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949 · Apr 2014
This is Not a Zoo
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
And Parden me,
but on just What side Are You.....??????


Don't feed the animals....hmmm...just Who is Who???

Again, excuse my Clarify....
Sometimes the hue must shift to Darken Sky
Requires a Delicacy of lace and lash
Blinking an intricate frequency match
in intervals to small to see, so as to be them both at Once into Union Phase Integration

Until the mornings Light Of Day....


Phase Out
949 · Oct 2014
Loop d'Loop
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
We come looped back and forth
infinite upon this plane.

All experience gels into itself
catalysis gooing
yet remains ungoo'ed.

Who we are is figments
of this basket and that
collecting from this
dimension and that.

One spike strikes the mind
affecting conscious mental
aether electifies, plucking
synapse physically
reroutes emotional body
looping back into itself and out.

Perpetual film flowing
through lens
stamped and projected
onto screens of life
for viewing.

Movement may come from
any beginning, middle or end
looping is not linear
unless the loop is cut.
Felt Inspired by my Poetic friends
Onoma and Kensho
936 · Nov 2014
Upon meeting an Angel
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Such intense pleasure grows out of the Soul potted in phase shift Soil.
The Heavens watered her petals to bloom, flowers of everlasting peaceful serene.

I am drawn into calming bliss, basking in her intoxicant solution of fragrance ~ wafting in the wisp-ers of wind, rising my eyes to the heart of her mind.

*My humble Soul shudders ~
928 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
If You Feel You Have Been Chosen
Then Walk With Faith
In the Deep Flashing Reflections
You will Learn the Way
To Walk Through the Burning Fires
Tear Down the Gates
Like a Shape Shift Apparition
But with an Angel's Grace*
Chorus to a song I once wrote
927 · Feb 2015
Cosmic Raze
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
We are the Children of the Sun,
Sister to Moon,
unyielding to none

Rushing gracefully to outrun
the warring tug of our orbit
brutish and unrelenting
naught to be forsaken

We are tokens of synergy
an Ocean of Energy
flaring flames of Inferno
waiting, imminently
we promenade 'cross spaceous sea
to engulf the fragile faun in flight
Hell hath no other to share this night

We are the dark and undetected
electrically affected
magnetic resonance of the One.

*~ forever we will be the Children of the Sun ~
A poem about cosmic radiation and other space things that go bump in the night sky
923 · Oct 2014
Imaginations (Sinking Kiss)
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Wicked sharp imaginations
catch my heartstrings
with heavy hooks,
bait me in with yummy chum
throw me back as likened
anchor for their massive fleet

As above, so below
silence my descent
gracefully floating
to Marianna's Trench

Phosphorescent illuminessence
strangest of them all

deepens in free fall

Body numbing
death's succumbing yet
my mind lives on brightly
flashing forward and behind
for all my moment's mem'ry

Light is fading
as I sink into abyss
only death besides I have
*Imagination's Kiss
Sinking peaceful,  slowly into a vast ocean with only the mind's calming moments of imagination & memory to keep company
901 · Jun 2014
Tsunami Apology
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
As the new day dawns, I pledge a gentleness to be, To long I kept in Reserve, A levy breaks, with Urgent force one makes, what possibility I posed my Plea, I realize in this moment, all could appear to be....a Tidal wave is no way to make acquaintance...silly me, so much to offer, please pardon my naive tsunami, may I rewind ~ a second try....
A Pleasure to be reacquainted.
Well....I'm sure that's what the gesture might be if we could understand Tsunami....Whatever, my Pleasure at least.
899 · Sep 2014
Innuendo ~ no Comprendo
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Courtesan rests upon satin pillows,
placed so many for weightless fare
Treasure box of lace and fragrance spilling out into her hair
Rich red velvet drapes the contours
of her silhouette
against the backdrop of an argalis mountain landscape
Thick rouge stain encircles her mouth and cheek,
now smeared askew as evidence of talking bodies friction
She wonders where he goes when he is gone~
He often wonders how good it feels when she comes into his candelabra room
Bedposts tell no lies...yes, this is true, mind you, no other girl would do the deeds he required of his staff in hand.
This innuendo ~ no Comprendo
What more details do you really need from me??
It's not like I sit and, have a seat~
890 · Oct 2014
[Plank of Insanity]
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
My marginal dysfunctions like a panther saunter gliding me out to peripheries edge.
We won't comment on loose banter, someone says.
My mind circles the time as the crow flies,
too disturbed for reentry, tweets the parakeet.

Phase out with allegiance to no one,
Phase back in with desperate facade.
I am blank, bleak and broken.

Well...that's just the token to get us back in ...the Dahlia wasn't always black to begin with you know, so many colors remain to absorb our sorrow.

