your Brain,
does it work the same?
 ~ • ~
Aah, so something new to do...
!! Explore !!
I added a few more floors for you to find, rooms with doors, some locked,
and hidden keys..
Please take your Time

Take a Tour
See You again
?? When shall We Meet Again ??
492 · Sep 2014
The Emerald City
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Distinguished* ~ one seasons' stronghold
Lavished ~ yet it leaves no mark
Harkened ~ still it bleeds no stain on us
Ravished ~ some lost to the dark

My King!
My Queen!

My Majesty!
You state your Name by Divine Decree,
yet Silence has claimed your Kingdom.  

For Eye could cast one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) sparkles into the night and no one would care to notice.

What a shame, says Eye...too wrapped inside.

Tho' one day soon a Flame unfurls and
wisp-ers condense into new Worlds so that once again we must all commence the Journey to reclaim our Innocence.

*"Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My"!!!
Dear Toto, I couldn't help but envision those beautiful ruby red slippers

* References & Quotation taken from the movie The Wizard of Oz and my Poems Songs I've Felt & Unfurling the Flame and a previous comment I made on a Jim Morrison Poem.
489 · Dec 2014
Higher Purpose (ten word)
NuurSeraph Dec 2014

I honor my fellow warriors armed with a higher purpose

Rock On
We Shall Prevail
486 · Oct 2014
Stranded at Sea
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Swimming thru
the panoramic sea, is me~
torrents attention maybe
too lazy, skies suprise~
would it be just a dream
or a smile
'en visage' of the moon
if my latitudes
were few
but incorrigible?

I break in align and drift for days
toasted flake for fish food, I make~
unto land, my eyes it seems
as tho' no shade
could dialate my mind, for dreams~
I must gather what waterlogged
faith I can find.

Should it take onwards of years
to guess my position
yet cannot despise for
my own limitations~
the pull of the Earth
will most definitely make
for the best
most accurate

*Until that Day,
I remain
Cast Away
This is a poem dedicated to my memory of that Tom Hanks movie where he's stranded on an Island for years yet still has faith and vision to set sail to be discovered...
Could someone remind me of that movie title, please?
Thanks and Enjoy
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
The time has arrived
to come back correct
to say the things that
remain unsaid

the futile mind
in heaps and piles
can rearrange into files
in cabinet drawers that
go on for miles
slam them shut and
give me smiles

we dance our fingers
over paper pasts
to understand that
nothing lasts and
with this freedom
I build my kingdom
in Honor of...

forever come what may
my shining face will praise
the words I choose to say
Finding peace of mind by speaking our truth.
486 · Oct 2014
Be Gentle
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
look up to the night
the sky says it all
I've been
to the core

please be gentle

I feel fragile and small

its only this moment
but this moment is real
just as the flip side
shall rise to the front

*please understand compassion is key
I have it for you, please have it for me
Trying to process a lot right know
485 · Aug 2014
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
I walk in, You walk out
You climb up, I climb down
I move farther from You
in search for the Truth
from outside
to remind myself
of the feelings inside.

Of destitute transgressions,
I failed to mention what's jarred or come loose, is now hanged from the noose. Battered and Bruised are the Eyes of the Wise,
Driven to hide inside
caves dark and far from the Lies.

I walk out, You walk in
You climb down, I'm climbing closer to You in search for the Truth for Time being without meaning, flocked and flayed around the Rack ~ taken aback beyond our Youth in spite of the Proof, We are praying to play, sprayed and sprawled against the Wall, taking shape and design, in part quite Divine.

The sharpest part is plunging in, opening to
Rise in the Truth
from outside
to remind yourself
of the feelings inside.
Rambling Roost
484 · Dec 2014
Come to be
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
Come to be
Then in the Night
Redeemer of what is Right
Light up this Love
that you speak of

Be our crescent hint of Hope
What else remains...remains
Of this time and space
feeds sustenance like
Tree sap and Earth


We have Minds
That know no bounds
Thoughts as Sparks
We send them out

On Golden Wings
The Conscience Sings
A symphony of Energy

One Age ends
Another begins
No more
will the horror
carry over

Just resounding ~



Come to be
Then in the Night
Redeemer of what is Right
Light up this Love
that you speak of
In response:
Yes, we all have this moment in history to be Heroes. We claim it when we hold ourselves accountable and in attendance.

