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Jun 2014 · 928
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
If You Feel You Have Been Chosen
Then Walk With Faith
In the Deep Flashing Reflections
You will Learn the Way
To Walk Through the Burning Fires
Tear Down the Gates
Like a Shape Shift Apparition
But with an Angel's Grace*
Chorus to a song I once wrote
Jun 2014 · 714
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
As I relax on my bed, after a bike ride
(I beat the rolling storm clouds by the way, not a hit from the dripping drops got me wet, not a bit)
I digress, back to the bed, and present time, I notice an emblem I have hanging from a nail on a beam, basically suspended in still free-fall, in opposing side to where I lay my head. It had somehow been rotated from front to back, I now stare at the backside design, from my eyesight, it looks completely different from behind.
I'd never noticed this nor had I a thought about, but as I see a new perception from the different end of the spectrum, where my eye be drawn, I think it deserves a sinister shout out as to what it is I saw.

It is a Wooden copper lacquered Circle, one may wear in ceremony, it hangs around the neck on a smooth brown rope, the emblem lays perfectly between the ******* and belly button, right over the diaphragm. When worn correct, it depicts the four corners, with four blooming Lotus petals reaching out between. It is ancient, it is Majik, it is tribal.

But when I saw the design on the back, I had to blink my eyes, I had to look up close, I surely was surprised to find a face painted over white, the carving of the emblem so enchanting to the eyes, if viewed from behind was a devil face in White. Sinister, it seemed, it's True I couldn't believe, but then again it turned to prove Duplicity of Life, and Love and Power over Things.
In Soft and Hard, in Dark and Light, in yin and yang, in Everything.

I touched the Emblem, a soft smile across my lips, I did not fear what had appeared an omen and a curse. I gently flipped it over, laid my head back down to rest.  
The Devil hides in all this world, in this we choose our Sides. Do not fear for evil, that is part of life, you do not have to play its part, just open up your Eyes, and look behind the surface to see it for what it is. My Emblem, so artful, so brilliantly crafted, just turned itself over, to remind Me of these Things.

Truth, Love & the Light
That to Me feels Right
There are many signs and symbols that speak to us, just look with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.
Jun 2014 · 288
2 Questions
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Have I All I Have?
Gave I All I Gave It
What I Had, Had I Anything at All?
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
The Bigger Picture
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
You are Bigger than my Life
Within you I struggle and Strive
In Faith I've followed to keep me Alive
From your watchful Protection
Not one Journey do I Question
I feel no loss, not one thing to Fear
I understand why You led me Here
To gain from my Efforts
Let there be no Mistakes
Your Reason for every Experience makes
No use in suffering painful Regrets
I honor each Experience as
I've grown for the Best.
With Faith in my corner, I have lived through much and been able to look back at the bigger picture of my life and see how each and every event was pertinent to how I got where I am presently, knowing the things I do, feeling the things I do, and Celebrating the Success of It all one moment at a time....One benefit is that it makes those rougher times more tolerable cause I understand there is reason behind it, just something I am probably not aware of at the time...
Jun 2014 · 545
Voyages in Bliss
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Cascading Kaleidoscopic Visionary, not afraid to float away in a space regurgitating colors, one back into the other, rotation is none other than addition, " You know how fast we're already spinning??"

Temptress undresses and the dream regresses, back from infinity straight down to ***. "What's next? Let me guess...Psychedelic ***, Yes?"
She sauntered all night long, dancing till dawn, "You're Wrong, Sweet...Love. I will be your Drug any day, anyway...but never at Command, I will make the Demands, Give me your hands,
Touch Me..Just..Like...ThaaaAhhhh!!!"

Now after that treasured experience, I don't think I'll be needing Voyages into my own altered Abyss, cause I think I finally just found Pure Bliss.
This May or May not have occurred, I plead complete dissociative fugue
Jun 2014 · 615
Natural Gesture
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Eye, reciprocal curve, spiraling, Shepard of the Circle and the Square.

Eternal asymmetry makes for Contrast, a definition for God.
From Contrast births Anomaly, makes for clarity in distinction.
For without distinction there would lack anything to compare.

What's out there, everywhere, all around, all the time.
Variety grows from a keen Perception. With blinders on, how to see Periphery?
Come now, See, Sweet Water, Drink, Be Well.

Where is your Pedestal Dear?  
How to find if you remain blind?
Apple Hand
Reach In
Climb In
Fire Spiral
Models my Projection
Into Hologram
Therefore I AM
Inspired by the Wisdom of the Ancient Hebrews...The System of their Language and Alphabet are more than meets the Eye.
Jun 2014 · 494
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Gut~tight feeling, punching, flooded.
~ • ~
Flooding into every ******* Breath, Digest the Power, Arrest Yourself to utter Absolution.
 ~ • ~
You will not falter beneath this weight, so insurmountable, rumble beneath the covers, shiver in your skin, use it for the masquerade ball for each and all to crawl through you to the funhouse mirror peerers, gaggle toothed crocodile tamers, all will smile in the pantomime hall, pointing the way, you'll hear them say,
   "Next time it will be You"
  ~ • ~
Run Son,
Along the night it will come, it will brush your back with jackal teeth, frozen tundra beneath your Electric Skin, take it off so I may climb in, adjust myself, clear the emptiness, shake it all about,
turn you inside out.
~ • ~
You are helpless, naked, breathless, devastated, Divine. You are Mine.
Close your eyes and breathe, that's better, clever little Valentine. Remember, your heart is mine, all of you, completely, what would you like me to do for you in your body?
Stroke it, Pet it, Touch You...There? Where?
I would like to know your Mind, explore your Circuitry, rearrange the wiring, clear some space for the
Then I will return your Wrapping Robe for you to wear. It will feel a little new, unknown, dissociated maybe, but at least you have a new machine to
~ • ~
Will You act the same way, ******* the same way, how will it Feel?  
How good can you make it feel?  
How about your Brain,
does it work the same?
 ~ • ~
Aah, so something new to do...
!! Explore !!
I added a few more floors for you to find, rooms with doors, some locked,
and hidden keys..
Please take your Time

