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402 · Jun 2014
Really Silly
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Really Silly, this moderation monitoring every word I say
What is the Silly Reason?
Really Silly, to be held back and down out of fear the Wild might spread to quickly, out of Control, your Control
What inalienable right have you over the distribution of my Words, they are Not your Words to Censor, Remember?
Really Silly...truly Twisted
This Is....
Typical Governing of Elitism over the rest, typical tactic of the Threatened
402 · May 2014
NuurSeraph May 2014
I look and I see someone ~ not me ~ not what was ~ not what is ~ The eyes cry, the thoughts coalesce into a dragon's scream ~
The fires of my pain can only burn my saviour or anger the warrior
Here in lies the dichotomy of this deep yearning to express what mournfully becomes the opposite of what we show~

I need you ~ I fear your presence

I want for more ~ I will destroy your offerings

I seek the truth ~ I will blind my sight

Where the rising tides succumb to its depths, and the sun will rise to break its day, so must the eternal spirit find peace within the finite body.

The body must align with the spirit's nature, for only then will the Vision become clear and the Sight behold Truth ~
There is only one Truth, one Awareness,
and one Primordial.

If I do not drift with the ethers, I will stand on brittle grounds~ My actions will hide my true intentions
My eyes will see falsehoods ~ my mind, only deception.

The spirit journey changes the being of my body, as it must~
With the endless strain of my labours, my body cradles the spirit as it roams So in my Faith, my sacred ground of sacrifice ~
I dance amongst the fires I once wept.
For it is here I pray that I may become one, united as body and soul, synchronized and anointed…forever in harmony ~ Everlong.
© Venusoul7 2009
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
"What's in the basket?", I asked her...
...she laughed nervously ~ slipped her head to the side. Her eyes looked up, ~ that's when I saw the moon.
I swear I saw the moon,
I pierced through to the moon to see more of the moon.
...oh How am I wondering Where I can to Find that something...
and just as I thought I was  then I saw a star behind the moon.
I didn't know there was a star behind the moon?
I thought she must know... she has too, right?
Her giggling, widening eyes, coy suggestion, I might be right.
"Why do you always ask me those silly questions we both already know, anyways, Goof,".......she touched my arm as if for stability.  Tentatively, gazed up at me with a sideways look.
" I guess I always enjoy a quick trip to your outer space, I always seem to find something New."
", anyways, What's in the basket?"

Instant Time Travel
Discovery is Internal, Eternal, Together, Reflected......
399 · Apr 2014
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Deleted for reason unnecessary.

Meant only as a warning to be seeded for a cruel intention gathering.

Laddered In Lined up aggressive  position, I let to provoke, thus, to piled up Aggression , I knew it I,  too many times ,  my Grace be shown,  so let the balance slithe , till-so  recalled, receiver~ it Must be, a patient instinct  who be to believe her, so seed uncased tho no verse will remain, it is born of balance, born  & braised , to be removed, so leaves no trace.
Gently , a quick ferocity. No more gracious, why allow to sit and take this.  I do as brightly until for more than 12, I've been as called , a Moral Restorer, let to see , with justice vision, identify the hidden piece that makes at last, a global peace
398 · Oct 2014
Fear of Rejection
NuurSeraph Oct 2014

I'm Alone



I'm Afraid to be Alone**

Very random, meant to be moment of inspiration
In a nutshell...pun definitely intended :)
Much Love!
....We must remember....We are Never, Ever, Ever truly alone....We're just not, and that's that!
397 · Dec 2014
Untidaled 7's
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
"Undercover, Underwater

maybe then we can discover
the hidden secrets drifting
in the depths...
letting go of our old identity,
creating a new One.

Maybe when we lose ourselves,
what we lost can then be found...
searching quietly
for treasures in the tides
becoming One with the waves..."*

Within and Without.