So lost, forgotten and frail...
a ghastly scene so serene and forsaken.
Do not fret my fellow faire, we are ghosts of crimson lore, pathos to the people...morose...together on the edge of forever.

Interlacing fingers, we stand then walk the plank of insanity...who will hold my hand??
The mind is a beautiful act of celebration...
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
In No Strange Land

O World invisible, we view thee,
O World intangible, we touch thee,
O World unknowable, we know thee,
Inapprehensible, we clutch thee!

Does the fish soar to find the ocean,
The eagle plunge to find the air -
That we ask of the stars in motion
If they have rumour of thee there?

Not where the wheeling systems darken,
And our benumbed conceiving soars!
The drift of pinions, would be harken,
Beats at our clay-shuttered doors.

The angels keep their ancient places; -
Turn but a stone, and start a wing!
'Tis ye, 'tis your estranged faces,
That miss the many-splendoured thing.

But (when so sad, thou couldst not sadder)
Cry; - and upon thy so sore loss
Shall shine the traffic of Jacob's ladder
Pitched betwixt Heaven and Charing Cross.

Yea, in the night, my soul, my daughter,
Cry, - clinging Heaven by the hems;
And lo, Christ walking on the water
Poem by Francis Thomas, "In No Strange Land"
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
There is a forest called Truth around the corner. I go in search for dialogue. So many perspectives there are to offer. One comes back more alive in their concept of God.
I feel a lightness in the falling leaves, stirs within me a freedom and acceptance of dying. Many creatures shuffle amongst the brush, skyward eyes enjoy the critters busy climbing. Up the Tree trunk towers, along the arm~like branches, up and down collecting food in preparation for the season called Winter. So many intricate sounds joined together of varied pitch, tone and timber make for lively conversation. Philosophies smooth ******* mates for various creations of Thought to incubate my ever expanding Understanding, the flowered fruit of Reason.
This is a journey of birth and death, walking calmly in nature ~ reflecting for peace and understanding.
NuurSeraph May 2014
Thank you for dealing with my serious sense ability today,  
for that, I want to send 10 billion hugs into the air.
Sparkles everywhere, if I can muster the strength
I'll send another 10 billion Rainbow wishes, for good measure.
I appreciate all of you and thank you so much for showing me an interest to you and all your caring support
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
The human mind is running
the latest software upload
of this paradigm shifting program~
that calculates genetic algorithms
into vast patterns of random regularity
birthing the seeds of intelligent transformation
by out-solving itself
upon a flowering field~
of continuously evolving functions
displaying fractal solutions of subtle nuance~
braced in between a boundary of infinitely opposed edges.

...the Universal Mind does this in every dimension for an eternity.

I simply cannot complain about the aches in my brain
out of a shear respect for the absolute profundity of the situation.
I've started reading quite a stimulating book called, "The Singularity is Near", by Ray Kurzweil.  
I haven't made it to pg. 100 yet but was inspired to attempt to summarize the main idea in the verses above...Enjoy:-)
822 · May 2014
NuurSeraph May 2014
If you're a popper, I'm a bomber
If you're a romp & runner
I'm boomerang & banger

If You're a hot in the sacker
I'm a leather Queen, *** Smacker

But, seriously, En Scene, Cut, Shows Over, Curtain Call

Not one of these Scenarios Describes Anything appealing

Nor Aligned with my Temple of Love, This is Holy Sanctuary,

This is Holistic Prayer, the Ectomorph in Ecstasy.

Body Electric, Full Sense *******
My Mystical ******* is my Body's Prayer to God
Inspired by my unawareness of some CEREMONY OF THE ANHK.
NuurSeraph May 2014

Esoteric Alchemy ~ To make of One Form into Many.  
To See beyond the Surface Structure,  
and shift its Shape
from the Ordinary into Extraordinary...

~Can’t We just Design parallel Surfaces,
without intercepting Asymptotes?

…how about with Tangent Tangerines,
or in Earthening Collard Greens?

What if I swirled into You
upon a slinky Sinusoidal Serpentine Dream…

You could slither Me up with a taste
of Your Raspberry Vanilla Eye Scream…

We should Integrate our Derivative
into the Summed Square total of its Parts…

~alas, Enter para~Plasmotic inter-Dementia,
Sparkling quarks on Celestial Utopia…

Why are there Words??

