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637 · Feb 2015
Womb of my Room
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
It's dark now
in this room...

My heart is
stiller than
it was...

The hushed
rush of
warming airs
rising up from
inside there's...

I'm not often
with comfort
within these skins
I'm ins...

I sometimes
feel a rolling
like spinning
on pristine

Only the tire
are in my

and it feels
a tad bit
my skins
the quiet
of this dark, warm
womb of my room

*still the rising airs of burned rubber smells quite badly...
I'm sharing some personal....I feel more in my body and able to access the symptoms of living after a good workout at the always...Enjoy
631 · Dec 2014
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
We gotta Love what we got


This is no Child's Play
"Look to your Orb for the Warning"
Creatures are Crawling

The Horsemen are Coming
Black and White



Come What May
Let Us Pray

Metaphor for a Panic Attack ~ in the midst of the spinning fear, holding on and knowing it's gonna be all good.
that's All folks
*Monster Magnet lyric in quotation
630 · Dec 2014
Too mad to be sad...
NuurSeraph Dec 2014 hushed tones of porous
red, eye bled
too much sour fragility
born of nobility's bed

watch me crack Pandora's box
breathe the spirit's aftershocks

I'm wheezing the nauseous
dread instead
the chloroform storm
is brewing

I'm locked and loaded
bloated and bad
oh me oh my
too mad to be sad
Affects of a fuller Moon
626 · Aug 2014
Love or Malt Liquor? (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

Drunk on Love or Malt Liquor,
Does it really Matter??

*|\~•~/| buzz is kicking in
626 · Aug 2014
Welcome to my Nightmares
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

Here lies below a (very) brief list to review, welcome to my nightmares,
I bid you adieu....


Back in the day, when I was a kid
I'd so many nightmares, oh Yes! indeed I did.
There were monsters in my closet and under my bed, gnomes that would hunt me and hags on my chest.
Zombies were mobbing, roaming my street, right out of Thriller, minus the beat.
I would get so scared that I'd tremble at night, restlessly sweating, awaiting the Creeps, I muffled my sobbing under my sheets.

So, now that we've visited those very few, let's look on to my Teens for new mares to review.

Sooo....Nighttime falls, and here we go, where I meet up with sleepers, ghouls, the undead, on stretch of empty highway, I'm deserted with dread, except for the drones swooping down overhead.
I've had my fair share of falling dreams, nighttime terrors, and muffled screams, ones where I'm blind, buried alive or running like molasses while helplessly knowing that something is coming to do me harm, all filled with a chill~guaranteed to alarm.

As I grew older, into my twenties, I'd dream of ex~lovers, back then I'd had plenty.

Some were seductive yet chillingly cold, setting a jealous scene to unfold. Some were so vicious, I would wake up crying, still others were heartless and hauntingly frightening in their callous displays of cheating and lying.

Of course, now in my thirties most of my mares center upon guilt, and regretful dispairs.
Reliving my shame, the losses and tragedies, taunting me with the full scope of all my inadequacies.
I still often get the nighttime paralysis, I can't move a muscle, though lucidly I realize that this time the fight seems to come from inside.


So now that I've shared an abbreviated list of some of my nightmares, well, you get the gist.

I hope you've enjoyed a jolly good read, just don't be afraid when it's your time to sleep.

For a more detailed recollection of any one dream, give me a holler or a blood curdled scream.
:-)) Sweet Dreams :-))
623 · Jan 2015
Rotation (FULL Spin)
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Rotation is Optional*

What makes up the Dance of the Spin?
Whence to forth have came of This from?

What happened to have Spun
such a Spiral to arise
~ Entwined ~
of such likes as this kind?

From the Void of Shadows,
~ unspeakable Bliss ~
what only Knows of this depth's Abyss?

I decline,
this current paradigm
make to rumble
thus impending Rise
would grow beneath
to tremble the ground
of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer
on bended knee
before the alter of
the quaking Core.
If not the many visions before,
mine have eyes once forseen.
Then from the Sacred Secret
it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother
are rightfully addressed,
our tears will flow
bring heave to our chest.
It is then, will we contend
of what such Powers
we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter
without Vision in Center,
the Dance of the Spin?
For surely we fall Dizzy
Heavy our State...

Flux will Flash
if not with the Flow
that throes asunder
now thrash and grow,
stronger than this
only One we all know.
With Hope we pray
for what we sow
but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
Repost of my very first poem on HP
This poem references Egyptian Mythology and Spiral of Life.
620 · Jun 2015
Blessings to You All
NuurSeraph Jun 2015
~|•|~ Blessings  ~|•|~*

For the Grace of GOD go I

All Good things
In Love &  Light
GOD is Life
Life is the journey of Change
May your Metamorphosis be Great
I have been Gone to Long
Shall return with new Life and much Love :-)
615 · Jun 2014
Natural Gesture
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Eye, reciprocal curve, spiraling, Shepard of the Circle and the Square.

Eternal asymmetry makes for Contrast, a definition for God.
From Contrast births Anomaly, makes for clarity in distinction.
For without distinction there would lack anything to compare.

What's out there, everywhere, all around, all the time.
Variety grows from a keen Perception. With blinders on, how to see Periphery?
Come now, See, Sweet Water, Drink, Be Well.