Take a Tour
See You again
?? When shall We Meet Again ??
Jun 2014 · 368
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
“The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.”

― Deepak Chopra

We do ya know....Rock, Roll, Bleed, Toll, ya know how we do
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Bakers Delights
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
'Tis a risky favor
to give Despair such sweet flavor
A rich Indulgence
will weigh heavy in your belly
rears your gait not so straight
makes your head start to ache
until your Vision becomes unclear.

I've baked a scrumptious dish
try a bite if You like
Its lighter than Air
not a hint of Despair
comes topped with Stardust drops layered with Love and served with a Hug.

I promise Delight,
You'll be walking on Air
You'll be dancing till dawn
making Love all night long
singing yourselves into a tizzy
until you're dizzy and drifting on Marshmallow Clouds.

Would You Like a Bite?  
Oh my that's right,
I forgot the forks and knives
Oh well its a big enough dish
lets All just dive in!!
I must have been bit by a fairy last night
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
World Trifecta Part II
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Raisin colored Island, how the waters pruned You too, lazy coconut day, climb with rope tied feet and lack the fear of heights. Such terrain as if every part of the world shared a piece to make you. I praise your autonomous solitude, rest assured amongst the South Pacific Blue.

Piecemeal makes much more simply than succeeded individuality. A Euro here, a Euro there, the Rail can take you everywhere....Well, Eastern rules are slightly stern, seems time stood still in terms of brood, but, betwix the contrast of the artistry it is hard to be angry with Tradition.

Goa, India I will never forget You, how could I, You raised me, my mother tongue was Konkoni, the shore side village was Home for me. Later in life coming back shaded a more solemn hue, it is my Heart that couldn't handle it, the Truck ride through....the major transit cities, those who have seen, you know what I mean. It did not help to have to leave my childhood memories and GodParents behind for the hundredth time. I miss you Madrina.
...Still Whirling around the World...
Jun 2014 · 432
What Happened???
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Four Freedoms Under Siege Serialized

"In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms."

The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-anywhere in the world.**

--Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Annual Message to Congress,
January 6, 1941
Found this a bit sad. But We could Revive this Stance Together, would make a whole lot of things so much better
Jun 2014 · 592
World Trifecta Part I
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Inborn, instant wandering Orient, oh Dragon breathing fire, breeding underwater. Love your magnetic triangle, love it like your child , protect your nest, let none be safe, if that be best for your hatchlings.

Outgrown, violent ripping, Vesuvius rising, burning and churning her helpless spew, if only we knew she is the victor of balancing. Thank her inner fire, even as you melt beneath her flow, follow her stream into the dreams of tomorrow, for she makes for fresher Earth.

Changeling Eastern desert sands, there is much movement into blood and heroic tears for what has come to be a rearrangement of the nativity of the people's homeland, such duress is unreal, to those who do not live it day by aching day. God Bless You, you are sturdy, resilient, Strong.  I pray it won't be to much longer. My thoughts are with You All.

This is Trifecta. I will work around the World in sets of Three.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Thank You
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
A Big Hug and Great Appreciation to my Fellow Poets who step out in them selves and share such Inspiring, Touching, Mind Blowing Poetry that gives me the Gift of Connection, Warmth and in particular Hope for a future so full of Love, so Evolved, so Free.... so Wonderful
I Thank You from the bottom of my Heart

Much Blessings
From: Venusoul7
Jun 2014 · 480
Spin Electric
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Ecstasy lures Me, oh so Willingly I will phase by, in and out of Common Mind, blurring by on Uncommon Ground.

You might see me drifting in a daze but I am not in your World, my unfocused pleasure is my Ecstatic Treasure. My unfocused Vision allows me to see Uncommon Things. I can see the Wisping Ether rushing by, I can see the quarks pop in and out of this space and time. I will dance to movements of Sound orchestrated within me, automatically.

I will speak from the higher mind, smiling, unknowing of the profound parable uttered from my kissed lips. I will spin visionary, I will body electrify, currents of energy flow in and out of my body and the air amperage jumps with Joy.

I will rise up in Trance and share my spinning Energy with All like ripples in a Pond. I will stay awhile just as long as I have been allotted by the Hand of God.
Deity Expressed. Inspired by the Melami Sufi Tradition.
Jun 2014 · 7.5k
Jungle Gym
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Ripe Mourning, so Crisp and Crackling with Life Waking or Life preparing to sleep.

A shift change taking place at dawn, both sleepers and wakers will share a Yawn, for worlds of dream or worlds awake, it's like Consciousness balances itself in this way.

I see a Blue Herron standing on one leg near the pond, ducklings waddling in a line behind their Mom.