- Norstar7
Venusoul7's other half talking to her present future self in the comments section of YouTube.
If you haven't checked out Underwater by Bassnectar yet...Do It!! :-)
Then if you want read Venusoul7's inspired interpretation of that musical eargasm in poetry piece titled Too tough to go deep??
Thank You and Happy New Year to Each and All on HelloPoetry!!!!!
397 · Aug 2014
Spinning Spiral
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
when You're
     on this
of Life...☆☆☆~~~~
                    at the Water~~~~
¤¤¤~~~It will....::::~~~¤¤¤☆☆☆☆¤¤~~

        ­               that All is~~~¤¤¤~~~~~
~~¤¤¤¤♡¤¤¤¤~~  but adrift along...
Opening verse of a song I once truly enjoyed performing. It was about the course of the next revolutionary rebel...where ever
he/she may be...Also, such inspiring poems this early morn have brought me to such a merry madness~~~~♡♡♡~~~he he☆
395 · Sep 2014
Internally Sound
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Internally the structure is sound~
The mosaic glass tile weeps thick at the base, a phenomenon as evidence of time.

The stained color is light at top, growing darker the lower the eyes travel down~
The piece takes on the element of flowing water submerged in heavy sorrow.

Indeed, I would not argue to disagree~

*It is truly a very sad thing to feel so lonely in this world set on fire.
I recall the ancient glass murals in the churches and cathedrals throughout England and Europe. The pictures took on  a sorrowful, deep mystique due to dripping sands of time ~ the mosaic glass being thicker & darker at the bases.
394 · Nov 2014
Dark Age Pop (10w)
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Don't bereave,
Dark secular pop will do that for You.
Apparently there was "Pop" music in the Dark Ages (obviously), often composed for secular services.
390 · Apr 2014
I Laid a Mistake
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
When She told me I had made a Mistake
I replied, "What, in bed?"
She curled over laughing
Shook her head, "I can't believe that get's You each time!"

One day's long extravaganza, both so lost, I'd not noticed at what point I had Shape-Shifted.
In a Moment I curved up a breath, instead the Jungle Sound of Lioness Roar
I pounced from the bed, she sprung up in shock, my head propelled the Ceiling fan, down came Sgt. Pepper with Kaleidoscope vision, no majic carpet, just a naked collision, no feline physique except for my hair, She and I sat silent, naked..just nothing, cause what do you say, what do you do...until finally I heard her softly chuckle, she smiled the biggest smile I'd seen, " Well, I'll never need a drink, no tokes of hashish, We're never leaving this bed, but I think I'll keep you on a Leash..."

~Surmize this a fantasy, hey, a Lady never Tells....
390 · Jun 2014
Spilled the Beans
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Spilled the Beans, not the Milk this Time
Although I could have Cried over Either
I did a Tad in the Beginning,
Fell Faint Three Times,
Still Went on My Bike Ride,
Found some Moments in between the 1st and 2nd round of
Body Dis~temperament.
Well, of course I Deemed it
Quite necessary,
I certainly couldn't stay Weary,
I don't like
non~autonomic Breathing
Spilled 'em Efficiently,
I Did.
Kept the Time flow consistently, Although I inserted a good spread
of sample spattered examples, splashed like perfectly placed motes in a Pond.
I'd say my Delivery was something akin to
Plenty Heavy yet entertaining.
Varied Emotion in Motion.
Alright, Alright...
The Can of Beans was really my Therapy Session!!
Resilient Success!!
I might Mention...
Analogy is an Amazing Thing
387 · Aug 2014
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

There is an element of clarity in knowing nothing is truly empty.
Yet, may I pour a little confusion in your cup to taste~
most of everything is empty space.

Inspired by Creation herself~ and all her gooey goo
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I have been under Reconstruction, well, more like renovation with a few new  upgrades...Much Earned.

Since This was a Special Deal and about time I hadn't really thought about the little intricate moments when you take great joy that your Central Heating is running so much quieter and You can't believe  what a difference it's made, or how the new Marble Top in the Kitchen is just so nice to use and at noon it catches the mid day sun so perfectly.  The pipes are are back in order and you can't get over how beautiful the front yard looks with the new trees and lighting concept, blah, blah & blah..
This was only Analogy
Really, All Renovation & Upgrades have been on my other home, Got a few special treatments...Much Earned.  
A couple examples I Will share...
So, I have noticed for the past week, My skin and face have noticeably tightened, smooth and brighter than the lights in my room....
Not showing off...or indulging in Self flattery, That's not my reason for Sharing..., so  I will tie it all up with a blueberry bow...
It has a good deal to do with environmental change.