~Cause its Words that Confuse…
All of Transmission is otherwise Smooth
Why not decide when We try to Communicate,
to Assess how We Address, so the Words can Cooperate?
Cause it seems to Appear Larger in Scope,
if Viewed from up Here,
If Not for the Invent of Words did Elope,
the Fruit of War,
In the Mist ~ Disappear…


One from the beginning the Year
Seemed to give people a light heart giggles
While maintaining the furrowed brow thing
818 · Mar 2014
Lost like This
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
I start rolling up in words
I'm not controlling
I don't Mind, I never Did
I'll tell You why I lost in Lace
a trace of Time.
Romanced by Humid Heat of Night
Acrossed by Archer's pointed bow
I still stay by, I still won't Go
I drift a picture into Motion in Your Ocean,
I like how it reacts.
I wish to say I'd really like that.
I won't, but will
that's friction's mount,
pull in so tight, push back, Pour out.
Just never stop,
fill me up to the Top
and tilt it right out the Spout.
804 · Apr 2014
Eagle Eye
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I agree....just simply through my Experience.
I understand the fine tuning acquired & required as we unVeil New & refined Capabilities
~Waves of Revelation, surging inside of You
~ as you feel a Personal Amazement of all previous Moments ~synchronized~
Cosmical interconnectedness
The Entanglement
~that directed the bigger Picture of the a transformative situation
(Testing Ground).

I realize I gain in blessed gifts for my service through proper conduct, awareness through dichotomous states of Eagle Eye Concentration, incorporating full sensory ~Engagement~
... at the same time I Release a part of my Conscious Attention into ~Extended Awareness~
Bless my Befuddlement...I..I..mean I am having a recent frustration causing conflicting feelings about the role I see Myself contributing as in the Grand Procession of These Kind of Things....

I am mainly Elated , Honored, Focused, Excited, and, Well, gawddarnitt...*** me ma horsee ma...We's gots a good long ride, Theys'alls a'beans tellings....I hears
...just laugh with me...ahhhh
Phase In,Phase Out
802 · Jun 2014
Inner Child
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
With my Inner Child I sit
I must, I am her
I Love her, and I will show her I Care
I want to understand her
What she likes
What she fears
Why she fears
How can I calm her
How can I guide her
To remind her
I've got hold of her hand
I will walk her into the World
I won't let go, or lead her to danger
I ask her her thoughts and listen intently, I want to know her stories
I want to know the joys, her silliness
I need to know what makes her run and hide in the dark, alone
What must be resolved to quell the frustration that gnaws at her mind
I want to regain her Trust and show her how it's done to keep her walking, head held high, to smile not to cry, to play not to restrain her wondrous ways, to play with her how she likes to
I must be understanding but firm
I must ask she also listen and learn
I am her extended in Time
I have grown and learned my lessons well, I will ask to be forgiven for what I have done, I will follow through with what I say to her.
I will allow her to find her identity and celebrate it.
I will allow her to explore and gain confidence in her Value and Worth
I will proudly celebrate her successes and hold her tight when disappointment crosses her path
I will show her resilience and how much fun it is to laugh
I will show her the Pride in Humility and the rewards of Discipline
We are One in the same learning to integrate our common strengths.
I look forward to learning what she teaches me and I will always be Proud to call her my Inner Child.
Notes for my Mantra
795 · Jul 2014
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
~•||\::/ ||•~

Have We no Words to say?
I ask as You ask
the Silence all the same,
wakes from Stillborn Being
not far away, remains in the quiet
sake of Sacred Space.

Twas our yearning,
reaching out into each-
other's Hearts
which sought to reach
the higher Mind,
pulling up so as to meet
the precipice of our feet.

Unbreakable, the ground
feels sound of solid mound to most,
but still, some weep
the warmth of safety.

We have birthed the Heavens
with each Word,
Let our Will be brave and mighty,
vaster than the vastest Sea,
be th'essence of Eternity.
Manifest intent through Prayer,
from unending patient Plea,

We are One

We are never gone away
thus We may not stray
from Fruited Path
paved upon Community
of much the finest Character,
of such the likes as We.
Courting Connection from out of the Silence
787 · Dec 2014
Come Unhinged
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
An inkling of something from nothing has broken free and come unhinged.
I doubt we have stood in line so long just to turn around and come back later.

Who new blue Shew?!?

What's a masked Marauder look like peeking outside her shadows, twinkling like timed Christmas tree lights on an Eve with no presence?

I don't care for 20/20 in a life with no Zen on a scale without balance ranking 5 out of 10.
"Go back to the front!!", scream ten Stone men.

Who new blue Shew?!?

"...just what, why and when??"
black Crow down, caws the cackle of Raven.

I'm sick of being broken
...let me come unhinged.
785 · Nov 2014
Backtrack Blindly
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Backtracking towards the Light
oh! Fakir,
brilliant shiny Bright
Neophyte hypnosis, take me In..

oh! Beloved,
fragile tendrils of my desire
heartfully hear me, hear Me..
my heartfelt Prayers,
I do not fear to tread into the highest vapours.