I see children running and playing on the jungle gym, how appropriately named. Training ground for the perils of the Jungle ahead, the Jungle of Life.

" Welcome to the Jungle"

Everything in Life is a Test
Every Choice Molds your Future Self
Prepare Yourself, Prepare Your Children, Train them on the Jungle Gym.

*"Welcome to the Jungle"
Mourning Free Flow, who knows?
Not Me...
Jun 2014 · 325
Words of the Heart
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I am not a hypnotic, nor an ******
I am more like over flowing
a waterfall, of rushing Stimulant

I am an empty vessel, made of flesh and bone
I am not a hollowfull of mindless  things, gathering moss on stone

We are with one another, separate yet not apart
I am the Voice at the end of the Receiver
You can hear my Voice, but may not hear my Heart

If I talk to you with Words,
You might hear my Voice, or rather your perception of it, I will not know how it sounds or what you have heard

You might prefer it that way, I assume that's why you read Poetry

You can take a little bit of every poem and make it all your own

You create the image, the fantasy, the meaning, the mystery of the Soul that holds the Pen that wrote the words that touched your Heart.

Heart to Heart the Poetry bonds us, so simply, it's hard to conceive, how real the closeness, how deep the Intimacy.

....Of Poetry, It links Us together, not locked in time, but binds us forever.

Sweet, Sweet Poetry...Ahhhh
The beautiful Art of Poetry bears many gifts
Jun 2014 · 901
Tsunami Apology
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
As the new day dawns, I pledge a gentleness to be, To long I kept in Reserve, A levy breaks, with Urgent force one makes, what possibility I posed my Plea, I realize in this moment, all could appear to be....a Tidal wave is no way to make acquaintance...silly me, so much to offer, please pardon my naive tsunami, may I rewind ~ a second try....
A Pleasure to be reacquainted.
Well....I'm sure that's what the gesture might be if we could understand Tsunami....Whatever, my Pleasure at least.
Jun 2014 · 431
A World Invisible
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Glorious Procession!
Stampede Proud and Mighty!
Gale~Wind Force could not stop this forward progression, such determination is note~worthy!

Under the Canopy of Tree Leaves, We watch from afar, silently a-gasp, still in silence, We watch the March of Structured Beings not of this Place and Time.
We know of our Elements and call it Home. We know of our common companions, our neighbors and friends as they too know of Us, but we do not know of these proceeding Beings .

As the latter of the soft Earth rest back to the ground from which it had been disturbed, I slowly turned to my Clan, and gathering,
"There is to be a Great Declaration, a Meeting of Minds that must find agreement on Middle Ground, for this is the Time of Conviction, no longer will they be Unheard."
There was a rustling of agitated whispering among Us, for We had seen this before.
"Let us go to Assembly, We must Prepare."

My Clan in the Canopy, soared, swung, and jumped down through the Trees. Some of the Others galloped, some spun Merkaba, surely to be there first, some fluttered by humming a pleasant frequency as they passed, still others flickered in and out of vision, always appearing in different spaces, One never knew their pattern of movement. In times of play many of us would place bets, laughing at our poor presumptions. Few of us ever guessed their appearance correctly.
But now was time for serious discussion.

I walked to the Center of the Circle Assembly and looked around at all the myriad faces of all the myriad races. I prayed for our safety and peace.
I looked up to the Sky,
"Whence They Came, They must return, after their piece be shared, let them understand, this Land is Our Land, and no fight do We want, this is where we were born and where We belong."
An overwhelming Sound reverberated the Ground in agreement of the Circle.
"We shall commence the Peace Invincibility Ritual at the Moon's Peak, the Priesthood will lead in Prayer. We will send our wishes to their minds, so they shall know. If they be of Holy Heart, they shall comply. If they contain not a Soul of Peace, they will vie for fight. Life for Life, in death We shall not die, We stand forever to do what's Right."

The Story ends brightly, our family still be here, only visible to those with Clear Mind and Holy Heart. This be the only way We would remain safe in our World, now not our Own. That's fine by us, We know how to Share.
A Tale I Wrote to Share
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I have been under Reconstruction, well, more like renovation with a few new  upgrades...Much Earned.

Since This was a Special Deal and about time I hadn't really thought about the little intricate moments when you take great joy that your Central Heating is running so much quieter and You can't believe  what a difference it's made, or how the new Marble Top in the Kitchen is just so nice to use and at noon it catches the mid day sun so perfectly.  The pipes are are back in order and you can't get over how beautiful the front yard looks with the new trees and lighting concept, blah, blah & blah..
This was only Analogy
Really, All Renovation & Upgrades have been on my other home, Got a few special treatments...Much Earned.  
A couple examples I Will share...
So, I have noticed for the past week, My skin and face have noticeably tightened, smooth and brighter than the lights in my room....
Not showing off...or indulging in Self flattery, That's not my reason for Sharing..., so  I will tie it all up with a blueberry bow...
It has a good deal to do with environmental change.