Other fun thing is my morning moods are totally different. I'm up with sunrise, singing and dancing around, cracking jokes and not needing Coffee, that's humorous in It's Oddity alone.  
Last but not least, I got blindsided by an unexpected Powerful electricity current so stunning when I looked up at the person who had approached.  I mean this was high Voltage Energy Current, sending Very Clear Signal Communication. It was Mutual and Most Amazing, I got butterflies  in my tummy yesterday and energy level was flying  

I've not had this deep connection to Anybody for 9 years...heart and soul were out of order.....But today, I confirmed at least they were not broken beyond repair, my Heart's transmission must have kicked in and it Revved real soul glowed brighter, the light bulb still worked...must have been a power surge correcting the circuitry.  
I Felt Human Today, Human Emotions that had been latent....and forgotten.
Was very special experience for me.....
382 · Sep 2014
The Journeymen
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Come forth thither~therein lies the dust of Worthy wo/men

Paint not the Saint to be a sinner
pitch accordingly to Prophet's Call
Into Mourning crawls the Child
Twilight's mist brings forth a Wo/Man
Walks the path, long and narrow
led forward by the voiceless Word
Echoes bounce within his skull~
into Verse the messages heard
brought to Song the Sparrow sings
made to beat by Ravens Caw
Swinging Melody sways a Tree
beckons down the Tales of Fall
Onward walks the age'd Seer~
bend of back from Earthen pull
Through the curving Mountain trail,
frail with cane of gnarled wood
Upwards to the Peak he wanders
voiceless whispers the Miracle
Destination as was promised~
arrives the Cave of Oracle.

So now may he rest his weary bones for he has finally travelled Home~
Songs of Nature mark the way much like the poetry of wo/man.
379 · Aug 2014
Spinning Spiders
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Caught in Webs
Wrapped in Silk
Save for supper
Mouth of Milk
babes to suckle
lest they wilt

Now know this is not so for some vacate the nest, no incubation needed, some born are ne'er to rest

Come now ~We move in Tandem
Take only what You need
Wha'st not the midnight Siren
Calling Us to heed
Catch not the hold of Silence
We march ahead indeed
The waves of Life may take us
Our song shall set us free

The spinning Spider gathers up cocoons of Young who choose to slumber amidst the rolling thunder ~ takes them under ~ this Time deemed best not be asleep

Come then, Run!
Run afront!
Come on high!
Be Awake
Let us Rise!
No more Weary!
No more lust for Greed nor Cowards
Let them lay for Spiders spin
Let the Web cast take them in!

and how the story ends depends if ever it does begin
~《 so does it 》~
Web of words~I wonder
376 · Oct 2014
Here Comes the....
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The beautiful Tree-Birds still twittl-e-tweet despite the reproachful View.
Watching the black arrows of Prideful Judgement snap like dry, brittle twigs against the Broad Walls of Love, Light and Acceptance
{of All Creeds of Wo/Men}
Every single time there is LIGHT...look out for a backlash of is The Cycle that never seems to End.
All for the Beauty of Balance~
372 · Aug 2014
Own It (10 W)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
We're All where We're supposed to be
*Just Own it!
We are all moving, swerving, stalling, reversing through the track roads of life independent & together. Fighting our situations hurts more than working with our situations, as yucky or wonderful as they may be momentarily.
Everything changes, nothing stays still
372 · Nov 2014
That pen will write
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I usually know what to do
if I can find
one good opening line~
the rest will tend to come out fine
within you can read a few fun rhymes
a general theme shapes out too
shares my unique point of view
at best it can be a test
of imaginations limitlessness
and patient persistence
but one good thing is rest assured
it's a ton of fun, the written word!!
and that dog will hunt...
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I walk upon the patchwork shadows of the forest floor. My eyes are hypnotized. My stride falls in time with the rhythm of a fickle nature. An open clearing comes across my field of vision, my Mesmer broken by sprawling lawns of soft down green. Like a gleeful child, I run the perimeter of the vast expanse. With eyes skyward I spin around till treetops and sky become one. Loose footing breaks a dizzy tumble to the forest floor. A light head and light mind have I to close my eyes, drift peaceful sleep in heavens bed.
This is a journey of distraction and focus~ finding rewarding pleasure in a playful retreat.
368 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
“The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.”