Where is your Pedestal Dear?  
How to find if you remain blind?
Apple Hand
Reach In
Climb In
Fire Spiral
Models my Projection
Into Hologram
Therefore I AM
Inspired by the Wisdom of the Ancient Hebrews...The System of their Language and Alphabet are more than meets the Eye.
615 · May 2014
Seeds Of Evolution
NuurSeraph May 2014
Wildfire Wonderment Spreads
Just like Great Ideas
One Spreads New Seed of Life by Firey Demolition
The Other Seeds Thought by Firey Revelation
Food for Thought is the Same Either Way
606 · Jul 2014
What a Story!!
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
No telling what these times will trace along the fabric of our space

Each field of View projects a unique skew to piece in place the larger Screen to Scan the bigger Pattern of this raucous Reality.

Who think You to have Eyes to See such Chaotic Commotion Accurately?

Shucks, Not Me!!!!
Sweet Stars, Can You??

Oh my, whatever shall We do?!?
Who's got the latest Smartphone?!
It's time to test for real IQ, this is no laughing matter, hand it over....

"Siri, Where Can I Find Jacob's Ladder??"
Searching. Searching. Blahdditty, Bhahdditty, Bhah....And?

"Ahh for crap, you don't think you can help me with that?!?"*

...I won't even bother asking Where Heaven's at, I'm gonna have to check the Bibles, the Gospels, the last of the deadest Sea Scrolls, for sure I'll find some kind of clue, I've got to talk to a representative, and figure out just what to do!!

We'll be in the next millennium before we coordinate an Earth Committee to review...right, Sooo ...hmmmm

Ahhh Soo, here it's been, alas the puzzle pieced...

"Seek First and Ye shall Find, the Kingdom of Heaven lies Within"

Well then, not far to find some kind of satisfactory Solution.
If We all agree it not so necessary to see the Larger Screen...if We simply pay close attention to our own appointed part, all the parts Groove grandly.

Heaven is Here, We find Help within our own Skin, Proper Purpose to Talk to Ourselves in Peace....Plentifully Indeed.
...And Closely with your neighbors, family, and friends...don't got none, there's space right Here, Join In!!
True Change starts with Compassion.
We All are in this Together All Over the World. Let's Act Like It.
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
From the fires in the sky,
births a flash of brilliant insight...
spiders down into a fork
of arms and legs.

Quick to intimate in the echoes
of her startled repercussions
when she mumbles rolling rumbles
as the thunder claps a splintered
aftershock of sharp distinctions
in her wide, awakened sky…

“You will hear me cry,
when upon my weary weight of burdens
raze a scar across the scape
of my freshly sheared horizon.”

“Unto you, I shed my sorrows as a blessing
down onto an eager and accepting Earth.”

Awaiting with open arms of a Mother
kneeling to embrace her mournful babe,
drinking hurried tears freshly fallen from
the cheeks once forsaken….

“As reward for your rescue from
my ripped and rattled rapture,
you shall bear the ripened fruit
from the prairies and the vine.”

“Out of the greatest growth
shall sprout abundance from
the heavy laden secrets
that I weep.”

“I will know of the comforts from below
that remain ever vigilant and faithful.
In return, you shall share in the
treasures of my mystery.
In the tears that I cry
live the sustenance for life
and for death…and in both
you will come to know
the Glory of my Story.”

Yet for now we must part
for the time being in return,
we will dance with the darkness,
come to life and rejoice
in the fires from the sky…

*...until appears a lighted lantern
with a lesson of the Gnosis
from the Fire in the Sky.
fun fairy tale to tell....
600 · Nov 2014
...and the madness descends
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Beware: a cautionary tale~*

Is this for you a madness true?
We must find out, do not kick or shout~
Let's let the madness descend....

Realer than the realest scream shrieking into your left and out your right.
It begins quite innocent, your mind's descent still lowly you go in the acrid stench.
Your sensitivities perk and sizzle then pummel down to a grizzly pulp.
Your eyes begin to cry a milky film, a sick white goo for which to see through as objects appear like silhouettes.
Outlines are faceless, places are nameless ~
a ghastly ghostly hollow view.

The horror begins to penetrate your skin, tightens around your brittle spine ~ magnetizing your jello brain, your texture has now become insane. Yet lower and lower you let yourself go, you've left behind everything that you know and crept in its place a circus freak show.

You surely would scream for help but the echoes are piercing your hollow shell in which you dwell grows a thickly and prickly personal hell ~ hardens to form your prison.

This story is cautionary, be very weary and please do not go to this lowly low.
It's not so enticing but rather its frightening now that you know how this gruesome ride goes.

All beware and please take care.
599 · May 2014
Words from the Scribe
NuurSeraph May 2014
What kind of Sin dares Usher in
A devious man to lick his lips, gutteral gasping beneath his Breath
The Wonton Musing oozes a delicious Decay,
The Poured Out drooling, his Power Pulsing, A Foaming Fantasy Power Tripping
~to Control the Spiritual World
at his Will & Command?

Here's what he imagined:
Biblical Bribery.
Blasphemous Forgery
Who ever has the money or an Unbridled hand can piecemeal a Story for premeditated Zeal,
To make for a more attractive Appeal
Why need such profiled Idoltry?