Clandestine Clementine!
not One Breath but Three
times itself, squared.

not forsaken, dripping drapes
blindsided, blindly onwards...
not forsaken Sight!
Hear me, Hear Me..
Bless'ed be my Name!
I honestly don't have a clue...
if you do, feel free to share your interpretation :)

(nothing meanspirited please)
774 · Oct 2014
Cheruberries & Apocrypha
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
From the Swirl comes the Structure,
In the Structure feeds the Flow
and the Flow maintains the Focus.

So we can deduce
much like the pattern of life,
it begins as Freedom,
like colorful movement
exempt from rule.
While the other extreme,
the skill obtained of Focus & Form,
akin to miraculous mystery
wise sensuality
from royalty born.

Can you see the Procession
in difference yet alike?
Infancy is always Free
from Wisdom comes Sight
the Master of Vision
Magical Majesty
 ~Immaculate Precision.
 ~A Rainbow in the Light.

Deep unto the dreamy wood
Walk We, one Faerie to ‘nother
Swift~ Shift
Slighted plea
what cares of Noumenic Clemency
divide amongst they~
who do not know or care to see
forever to possess perverse tales
to talk away the mystery.
Swift ~ Shift
acrimonious possession
Sudden urgency
Cares Not~
Divide amongst Noumenic Novelty.

Coming birth of Elementals
entrancing ingenuity
foreseen such heavenly conception.
Ironic irreverence of Elements
pure Majesty
Still in Expectance of
blessed Faerie’s redemption
They ~ who do not care
will never know and ought never see.

This is about Strife.
The way one Group tends always to find flaw with another Group, finding all the differences to hate, ignoring any similarities to love.
A repost from earlier this year. I had a hard time trying to find a connection with myself and others then... Now, I feel good and wanted to share this again
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Into the Clearing
I make note
Of the uninterrupted
Brightness, Unbroken

This makes for instant
naked at best

Interim testing ground
Stop and take a look around
When Elements invade
The private places object
Unknowing of the merging
Of a natural nature unto itself

Oh, the soft and sacred
Whispers softly unto
Those with ears to hear
Let the mystery of the Holy
Slowly unfold for thine eyes
Once distracted from the
Wonders of my Wooded

Here stands You,
untethered by the
Winding ropes
Of illusive lore

We no longer care for There,
Now that we are here
It is Here
where we Refuel and
Recenter for our next

Choose with careful
then Commit
This is It
Next Lesson
Or Level
I will revel
From my
Place of Power
And Knowing

Journey Onward my fellow Wayfarers :-)
762 · Feb 2015
Toroid Cannibals
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Were it motionless moments of Vacuum,
a nowhere Awareness,
a blackness of Space.

so full of Color yet self-contained,
where toroid cannibals feast on each other
never satiated nor satisfied~
Nothing is leaving and Nothing goes in.

this is a place in my memory,
a chip in the wood.
Devoid of a thought worth conceiving,
a sleepless hollow,
deprived yet still not Broken.

This is my precious serene,
a darkness deflowered,
a Secret no more.

Loudspeaker Monsters Awaken
Food as fodder for feed in their gullet.
Pronounced for Announcement
I proclaim to the World.
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself

Well~Come on Up
I've not much Time, but I've brought the Love
ReCreate This Right
And Move Us Through to the OtherSide
Alas! Know We Show, Our Heart is Real no matter Where We Go
...Null is Right to let the Breath of God just pass Us by...
That's Why
Why I Try
and We Try
ReCreate This Right
...I did not Want to Know, now but I See What's been going on.....

If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself

So Above still We Hover so...
In Dead of Night, from Above, Below
ReCreate Our Light
Reflect it back for the rest to Shine
Alas! We show, our Heart is Real no matter where we go
ReCreate this Right
And Move Us through to the Other Side
The Wildest Write
To leave Their Legends and Lores behind
With Words they Show
For those with Mystic Minds to Know
We all want to believe and All can Conceive what's going on!!!!

If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself
This is a beautiful song I wrote the melody to many years ago I will share soon
753 · May 2014
EggShell Symphony
NuurSeraph May 2014
There is a light, a measured glow, in these distant miles I run.
Embraced inside an Eggshell Case, nested in the Branchless Tree,
with nothing but the billowed Air, rushing by to hold Me.  

Fill my Chest, arc and crest, as no One knows my pace in lest
he runs this distance with Me.  

You be the Thud that bounds Us down,
Encased in Peach seed, Nectarine,
drum the Ground from brittle heat, strike a Sound,
a steady Beat that brings a Rhythm back to Life,
so I may fall from Branchless Tree, and land the Earth beneath Me.

My Eggshell World, the only Globe I've ever known,
now shattered to my Mourning Sun.

My fragile eyes will adjust, my fragile mind, my Wanderlust,
will find the Truth, on rays of Light, the Proudest moment
of my Life.

