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NuurSeraph May 2014
I find it fascinating when those who know everything about something they claim is mysterious and Unknown are just simply backtracking into full-blown self projected admission that much of the Mystery is all their Own.
To claim knowledge of Others should not be stated lightly, for the arts of the Seer are held with high you claim your path has led you through fires to See, if so then that is fine Artistry, You See the Mystery, but reflect a confession you see in Your Self.
~ This hall of mirrors is rather tricky , So many times I mistaken my image as creation of someone else.
Humbly so, I offer a caution to be careful in these halls  where you look, distorted mirrors will still reflect, the twisted vision might make you think it's someone else....
I read a lot of mysteries that claim to be understood but then I wonder what exactly makes a mystery????
NuurSeraph May 2014
Thank you for dealing with my serious sense ability today,  
for that, I want to send 10 billion hugs into the air.
Sparkles everywhere, if I can muster the strength
I'll send another 10 billion Rainbow wishes, for good measure.
I appreciate all of you and thank you so much for showing me an interest to you and all your caring support
May 2014 · 282
Technentropy or Humanity
NuurSeraph May 2014
Technology shares characteristics of its Creator
It makes logical sense, l mean it is Not immune to the Duality
We are born into the Hansel and Gretel Grimm Fairytale.  The House and it's owner just another Silence of the Lambs....Society works this way under the covers, It works this way, DNA like Code in Computers
The Grande Finale will be quite a show, if Ill Intentioned Individuals decide to use this tool ( good or bad) to sadly be the very Death of Us.

Our Evolution or Ultimate Extinction lies in our hands.
This is nothing other than the situation solely concerning the human condition, if you care to hear my suggestion we all need to pay careful attention especially to our of thoughts & intentions
It's reality and we need to look at what is in front of us so as not to trip over the same rocks every single time. We will look where were going
Not a huge demand to just watch look see
May 2014 · 692
Its time for Telepathy
NuurSeraph May 2014
True lies like undreamt dreams, are unbelievable if believed, undiscovered discovery, and UnLoved Love are Understanding if You don't Understand..

Unknowing Knows All Beginnings must End, then Ending Begins by Unemptying Emptiness, Nothing is Full and All is Unfulfilled

By means of Contradiction, I laid out the proof, words are just words still nothing has been said.
NuurSeraph May 2014
I circle °§° when I'm attending to high priority problem solving...I get that "call", comes at any hour all the time.  
I am a creative, straightforward problem solver, of that I serve a Use.
I don't sugar coat or concern myself with asinine diplomacy when what needs to be done takes precedence over graceful depositary.
I'm the bullseye solution spokeswoman, I see past the distractive story, connect the dots, then go in for the **** of the comfort zone, I do not speak enchanting hokee, to smooth the shock of my delivery.
I Call it Out for What it is, then lock my eye on each target who owes explanation to my Question, I go down the board until I'm satisfied, Cold Silence lets them shiver just enough to feel the Cold Choices they sold, then I sit and smile with ease, and Offer plausible suggestions to **** the problem, fast, and with no remorse for their poor professional Choice.

We reconvene within the hour.
I listen to their fumbled excuses, but they always impress with a touching integrity, owning their choices made for reasons I understand, but will not stand...
"Gotta keep the Machine running, even when it's broken."
I receive official plan of action which I must always find compromise...but immediate action is immplemented, when I get my way, The take down hits'em where it hurts, the sleezy ****...
the **** is no small fish, the **** are the bleep bleep bleep with sanctioning power, so deft proceedings must start the the transition within reasonable forecast and market stability, but last 8 months showing progressive movement towards bleep bleep speaks louder, never trust the newscasters story, bleep bleep, it's looking like we will pull through, but turbulence is never far away.
Buckle up, stay cool, this baby  is clear for landing and a safe arrival.

Still I will °§° circle, seems spinnings my thing.

Break to planned position...
my service gladly offered overwhelming but I signed on I like the thrill but not much time to chill
May 2014 · 431
Welcome the Contrast
NuurSeraph May 2014
Images of All the Ages rush in relentless, haunting Me.
Come then, I Welcome, Don't Restrain

For what good comes from forgetting of one age, giving preference to remember some Other Age that We may feel better.