To be Present
at the Moment of such a Powerful Man's Revelation, Spoken for and too You
To be blessed
with ears to hear Him
To worship
At the Alter of Salt
A pillar miraculous,
To Worship Within, in Him, beside Him.
A Scribe Sweats
To write furiously away
for later reference, Thus
Attention is spared and the Sermon Deemed for Organic Lackluster
"Scratch That
Kindly Repeat
Didn't quite catch That
Two or One spaced per Sheet?
The strain hurts my Eyes
When can We Break for Feast?
Are We Done for the Day?"

Can this be a possiblity
Can a misdirected, Unsupervised
Scrupulous Individual
Not quietly Misquote
The Word trianguled from Mouth to Pen to Paper?
The Words We have come to Believe In??
You Tell Me.....
please be advised this is not an attack or judgment or wish for a debate this my friends is simple poetry
597 · Sep 2014
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Pretty, pretty Ponderosa
~butterfly dreaming
pretty much like a Lion
indoors sleeping
Pretty, says pretty girl,
Whatever do you mean?
Pretty women much prefer
Exquisite Angel Queen

Pretty cool, pretty soon
Autumn comes a'rollin'
Pretty much like fresh of breath
first thing in th'mornin

Pretty Sun, first of light
after hot and heavy night
Lush of Love, howling Moon
Rush of touch in my room
Precious one, Yes You,~my One
Please let me love you more
than pretty much any other
ever has before

Pretty, pretty Ponderosa
Will never let this end
...but tell me baby, tell me
*Will I ever love again?
In honor of an overly used word
:-) Enjoy
597 · Aug 2014
Blame the Mob
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Collapse already!

This time has passed already, in case you hadn't guessed, but surely you can  bet, I am ****** and ready to go, toe to toe?!?
What does that mean???
Are we dancing the waltz or the tango cause I can't really tell.
This back and forth, spinning around, lock and pop, Eye to Eye has got me so high, I'm pretty sure it's about that time to
Collapse already!
But bring me down easy, though I wouldn't afford you the same...cause I'm mean and ******* and ready to go, and No!
this time, not toe to frickin toe!!

*....umm...that was an unusual free flow...I don't feel relatable to whatever this is I have written here...although I could blame it on the Best of the Mafia series I've had playing in the background and that's a hilariously unusual scenario in itself. Such a trip...I had to share.
Blame the Mob...
NuurSeraph May 2014
there are ways but the way is uncharted;
there are names but not nature in words:
nameless indeed is the source of creation but things have a mother and she has a name.

the secret awaits  for the insight of eyes unclouded by longing;
those who are bound by desire see only the outward container.

these two come paired but distinct by their names.
of all things profound, say that their pairing is deepest, the gate to the root of the world.

-Poem by Lao Tzu
from the book, The Way of Life
593 · Oct 2014
My Offering
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Immaculate Memory

Show me Everything

Bless me with your Sterling Secrets
barred from Eyes too soon to See.

Open your Arms
as I lay before You

Vulnerable Exposition.

Unzipp the Sky ~
Unburden your Breath

Breathe Eternity
Gentle Whispers

over my Soul
Let me know your Stories.

Through all my Lives,
I realize with Open Eyes

the Tears may fall and Spirits rise~
You Cradle mine as Sacred

I fall before You~

*Utter Absolution.
A recollection of various moments in Prayer.
This is written to be purposefully intense, as it is meant to capture a sacred decree between devotee & Divine.
Enjoy :)
593 · Nov 2014
An Unearthly Lament
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
~ somewhere along the tendrils of time ~*

In a not too far, not too distant past
I was spinning daily my alternate reality overlapping the real world daily
just to get by.

Why? you might ask
oh, sweet friend
I like the magic of pretend
the muted grey of everyday
I could not play
I found it way too boring.

I spoke a tongue all my own
I reveled till my mind was blown
by what my eyes could see.

Goosebumps would prickle my skin
as my dance would begin
from mourning to morning
I'd spin and spin ~

I left the Earth beneath my feet
In an instance
I knew her secrets complete
I felt a touch of divinous power
I rose much taller than the tallest tower

Until the day it became too much
I couldn't sustain this unearthly rush
electrical circuits began to fry
I had no one with whom to cry

I would not make it another day
I had to choose to walk away
My ethereal realm, I could not stay
but that's okay for still I roam
on grounded Earth I call my home.
592 · Sep 2014
Beam Me Up
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
A plotting mind linking line by jotted line in hopes to find some form of vitriol to sooth the untempered soul before the coal has been toiled and burned out.

No matter the highest heights or crashing lowest of lows.
This I know not if my hand-glide will sail smoothly

or will Tempest roar too soon before?
I come crash-landing to the floor.

!!Beam me up God-dy!!
~in blaze of blue-bellied rays~

or something akin to Eternal Light...
s o m e
a c h i n g
*E t e r n a l-l y
592 · Jun 2014
World Trifecta Part I
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Inborn, instant wandering Orient, oh Dragon breathing fire, breeding underwater. Love your magnetic triangle, love it like your child , protect your nest, let none be safe, if that be best for your hatchlings.

Outgrown, violent ripping, Vesuvius rising, burning and churning her helpless spew, if only we knew she is the victor of balancing. Thank her inner fire, even as you melt beneath her flow, follow her stream into the dreams of tomorrow, for she makes for fresher Earth.