I pound the Ground and powered Dust,
will rise
the Feathers of my wing,
Will Rise
the Vision of my eyes,
the Sight of Bigger Things.

And with this Freedom, rings a Bell that cracked my Shell,
Conductor with his Symphony, juxtaposed my String Quartet...
Music overtakes the Moon, that brings to Life in Dead of Night,
my bedside Light that shines upon this page I read...
So as my Wings move up and down like Bow against my Violin,
I bring my Part in Symphony, I take my place above the Ground
and circle back...
Gliding down
Rising Up...
followed by the dimming Lights,
a Silent Pause...
Ecstatic Cheer!
Cheers the Crowd!
Play again your Symphony...
Never Stop!
my Precious Dear...
Beat your Drum!
my Darling...
Eggshells go Crackling...
748 · May 2015
At the bottom of The Shaft
NuurSeraph May 2015
Just another soft spot to bump a thump for a thud that this time finally, proudly could be the long awaited announcement I'd been searching for.  

A deep and heavy voice boomed in reply, "I am Hollow, how's all abouts the Do for you today my dear?"
I was slightly taken aback by the fine display of manners.
"Oh,me oh my! So deeply obliged, you took a stop with a thought to ask so when I say, don't act surprised."

Since I surely had indeed been the party calling person, I'd better fancy making proper telling of my Name. But before I did me muster up some suiting gumption for a gab , I heard the haunting husk of a raspy kind of gasp, it was Hollow keen to ask me, "have You come about the Shaft?"

I excitedly replied,  "I've been busy bumping thumping thuds all across the Land hoping I would hear a hollow kind of thud coming from the Desert Sands."
But, oh my goodness if I truly thumped my thud in the mud, I wondered must I then descend down that deeply dark and doozy kind of danger way below?

Then it appeared out of nowhere!! I had the Magic Answer in a sing along song with a pocket tight rhythm gots me dancing and a'singing, "There's a piece of a part of the seat of my soul that's awaiting my return at the bottom of this hole. And as I do recall, it was surely you with your haunting Hollow tune and endless droning echo that reverberated my vertebrae so long ago, and so much so that I lost a litte piece of my Soul."

With one final question that I had left to pop, "Is it still with you at the bottom of that drop?? Cause, I've got a grand idea that will bring It to the top. It's a funky fly vibration called Acoustic Levitation!!"

So, I cheered up and down as I swung myself around in a turn to tell to Hollow, "When you kindly wind your voice up the scale from lowest note to high, then my piece of soul will riseth, it will hear my gladdened cry."
It shall float atop the soul note that IS perfectly wrote just for me and my Soul's harmony. It's been such the perfect ending, All's happy and together, at last finally!!!!!!

So never stop bumping for the thump and the thud that is you cause it's really out there somewhere and it's asking, what to do!!!!
Something different:-))
Undertonal references to Osiris Shaft & Priesthood of Anubis
744 · May 2014
NuurSeraph May 2014
Damage Control
740 · May 2014
This Vine's Got a Freak
NuurSeraph May 2014
Vibrant Vivre
Vivaciously Vibing
Vines like Vices, stalking
Slippery as Serpents
Light into Darkness
I'm Yours now to Keep
How will this ******* Bind Me or Blind Me,
or Bond Me to You?
Will it be Mutual, Consenting
Or Master to Slave?
Who is Predator
Who is Prey?
I could
Thread shredding Vine
Into Wine Dripping Bliss
Veins seep leaking
Succulent Juice
What once was mine
Was once Stimulating You
The Other Alternative
I'd rather not Pursue
I like the Heat
Cause this Write is a
Ya get the subtle undertones...
Did the ****** Vine Vipe Ya...
This Viper's a Freak
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
In the Grandest Scheme of Things, the Ego-Sense of Self seems Overinflated.

We are Sparks materialized in prescribed form of Primordial Source...

We are All the Sacred Wounds of her Original Innocence.

The greatest, most Honorable Occupation One can give to this life is the refinement of the Self.

In so doing, the raising vibration affects as ripples in a pond.
Effects Rate of Energetic State of Being~

Everywhere      All Around
Heart - Nothin' At All:
739 · Dec 2014
The Shift (its Time)
NuurSeraph Dec 2014
I hope You get It
If You don't,
that's Fine.

Collective Conscious
is Shifting.

It's Time

The mole is Unearthed
Faring Fatigue but Healthily

Jolting ball bearing
ignition is stalling
the gears are Intact
the Children are calling
I pray that I feel
when the Spirit
is Coming....