I'm off the slippery soap box now...
Thank you for listening.
481 · Nov 2014
NuurSeraph Nov 2014

the Excitement in the air is
welcome Refrain~
all blissfully blue and clear.
Charm-ing entanglements everywhere
boldly declare a holiday.

Take a break, implode the mystery~
Knowons faithfully pulsate
the heartbeat
of everyone, everywhere.

Do you dare to be aware?
let's learn to share our intimate existence :)
A little bit of Quanta with Quality.Enjoy :-)
480 · Jun 2014
Spin Electric
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Ecstasy lures Me, oh so Willingly I will phase by, in and out of Common Mind, blurring by on Uncommon Ground.

You might see me drifting in a daze but I am not in your World, my unfocused pleasure is my Ecstatic Treasure. My unfocused Vision allows me to see Uncommon Things. I can see the Wisping Ether rushing by, I can see the quarks pop in and out of this space and time. I will dance to movements of Sound orchestrated within me, automatically.

I will speak from the higher mind, smiling, unknowing of the profound parable uttered from my kissed lips. I will spin visionary, I will body electrify, currents of energy flow in and out of my body and the air amperage jumps with Joy.

I will rise up in Trance and share my spinning Energy with All like ripples in a Pond. I will stay awhile just as long as I have been allotted by the Hand of God.
Deity Expressed. Inspired by the Melami Sufi Tradition.
478 · May 2014
~°«⊙»°~ I Got A Lot
NuurSeraph May 2014
What I've Got,
I've got a lot
I got a third chance
to Resurrect my Life
Around Two People
Who Love Me, Love Me a Lot
In the Norhwest Heaven,
Heaven sent
A Chance to Reunite
with my Mother, she and I are just now getting a Chance
to get to Know each other.
My Mother's Husband is a Trip
An air of Fresh Breath,
a Mint Condiment
A House of Loving Animals,
Quite a Variety, I might add
A Place to Open my Spirit to Nature's Wonder,
To Let Her In, Hear Her Plea
Walk along within Her Comfort
And get to know the Inner Me
God bless, I've Got A lot.

{ My Poetry Home is not forgotten, I have been transformed by my online Family, I really Appreciate all the comfort and wisdom}
Material things don't mean a ****-*** thing
471 · May 2014
Two Pairs of Two
NuurSeraph May 2014
I Am Four, Two pairs of Two Indivisible Parts.

My Four is a union between two separate Cores, Each Core is a pair, complete in Function, Merging Components, creating my Four.

There are times of Intented Separation, When my Four becomes Two, One Pair remains, Gone is the Other, they leave to Explore.
Of their Curious Adventures, the Two again return, becoming entwined, amalgamation of Four.

These Souljourn Passages, I deem very necessary, so much to Know, Eternity to See, along the Wilds of Creation, many Creatures yet to Meet.

Every Single piece of plenary Sensation Does Beg to offer my pair to share with my Two, Lingering Two.

Upon the Reunion of Four, the sharing expands of my being, filling Space of my Mind, Enbrazen my Body, Embellishment of Soul.

Communion is a Blessing, a Commitment, as my Promise.
My very own Sacred Ceremony, A Priveldge to Grow, to Seek to Be Whole.

 ­                         §
We are many Parts of Ourselves
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
From the Swirl comes the Structure,
In the Structure feeds the Flow and the Flow maintains the Focus.

So we can deduce, much like the pattern of life, it begins as Freedom, like colorful movement exempt from rule, while the other extreme, the skill obtained of Focus & Form, akin to miraculous mystery, wise sensuality, from royalty born.

Can you see the Procession, in difference yet alike?
Infancy is always Free,
from Wisdom comes Sight,
the Master of Vision,
Magical Majesty,

    ~Immaculate Precision.
    ~A Rainbow in the Light.

Deep unto the dreamy wood, Walk We, one Faire to ‘nother
Swift~ Shift , Slighted plea, what cares of Gnomonic Clemency
~ divide amongst they~ who do not know or see
~ forever possess perverse tales to talk away the mystery
Swift ~ Shift, Acrimonious Possession, Sudden urgency
Cares Not~ Divide amongst Gnomonic Novelty ~

Coming birth of Elementals
entrancing ingenuity foreseen such heavenly conception
Ironic irreverence of Elements pure Majesty
Still in Expectance of blessed Faire’s redemption
They ~ who do not care will never know and ought never see.