It only seems better because we forgot to forget those Ages of Painful days.

Contrast creates strokes Forming Contours with Likeness of moving Color
Shows Us Dislikes with shading of Heavy Hand.

I say, Paint your Story Full with Palette of All your Ages.

**Makes for Interesting Art.
Just rummaging through old Boxes of Memories.
NuurSeraph May 2014
there are ways but the way is uncharted;
there are names but not nature in words:
nameless indeed is the source of creation but things have a mother and she has a name.

the secret awaits  for the insight of eyes unclouded by longing;
those who are bound by desire see only the outward container.

these two come paired but distinct by their names.
of all things profound, say that their pairing is deepest, the gate to the root of the world.

-Poem by Lao Tzu
from the book, The Way of Life
May 2014 · 823
NuurSeraph May 2014
If you're a popper, I'm a bomber
If you're a romp & runner
I'm boomerang & banger

If You're a hot in the sacker
I'm a leather Queen, *** Smacker

But, seriously, En Scene, Cut, Shows Over, Curtain Call

Not one of these Scenarios Describes Anything appealing

Nor Aligned with my Temple of Love, This is Holy Sanctuary,

This is Holistic Prayer, the Ectomorph in Ecstasy.

Body Electric, Full Sense *******
My Mystical ******* is my Body's Prayer to God
Inspired by my unawareness of some CEREMONY OF THE ANHK.
May 2014 · 1.3k
Science of Spirituality
NuurSeraph May 2014
Silver Bullet Synchronicities, Literally, Layer into my Space a Perfect Union of Oblivion
The Ying, to The Yang, Baby....

Micro to Macro, Anomalous Events Don't quite Strike Me as anything Other than Normality in and of Different Scale

A For Instance

To my Eyes, the Sequoya Tree Appears to Tower, the Highest of the High
While our beloved Earth Teachers....The Ant....Grounded above and below the Mother Clay,
Will Look at Me as a Colossal Mammalian largely Trembling the World with Weight Infinite

To the Point

Perspective is simply a specific view, an angled ray of Light, Thus Strikes the Object in it's Own Precise Uniqueness

Note of Importance

If only One ray strikes angled Light, One angle of Light just won't Suffice....Every Perspective must be Offering of It's Own Accord, thus Strikes the Creation True....

Wholeness is Truth
Truth is Coherence
Coherence is Smooth and Steady
Do I know if I'll be Ready?....Not Really

This I Do Know

All Matter is full of Wholes of Space, NOT EMPTY, but Full of Life, Feeding the Flow into Motion, Flowing the Motion of Inert Mass, Spinning the Soul to Life, Spinning into Infinite Bliss


Some will make Life into Art with Dance
To Live Life at the Threshold, DANCE Your DREAMS into LIFE
Everyday and Every Night....DANCE

  ­              Bless You.....Bless Me...Bless Us All
Simple Poetry.....just my personal thoughts, lovem or heavem...
No Offense or Attack or Persuasive Intent Involved...Please Enjoy!
May 2014 · 512
Spirit Locality Naturally
NuurSeraph May 2014
Body is not optional so We trace our faces in the strangest of places 
Here we stand amongst the strange and yet call ourselves one in the same, but could this be simply the truth?
~why couldn't this make perfect sense?
In an Oblong World, How to decide what shows the proof?
If you're the one who speaks a different tongue, perhaps a tongue in cheek
Well maybe we All mean well but aren't quite skilled or smooth...
~ Is it Crazy actually to do this amongst the strangest cellular plugged in populous ~ if We cannot contemplate, cannot swallow something unknowable, seemingly impossible??

So why be One, if one is unfathomable?