Love Me, I Love You
I Swear it's True
Love You, I Love Me
You do
I do

724 · May 2014
Good Morning
NuurSeraph May 2014
I pray I don't have much to say on this brand new day.
I sit by a placid pond, watch the few ducks petal along the softer water.
What brings down Thought but meandering rain drops along her gracious light of day?
What makes Mighty the gentle Light wisping the Clouds from darken bright?
What calls my name to walk along this park?
I came, to see what song the birds might bring to tame the fragile mind, perhaps a jing~a~ling, a happy thought, a smile pray tell?
A gentle breeze, such a simple thing within it carries a Sacred Song to Sing.
I'm alive, I believe, in heals
714 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
As I relax on my bed, after a bike ride
(I beat the rolling storm clouds by the way, not a hit from the dripping drops got me wet, not a bit)
I digress, back to the bed, and present time, I notice an emblem I have hanging from a nail on a beam, basically suspended in still free-fall, in opposing side to where I lay my head. It had somehow been rotated from front to back, I now stare at the backside design, from my eyesight, it looks completely different from behind.
I'd never noticed this nor had I a thought about, but as I see a new perception from the different end of the spectrum, where my eye be drawn, I think it deserves a sinister shout out as to what it is I saw.

It is a Wooden copper lacquered Circle, one may wear in ceremony, it hangs around the neck on a smooth brown rope, the emblem lays perfectly between the ******* and belly button, right over the diaphragm. When worn correct, it depicts the four corners, with four blooming Lotus petals reaching out between. It is ancient, it is Majik, it is tribal.

But when I saw the design on the back, I had to blink my eyes, I had to look up close, I surely was surprised to find a face painted over white, the carving of the emblem so enchanting to the eyes, if viewed from behind was a devil face in White. Sinister, it seemed, it's True I couldn't believe, but then again it turned to prove Duplicity of Life, and Love and Power over Things.
In Soft and Hard, in Dark and Light, in yin and yang, in Everything.

I touched the Emblem, a soft smile across my lips, I did not fear what had appeared an omen and a curse. I gently flipped it over, laid my head back down to rest.  
The Devil hides in all this world, in this we choose our Sides. Do not fear for evil, that is part of life, you do not have to play its part, just open up your Eyes, and look behind the surface to see it for what it is. My Emblem, so artful, so brilliantly crafted, just turned itself over, to remind Me of these Things.

Truth, Love & the Light
That to Me feels Right
There are many signs and symbols that speak to us, just look with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
I hope to lead a life that leaves me
with nothing more to give when I die
in the simple sense that I will have
succeeded in giving it all away.
*The less I'll have to trudge with me
to the Other-side, the better....
One of Some of the funnier introspective thoughts and wishes I imagine occurring in the mind of a rightfully tired old soul, upon reflection on yet another life lesson survived successfully.
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
When you're ******, baby
And I am drunk
And we make love
It seems a little desolate
It's hard sometimes not to look away

And think what's the point
When I'm havin' to hold this fire down
I think, I'll explode
If I can't feel this free now

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin out
In your cold

When I feel loved, baby
I join the road
And the world moves with me
And I feel love start just slip away
Silently, quietly take my things and go

And think what's the point
Think where's the hope when comin' home

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin' out
In your cold

And if you find one day
Find some freedom and relief
And with this freedom maybe
Maybe you will find some peace
And with this peace, baby
I hope it brings you back to me
Bring you home, take me home

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin' out
In your cold

Oh, take me home
Oh, take me home
When you're ******, baby
Take me home
Sometimes when you feel someone is gone .... maybe that the door was closed?  
~ I know but it was locked?
708 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
It is a good thing, but sad when what ones sees is Ugly
Hateful Actions are not Cool.
Just sayin'
Have a Blessed Day
NuurSeraph Mar 2016
"You who are the Source of all Power,
whose rays illuminate the World.
Illuminate also my Heart,
so that it too can do your Work."
- Gayatri Prayer

...and so Alas, for all along the way
binding Vision with naïveté
spritely skipping as whilst tripping
blinding Truth in night-less day.

though I raise my Palm in promise
I'm as raptured as the rest
uprooted as the lute to lip
charmingly disarming
as the sounding Sirens drip...

the Nectar,
flowing freely from the Fruit
above the Vine, below the Root. may your Wine flow pleasingly & plenty, drunken Bliss upon the Earth
appealing to the healing of All intrinsic worth.

Like the flower, in it's hour of unfolding
bursting Blossom lips
upon the Altar, pierce my Heart fully open, as the Sun and Moon eclipse.

So through this selfless sacrifice,
release the pains of worldly strife.

...and may the Truth bless us Be
within this briefly Mystic blink
in our Moment of reflection with the Universal wink.