― Deepak Chopra

We do ya know....Rock, Roll, Bleed, Toll, ya know how we do
367 · May 2014
A Bird Day
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'm not always smoothly gliding along
At times the Tempest catches my wings in it's Turbulence
I'm accommodating to these warring winds giving in to flip, flop, spin, drop until a pocket opens up to relieve me.

I'll plan for descent when I feel to weary for the sky's macabre mood
To find a perch protected with plentiful foliage, embrace the day on level ground calling out to find another near who would like to share my company.

We could look upon the Earthen grounds, take interest in the World around, listening to all the sounds, add our Voice to the Symphony if so inclined to join in.

My Call has gone unanswered as of yet, my Thoughts have wandered off to other things, wait the day, take a rest, for when the hour comes to find the Sky has calmed~My Wings will shake away the dust of stillness, rising in the calm resistance of Air and Wing, working perfectly together, gracefully assisting my Flight's Ascendance.
A day in the life of a bird on a day to rough to fly the Skies.
365 · Mar 2014
No Retreat
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
Felt Me Back into the Seat
I'm just Passenger on this Retreat
Quest permission for Revision of my Record. Was Reckless for good Reason, I thought so of back when I lost my heart and soul, my friend, so why wouldn't I flee fierce pierce through the Wind, air collapse upon I pass. A mushroom bloom, a ghastly rust, I oxidized the tempered dust, magnetized me any metal, Electrified the blooming petal, What good be Flower without Me thorn.
Spun Out Vortices, Afflicted Storm.
I was focus to test my fate, I had no care for my own state. I learned to walk a demons trail, they taught me well of how they hail.
I thought I'd surely reasoned, I had trespassed.  However, was not the case..."jest how??" You Ask.
Well, let not such tales go to waste, put to good, quick, make haste.
I know mine enemy, and so have sworn, march until cast furies torn, the wicked from the weathered wasted born. Make great again, attest, transform.
I rest my case for being born.
Look man experience is master... And wisdom the sister and knowledge the brother... encourage
363 · Nov 2014
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I'm too tired and deflated
To rise up elated will be belated
Until the sorrow passes through

There are many levels
of healing properly
For this I will take
the Time to do.

Thank You
Healing Trauma takes Time
Honor the Pain properly and it too shall pass through :)
356 · Aug 2014
Sweet Angel
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Hello Sweet Angel
What have You Done??
Watery~eyes, wading in the Water
Wings are wet, weighing down, sinking in the Water
Hello Sweet Angel
Where will You Go?
Super~moon, sharpening tides pulling You in
Shake your Wings, shake them off, float upon the Waters
Goodbye My Angel
What must I Do?
Wishing You Well, hoping, I pray You'll soar the Skies again soon.
A gesture for Sweeter Days
355 · May 2014
Here nor There
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'm probably Neither Here nor There
Caught in the
Pocket of Comfortably Dumb
so Unaware,
Comfortably Caught in the
Pocket of Dumb
?Terminal lanimerT?
?Tropical laciporT?
?Digital latigiD?
?....But, I just thought ....?
354 · Nov 2014
Feel It
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I can feel it in the room

Can you keep a peace of tenderness aside for me, *please
I think I'll be arriving on the late train into town.

As far as the feelings I throw out around You, Sweet
I never meant You any harm when I've trembled your ground.

I can feel it in the room

I move with purpose even when I know not what it is
I'm torn between my world of thoughtless visions and fantasy.

I've longed to pull You closer into me for You to see what I can see
We can start to lay the majik down and feel it in
your room.
353 · Sep 2014
Flying High
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Every melancholy moment passes downward through the hands of time.

Every blissful reverie floats like fleece atop the breeze, ever freely upward rising, naturally with ease.

The heavy mind or heavy heart
feels the gravity of thought,
the weight that pulls apart the knit
from the weaver's tapestry,
slowly bit by bit.