Other fun thing is my morning moods are totally different. I'm up with sunrise, singing and dancing around, cracking jokes and not needing Coffee, that's humorous in It's Oddity alone.  
Last but not least, I got blindsided by an unexpected Powerful electricity current so stunning when I looked up at the person who had approached.  I mean this was high Voltage Energy Current, sending Very Clear Signal Communication. It was Mutual and Most Amazing, I got butterflies  in my tummy yesterday and energy level was flying  

I've not had this deep connection to Anybody for 9 years...heart and soul were out of order.....But today, I confirmed at least they were not broken beyond repair, my Heart's transmission must have kicked in and it Revved real soul glowed brighter, the light bulb still worked...must have been a power surge correcting the circuitry.  
I Felt Human Today, Human Emotions that had been latent....and forgotten.
Was very special experience for me.....
Jun 2014 · 642
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Movements stumbling along the Blue Charade
Comets mumbling, circling endlessly across the Space
Rainbows gathering, must align in Spectrum Properly
Buddings Blooming, constant push of breaking through to Flower

All things must struggle, this is the condition of living things
Not reserved for human beings, we are not that Special
All of this must overcome Obstacles to retain the right to life
Complacency is Death, Lack of Movement is your ticket to the OtherSide.

All things born of a Conscious World, are inherently Conscious
Like genes past down from Mother to Child
This Trait is the birthright of all existence given to Earth
Use this Gift well, and respect it in all things, including People.

Respect your own Consciousness, Use it Well, Listen and Learn
It is boundless in what it offers to the Listening Ones
Be a Listener, Listen to yourself and Others
Do this Well, You will be Blessed in what you Hear

Express your Consciousness freely, and You will be Free
You hold the keys to Freedom, True Freedom lies within
Burst forth into this World, it also is your inherent birthright
No Authority has claim to take that away, so don't let them.

We all know this, I just decided to type it up as a reminder to myself and Others.
Jun 2014 · 708
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
It is a good thing, but sad when what ones sees is Ugly
Hateful Actions are not Cool.
Just sayin'
Have a Blessed Day
Jun 2014 · 688
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I play Mediator, mediating between two strongly influencing Forces.
They are of different spaces, but each knows of the Other.
I listen to them both osmotically, they are often at odds with each other.
I am a practiced listener, objective enough to understand the nature of their Stance.
I retrieve below the surface message, the empathic persuasion in me does this well.
Such accounts for any bipolarity I might exhibit in thought or emotion.

One Force thrives on impulsive pleasure, in behavior there is tremendous energy and manic spontaneity.
No concern with inhibition or societal conventions. I must always keep in check a childish tendency to center motives solely upon itself.
This is when I make intervention and repeat the Lesson of Conscious Expansion....
I have Authority and so of course this Force listens and quiets it's power back to steady periphery.

The other Force is Otherworldly.
So Extreme, it by far surpasses me in ability.
This Force I tap into, I listen to its subtle inflection, it's Perception is uncontainable, it's Language is unexplainable, but Understandable to the Sensitive Senses.
Here is the Gift, that must be earned, must be learned and respected in the Temple of my Soul.
It must be carried through the plight of Spirit searching, knowing no discontent or schism, no division, or derision.

I draw down this Force, I pull up on the Other One.
Puts me in center position.
I Am the Mediator

I am the Borderland between these two worlds that exist in Me.
I will attend to my duties.
I Am the Mediator
of Me.
Duplicity is commonplace
Multiplicity is rare but there
Jun 2014 · 466
Thoughts Wander
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Contemporary Interest disguised in shades of Grey Fog, rolling down low obscuring my Visionary Focus of what's to come ahead,
distorting the form in shifting shapes, countering Convention, confusing illusion. Abstract obscure object's tenacity of Structure.
All solidarity is slurred in deep intoxicating mists.
A pale Raven in the distance, the portal opens, much to more will come from Nowhere to Here.
My caution blows with a still wind I blew into, take me onward inwardly.
Some things must persist.
All things approach Nowhere sometimes.
I'm reminded of the Forrest Train dream I survived as a Child. It all was appearing, so fast the Air and Trees, so fast my Heart, deep beat of Fear, such Panic of what was to come, and it would materialize from Nowhere World, and manifest in the Mists, a Forrest Creature.
He jumped from the Green, out of the foggy night, and grabbed me on the moving Train. Like a Gnome from Gargoyle Land. Big Sneered Nose draping dark red cheeks, a growl of stained Teeth shook me, same as this Fog does Here.
The mind works in interesting ways
Jun 2014 · 702
Summary of my Day
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Summary of Today*

An artist of most kinds can concur
the imperial dynasty of ruling
with Absolute Control of the medium from a higher mind
Tapped in vessel flows the beauty of free form
I like this vantage point over my domain
Here I prefer to remain, power of my dominion
dominates through me to give ordered direction to my artistry

I wonder what undercurrent pulled me to write with such Tonality
It appeared to be centered in the Theme of Revolutionary Rebellion
some kind of Helter Skelter Warning with Sincere Stance boldly stating
my Position in the light of things to come, coming, arrived and waiting

I have recently reclaimed my power of authority over my body
Body and Mind being facets of the same Gemstone that is me.
I had been in a being state, a child feeling, for a period, not quite able for autonomous activity
I studied closely, learning about this being, but recently have claimed Adult Control
I believe today was a loud coming out party for my Adult, in Control, Ready
Values in Check, Convictions in Check, Energy in Check, Child snugged in tight,
Protected she will come along and see what her future self is all about
...And it will be Good.
Jun 2014 · 566
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I Am Hybrid
Hear Me Roar
I Am Two in One of Two
I Am
At Odds with Convention
Bred for Contention
Trivial Servitude is Obsolete
I Am Borderline Being
Standing at Attention
Encoded Instruction
To Overcome Resistance
Of Any Kind, Form or Fashion
We are Waiting, Itchy, Itching
To Infiltrate Target Positions