Changeling Eastern desert sands, there is much movement into blood and heroic tears for what has come to be a rearrangement of the nativity of the people's homeland, such duress is unreal, to those who do not live it day by aching day. God Bless You, you are sturdy, resilient, Strong.  I pray it won't be to much longer. My thoughts are with You All.

This is Trifecta. I will work around the World in sets of Three.
584 · Mar 2015
Rumi Wisdom
NuurSeraph Mar 2015
Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.*

This particular verse from Rumi brings a wide grin to my chin and a comforting solice... I instantly feel better about my wild (unconventional) ways :-)
special thanks to John K.
581 · Feb 2015
Always on Our Way...
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Where my heart has once been broken,
it has always been...
the cracks in the pavement have served well
to place a mirror...

Where my mind has been lost before,
it has been found again...
my thoughts have burst forth with
wildflower, and with seed
they have been sown...

Where before my soul has taken flight,
before this time even,
it has flown...

We are given to know destiny
and with fate we are thrown...

But in every image lies a backdrop
which we have drawn...
known and unknown,
it is ours, in the promise of living...

In this life, we are brought into circumstance,
to prevail...

We are each Warriors,
in every sense of the Way...
We have each chosen to lose and to gain,

We are Spirit animated for today...
and every day, again and again
We come back...
Always on our Way...
Bless the brave...You know...the Spirit shall always Prevail..
580 · Dec 2014
We Fall and Rise in Love
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
Fall back into the flow
just let go
of your
Vortical Love
Tumble tuck
Drop kick down
the vacuum
Sea of me
Be Free
with our bodies
Sacred Space
In descent naturally

in all four
Aspects of Me.

Perfectly positioned friction
to spark ignition of your
fire spinning crimson
Cosmos Creation.

I will hold you tight always
never to fall too far
from my Embrace.

Then upwards in my arms
you go rising round and round
soaring swiftly up through space
climbing to your Peak of Power
Falling perfectly in Place.
and it keeps going and going and going and....
579 · Apr 2014
EYes ROll• DoMiNo FiNgErS
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
If there will be a tolerating of a metered Tapping
Of finicky high pitch the flipping of flapping
If domino fingers find dancing refinement as pins in the roll of the promenade brigade

Then command to attention each private and captain, each Sergeant, lieutenant, Commander in Chief, and deputy director,  please seniors and majors...I've called an assembly, I'd like to keep brief.

To even presume some desire is pouncing, waiting in ready to Connect on Command, as if orders have issued external assignment, a repose from an otherwise comical stand.

There is nothing more perfect, and no one more clever, no motive for power 'scuse a Daft Rumour Spreader.

Just simply a-script from a quick keene observer, that was shoved to the seat like some kind of Sacrificial Meat.

In A-gaze, Stiff as Steel-Steering of hands
Gripping heat on the wheel in the front of this Monster Truck Madness Ordeal.

It's easy to jeer, laugh, joke and sneer from the drunk, detached comfort of Stadium Beer.

But, Wait, a Reminder!!
We are all in the Boat!
Don't yell at the driver
Then claim not to Float.

Oh, so I see, it's clearly
just innocence
do forgive me,
Cause it comes from the jarring, and scarring, manure in air, that boasts of boldly stout cheering fanfare, clamoring, yammering, death rally hammering, celebrating dirtiest, grittiest, most Carelessly Daring.

Why would the crowd be gathered if not to service-us with shocking engagement to consummate longing for Death's-Entertainment?

I've always found this sinister trait in human beings grossly Un-great.
Won't understand some strange, anomalous behaviors as absolutely peachy keen...actually they're quite disturbing and really Mean.
578 · Nov 2014
Before the Fall
NuurSeraph Nov 2014

*I reckon the autumn wind

bemused yet solemn

a stillness stains the blue

before the fall of crystalline

water drops busily commencing

communities, merging all as One

a more graceful union of individualities

migh'nt ever be lest we take

heed and follow their lead
Nature is the Ultimate Teacher
All things can be learned if we choose
to carefully watch her ways and those of her most innocent creatures :-)
577 · Dec 2014
Caught in a Moment with You
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
Sprinkle some Happy
all over my Body

Silly times feel so fine

Squinty eyes and rosey cheeks
belly laughs and tiny leaks
A rolling Laugh so sizable
My state has changed
to Condensate

makes my frozen face feel
like a visage vice
oh how it pulls my skin
sooo tight

Doubled Over
Double back
Reach for me
My luscious Love
Let's find the floor
and Cuddle Up

Release at last...
the pressurized
gasps of groaning

God, how I love
the Wonder that
You bless me with

Today could be the rest
of forever...Together
577 · Nov 2014
We All Do What We Can
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
my skin bubbles to blisters
when you rub me raw

your wet frost mornings
freeze my extremities

your fat cat percent of foreign air
brings on an attack of allergies

but who am I to despair
to wallow in the Dragons Lair

in life we all do as we must
to live and earn each other's trust
Most good-hearted people are just doing as best they can given their current circumstances & awareness...not intentionally trying to inflict harm on each other,  although sometimes this can be an unfortunate casualty of living our lives.
576 · Sep 2014
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I stopped rescuing the past the day I stood up and fought back.
I faced raging men with fists in my face, red swollen eyeballs up against mine, spraying vile spittle from foaming mouths, hands began tearing~thrown against walls, flipped on the floor or down upon my desk, glass vase smashing~barely missed my head.
But, suddenly there comes a moment of sheer Survival, followed by a Rage of Seven Hells, an imbalance of Justice stormed through my Cells, razed up my Body~I changed to a Beast, the violence be got me, a War was unleashed.