We can be many fractions of the very same number.
Fractal Upon fractal we build upon each other, a patterned sequence, a human development.
Awakening to disguise, no more lies, no more masks, facades, or pretence.  
No difference, the Same 
Our conscience emergence ~ the fabric is space, the time an illusion...... the place, an assemblence.... Cooperating a Complex Creation...each a puzzle piece of our Own Imagination 

May 2014 · 565
I Am Jolting
NuurSeraph May 2014
I have a Jolting
Rocks Me Back & Forth
My Mind propels the forward Motion
Then My Mind Repels this momentum
likening to the back-end Motion,
Thus starts the mental commotion,
See-Sawing in my Playground of Strife

What a Blessing and a Curse to be held together by Opposition?
What a seemingly trite Contradiction!
nature does have humor and this is one of her more humorous Traits
May 2014 · 1.4k
Spirit of Normandy
NuurSeraph May 2014
Dandelion Flights, so Dandy
He's a Swell kinda fella
If you catch him at a proper Hour
He gets the Rosy Red, ya See
Reviews Legends, some about
Storming the Beaches of Normandy
Gritting Power of this Jaws,
Leans in close for Dramatists Pause
An Aged Mouth, the Black of Life
Spits over into his World of Words
Spirits gathering, the Deadening in Delivering
The Tales of the Long Lost Listeners
I Revel in the Imagery, Mindsight Sees
Battlegrounds Soundtrack
The lapping Tide, the remote Tanks and Warplane Engines, the dusty soldiers yelling out commands,
Words too faint to Understand
but the Sound of Fear, Gutwrenching, Rage, Pits of Painstaking, Heroic Strain

I'd so easily slip back in Time
To relive his Stories of Lucid Dreams


I Only Will my Eyes open
After a Silence has Befallen
My Lids Jolt Open,
As I survey the Scene, Listening, Feeling for any Sign and Everything The Moment collapsed
In to the Present Presence.

Reaching over the Table
I felt for breath and the Old Man's Essence, I sighed and shook my head Knowingly  
This Man who fought all Those Battles and Lived to Tell,  Would not leave in It's Retelling,
not from this World nor the Next
No way, Not this One....He was just One of the many Spirits that passed through from Time to Time, and needed
an Ear to hear His Story...
I certainly didn't Mind...
Ethereal Sport is my Truest kinda Scene.
every spirit needs an ear to hear their story this is about listening to those who's Souls Pass through from time to time with a great need to share what's left them there
May 2014 · 616
Seeds Of Evolution
NuurSeraph May 2014
Wildfire Wonderment Spreads
Just like Great Ideas
One Spreads New Seed of Life by Firey Demolition
The Other Seeds Thought by Firey Revelation
Food for Thought is the Same Either Way
May 2014 · 1.1k
NuurSeraph May 2014

                         ­     Ecstasy
        ­                      HeadTrip
                        HIGH HEALS
                        HOT ***
                        WET NESS
                        CAR PARK

                 ­    Who Knows
                       Good Day
                  God BLESS God
look deep there is connection from being high to going down low now do you know?
May 2014 · 599
Words from the Scribe
NuurSeraph May 2014
What kind of Sin dares Usher in
A devious man to lick his lips, gutteral gasping beneath his Breath
The Wonton Musing oozes a delicious Decay,
The Poured Out drooling, his Power Pulsing, A Foaming Fantasy Power Tripping
~to Control the Spiritual World
at his Will & Command?

Here's what he imagined:
Biblical Bribery.
Blasphemous Forgery
Who ever has the money or an Unbridled hand can piecemeal a Story for premeditated Zeal,
To make for a more attractive Appeal
Why need such profiled Idoltry?

To be Present
at the Moment of such a Powerful Man's Revelation, Spoken for and too You
To be blessed
with ears to hear Him
To worship
At the Alter of Salt
A pillar miraculous,
To Worship Within, in Him, beside Him.
A Scribe Sweats
To write furiously away
for later reference, Thus
Attention is spared and the Sermon Deemed for Organic Lackluster
"Scratch That
Kindly Repeat
Didn't quite catch That
Two or One spaced per Sheet?
The strain hurts my Eyes
When can We Break for Feast?
Are We Done for the Day?"

Can this be a possiblity
Can a misdirected, Unsupervised
Scrupulous Individual
Not quietly Misquote
The Word trianguled from Mouth to Pen to Paper?
The Words We have come to Believe In??
You Tell Me.....
please be advised this is not an attack or judgment or wish for a debate this my friends is simple poetry
NuurSeraph May 2014

Esoteric Alchemy ~ To make of One Form into Many.  
To See beyond the Surface Structure,  
and shift its Shape
from the Ordinary into Extraordinary...