This is about Strife.
The way one Group must always find flaw with another Group, finding all the differences to hate, ignoring any similarities to love.
Assyllium Moratorium Serophis et E Pluribis Unum
467 · Jun 2014
Come On People, Now....
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Spirit Caustic
Sacred Covenant
It All Vibrates in Front of our Faces
We Called the Circumstantial Frequency, Forward, Before Us
You Did, Didn't You?
We All Did!!
Isn't that a tremendous Power to Ponder?
What a Gift AND Responsibility?
You must Be A Whole Lot of Amazing
To Be Granted Such a Powerful Position
Hey, we're All Still Learning....The Body is an Awesome Piece of Delicate, Yet Far Advanced Technology
Let's All Get Together, Talk It Out...
In less Someone's found The Manual, of Course...Man, Bring It With Ya!!
We'll just Work It Out ,
Put Our Collective Good Intention Together and Attend to This, Prosperously.
Spread Positivity, Please
It's Highly Contagious
Side Effects Include:
Inner&Outer; Peace
Abundance for ALL
467 · Aug 2014
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
We come unglued in this life, we come undone. That which is not lost to youth must surely wander on...

Frozen movement, wearing scapegoat fur, cracked creation of warred disorder cast settled souls upon yonder plains ~ twisted paths in chattered maze of spiral green
~ my mist, your haze ~
I'll walk your mile of pained duress
~ from violent fog, my sweet caress ~
come beside me, not behind, we walk along forever tied by spirit words~
(the Churchman's kind)
~What once was lost, in you I Find.

If truly there be no hope in life
~ no will, no chance admidst this strife ~
then never would we have cut the cord,
come into life to journey forth
~ this is our birthing that feels like death ~
the Lookinglass sees this Best.

Can't you see that's how we're dressed
That's why We come **Wireless
466 · Jun 2014
Thoughts Wander
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Contemporary Interest disguised in shades of Grey Fog, rolling down low obscuring my Visionary Focus of what's to come ahead,
distorting the form in shifting shapes, countering Convention, confusing illusion. Abstract obscure object's tenacity of Structure.
All solidarity is slurred in deep intoxicating mists.
A pale Raven in the distance, the portal opens, much to more will come from Nowhere to Here.
My caution blows with a still wind I blew into, take me onward inwardly.
Some things must persist.
All things approach Nowhere sometimes.
I'm reminded of the Forrest Train dream I survived as a Child. It all was appearing, so fast the Air and Trees, so fast my Heart, deep beat of Fear, such Panic of what was to come, and it would materialize from Nowhere World, and manifest in the Mists, a Forrest Creature.
He jumped from the Green, out of the foggy night, and grabbed me on the moving Train. Like a Gnome from Gargoyle Land. Big Sneered Nose draping dark red cheeks, a growl of stained Teeth shook me, same as this Fog does Here.
The mind works in interesting ways
460 · May 2014
Too Tough to Go Deep??
NuurSeraph May 2014
To find the serenity of the motherly womb, to submerge in the fluidity of silence, here one can learn to honor their experience of life as a precise pronouncement of each moment, and sense ALL presence as if it were in suspended animation… One must release, let go and dive into the unknown to seek out undercover, underwater….braced and insulated in its deep protective cocoon. To cross through the boundary of known (air) into unknown (water) one must accept the transmutation of the senses which naturally accentuates and morphs our awareness, mainly allowing one to experience the perception of time not as an intangible lightness but rather as an encompassing heaviness of each moment (the timelessness of the moment).

It is in the stillness of this immaculate silence that one can recognize and revel in this Power so mystifying, The Power of complete fluidic unity, The harmony of moving together as ONE. Here is the revelation revealed and the recognition unquestionable. It is here in this spiritual space where one has truly submitted oneself to honor GOD’s immaculate depths.

Within this acknowledgement one becomes able to appreciate the irrefutable resemblance and likeness of this experience to the unity of the shifting energies expressed in the Ethers that is GOD above. There is no fear of wandering aimlessly as you are now moving with the coherence of the cosmic tides forever. In this rapture one experiences transcendence and drifts profoundly in the Knowingness.
....Just a Thought, Not Necessarily coming from Actual Experience...
Sounded Good in my Head

*My personal Interpretation of Musical Creation by Bassnectar "UnderWater"
457 · May 2014
Meaning of Misuse
NuurSeraph May 2014
The Confessional of a Professional Sinner
Is as Useful as a Fish that Swims in Water
This Wooden Box with screened Partition is not meant to use like the Backspace button for our Typos.  Misspelled Words might disappear, Our Actions Never will. Remember it all circles back around.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
In the North Rock Lands, many Centuries past, our tribe took to Journey the Land during turning blossom season, when days grew to cast shadows stretch to lengthen Light of day.