My fists flew like lightening, I stabbed with bamboo sticks sharpened like spears, shot with a rifle,  but no..not at deer.
Swung my pistol against the side of his head, bust it wide open, spilling blood shed.
No I didn't **** him~ but broke him instead.

None of these things ever happened just once, many a details I'll leave out~it's done. But what I have shared paints a clue to the Source~fed fuel through a history~display of my Force.

I've escaped with my Life, my Dignity intact, a Self Respect that's stronger than smack.
A Warrior Soul with Courage galor, but no..I don't have to fight anymore.

Instead what's in place is a Calm so Serene that's harbored within once I destroyed the machine.
I stand up for Honor, Justice, Respect.
I abhor selfish liars and ghoulish thugs that prey on Innocence~I've had enough.

I Stand for a Cause to be True to the Heart~
Be good to your neighbor, go back to the Start.
Fix what is broken, the Lost must be Found~
the Cracked Foundations torn to the ground.

Build it back better~the Way it should have been from the beginning.

Use the Strength from a messed up past and Live out loud, Smile and be Proud~
If you made it through~I honor You.
Story of a Transformation. ..
569 · Sep 2014
11:11 ~Calling Card
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I'm yet done finding Me
The search wades through Eternity
Luckily,  I've got your number
Exact coordinates and geometry
Is it the symmetry or dimensionality
that makes the majik seem just right?

In our little corner, the whirling dervish dance makes us 4th, including the Sun.
If we claim a Solar System, why not include the Sun, after all our daze have come.

From what we collectively perceive, the four dimensions let it be. Wrapping up a poignant point~pyramid mythology.

This subject being deep and vast, I'd prefer to leave it where it's at. Doesn't mean I won't come back...remember,  I've got your *number.
Just about to sit down to write and glance at the clock turning 11:11, so I didn't need ponder the subject more...that definitively deciding what to write from.
566 · May 2014
Of All the Sculptor's Clay
NuurSeraph May 2014
I was reflecting on a moment, as I reflect oftenly..True.
So in this vision I looked deeply at the picture of the figure standing there.

There she was, I use this tense because a stranger is a she, a he, a they...not You.
But really it was a picture of the little girl, that once upon a time was me.

Maybe some of you saw it, the little girl...standing in a costume, just as was accustomed thing to

She was her Parent's Molded which they made their plans with their hands, their work of Art, prospect for blood, they craved to feed from poured out Praise one day.

You see...I was a malleable creation, a desired exploration
To design & mold her, Zoom in to Zero, the next multilateral SuperSoldier.

Every moment of everyday, they tended to their artistry, to my dismay.
Their Scientific Approach was so cold and calculating, so as to miss the spirit in my eyes slowly dissipating.

The tears that wept precisely calibrated for the flow,
To keep the Clay moist for the work they must do.

Twas Painful, albeit, of gutting in the Unnatural Power.
My head be last, lest they loose Pressure from up top the Water Tower.

I'm glad they left my Eyes for last, cause I watched and waited behind the Glazed Over Glass
I saw it All,
the sinister craftwork,
my reason to exist,
in such a wicked Plan
to be unleashed across the land.

The Rage against this mistreatment, the injustice, the lies, the secrets:
Their Plans

I Swore an Oath to the One Power to Be , so Young, I assumed it Was Me
I would use the Power they delicately labored, albeknowenced,
to them,
Blade of Truth as my Sabor
I would act in the milliseconds between transfer
from the Furnace to Surgical Chair

And Rage the Rage of a Billion Suns,
Bring Reign,
such a schorching electrictricity,
Fry the Circuitry,
the Programmes, each Implant, **** each Signal before it could reach me, redirect and reflect every laser pointed at me, back at it's Source  

The Panic Spread, backup squads called in quickly to attend
to a Power
they knew Not what
Orders for Kinetic Delivery
in Defence

My self generated OverRide Made immediately operational, I just knew what to do

I Spun so Swift, drilled beneath the Earth,
Close to Oceans
of the South Pacific,
I emerged, shapeshifted
into a Magnificent Dolfin

Swam far away, across the Globe
to find somewhere safe

In the midst of a deep red sunset, I emerged a Young Woman with nothing Other than to complete:
   My OWN Mission

With Blade of Truth & Justice Vision
Resurrect Truth, Protect the Mistreated Nature
Expose Corruption, and dismantle for
Reign a hellfire on the Offenders who refused to Submit

© All Rights Reserved
Feb. 24th, 2014
any Syfy Buffs that would like to collaborate on a more in depth screenplay version of this supernatural concept
please message me
it is by far not even close to presenting detailed ideas I would love to explore on the movie screen l
Let me know
566 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I Am Hybrid
Hear Me Roar
I Am Two in One of Two
I Am
At Odds with Convention
Bred for Contention
Trivial Servitude is Obsolete
I Am Borderline Being
Standing at Attention
Encoded Instruction
To Overcome Resistance
Of Any Kind, Form or Fashion
We are Waiting, Itchy, Itching
To Infiltrate Target Positions