Such be the resistance,
Like sandpaper friction,
diligently burns away
with Hunger*
Eating holes in our Souls.
Imagining our thoughts and feelings passing through us..the warm ones rise us upward, the cold ones sink us down.
Learning which ones to hold onto is somewhat akin to learning how to fly.
344 · May 2014
Smoke From the Fire
NuurSeraph May 2014
Smoke from the Fire © 2003

You tore through the crowd like Light
Then burned like a Fire
I wondered if you just might
Melt my Desire
Oh, but why does it seem that you’re always too far
I never can Reach you
Oh, but why would I feel that I'd need to be near
To Cage and Control you?

Come Back Now…React Now Please forgive Me but you tear Me apart
I Need It…You Feed It
You’re the magical beat of my Heart

So We dance by the Fire
Feeling Cleverly Crazed
We are here, in a flash before my eyes
In a Dream as we drift along the Fabric of Space
On waves that fall and rise ….Like Smoke from the Fire

You’re a Portrait that lacks all Design
A Work of Confusion
You’re Awaiting in Hopes that we’ll find
Your Secrets Within

Oh, but why does it seem that the Search never ends
It’s always Evolving
In a Game we could win if we ride on the Breeze
That knows where It’s blowing

Come Back Now…React Now
I want the Love that you had shared from the start
I’m Deep In…I Sneak In
And push the Tension ‘till it pulls at your Heart

So I’ll take what you give
Just to want it again
The Truth, the Love and the Light
That I’d like to believe that I have growing within For some Peace in my Life

I am the Fire you Dance around when you’re
I bear the mark of Air and Space that you Breathe
Lyrics from one of my favorite composition s I've ever written
341 · May 2014
just to.....Do IT
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'd like to make a Gilded Cage
Just so I could Break it
I'd like to drop into a Hole
Just so I could Climb It
I'd like to shuffle all the pieces
Just to rearrange It
I'd like to break one of my Bones
Just so I could Heal It
I'd like to rocket straight into Space
Just to travel to It

And Then.....

I'd like a Dream to become my Life
So my Life could become a Dream
Nothing to Differentiate
My Waking Life from Sleep
I often like to do things, just for the sake of the experience, even when those things might be scary, painful, or lonely......Even then....
But most of my endeavors lie along the Brighter Side of Things.
337 · Oct 2014
Winter Daydreams
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Daydreams play out
on a screen before me.
Lavish in many
laughable moments ~
teasingly just out of reach.

Treats on a stick, skipping ~
They frolic about, to and fro
the children know
to jump and then fall
flat in the snow ~
Arms go up and down
Legs go left and right
Sweet Angels they are~
Such playful delight

Day dreams are real things~
as much as you wish them to be.
I look forward to making a few snow Angels, myself :-)
328 · Apr 2014
When you got a DoppleBanger
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Gotta change my calling card and business card and letter V. Some back of girl with toppled hair has declared her V.  
Go for it doppleBanger version V!!!

Congratulations !!!! Yeah!!!!
I'll be fine boowoooooweeVe
327 · Aug 2014
Seventh Seal
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
She is a Changeling
Born is She to Shift
Torn away from lasting molds
She lives a life~
Unspoken, Untold.

I could not bear to waste away Her Magnificence if as like trash~
She is a Whirling Dervish, a Spirit Blessed of the highest Caste.

A Hurricane in the Breeze,
a Resurrection, my Reverie.
Bless her Soul, She has Suffered Well, her Legacy, only Time will Tell.

Her Secrets though I dare not proclaim, won't be for naught, Shall She Rise to Reign, it is only through Her that our Truths are revealed, I bow in Awe, in Prayer I Kneel, my Faith She will Test, my Heart She shall Heal.

                Born is She~the One.

Daughter of Fire, no longer shall be concealed.

                     It is She~the One.

          ~*the Seventh of the Seven Seals.
~ Inspired by Ancient Sacred Texts
326 · Apr 2014
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
That's more like it anyway.
Twas my pen name for years.
~ I just try not to splinter and multiply to much anymore.
They say multiple personalities isn't good for you.
I don't quite agree, it just depends on how you work with it.
Hello it's the new old me Venusoul7 the former V
325 · Jun 2014
Words of the Heart
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I am not a hypnotic, nor an ******
I am more like over flowing
a waterfall, of rushing Stimulant

I am an empty vessel, made of flesh and bone
I am not a hollowfull of mindless  things, gathering moss on stone

We are with one another, separate yet not apart
I am the Voice at the end of the Receiver
You can hear my Voice, but may not hear my Heart

If I talk to you with Words,
You might hear my Voice, or rather your perception of it, I will not know how it sounds or what you have heard

You might prefer it that way, I assume that's why you read Poetry

You can take a little bit of every poem and make it all your own

You create the image, the fantasy, the meaning, the mystery of the Soul that holds the Pen that wrote the words that touched your Heart.