Jun 2014 · 417
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Twinkling serene surface catches light rays sparkling interfacing rivers run to water falls into turbulent torrents eroding stubborn rock face the rage of white knuckled pounding determination of right of way to rough to ride comfortably ebbs to wider space to gain common streams once more than any other natural Force is underestimated as it desires this cover necessary for any treasure must defend its value from over zealous scavengers take without giving back to the cycle of life is alive with feeling and knowing to much never is safe to express itself.
Research the Consciousness of Water.
Very logical
Jun 2014 · 402
Really Silly
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Really Silly, this moderation monitoring every word I say
What is the Silly Reason?
Really Silly, to be held back and down out of fear the Wild might spread to quickly, out of Control, your Control
What inalienable right have you over the distribution of my Words, they are Not your Words to Censor, Remember?
Really Silly...truly Twisted
This Is....
Typical Governing of Elitism over the rest, typical tactic of the Threatened
Jun 2014 · 444
Revival Rant
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
My Irony is Rusted Dusted, powdered Poison, Brittle Carcass, Cracking Structure, Morbid Reminder, Decay, diseased, Dismantled, Weather Worn, Imperfect.

My Body is Toxic, Sieve of seeping Radicals, free Militia, Marching Madness, Freely Feeding, expelled in Sewage, draining, Septic Seraphim, Godly Sequester, What have We Done?

I'm not Done yet Son, Daughter come, Drink from my River, You are Young, just begun your trek to Eternity, knocking on Doors, Breaking them in, finding your Heart, hidden within, Walls left to scale, True Heart prevails, Do not Fear, your Instinct is Clear, Concise, Ruthless, You Fight for it all to come Down...
Everything Must Come Down
Decimate Foundations that are Outdated, Misused, Faded
Bring to Rubble the Cracked and Broken
Let it Die, rejoin the Earth, recycled and Dead

Come together, Bring yourselves, your Truth, your Tools, your Dignity

Let us All Rebuild the World We Want To Live In.
No More the Voice of Treason
No More Must We Comply
It's Time for Renovation
Renewal is in the Tough of our Skin
The Rough of our Hands
The Strength of our Heart and Will
Let it Begin
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
In the North Rock Lands, many Centuries past, our tribe took to Journey the Land during turning blossom season, when days grew to cast shadows stretch to lengthen Light of day.

The Clearing Ritual set many of us vital in Life to find relationship with the truest nature within Oneself. A small group would start out together, never staying together to long. As One found truth by the rushing rivers, Another followed the Bird's Song, some found deepest reflection in snow covered Mountains.

I parted ways when a whispering of tribal drum drew my ear to solitary call. I followed the haunted chant of a weary Wisdom, a Voice that broke in wailing acceptance, painful experience, and croaked from dark dirt of Life.

I continued instinctively not care for danger, for I knew this Voice knew me. It resonated its pitch right in the pit of my stomach, hungry to know.

I found myself walking up a dry dusty hill topped in plateau. There I saw in close distance a Man sitting, feather necklace, fair hair, and leathered skin. As I neared, he paused midair and placed his wood flute to his tired lips.

It was the Song of Welcome, I knew it well. I reached my last step next to him. He stopped and faintly uttered words beneath his breath. I asked what say he. He did not turn but looked straight into the air before him to repeat,

"It's not easy to please me
As I am my own worst enemy"

Taken aback I replied,

"In a World full of Foes
Who needs another one of those."

He wailed into the setting Sun, growing small and still. Then he turned and looked right at me, silently awaiting. I stumbled out words pertaining to Truth, searching, seeking the Wisdom of things.
A body heaving grunt, deflated his stature. He smiled slowly, cracked lips, rose even slower to face me, eye to eye.
Spoke words I took home with me, never to forget,

"Lack not in Motivation
Just not the kind that belittles your Vision
Lack not in Discipline
Just not the kind that leads your mind inside a Prison
Lack not in Passion
Just leave for Death, the Deadly kind
Lack not in Laughter
Just not the kind that pleasures from pain of Others
Lack not in Love
Put not Self in the Center, nor direct with selfish motive, for that be a kind of Boomerang, like backwards travel, the black of white, a dungeon, a death trap.
Just know this, There is no "I" in LOVE.
If you break apart from the Circle, in service to Self, you will die alone in the mirror of EV(I)L."

I returned the Clearing strong in Truth, and danced the Winged Clan dance, three sips deep of the Sacred Fruit. I lost my former claim of Self and chanted in the mists of the New, Clearing Cleared to be Honored as White Horse with Eagle Eye. That is the name I am called by my Tribe.
I made up a mythic fable set in Old Native American Tradition.
Jun 2014 · 802
Inner Child
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
With my Inner Child I sit
I must, I am her
I Love her, and I will show her I Care
I want to understand her
What she likes
What she fears
Why she fears
How can I calm her
How can I guide her
To remind her
I've got hold of her hand
I will walk her into the World
I won't let go, or lead her to danger
I ask her her thoughts and listen intently, I want to know her stories
I want to know the joys, her silliness
I need to know what makes her run and hide in the dark, alone
What must be resolved to quell the frustration that gnaws at her mind
I want to regain her Trust and show her how it's done to keep her walking, head held high, to smile not to cry, to play not to restrain her wondrous ways, to play with her how she likes to
I must be understanding but firm
I must ask she also listen and learn
I am her extended in Time
I have grown and learned my lessons well, I will ask to be forgiven for what I have done, I will follow through with what I say to her.
I will allow her to find her identity and celebrate it.
I will allow her to explore and gain confidence in her Value and Worth
I will proudly celebrate her successes and hold her tight when disappointment crosses her path
I will show her resilience and how much fun it is to laugh
I will show her the Pride in Humility and the rewards of Discipline
We are One in the same learning to integrate our common strengths.
I look forward to learning what she teaches me and I will always be Proud to call her my Inner Child.
Notes for my Mantra
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Cohesive Summer
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I pick this Earthly slide into Summertime, this season to begin, propels forward in all sense of Time, history retrograde, etched in Stone for Centuries, Coded in DNA, programed Circadian bodies, impressions applied geometric thickly glazed coat, generously slathered across my Retinal Screen.