~Can’t We just Design parallel Surfaces,
without intercepting Asymptotes?

…how about with Tangent Tangerines,
or in Earthening Collard Greens?

What if I swirled into You
upon a slinky Sinusoidal Serpentine Dream…

You could slither Me up with a taste
of Your Raspberry Vanilla Eye Scream…

We should Integrate our Derivative
into the Summed Square total of its Parts…

~alas, Enter para~Plasmotic inter-Dementia,
Sparkling quarks on Celestial Utopia…

Why are there Words??

~Cause its Words that Confuse…
All of Transmission is otherwise Smooth
Why not decide when We try to Communicate,
to Assess how We Address, so the Words can Cooperate?
Cause it seems to Appear Larger in Scope,
if Viewed from up Here,
If Not for the Invent of Words did Elope,
the Fruit of War,
In the Mist ~ Disappear…


One from the beginning the Year
Seemed to give people a light heart giggles
While maintaining the furrowed brow thing
May 2014 · 567
Of All the Sculptor's Clay
NuurSeraph May 2014
I was reflecting on a moment, as I reflect oftenly..True.
So in this vision I looked deeply at the picture of the figure standing there.

There she was, I use this tense because a stranger is a she, a he, a they...not You.
But really it was a picture of the little girl, that once upon a time was me.

Maybe some of you saw it, the little girl...standing in a costume, just as was accustomed thing to

She was her Parent's Molded which they made their plans with their hands, their work of Art, prospect for blood, they craved to feed from poured out Praise one day.

You see...I was a malleable creation, a desired exploration
To design & mold her, Zoom in to Zero, the next multilateral SuperSoldier.

Every moment of everyday, they tended to their artistry, to my dismay.
Their Scientific Approach was so cold and calculating, so as to miss the spirit in my eyes slowly dissipating.

The tears that wept precisely calibrated for the flow,
To keep the Clay moist for the work they must do.

Twas Painful, albeit, of gutting in the Unnatural Power.
My head be last, lest they loose Pressure from up top the Water Tower.

I'm glad they left my Eyes for last, cause I watched and waited behind the Glazed Over Glass
I saw it All,
the sinister craftwork,
my reason to exist,
in such a wicked Plan
to be unleashed across the land.

The Rage against this mistreatment, the injustice, the lies, the secrets:
Their Plans

I Swore an Oath to the One Power to Be , so Young, I assumed it Was Me
I would use the Power they delicately labored, albeknowenced,
to them,
Blade of Truth as my Sabor
I would act in the milliseconds between transfer
from the Furnace to Surgical Chair

And Rage the Rage of a Billion Suns,
Bring Reign,
such a schorching electrictricity,
Fry the Circuitry,
the Programmes, each Implant, **** each Signal before it could reach me, redirect and reflect every laser pointed at me, back at it's Source  

The Panic Spread, backup squads called in quickly to attend
to a Power
they knew Not what
Orders for Kinetic Delivery
in Defence

My self generated OverRide Made immediately operational, I just knew what to do

I Spun so Swift, drilled beneath the Earth,
Close to Oceans
of the South Pacific,
I emerged, shapeshifted
into a Magnificent Dolfin

Swam far away, across the Globe
to find somewhere safe

In the midst of a deep red sunset, I emerged a Young Woman with nothing Other than to complete:
   My OWN Mission

With Blade of Truth & Justice Vision
Resurrect Truth, Protect the Mistreated Nature
Expose Corruption, and dismantle for
Reign a hellfire on the Offenders who refused to Submit