Heart to Heart the Poetry bonds us, so simply, it's hard to conceive, how real the closeness, how deep the Intimacy.

....Of Poetry, It links Us together, not locked in time, but binds us forever.

Sweet, Sweet Poetry...Ahhhh
The beautiful Art of Poetry bears many gifts
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
What's been Done, is Done, lest you hit Rewind.
The Default button is Play, Now, and Now, and Now, Everyday.
Some can find Fast~forward, that takes a forward kinda Mind, with Vision that looks a Mile down the Freeway, not just up ahead at the beat up Chevy on the Street right in front of You.
If You  like to press that button a lot, you get to knowing what's coming. You're still in the present but the Future's in Your Sight. It can save You from Trouble, move a few lanes over, miss the pile up a mile up ahead. And that's just staying with the positive end of that Spectrum.  
Now, Pause gets tricky, sticky, usually interesting, but certainly dangerous.
I suggest You only press that One when you have to use the bathroom or get a soda from the fridge.
In the case you've played the fast~forward game so long, that you've found yourself too far up ahead,
You can always press the Pause button, knowing you'll have lots of time to fill, and If you tend to have self destructive or addictive traits or just tend to self isolate, this Pause can Cause Pure Chaos and it will all fall down on You, in your Head, in your Mind, with no one there to save You from Yourself.
Remember, you're still so far ahead, and completely Alone.
So, If you survive Yourself long enough for someone to finally catch up, they probably won't understand You or how You got in your Situation.
Hopefully, they'll have a care for your strange affair and help You to Un~pause, get You Unstuck and moving again with the rest of Them. That's a Blessing, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
Run along and Live in the Now, oh, and stay away from the Stop. That One must be respected and Solely reserved for God.
I'm an Engineer, I like to See how **** Works or Doesn't
317 · Aug 2014
Let Down (for now)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
To be so invested in Peace
just to see it torn to Pieces
is tormenting and twisted
I aimed so high I missed it
The current events are packing a lot of heat. It's getting hot in here~
308 · Apr 2014
I read emptiness
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Who likes to inspire from the bowels of experience??
Or like some amusing fools, the excrement of ignorance????

We share for Inspiration, Connection, Resurrecting Thought Provocation.

Now We is not All...Some write words worthy of a toilet stall.
....Let the Toilet have it's Magic...for such Excrematory Occupation.  Go sit with yourself on your throne and write to your @#~$#@ Content...

(This is for my utter bewilderment...why pollute something I pray stay sacred...Again, I realize this is my opinion...Maybe I could open my mind to poetic profundity./. I acknowledge my judgement call..I have a standard, and it's my fault if I am disappointed....

I hope the Creative Kindred I Appreciate and Cherish know... We are We together forever...Writing Poetry
So wondering what to make of a such have intent to harm Some because How Dare They??? Be Great...
306 · May 2014
NuurSeraph May 2014
All seeks Peaceful, Pieces of Me, This Peace makes Wholesome, with Pieces of You
Bringing it All together
304 · Aug 2014
Heaven is in my Head
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
I ride the Vacuum, from Black to Blue,
Swirls of Sky, never in Vain,
if I remember anything, it won't be Heaven's Hue,
It shall not be the sacrament offered by any Name.
It might be better left unsaid, though
Heaven is in my Head.
So be there nothing to recall, if I've already recalled it All.

*All of Consciousness already knows everything, it is merely the act of Remembering comes the Higher Mind
Riding in through Space & Time
301 · Apr 2014
Songs I've Felt
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
...She had been punctured from the inside~and Her shattered Core harnessed the wailing waves of this Primordial Mourning.
... Into violent vibration arose the Creation of this Principle...
~ We are all but the Sacred Wounds of Her Original Innocence.