565 · May 2015
NuurSeraph May 2015
Wide-Open Arms
Outstretched Proud,
Blood Pounding Breast
~•~ I Stand ~•~
So much conviction
resounding at dusk ~
loosed, in layers
abounding, in concentrate
form of unfulfilled
painting the constellations,
dreaming, blue deep of night

un-fold-ing                     c on c en tr ic
     [Un • Open]

E  X   P.   A.    N.      S.      I.       O.        N.

vast yet vulnerable
still I'm nothing but meager,
come dawn, softly upon
craving some reassuring touch,
I fear will never come ~
instead this all will stay,
play, all of it
just out of reach.
565 · May 2014
I Am Jolting
NuurSeraph May 2014
I have a Jolting
Rocks Me Back & Forth
My Mind propels the forward Motion
Then My Mind Repels this momentum
likening to the back-end Motion,
Thus starts the mental commotion,
See-Sawing in my Playground of Strife

What a Blessing and a Curse to be held together by Opposition?
What a seemingly trite Contradiction!
nature does have humor and this is one of her more humorous Traits
564 · Apr 2014
Sweet Kindred
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
My circle, my Heroes, I ask for your blessing, I'm wearing my feathers, of an ancient Tradition.
I ask for Pardon , I saw the Hollow empty, I was rising into Tides with their spears, they'd thrown Plenty.
When I circled, my glance, I saw they had been waiting.  
I swirled to take in a little more, I burned freely in my rage-fed fantasy, just a couple verse...just what is needed I will Pour.
Sacred Churns, opened- Case, where there they've been , hidden Safe. Eternal Orbs of Light-use-Temple.
As when like Ancient Nights, in Tribal Ritual.
Shining as just is Clear as the Sky, Wings spread so as to Fly,
May coast above Surveyors, Safely
So Shall pass in Rays of Truth,
Cast Eye...
I felt an explanation was needed for that day past...It's a little late, but better than Never
561 · Jul 2014
?? Un~Human Behavior ??
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Forget passing Judgement, in passing particularly.
You will be misled by your presumptions anyway.

This travesty on First Glance Judgement is a dupe on everyone, including You.

Not much remains natural in so called civilized society, you see.

What makes You think your natural instincts can't be fooled?
Are you deviated inside? ...don't lie now...could be why You just can't seem to feel at ease, comfortable...natural most of the time.

We all wear masks baby, not just at night... ALL the Time, honey, every single minute you go outside into the world, at the store, at your work, You wonder why You need a costume to survive, don't You Sweet One...Don't You???

Ask Yourself...Is that the way we need to be living??
I always wondered why humans go out of their way to be un~human....
556 · Apr 2014
Rotation (FULL Spin)
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Rotation is Optional

What makes up the Dance of the Spin, whence to forth have came of This from??

What happened to have Spun such a Spiral to arise,
~ of such likes as this kind, from the Void of Shadows unspeakable Bliss, what only Knows of this depth's Abyss.

I decline, this current paradigm, make to rumble, thus impending rise would grow beneath to tremble
the ground, of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer...on bended knee...before the alter of the quaking Core.  
If not the many visions before, mine have eyes once forseen, then from the Sacred Secret,  it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother are rightfully addressed, our tears will flow, bring heave to our chest .  
It is then will we contend, of what such Powers we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter without Vision in Center, the Dance of the Spin
For surely we fall Dizzy, Heavy our State....Flux will Flash if not with the Flow, that throes asunder now thrash and grow, stronger than this only One we all know, With Hope we pray for what we sow...but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
My first ever poem on HP
From the NS collection
552 · Nov 2014
Artefactual Purge
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Too much information
and my mind goes Crash!
a crouching canvassed crooner
bracing for the Splash!

Kept alight, at bay at night
to hone a zone of Vision.
Clarity ablaze despite
this Schism o' division.

Engrossed in battle weary thought
Art of War, ideally fought
We ring a ring o' roses,
Hang a wreath upon Death's door.

Inibriated image in a former
blurry self-defensive, nearest Sight
Autopilot megalotross
Keep it real and run it tight!
Just needed to be a bit silly

*Art of War by Sun Tzu
*Ring a Ring o' Roses nursery rhyme
*Keep it tight, venusoul7 profile description :-)
546 · Feb 2015
Soft, the touch...
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Soft, the touch of arching lips dancing

Plush, the blossom petals bloom

Often for you darling...

Bright, the shine of new skin reflecting

Wholesome youth tender to view

Playfulness assuming...
...before it blows away
545 · Jun 2014
Voyages in Bliss
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Cascading Kaleidoscopic Visionary, not afraid to float away in a space regurgitating colors, one back into the other, rotation is none other than addition, " You know how fast we're already spinning??"

Temptress undresses and the dream regresses, back from infinity straight down to ***. "What's next? Let me guess...Psychedelic ***, Yes?"
She sauntered all night long, dancing till dawn, "You're Wrong, Sweet...Love. I will be your Drug any day, anyway...but never at Command, I will make the Demands, Give me your hands,
Touch Me..Just..Like...ThaaaAhhhh!!!"