Setup complete for me, attuned to Solar frequencies, aligned to cohesive Cosmic driving motion spiraling Syncopation with all partaking rotational bodies, all timers set to synchronous, all ties to everything celebrating their teamwork well done.

Activity accelerates, as does the heavy heat, both inseparable, together climbing ****** into sunburnt sweat, steaming, sizzling Sunday barbecue to reflect the Flesh boiling together in sympathetic Celebration of our Seasoned Sun.

Longer days accommodate for memories and fun, commemorate the Force of Season, into swing, will soon be swung, centripetal to glaze a different gaze lathered across my retinal screen, reverberate through Atmosphere, redistribute composition, smooth bottlenecking, flowing out yet emptying to take fill of what flows in.

No change of Season, nor change of Heart, no redirection ever knows emptiness, no moment leaves a Void unfulfilled.

No moment when the smooth Transition stutters to a Stop. The sync is in the constant movement bringing balance in equilibrium by shifting tides, Spinning Stars locking in, programmed by Primal Cause, the Synchronicity in Everything, so Summertime comes, this Time in which we rejoice, knowing it's all been planned, beautifully executed by mechanics of Nature.

Trust in understanding a Power much Greater is in Control, we are here simply for the Experience.

...Not to much more, just in attending to the Transitions of Ourselves.
Cohesive Cosmos Shifting
May 2014 · 753
EggShell Symphony
NuurSeraph May 2014
There is a light, a measured glow, in these distant miles I run.
Embraced inside an Eggshell Case, nested in the Branchless Tree,
with nothing but the billowed Air, rushing by to hold Me.  

Fill my Chest, arc and crest, as no One knows my pace in lest
he runs this distance with Me.  

You be the Thud that bounds Us down,
Encased in Peach seed, Nectarine,
drum the Ground from brittle heat, strike a Sound,
a steady Beat that brings a Rhythm back to Life,
so I may fall from Branchless Tree, and land the Earth beneath Me.

My Eggshell World, the only Globe I've ever known,
now shattered to my Mourning Sun.

My fragile eyes will adjust, my fragile mind, my Wanderlust,
will find the Truth, on rays of Light, the Proudest moment
of my Life.

I pound the Ground and powered Dust,
will rise
the Feathers of my wing,
Will Rise
the Vision of my eyes,
the Sight of Bigger Things.

And with this Freedom, rings a Bell that cracked my Shell,
Conductor with his Symphony, juxtaposed my String Quartet...
Music overtakes the Moon, that brings to Life in Dead of Night,
my bedside Light that shines upon this page I read...
So as my Wings move up and down like Bow against my Violin,
I bring my Part in Symphony, I take my place above the Ground
and circle back...
Gliding down
Rising Up...
followed by the dimming Lights,
a Silent Pause...
Ecstatic Cheer!
Cheers the Crowd!
Play again your Symphony...
Never Stop!
my Precious Dear...
Beat your Drum!
my Darling...
Eggshells go Crackling...
May 2014 · 2.4k
The Violence of Blossoming
NuurSeraph May 2014
What can I say?
This Tendered Theme
Sliced Me up this Way

Although this Injury
Be self Sustained
Extremity on Display

Tendered Themes to Do
Rearrange my Attitude

Keep me right on Track
Must I Confess?
Intercept & Mirror Back

Images Promising
See again~The
Violence of Blossoming
Making some room to Grow
May 2014 · 744
NuurSeraph May 2014
Damage Control
May 2014 · 419
Citer Universoul
NuurSeraph May 2014
"Je ne peux pas être autour de gens,
parce que
je sais ce qu'ils pensent"
En Francais, pour Venusoul7
May 2014 · 298
Universoul Quote
NuurSeraph May 2014
" I Can't be around People,
May 2014 · 355
Here nor There
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'm probably Neither Here nor There
Caught in the
Pocket of Comfortably Dumb
so Unaware,
Comfortably Caught in the
Pocket of Dumb
?Terminal lanimerT?
?Tropical laciporT?
?Digital latigiD?
?....But, I just thought ....?
May 2014 · 1.0k
Grand • Gallery
NuurSeraph May 2014
My Gallery,
Grand in the Spire of Mindless Stares
There is a Fire in the Spire's Grand Gallery of winding Stairs,
Stairs that go Nowhere in my Gallery, Grand in the Spire
•of Mindless Stares•
My Window,
Pulls Heavy in Downward Time,
Pulling down the Mists
that Arc the Colors
sprung towards the Vapors,
Falling vapors Mists
refracted in my Rainbow,
Arcs go down and up,
Arcing Timeless Minds,
Waking up
~then ~
Fainting down,
Falling vapors Mists,
refracted in my Rainbow,
that trace along the Spire walls, Pouring out the Fire,
Putting out the Mists,
In the Spire's Grand Gallery of winding Stairs,
Stairs that go Nowhere.
Stares that go Nowhere in my Gallery, Grand in the Spire
•of Mindless Stairs•
!!Hang on!!
May 2014 · 341
just to.....Do IT
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'd like to make a Gilded Cage
Just so I could Break it
I'd like to drop into a Hole
Just so I could Climb It
I'd like to shuffle all the pieces
Just to rearrange It
I'd like to break one of my Bones
Just so I could Heal It
I'd like to rocket straight into Space
Just to travel to It