*I raise my Cup to thee All ~Cheers!!!!
"the natural instincts of animals and birds during an eclipse is similar to that of dusk falling, then night-time and then dawn, all within a matter of minutes."
702 · Jun 2014
Summary of my Day
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Summary of Today*

An artist of most kinds can concur
the imperial dynasty of ruling
with Absolute Control of the medium from a higher mind
Tapped in vessel flows the beauty of free form
I like this vantage point over my domain
Here I prefer to remain, power of my dominion
dominates through me to give ordered direction to my artistry

I wonder what undercurrent pulled me to write with such Tonality
It appeared to be centered in the Theme of Revolutionary Rebellion
some kind of Helter Skelter Warning with Sincere Stance boldly stating
my Position in the light of things to come, coming, arrived and waiting

I have recently reclaimed my power of authority over my body
Body and Mind being facets of the same Gemstone that is me.
I had been in a being state, a child feeling, for a period, not quite able for autonomous activity
I studied closely, learning about this being, but recently have claimed Adult Control
I believe today was a loud coming out party for my Adult, in Control, Ready
Values in Check, Convictions in Check, Energy in Check, Child snugged in tight,
Protected she will come along and see what her future self is all about
...And it will be Good.
695 · Oct 2014
No Trickling Stream
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
I've seen a vast Ocean of Eyes
darting back and forth
left and right
undulating sequence
along the Moonlit night

this is No Trickling Stream you See
this is a raging Ocean of White froth Life

Herein lies the Chasm of Awareness
or Stairs of Consciousness,
if you need
the Praying Mantis shifts its Eyes
(Kneeling in the Blackness)
Down the very bottom of this
deep dark Ravine

We are the Creatures
We are the Seeds that We sow
We are all Mirrors

Tell me....what more must Eye know?????
Watching Life of Pi
turning my head and holding my breath a lot.
oh yeah, and shedding a tear or two..or three...ok, I lost count
691 · Nov 2014
One of Nature's Truths
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
In a Forest
We can See all the
Trees as One
when the
Leaves are Green

When Leaves start to
Turn and Fall
We become able to
Clearly See the
Unique Character
of each and every

Much the same thing
could be said of

Such is the
**Truth of Nature
written from inspiration from my Mom
691 · May 2014
Its time for Telepathy
NuurSeraph May 2014
True lies like undreamt dreams, are unbelievable if believed, undiscovered discovery, and UnLoved Love are Understanding if You don't Understand..

Unknowing Knows All Beginnings must End, then Ending Begins by Unemptying Emptiness, Nothing is Full and All is Unfulfilled

By means of Contradiction, I laid out the proof, words are just words still nothing has been said.
688 · May 2014
Seeding Loving Wisdom
NuurSeraph May 2014
Break the body and give forth freely
What comes back
~ Comes back to heal Thee
A Cycle of a Life of Service
688 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I play Mediator, mediating between two strongly influencing Forces.
They are of different spaces, but each knows of the Other.
I listen to them both osmotically, they are often at odds with each other.
I am a practiced listener, objective enough to understand the nature of their Stance.
I retrieve below the surface message, the empathic persuasion in me does this well.
Such accounts for any bipolarity I might exhibit in thought or emotion.

One Force thrives on impulsive pleasure, in behavior there is tremendous energy and manic spontaneity.
No concern with inhibition or societal conventions. I must always keep in check a childish tendency to center motives solely upon itself.
This is when I make intervention and repeat the Lesson of Conscious Expansion....
I have Authority and so of course this Force listens and quiets it's power back to steady periphery.

The other Force is Otherworldly.
So Extreme, it by far surpasses me in ability.
This Force I tap into, I listen to its subtle inflection, it's Perception is uncontainable, it's Language is unexplainable, but Understandable to the Sensitive Senses.
Here is the Gift, that must be earned, must be learned and respected in the Temple of my Soul.
It must be carried through the plight of Spirit searching, knowing no discontent or schism, no division, or derision.

I draw down this Force, I pull up on the Other One.
Puts me in center position.
I Am the Mediator

I am the Borderland between these two worlds that exist in Me.
I will attend to my duties.
I Am the Mediator
of Me.
Duplicity is commonplace
Multiplicity is rare but there
685 · Oct 2014
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


Come Waves of Wonder
Wash Me Over

A bountiful Breeze
Of endless Mystique

Raise my arms
I float into
Ambrosia Bliss

This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


I recall All things
(unyeilding & brave)

The kind of Grace we cannot erase
A peaceful Smile on a Child's face

A Place and Time





This is the place where I want to go *
We can accomplish Anything when We work Together
Doncha Think?
681 · May 2014
Tinker Things
NuurSeraph May 2014
Tinderbox is full of Tinker things
Rarely do I open it to take out anything
It sits where I had placed it many years ago
Don't know why I kept it, just compassion, couldn't imagine a toss into the trash would be an alright thing to do.  

There is a subtlety of sad emotion when something that I have kept in my possession, no matter what it's purpose might be, might one day be an easy afterthought, to have forgotten why I acquired it originally.