It's not the Sound...It never was the Sound~
It's what I heard before I fell back into this All again~so Now all the Things I've Lost~ I find It All in Time...
I can't pretend It anymore.

It's not always in this Place to Go and Live and Lose and Love and Be All that ever was...

No one tells You anymore what to expect so You just have to guess...and You guess...and You get what You get.

But You won't know what You knew before...Oh No.    


That's restored to Everything that could ever have been explored..

...And You fell to It All again because You knew It was something that you would have to find..

Lost in the Rhythm again Love...
No one but Eye could be able... too wrapped Inside.

And Gone...Emeraldly
And Gone In...A Head

And I fell again to Heavens Dance~to Heaven's Bed.

I guess I took out of my Heart...
I guess It made Itself known why I Love You so~

Nothing here pretends to know~it just goes on and lives and grows and knows that it falls back to its Heaven


and Heaven begins again.
Never, Never did It end too long to go back again...No!
~too long to know that Nothing lasts Forever.

~Just your Soul...just your Holy Sigh, You leave the rest behind because You can't refine and You can't resign in this
until you've lost your Heart~
The broken pieces You can find went Home~

...Are never's just to find them again...That's All.      
A special stash passed from the recent past
298 · May 2014
Universoul Quote
NuurSeraph May 2014
" I Can't be around People,
294 · Aug 2014
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Like flies to a flame, comes Wicked this Way...
Such Sweet Sorrow ... does not know what burns it.
Sometimes too many eyes can **** you...
...look the other way...
289 · Oct 2014
Cosmic Quest
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The Cradle of Life is gently lulled back to sleep. Seven Stars of Orion cry out from their nest of Creation~

Who shall suckle the hungry babes?
        The Milky Way is dried up and sore

When will we learn the way back home?
        No reservation is reqired
        The Door is wide open to All who
        seek solace from their suffering

Where hides my next of kin?
        So afraid to step out from behind the
        dark veil of infancy~

What is our Destiny?
        Eye shall read from the Sacred
        Scrolls of Life

I beg to question the answers unknown so I may always wander forever searching....
So many questions~
289 · Jun 2014
2 Questions
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Have I All I Have?
Gave I All I Gave It
What I Had, Had I Anything at All?
282 · May 2014
Technentropy or Humanity
NuurSeraph May 2014
Technology shares characteristics of its Creator
It makes logical sense, l mean it is Not immune to the Duality
We are born into the Hansel and Gretel Grimm Fairytale.  The House and it's owner just another Silence of the Lambs....Society works this way under the covers, It works this way, DNA like Code in Computers
The Grande Finale will be quite a show, if Ill Intentioned Individuals decide to use this tool ( good or bad) to sadly be the very Death of Us.

Our Evolution or Ultimate Extinction lies in our hands.
This is nothing other than the situation solely concerning the human condition, if you care to hear my suggestion we all need to pay careful attention especially to our of thoughts & intentions
It's reality and we need to look at what is in front of us so as not to trip over the same rocks every single time. We will look where were going
Not a huge demand to just watch look see
282 · Oct 2014
State of Tragedy
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Marysville ~ God bless
271 · Aug 2014
Same Thing (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Same Thing
Spacing Out
*Thinking thoughts you're Not Aware of
Inspired by a conversation I had with my Mother this morning. I was trying to explain how I can't recall some details of a particular movie due to "spacing out", she retorts " honey you were just thinking thoughts you aren't aware of..."
And I was kinda like stunned in a moment of scratching my head, going huhh...
♡♡♡ I do Love my Mom!
What a Trip ♡♡♡
262 · Sep 2014
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I have a hard time
living life
until I've lived it.
Then nostalgia
kicks my head in,
takes a bite
~reminds me that
the memories hurt
just as good as
the real thing.
There are parts of my life that hold such sweet memories, but I don't often reminisce because the pain in my heart messes with my head
244 · Apr 2014
Lost like That
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
It is No Ones Fault but My Own
I know That
197 · May 2014
Who Knows What's Known
NuurSeraph May 2014
Oh, I Know
Why I Love
I have Loved
All of You
Care to Know?
Wish to See?
...I am You and You
Are Me....
Bless our Souls so seamlessly Serene
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