And Then.....

I'd like a Dream to become my Life
So my Life could become a Dream
Nothing to Differentiate
My Waking Life from Sleep
I often like to do things, just for the sake of the experience, even when those things might be scary, painful, or lonely......Even then....
But most of my endeavors lie along the Brighter Side of Things.
May 2014 · 2.1k
PatchWork Shadows ~ Complete
NuurSeraph May 2014
There is a Softness in the Shadows,
On a breezy, Sun~filled Day.
Splashing Contrast divides the Colors,
trading within the shade,
An interlacing patchwork, Arrangement by Rotation,
Earth's Grandly Spun Bouquet.

Movement amongst the shifting Patterns,
playfulness in~All direction,
Like children chasing randomness, Laughing in the garden
that echoes through with effortless, nonchalant Expression.

Eastwardly to Westwardly,
Tracing loftily between Tree leaves, Mountains broad projectories, deepening the Shadows Shade,
Yawned in stretching reach,
Duality of Accolades,
like Coastlines of a Beach.

Lost in Lover's parting Kiss,
In Amorphous Amore,
Animates explicitly,
A shy Shadow's story.
Into the deep embrace of Night,
A lingering at Sunset's Crest,
Hallowed out in Shadow's shade,
Sewing~dreamy patchwork Seams
of Fabric feathered Sleep.
Intro + Middle + Outro
May 2014 · 306
NuurSeraph May 2014
All seeks Peaceful, Pieces of Me, This Peace makes Wholesome, with Pieces of You
Bringing it All together
May 2014 · 409
Poetry for You
NuurSeraph May 2014
Upon Review, I've taken note, amongst my themes in Poetry, little do I find the concept of a "You".

Self absorbed, of this I'm not, you may rest self assured.  

For if you take a closer look, it might come to your attention, there exists a poem I have titled quite like a Question. I must make mention of my Reasons, Who Knows what's Known will understand the nature in my Intention.

Take a moment, and you will find, and in your Realization, I do most often write Poems for You from my Imagination.
May 2014 · 367
A Bird Day
NuurSeraph May 2014
I'm not always smoothly gliding along
At times the Tempest catches my wings in it's Turbulence
I'm accommodating to these warring winds giving in to flip, flop, spin, drop until a pocket opens up to relieve me.

I'll plan for descent when I feel to weary for the sky's macabre mood
To find a perch protected with plentiful foliage, embrace the day on level ground calling out to find another near who would like to share my company.

We could look upon the Earthen grounds, take interest in the World around, listening to all the sounds, add our Voice to the Symphony if so inclined to join in.

My Call has gone unanswered as of yet, my Thoughts have wandered off to other things, wait the day, take a rest, for when the hour comes to find the Sky has calmed~My Wings will shake away the dust of stillness, rising in the calm resistance of Air and Wing, working perfectly together, gracefully assisting my Flight's Ascendance.
A day in the life of a bird on a day to rough to fly the Skies.
May 2014 · 457
Meaning of Misuse
NuurSeraph May 2014
The Confessional of a Professional Sinner
Is as Useful as a Fish that Swims in Water
This Wooden Box with screened Partition is not meant to use like the Backspace button for our Typos.  Misspelled Words might disappear, Our Actions Never will. Remember it all circles back around.
May 2014 · 445
Body Testing
NuurSeraph May 2014
To Test a Question of my Intention,
I'll Inquire with my Body,  
Physical Biology never Lies,
Nor My Body biased,
Every time follows Laws,
Same as Electricity,
Although Complex in Circuitry,
Wired through a Battery,
Powered by an Essence,
The Source is The Presence, Inexhaustible,
All Pervading
Supreme SuperConsciousness
So when I need to check myself,
I check myself with this Test,
I run the Question through my body,
If my muscle holds its Strength,
I know the answer's True,
If my Muscle breaks it's Stance,
More Thinking I must Do.
Is a Form of Psychological Bio-Feedback Method
May 2014 · 407
Lover like no Other
NuurSeraph May 2014
~Oh, for I can hardly repress!!
It's true!!
~ I run the streets in glorious proclamation 
I have a LOVE for a Lover like no Other
Felt so deeply, in my Body, comes from within but without I am nothing that I am

If you can, you will understand, how it beats my Heart, and shifts the sands moving within the Ocean of Life,
I Welcome the tides that pull me under, Full of Surprise and endless Wonder
Always Providing a Journey to Discover Everything a blessing in what I will find. 
There are whole new worlds,
to find anew 
There is Nothing that can remain undiscovered in the hands of a man who understands the glory in my story, the treasure map that streams through time, back to ancient lands, known only for but a few 
I explore my lover,
my Lover like no Other,
I know in my heart of hearts, here rests the seeds of Creation, magical maker of All that is
All that will ever be Everything.