The Clearing Ritual set many of us vital in Life to find relationship with the truest nature within Oneself. A small group would start out together, never staying together to long. As One found truth by the rushing rivers, Another followed the Bird's Song, some found deepest reflection in snow covered Mountains.

I parted ways when a whispering of tribal drum drew my ear to solitary call. I followed the haunted chant of a weary Wisdom, a Voice that broke in wailing acceptance, painful experience, and croaked from dark dirt of Life.

I continued instinctively not care for danger, for I knew this Voice knew me. It resonated its pitch right in the pit of my stomach, hungry to know.

I found myself walking up a dry dusty hill topped in plateau. There I saw in close distance a Man sitting, feather necklace, fair hair, and leathered skin. As I neared, he paused midair and placed his wood flute to his tired lips.

It was the Song of Welcome, I knew it well. I reached my last step next to him. He stopped and faintly uttered words beneath his breath. I asked what say he. He did not turn but looked straight into the air before him to repeat,

"It's not easy to please me
As I am my own worst enemy"

Taken aback I replied,

"In a World full of Foes
Who needs another one of those."

He wailed into the setting Sun, growing small and still. Then he turned and looked right at me, silently awaiting. I stumbled out words pertaining to Truth, searching, seeking the Wisdom of things.
A body heaving grunt, deflated his stature. He smiled slowly, cracked lips, rose even slower to face me, eye to eye.
Spoke words I took home with me, never to forget,

"Lack not in Motivation
Just not the kind that belittles your Vision
Lack not in Discipline
Just not the kind that leads your mind inside a Prison
Lack not in Passion
Just leave for Death, the Deadly kind
Lack not in Laughter
Just not the kind that pleasures from pain of Others
Lack not in Love
Put not Self in the Center, nor direct with selfish motive, for that be a kind of Boomerang, like backwards travel, the black of white, a dungeon, a death trap.
Just know this, There is no "I" in LOVE.
If you break apart from the Circle, in service to Self, you will die alone in the mirror of EV(I)L."

I returned the Clearing strong in Truth, and danced the Winged Clan dance, three sips deep of the Sacred Fruit. I lost my former claim of Self and chanted in the mists of the New, Clearing Cleared to be Honored as White Horse with Eagle Eye. That is the name I am called by my Tribe.
I made up a mythic fable set in Old Native American Tradition.
455 · Nov 2014
Here we Go!!
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I spot the Time

~ twirling into thin ringlets~

like ribbons gliding
the length of room

I chase for the lead
and freely spin to catch
the tails end of time

~ribbons race~
about face and dosado

Dancing into another day
*ready set
here we go!!
Good Day to All and Everyone!!
NuurSeraph May 2014
I find it fascinating when those who know everything about something they claim is mysterious and Unknown are just simply backtracking into full-blown self projected admission that much of the Mystery is all their Own.
To claim knowledge of Others should not be stated lightly, for the arts of the Seer are held with high you claim your path has led you through fires to See, if so then that is fine Artistry, You See the Mystery, but reflect a confession you see in Your Self.
~ This hall of mirrors is rather tricky , So many times I mistaken my image as creation of someone else.
Humbly so, I offer a caution to be careful in these halls  where you look, distorted mirrors will still reflect, the twisted vision might make you think it's someone else....
I read a lot of mysteries that claim to be understood but then I wonder what exactly makes a mystery????
445 · May 2014
Body Testing
NuurSeraph May 2014
To Test a Question of my Intention,
I'll Inquire with my Body,  
Physical Biology never Lies,
Nor My Body biased,
Every time follows Laws,
Same as Electricity,
Although Complex in Circuitry,
Wired through a Battery,
Powered by an Essence,
The Source is The Presence, Inexhaustible,
All Pervading
Supreme SuperConsciousness
So when I need to check myself,
I check myself with this Test,
I run the Question through my body,
If my muscle holds its Strength,
I know the answer's True,
If my Muscle breaks it's Stance,
More Thinking I must Do.
Is a Form of Psychological Bio-Feedback Method
444 · Jun 2014
Revival Rant
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
My Irony is Rusted Dusted, powdered Poison, Brittle Carcass, Cracking Structure, Morbid Reminder, Decay, diseased, Dismantled, Weather Worn, Imperfect.