© All Rights Reserved
Feb. 24th, 2014
any Syfy Buffs that would like to collaborate on a more in depth screenplay version of this supernatural concept
please message me
it is by far not even close to presenting detailed ideas I would love to explore on the movie screen l
Let me know
May 2014 · 519
Old Baggage
NuurSeraph May 2014
The Brilliant Sparks that happen often between Kin
Just gets me started on this RollerCoaster I'm In
My Point being, their remain s Onions of Yesterday's
I could Cut right Through to Bring the Coaster to STOP
But that's not a skill shared for my Sake
One must know to Pull UP on the Emergency Brake
Ya feel Me?
May 2014 · 740
This Vine's Got a Freak
NuurSeraph May 2014
Vibrant Vivre
Vivaciously Vibing
Vines like Vices, stalking
Slippery as Serpents
Light into Darkness
I'm Yours now to Keep
How will this ******* Bind Me or Blind Me,
or Bond Me to You?
Will it be Mutual, Consenting
Or Master to Slave?
Who is Predator
Who is Prey?
I could
Thread shredding Vine
Into Wine Dripping Bliss
Veins seep leaking
Succulent Juice
What once was mine
Was once Stimulating You
The Other Alternative
I'd rather not Pursue
I like the Heat
Cause this Write is a
Ya get the subtle undertones...
Did the ****** Vine Vipe Ya...
This Viper's a Freak
May 2014 · 344
Smoke From the Fire
NuurSeraph May 2014
Smoke from the Fire © 2003

You tore through the crowd like Light
Then burned like a Fire
I wondered if you just might
Melt my Desire
Oh, but why does it seem that you’re always too far
I never can Reach you
Oh, but why would I feel that I'd need to be near
To Cage and Control you?

Come Back Now…React Now Please forgive Me but you tear Me apart
I Need It…You Feed It
You’re the magical beat of my Heart

So We dance by the Fire
Feeling Cleverly Crazed
We are here, in a flash before my eyes
In a Dream as we drift along the Fabric of Space
On waves that fall and rise ….Like Smoke from the Fire

You’re a Portrait that lacks all Design
A Work of Confusion
You’re Awaiting in Hopes that we’ll find
Your Secrets Within

Oh, but why does it seem that the Search never ends
It’s always Evolving
In a Game we could win if we ride on the Breeze
That knows where It’s blowing

Come Back Now…React Now
I want the Love that you had shared from the start
I’m Deep In…I Sneak In
And push the Tension ‘till it pulls at your Heart

So I’ll take what you give
Just to want it again
The Truth, the Love and the Light
That I’d like to believe that I have growing within For some Peace in my Life

I am the Fire you Dance around when you’re
I bear the mark of Air and Space that you Breathe
Lyrics from one of my favorite composition s I've ever written
May 2014 · 478
~°«⊙»°~ I Got A Lot
NuurSeraph May 2014
What I've Got,
I've got a lot
I got a third chance
to Resurrect my Life
Around Two People
Who Love Me, Love Me a Lot
In the Norhwest Heaven,
Heaven sent
A Chance to Reunite
with my Mother, she and I are just now getting a Chance
to get to Know each other.
My Mother's Husband is a Trip
An air of Fresh Breath,
a Mint Condiment
A House of Loving Animals,
Quite a Variety, I might add
A Place to Open my Spirit to Nature's Wonder,
To Let Her In, Hear Her Plea
Walk along within Her Comfort
And get to know the Inner Me
God bless, I've Got A lot.

{ My Poetry Home is not forgotten, I have been transformed by my online Family, I really Appreciate all the comfort and wisdom}
Material things don't mean a ****-*** thing
May 2014 · 688
Seeding Loving Wisdom
NuurSeraph May 2014
Break the body and give forth freely
What comes back
~ Comes back to heal Thee
A Cycle of a Life of Service
May 2014 · 197
Who Knows What's Known
NuurSeraph May 2014
Oh, I Know
Why I Love
I have Loved
All of You
Care to Know?
Wish to See?
...I am You and You
Are Me....
Bless our Souls so seamlessly Serene
May 2014 · 724
Good Morning
NuurSeraph May 2014
I pray I don't have much to say on this brand new day.
I sit by a placid pond, watch the few ducks petal along the softer water.
What brings down Thought but meandering rain drops along her gracious light of day?
What makes Mighty the gentle Light wisping the Clouds from darken bright?
What calls my name to walk along this park?
I came, to see what song the birds might bring to tame the fragile mind, perhaps a jing~a~ling, a happy thought, a smile pray tell?
A gentle breeze, such a simple thing within it carries a Sacred Song to Sing.
I'm alive, I believe, in heals
Apr 2014 · 3.2k
Temple Gates
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Given up, deluxe in Essex
Cornwall, seaside Fortress
Stonehenge, felt the Vortex
One Vision, one idle Apex