Still my heart wills me to want more, I fall into every chance that's offered,
Deeply I make LOVE to my Lover like no Other
So deep our love, I will fall forever
In this mystery that guides us, hand in hand, along our path 

So giving in this Love as to Keep me revelated, insatiated, engulfing me always in the warm safety of Embrace
My Lover like no Other
always provides most profoundest intimacy,
pulls me in, takes me over, Leads me right back to the Womb of Life

Passion sends me into Grace,
a place through which the milky mists, My Spirit Wonders, leading back into the Cradle, back into the Loving Arms of the Beloved, Life giving Mother.

call it prayer
call it what you will
I just was moved to write
May 2014 · 681
Tinker Things
NuurSeraph May 2014
Tinderbox is full of Tinker things
Rarely do I open it to take out anything
It sits where I had placed it many years ago
Don't know why I kept it, just compassion, couldn't imagine a toss into the trash would be an alright thing to do.  

There is a subtlety of sad emotion when something that I have kept in my possession, no matter what it's purpose might be, might one day be an easy afterthought, to have forgotten why I acquired it originally.

I feel a twinge of ungrateful abandon to think these little tinker things, I will toss with the used, useless, unwanted things.
I feel that it would be strangely out of place, to lay among the trash.  
I think sometimes I think to much, but I'm kinda glad I do.
Those tinker things must have a place of valued memory in mind, that I'm not quite ready to let part...I must always appreciate the Value of Things.
Surface is there for those who prefer to stay right there.
May 2014 · 460
Too Tough to Go Deep??
NuurSeraph May 2014
To find the serenity of the motherly womb, to submerge in the fluidity of silence, here one can learn to honor their experience of life as a precise pronouncement of each moment, and sense ALL presence as if it were in suspended animation… One must release, let go and dive into the unknown to seek out undercover, underwater….braced and insulated in its deep protective cocoon. To cross through the boundary of known (air) into unknown (water) one must accept the transmutation of the senses which naturally accentuates and morphs our awareness, mainly allowing one to experience the perception of time not as an intangible lightness but rather as an encompassing heaviness of each moment (the timelessness of the moment).

It is in the stillness of this immaculate silence that one can recognize and revel in this Power so mystifying, The Power of complete fluidic unity, The harmony of moving together as ONE. Here is the revelation revealed and the recognition unquestionable. It is here in this spiritual space where one has truly submitted oneself to honor GOD’s immaculate depths.

Within this acknowledgement one becomes able to appreciate the irrefutable resemblance and likeness of this experience to the unity of the shifting energies expressed in the Ethers that is GOD above. There is no fear of wandering aimlessly as you are now moving with the coherence of the cosmic tides forever. In this rapture one experiences transcendence and drifts profoundly in the Knowingness.
....Just a Thought, Not Necessarily coming from Actual Experience...
Sounded Good in my Head

*My personal Interpretation of Musical Creation by Bassnectar "UnderWater"
May 2014 · 471
Two Pairs of Two
NuurSeraph May 2014
I Am Four, Two pairs of Two Indivisible Parts.

My Four is a union between two separate Cores, Each Core is a pair, complete in Function, Merging Components, creating my Four.

There are times of Intented Separation, When my Four becomes Two, One Pair remains, Gone is the Other, they leave to Explore.
Of their Curious Adventures, the Two again return, becoming entwined, amalgamation of Four.

These Souljourn Passages, I deem very necessary, so much to Know, Eternity to See, along the Wilds of Creation, many Creatures yet to Meet.

Every Single piece of plenary Sensation Does Beg to offer my pair to share with my Two, Lingering Two.

Upon the Reunion of Four, the sharing expands of my being, filling Space of my Mind, Enbrazen my Body, Embellishment of Soul.

Communion is a Blessing, a Commitment, as my Promise.
My very own Sacred Ceremony, A Priveldge to Grow, to Seek to Be Whole.

 ­                         §
We are many Parts of Ourselves
May 2014 · 402
NuurSeraph May 2014
I look and I see someone ~ not me ~ not what was ~ not what is ~ The eyes cry, the thoughts coalesce into a dragon's scream ~
The fires of my pain can only burn my saviour or anger the warrior
Here in lies the dichotomy of this deep yearning to express what mournfully becomes the opposite of what we show~

I need you ~ I fear your presence

I want for more ~ I will destroy your offerings

I seek the truth ~ I will blind my sight

Where the rising tides succumb to its depths, and the sun will rise to break its day, so must the eternal spirit find peace within the finite body.

The body must align with the spirit's nature, for only then will the Vision become clear and the Sight behold Truth ~
There is only one Truth, one Awareness,
and one Primordial.

If I do not drift with the ethers, I will stand on brittle grounds~ My actions will hide my true intentions
My eyes will see falsehoods ~ my mind, only deception.

The spirit journey changes the being of my body, as it must~
With the endless strain of my labours, my body cradles the spirit as it roams So in my Faith, my sacred ground of sacrifice ~
I dance amongst the fires I once wept.
For it is here I pray that I may become one, united as body and soul, synchronized and anointed…forever in harmony ~ Everlong.
© Venusoul7 2009
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