I feel a twinge of ungrateful abandon to think these little tinker things, I will toss with the used, useless, unwanted things.
I feel that it would be strangely out of place, to lay among the trash.  
I think sometimes I think to much, but I'm kinda glad I do.
Those tinker things must have a place of valued memory in mind, that I'm not quite ready to let part...I must always appreciate the Value of Things.
Surface is there for those who prefer to stay right there.
667 · Feb 2015
Sudden Impact
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
So very fast
traumatic Impact
total White Out
shook out from me
what's left of me
is now

Once what was
well-oiled cogs
still miffed
by the *****
Sudden Shift-ing.

I raised up from
my Chest Cavity
in a Mist ~
my Primal Scream.

This wasn't
a dream
but rather
some kind of
film flickering

howling beast,
Blood Lust

Wipe up these wounds
and earthen dirt,
Arise, Re-connected.

Focus on the life inside
~to see You through~

Stand up Staight and Proud


Head held High


Only the Strong know why~

would not
Shake Away~

with You
It stays


Please keep an awareness for those who have experienced Sudden Impact / Traumatic Brain Injuries and PTSD. They are changed by the experience. Share a kind Heart and Smile with them/us even in the midst of the struggle to readjust.
664 · Jun 2016
Round upon the Waterwheel
NuurSeraph Jun 2016
Oh great Mystery ~
My Love, a tangled moss.

What gentleness preserves in playfulness,
like silly string~strung thin
along the limitless landscape
that forms the truth of your existence.

For in your mind is the treasure seen,
in your vision is bliss obtained.
Through the nature of your deeds,
decides the nature of your salvation.

Till thoroughly the soil of your soul,
for the seeds of your thought bear the sustenance for life.

If the flower be fragrant,
the honey is sweet and the trees be fruitful.
It's branches will extend
into the realm of peaceful spirit,
vast and luminous beyond compare.

Such clarity of light will draw down
the plow of eternal renewal and the
soil will be as rich as the seat of your soul.

Go forth ~
Labor in silence and rejoice
in righteous song and dance.
The fields are rich in vajra potency!!!
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
It feels kinda funny sometimes when the heart's in rare form.

I'm on stage performing a magic show when suddenly, I close my eyes and disappear~

{¡} !my Grand Escape! {¡}

I learned that one *before

the hat trick, so plain and basic
but I digress~

once upon a time, there was a princess born of more than just mere men. She often slipped sight unseen deep into the forest where she would play pretend. The tall towering trees would talk and tell her tales of mystery, speaking of Secrets older than time when Earth was churning in her prime. The stars would blink ON just for her, popping out of the dark night sky. Opening up the universe, she'd close her eyes and fly
but I digress~

I open up my eyes to see
the audience still sitting there.
I've got this silly hat,
but no bunny rabbit anywhere!

I really wish they wouldn't stare
I'm not so great at magic tricks,
only the magic in my mind~

I'd really like to disappear
and be that princess right now  :-)
Just a fantasy take on stage fright or any frightening situation~ It would be more than great if when the panic sets in, we could just close our eyes and trade existences and be somewhere magical instead.
642 · Sep 2014
Banshee Howl
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Instincts may rise and fall
with fitful breath
never to soon
to swallow
undercurrent that
pulls you
over troubled
Oceans all too often

When restless dreams
bring sleepless
out of the
swell of night~
Fifty nine prayers
will bowl you under
Twelve years of Starless skies

Ten Stone men
ruined catacombs
a heartless
Banshee Howl
steal all thee
yearns for
wretching from
the pit of soured insides~
the deepest
to be released.
Not dark just a tinge weird in a weird kinda way. Actually, this is reflective of a purging process~
642 · Jun 2014
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Movements stumbling along the Blue Charade
Comets mumbling, circling endlessly across the Space
Rainbows gathering, must align in Spectrum Properly
Buddings Blooming, constant push of breaking through to Flower

All things must struggle, this is the condition of living things
Not reserved for human beings, we are not that Special
All of this must overcome Obstacles to retain the right to life
Complacency is Death, Lack of Movement is your ticket to the OtherSide.

All things born of a Conscious World, are inherently Conscious
Like genes past down from Mother to Child
This Trait is the birthright of all existence given to Earth
Use this Gift well, and respect it in all things, including People.

Respect your own Consciousness, Use it Well, Listen and Learn
It is boundless in what it offers to the Listening Ones
Be a Listener, Listen to yourself and Others
Do this Well, You will be Blessed in what you Hear

Express your Consciousness freely, and You will be Free
You hold the keys to Freedom, True Freedom lies within
Burst forth into this World, it also is your inherent birthright
No Authority has claim to take that away, so don't let them.

We all know this, I just decided to type it up as a reminder to myself and Others.
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