My Body is Toxic, Sieve of seeping Radicals, free Militia, Marching Madness, Freely Feeding, expelled in Sewage, draining, Septic Seraphim, Godly Sequester, What have We Done?

I'm not Done yet Son, Daughter come, Drink from my River, You are Young, just begun your trek to Eternity, knocking on Doors, Breaking them in, finding your Heart, hidden within, Walls left to scale, True Heart prevails, Do not Fear, your Instinct is Clear, Concise, Ruthless, You Fight for it all to come Down...
Everything Must Come Down
Decimate Foundations that are Outdated, Misused, Faded
Bring to Rubble the Cracked and Broken
Let it Die, rejoin the Earth, recycled and Dead

Come together, Bring yourselves, your Truth, your Tools, your Dignity

Let us All Rebuild the World We Want To Live In.
No More the Voice of Treason
No More Must We Comply
It's Time for Renovation
Renewal is in the Tough of our Skin
The Rough of our Hands
The Strength of our Heart and Will
Let it Begin
441 · Apr 2014
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Funny how simple poetry, beautifully unchanged in time. Is met with prose of those with guilt and blame and abandonment and the withdrawal of love or acceptance.

Amazing what a soul sharing simple beauty must pay for the sufferings of those she does not and has never known.

Now that is food for thought and that's to much to think about well, ***** to be....
440 · Nov 2014
kind of Peace
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

Intimate utterances
worthy of a mourning
Kings' tears
may trace sounds
of blood Red roses
rising in his moistened
garden grounds.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.
Good morning :)
440 · Jul 2014
Krak thru Kokoon
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Not to ever come this way, to late, I have
Impulsive quandaries of selfish pleasure
To go from searching to soaring mad
It wasn't had, not to ever come this way again
I lay not so harshly with regret, my actions sought ancient delicacy, potent
Dilute substitute, or lure be lazy, it's amazing how my brain is changing, for the good, I am grateful, if truly Time is able to regress, I confess starting over for the best, lay to rest, I must accept, not to ever come this way again.


Served its purpose, now I know to sever such a sweet piece, grieve my lovely, ***** dust, this I must, keep moving on, forward, let it bury deep beneath, in a tomb, sarcophagi, another life I lived and died.
At least I can say I gave it a try.
Boy, did I.

A mention to regeneration....of life, of body, of mind, of spirit, of heart....the essence of what you were...observed from upgraded version of self...saying goodbye
NuurSeraph May 2014
I circle °§° when I'm attending to high priority problem solving...I get that "call", comes at any hour all the time.  
I am a creative, straightforward problem solver, of that I serve a Use.
I don't sugar coat or concern myself with asinine diplomacy when what needs to be done takes precedence over graceful depositary.
I'm the bullseye solution spokeswoman, I see past the distractive story, connect the dots, then go in for the **** of the comfort zone, I do not speak enchanting hokee, to smooth the shock of my delivery.
I Call it Out for What it is, then lock my eye on each target who owes explanation to my Question, I go down the board until I'm satisfied, Cold Silence lets them shiver just enough to feel the Cold Choices they sold, then I sit and smile with ease, and Offer plausible suggestions to **** the problem, fast, and with no remorse for their poor professional Choice.

We reconvene within the hour.
I listen to their fumbled excuses, but they always impress with a touching integrity, owning their choices made for reasons I understand, but will not stand...
"Gotta keep the Machine running, even when it's broken."
I receive official plan of action which I must always find compromise...but immediate action is immplemented, when I get my way, The take down hits'em where it hurts, the sleezy ****...
the **** is no small fish, the **** are the bleep bleep bleep with sanctioning power, so deft proceedings must start the the transition within reasonable forecast and market stability, but last 8 months showing progressive movement towards bleep bleep speaks louder, never trust the newscasters story, bleep bleep, it's looking like we will pull through, but turbulence is never far away.
Buckle up, stay cool, this baby  is clear for landing and a safe arrival.

Still I will °§° circle, seems spinnings my thing.

Break to planned position...
my service gladly offered overwhelming but I signed on I like the thrill but not much time to chill
432 · Jun 2014
What Happened???
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Four Freedoms Under Siege Serialized

"In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms."