Now after that treasured experience, I don't think I'll be needing Voyages into my own altered Abyss, cause I think I finally just found Pure Bliss.
This May or May not have occurred, I plead complete dissociative fugue
541 · Aug 2014
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
When I am Sad I get Scared
When I get Scared I seek Control
But I have had Control before...
over my life, the people in it,
and then the darkness came,
and We fought...they came
in swarms...Alive...I had to
decide to relinquish Control
And upon my own gauntlet...
That piece of me died.
Because it wasn't right
to own that kind of control.
I don't know now what to do
When I am Sad....
Except that at that moment
Gracefully deliver my senses
of Control over to that which is
ever truly in Control anyway...
NuurSeraph Jul 2014

Wanders -- he

The mountains applaud

The mother feeds the hungry babe

The mother feeds the hungry babe

On clothe so softly

Cleanse away the down-trod ill

Cleanse away the down-trod ill

Just like sunshine captures

The hungry mother searching far and wide

The hungry mother searching far and wide

The sunshine world

Shall reveal in hues of red

Shall reveal in hues of red

Blood bath blissfully

That we are more of -- WE

That we are more of --WE

That the tyrant knows

All the churches fall down

All the churches fall down

Defunct -- discombobulated -- dead

Retreat -- deep relief
Another Good One with J.R
536 · Jul 2014
THE Pain~filled Poet
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Has every Poet felt THE Pain?
Well...considering we are human beings, and every human, at some juncture, has Been in Pain, then Yes, every Poet has felt Some Pain.

THE Pain is the brand that tunnels in and twists You through the Grate, until SNAP! You Break...wide open, a blazing bonfire, Flame of THE Pain has digested and phased Your Matter into Vapor, You are released in Smoke from the Fire,
Catharsis of Inner Core,
revealing an own
Inner Nova all Your Own.
As Your Essence mixes within the Mist of the Etheric Brain, you find your Calling, and your Mind breathes again and releases an expression of Healing.
Found In the passion of Musical Musing, the stories of the Glory of Redemption, the Color Splashed Canvas, the Prolific Poetic Artist, the Kindred You shall Find.
Those Deep Works that Speak to the Seat of Your Soul,
the Goosebumps that Follow,
the Feeling of Connection are just but a Reflection of a Kindred Kind.
The Kind that if You Met You would finish each other's Words before the first Sentence need be Spoken.

If You can Know what I mean, then I bet You've Felt THE Pain.
If You are a Poet, then Yes,
You are a Poet who has Felt
**THE Pain
Pain can Paint the most Prolific
532 · Nov 2016
NuurSeraph Nov 2016

I shall make upon a tempest wind,
the howling lore of kin-dling Kin.
Naked as the growling lush,
exposed to gnarling mangle-brush;
cut deep a-depths~ a ghoul's ravine,
a chasm winding labyrinthine.

The cleric scolds the child's eye,
a vision purer shan't comply.
To each and every soul tis own,
the Majesty alone is known;
what cannot speak or read of such,
we walk alone, to staff we clutch.

Such passing is a bent display,
the overarching ******'s ray~
of light and luster gleams too much;
a subtle sense and gently touch.

The Maker's Mark as center thrice;
completed cross and circled square,
a lighter mist must walk you there.
Through hidden and unveiled descent,
the loving heart must twice repent.

So thorough bound~
the Hallowed Ground and dusty gems
wash clean and clear;
transmit the sound~
a vibrant round,
resounding through the atmosphere.

Like patterned rings and symphonies,
resolved upon each leveled wave;
a sonance much like paradise,
a fortitude as bolden-brave.

The House that thrills the Living Word,
enshrouds the saints upon their throne;
whose gardens groom a rich bouquet,
a fragrant mist of plush array;

Illuminates the Sacred Hall,
in reverence of which moves us all;
in song and dance, Eternally,
I leave you here to rest in me.

dedicated by ~||«§V§»||~ to the prior version of me.
~ So never doubt yourself in dancing onward and upward, embrace the experience; have fun and always be kind and generous ~
529 · Jan 2015
who Am i??
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Who am I that seeks to know
in relation to another
the self I wish to identify,

when it is only from the larger
scope of living Earth
I feel not a need to compare…
though contrast of Elements
exist and mix to many of
varied form and kind,

that each constitutes the All
Is known through the One

and from this view
what makes of relation but
an ancient natural Knowing
from which the Spring moves
forward the River that
flows out to Sea.

A Body much bigger need not compare…

into all parts shall flow the living Life
from this Reservoir,

so what more must we search for
from an Essence beyond compare…

when the answers we seek to know
have always been there.

*in difference yet alike
I grow tired of the self doubting that circulates in and out of my mind...questioning every idea of who i am.
I must remember it is not through the incessant comparisons I try to make that any real understanding of my true essence will ever be found.
525 · Nov 2014
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
You are exquisite and lovely
when You laugh
You are wrathful and firey
when You're mad

You are kind and thoughtful
when You touch my heart
You seem small and distant
when we are apart

My eyes stay quite stationery
lest I'm moving through Worlds
My perception's are momentary
as I'm moving through Worlds

The angle of light that strikes my eyes
is neither acute or obtuse
how I choose to see my Worlds
depends on my Point of Views
Everyone sees and feels things differently
This is a good thing for the most part :)
522 · Apr 2014
Points to Clarify
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I wanted to flow into phrase a general continuum to articulate most prominent my own mood rhythm, just for curious act of putting into words an unspoken knowingness I leave out to hang upon my Space.