The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-anywhere in the world.**

--Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Annual Message to Congress,
January 6, 1941
Found this a bit sad. But We could Revive this Stance Together, would make a whole lot of things so much better
431 · Jun 2014
A World Invisible
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Glorious Procession!
Stampede Proud and Mighty!
Gale~Wind Force could not stop this forward progression, such determination is note~worthy!

Under the Canopy of Tree Leaves, We watch from afar, silently a-gasp, still in silence, We watch the March of Structured Beings not of this Place and Time.
We know of our Elements and call it Home. We know of our common companions, our neighbors and friends as they too know of Us, but we do not know of these proceeding Beings .

As the latter of the soft Earth rest back to the ground from which it had been disturbed, I slowly turned to my Clan, and gathering,
"There is to be a Great Declaration, a Meeting of Minds that must find agreement on Middle Ground, for this is the Time of Conviction, no longer will they be Unheard."
There was a rustling of agitated whispering among Us, for We had seen this before.
"Let us go to Assembly, We must Prepare."

My Clan in the Canopy, soared, swung, and jumped down through the Trees. Some of the Others galloped, some spun Merkaba, surely to be there first, some fluttered by humming a pleasant frequency as they passed, still others flickered in and out of vision, always appearing in different spaces, One never knew their pattern of movement. In times of play many of us would place bets, laughing at our poor presumptions. Few of us ever guessed their appearance correctly.
But now was time for serious discussion.

I walked to the Center of the Circle Assembly and looked around at all the myriad faces of all the myriad races. I prayed for our safety and peace.
I looked up to the Sky,
"Whence They Came, They must return, after their piece be shared, let them understand, this Land is Our Land, and no fight do We want, this is where we were born and where We belong."
An overwhelming Sound reverberated the Ground in agreement of the Circle.
"We shall commence the Peace Invincibility Ritual at the Moon's Peak, the Priesthood will lead in Prayer. We will send our wishes to their minds, so they shall know. If they be of Holy Heart, they shall comply. If they contain not a Soul of Peace, they will vie for fight. Life for Life, in death We shall not die, We stand forever to do what's Right."

The Story ends brightly, our family still be here, only visible to those with Clear Mind and Holy Heart. This be the only way We would remain safe in our World, now not our Own. That's fine by us, We know how to Share.
A Tale I Wrote to Share
431 · May 2014
Welcome the Contrast
NuurSeraph May 2014
Images of All the Ages rush in relentless, haunting Me.
Come then, I Welcome, Don't Restrain

For what good comes from forgetting of one age, giving preference to remember some Other Age that We may feel better.

It only seems better because we forgot to forget those Ages of Painful days.

Contrast creates strokes Forming Contours with Likeness of moving Color
Shows Us Dislikes with shading of Heavy Hand.

I say, Paint your Story Full with Palette of All your Ages.

**Makes for Interesting Art.
Just rummaging through old Boxes of Memories.
426 · Aug 2014
Manifest Amazing
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Life can be amazing, if we know the how's to bring it forth.
One must however mention that some thrive in the tension, some shine in the light, some glow proud in night, some slide through contention, and some search for
First, find out what ticks your tock, then fantasize what makes you rock, and don't be timid in your dreams, think big, and believe, in all that you may conceive.
The stronger the web that you weave, the easier the Universe will retrieve, your hopes and desires will manifest right before your very eyes. I swear it works if you decide to follow through in whatever life you choose for you.

Give it a try...or don't
Remember, you decide.
Just flowing positive poetry
425 · Aug 2014
Lend me your Ears
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Who gets the Blessing of Bliss...Who??
Do You? Do I? Do They??
I say nothing, in silence I comply
I'm not able to be heartless or ragefull
But of this I surely know..
In Silence I hide from the Sword of Sorrow
God help Us...God help Us All!!
In return, my prayer I go to You with gift of Promise, I Swear!!
No Care of ****** backlash, I've shared the Way, that's what I swore to do for You and now I'm numb, in my hovelled place of change, shifting in the resistance.
Forgive me my human weakness for I am no Mythic Maestro, merely a Woman of Silence...of Silence...I Swear too!
I Care for Us All, forever and ever
424 · Sep 2014
Cuff to Cuff
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
My fateful thoughts
have broken me
as I am not sure
that which feeds
from what~
cradles an irritable
bellyfull of volatile
to pay for last respects
Like will birth Like~
as if braiding colorful
compliments on
two Lovers' wrists.
My devil Red steel,
I brand You~
Bound together
Cuff to Cuff
by clasping
Crocodile teeth
419 · May 2014
Citer Universoul
NuurSeraph May 2014
"Je ne peux pas être autour de gens,
parce que
je sais ce qu'ils pensent"
En Francais, pour Venusoul7
417 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Twinkling serene surface catches light rays sparkling interfacing rivers run to water falls into turbulent torrents eroding stubborn rock face the rage of white knuckled pounding determination of right of way to rough to ride comfortably ebbs to wider space to gain common streams once more than any other natural Force is underestimated as it desires this cover necessary for any treasure must defend its value from over zealous scavengers take without giving back to the cycle of life is alive with feeling and knowing to much never is safe to express itself.
Research the Consciousness of Water.
Very logical
415 · Aug 2014
Greet the Day
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