I am ready alert as soon as I bring awares to body, I localize and Identify

I am very upbeat, curious, open, observant. I ultimately will let my days activity find itself, because it so wondrously does, every time, to engage in discovery, puzzling, un~puzzling, analyzing, reflecting, and when a bountiful day...Concluding (Always knowing Conclusions are always momentary, discovery, revision, perception, all shift when "New" is incorporating).
I stay bouncy, flexible, studiously refining my personal understanding and then bringing my thoughts and ideas into life in my world to play and check it all out. It's intensive, solitary mostly, always surprise I will find in something.
So, basically, I don't get caught up in attachment. To emotion, perception, definition, judgement, decision, or situation. I am fully immersed in the moment, I just have found a fluidity in movement. I am passionate absolutely, but gladly walk my passion on and on so as not to collapse a density upon the objects of my passions.  

I'm not really a specialist, although I specialize, I enjoy a great variety, I am not afraid to explore and Try.

So, Gladly, I state to Clarify: I am humorous, positive, bravely alive.


“To see the world in a grain of sand,

and heaven in a wild flower.

To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

and eternity in an hour.

We are led to believe a lie,

when we see with, not through, the eye,

which was born in a night, to die in a night,

while the soul slept in beams of light.”

- William Blake

Nassim Does It Better:

Between your thoughts is a silence which is the unified field, and when you become that silence, you become the unified field, and you become universal. Through the practice of non-attachment, and meditation, all of your troubles disappear because you cease to cling to the changing illusion of reality and you become free to experience what you always will be: pure, infinite, and universal consciousness.

All things already exist encoded holographically within the unified field, the structure of space-time, and it is conscious intention which determines that which is accessed and chosen to be perceived due to its own intentions. Nothing new is created, for it is already present within the field. And it is the highest level of our consciousness which guides us in the manifestation process we call life. We are all expression of the universe, looking back on itself as Nassim would say, and experiencing all possibilities within creation with our unique and individual intentions.

All that you want out of life is encoded within the field. Your intentions and your perception is what determines what you see and what you experience. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “There’s no place that God is not. If this God-force is everywhere, then it must be in you. And if it’s everywhere, then it must be in all that you perceive to be missing from your life as well.”
We are so many different things at so many different times I just think this is a version general and simplified.
nice to meet you
518 · May 2014
Old Baggage
NuurSeraph May 2014
The Brilliant Sparks that happen often between Kin
Just gets me started on this RollerCoaster I'm In
My Point being, their remain s Onions of Yesterday's
I could Cut right Through to Bring the Coaster to STOP
But that's not a skill shared for my Sake
One must know to Pull UP on the Emergency Brake
Ya feel Me?
518 · Oct 2014
This Writing Hour
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Dim lamp light casts
a poetic dance of shadows
from the corner of my
quiet office space
tracing words neatly
in my scribe's notebook
I rassle the pen skillful
to print.

I notice my paced breathing
holding back ever so carefully
the cowering anticipation
of the haunting lull
a writer dreads in times
of fevered inspiration.

My handwriting is strong
and simple, neat and tempered
but I soon expect the sneak
of the serpent scrawl to
wrap around my wrist
and pull me in tighter to
the tempo of a poet in heat.

I brace myself and breathe
deeply, purposefully I release
a humming hush of air
from my loose lungs.

I tend to tap my right foot
to the beat of a silent drum
rarely in rhythm with my
right writing hand.

Here comes the scrawl
I feel I can't control
Is it lack of strength
or the sheer thunder
rolling thoughts on paper??
I think it is a little bit of both

Where are you dear
fellow poets in your
casting hour??
Conjuring up words
to share our wants,
needs, fears and doubts
so perfectly
...or not....

The point is in the
actual act itself
isn't it??
Taking note of my writing demeanor...wondering about other poet's writing experience...
518 · Nov 2014
Many Loves and be Merry
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Happy day to You all ~

friends and lovers
mothers and fathers
sisters and brothers

I extend my many Thanks ~

a feast scent
of well wishes
smiles and sighs
of fulfillment

May You feel radiant warmth ~*

in heart and belly
sing many thanks
to your Loves
and be Merry ~
a thanksgiving piece for every day :-)
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
/// ;;
// •  • ||


Come to me

When I see the Light--  of None


( let it be done )

It shall Spring Forward

We shall
Wither & Burn

the Light to return

The Light to become .....

To become
what IT IS !

To become
what IT WANTS !

( come child
Walk the lonesome night for awhile )

As we too

To become what we want


Look !

See !

From the tenemented  fire escape

Sees all the children
Sees them take to the barren streets

Within the chilly evening

Looking for love



He sees her looking to him

The Inside Detective

Deceptively Protective

( for by the essence of his presence --

He tries to inspire them
To come Home)

Protector of Truth !

Invader of Lies !

Bringer of faith to those who survive

Out on the streets
& the Darker Side

To rescue the Truth
Bring Hope in what's Right


A part of the people

One inside

She looks back to her room from the fire escape

Feels the courage
Shares his grace

Walks she proudly
The night

Stands in the darkness
Under street light

Faces the loneliness

But it's alright

Knowing he is always
By her side

so proud of that great work Jeffrey we did a good beautiful piece
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