The Cradle of Night has Broken,
the Light comes falling Down,
the Ravens start to Gather,
in every Tree around,
their Caw it calls to Morning,
Bring forth the Day's embrace,
the yawning stretch of Day light,
peeks through it's shiny face
through puffs of cloudy pillows,
the Sky has come awake
from dark and dreamy slumber,
the Stars have gone to Sleep,
except for One remembers
to Shine it's Light beneath.
A soft and sweet relief
Good Morning
415 · Aug 2014
What's Been Left Unsaid
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Seizures sever bitter ties better
than anemic atrophy ever could.  Cancers to slow but a hell of a heart attack would do, just real tiresome after awhile

Ya dig me?
Now, don't get me wrong, a bullet to the back of the head takes the Salami all day long, but it ain't bitter, quick severing involved  
See, I sever, that's what I do, You got a bitterness that needs to go, I'm the One you ring, yeah, I'm the lucky bloke, got nooks for this kinda thing  
Lemme tellya...
~ Written from a Spector's point of view~

Slow Suffering is a bitterness, quick severing of Suffering seems more attractive choice
409 · May 2014
Poetry for You
NuurSeraph May 2014
Upon Review, I've taken note, amongst my themes in Poetry, little do I find the concept of a "You".

Self absorbed, of this I'm not, you may rest self assured.  

For if you take a closer look, it might come to your attention, there exists a poem I have titled quite like a Question. I must make mention of my Reasons, Who Knows what's Known will understand the nature in my Intention.

Take a moment, and you will find, and in your Realization, I do most often write Poems for You from my Imagination.
409 · Nov 2014
Rhyme & Meet-her
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Sharper blades that clear the Way
Tokens earned the more we play
Wild and freely smiling face
To coax us from our hiding place

The bigger, better and beyond
Floating lotus petals in a pond
I close my eyes and count to ten
Make a wish, to you I send

Will you be my make believe
Your loving touch, my warm reprieve
Like jewelry mounted precious gems
My solace when I make amends

I pray for Love to lift my days
Precision marked on warm soft rays
I truly hope tis just a phase
Will re-emerge from out the maze
more equipped to travel on
to journey's end, a brand new dawn
Feeling soft and lovey :)
407 · May 2014
Lover like no Other
NuurSeraph May 2014
~Oh, for I can hardly repress!!
It's true!!
~ I run the streets in glorious proclamation 
I have a LOVE for a Lover like no Other
Felt so deeply, in my Body, comes from within but without I am nothing that I am

If you can, you will understand, how it beats my Heart, and shifts the sands moving within the Ocean of Life,
I Welcome the tides that pull me under, Full of Surprise and endless Wonder
Always Providing a Journey to Discover Everything a blessing in what I will find. 
There are whole new worlds,
to find anew 
There is Nothing that can remain undiscovered in the hands of a man who understands the glory in my story, the treasure map that streams through time, back to ancient lands, known only for but a few 
I explore my lover,
my Lover like no Other,
I know in my heart of hearts, here rests the seeds of Creation, magical maker of All that is
All that will ever be Everything.

Still my heart wills me to want more, I fall into every chance that's offered,
Deeply I make LOVE to my Lover like no Other
So deep our love, I will fall forever
In this mystery that guides us, hand in hand, along our path 

So giving in this Love as to Keep me revelated, insatiated, engulfing me always in the warm safety of Embrace
My Lover like no Other
always provides most profoundest intimacy,
pulls me in, takes me over, Leads me right back to the Womb of Life

Passion sends me into Grace,
a place through which the milky mists, My Spirit Wonders, leading back into the Cradle, back into the Loving Arms of the Beloved, Life giving Mother.

call it prayer
call it what you will
I just was moved to write
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