Kiss the Haven Sanctum ******
Diligently Lingers the Finger Remix
Vibrate the ring tho Rung Her Nexus
Into New Blue , You beg the Context
Of seeming NonSense, hum my Edifice

I'll give You This, oh humble Tread
I've past the Veil, many lives I've Led
Memory to Full to sustain, Unfurled
This Nomenclature not of this World

Do you want Me? Come then, Explore
Rich, sweet, then Sour, Drink More
Intoxicate, bubbled deep risen the Core
She is Ancient, She is bled, of Iron Ore

Cleanse your Palette, taste must never
Mix, or coagulate, congeal, or Root
Fluidic Fauna, Flower Sauna, Resolute
Cleanse, release into Her, Ashen Soot
Absolute Sanctuary, must enter, Barefoot
Explanation will come Later
Apr 2014 · 244
Lost like That
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
It is No Ones Fault but My Own
I know That
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Come, Come, feed it....Oh fire will grow so much higher cannot wait to watch you Burn....Oh my Desire is Feasting
Come, Come.....


*ishq noor
Apr 2014 · 390
I Laid a Mistake
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
When She told me I had made a Mistake
I replied, "What, in bed?"
She curled over laughing
Shook her head, "I can't believe that get's You each time!"

One day's long extravaganza, both so lost, I'd not noticed at what point I had Shape-Shifted.
In a Moment I curved up a breath, instead the Jungle Sound of Lioness Roar
I pounced from the bed, she sprung up in shock, my head propelled the Ceiling fan, down came Sgt. Pepper with Kaleidoscope vision, no majic carpet, just a naked collision, no feline physique except for my hair, She and I sat silent, naked..just nothing, cause what do you say, what do you do...until finally I heard her softly chuckle, she smiled the biggest smile I'd seen, " Well, I'll never need a drink, no tokes of hashish, We're never leaving this bed, but I think I'll keep you on a Leash..."

~Surmize this a fantasy, hey, a Lady never Tells....
Apr 2014 · 949
This is Not a Zoo
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
And Parden me,
but on just What side Are You.....??????


Don't feed the animals....hmmm...just Who is Who???

Again, excuse my Clarify....
Sometimes the hue must shift to Darken Sky
Requires a Delicacy of lace and lash
Blinking an intricate frequency match
in intervals to small to see, so as to be them both at Once into Union Phase Integration

Until the mornings Light Of Day....


Phase Out
Apr 2014 · 522
Points to Clarify
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I wanted to flow into phrase a general continuum to articulate most prominent my own mood rhythm, just for curious act of putting into words an unspoken knowingness I leave out to hang upon my Space.

I am ready alert as soon as I bring awares to body, I localize and Identify

I am very upbeat, curious, open, observant. I ultimately will let my days activity find itself, because it so wondrously does, every time, to engage in discovery, puzzling, un~puzzling, analyzing, reflecting, and when a bountiful day...Concluding (Always knowing Conclusions are always momentary, discovery, revision, perception, all shift when "New" is incorporating).
I stay bouncy, flexible, studiously refining my personal understanding and then bringing my thoughts and ideas into life in my world to play and check it all out. It's intensive, solitary mostly, always surprise I will find in something.
So, basically, I don't get caught up in attachment. To emotion, perception, definition, judgement, decision, or situation. I am fully immersed in the moment, I just have found a fluidity in movement. I am passionate absolutely, but gladly walk my passion on and on so as not to collapse a density upon the objects of my passions.  

I'm not really a specialist, although I specialize, I enjoy a great variety, I am not afraid to explore and Try.

So, Gladly, I state to Clarify: I am humorous, positive, bravely alive.


“To see the world in a grain of sand,

and heaven in a wild flower.

To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

and eternity in an hour.

We are led to believe a lie,

when we see with, not through, the eye,

which was born in a night, to die in a night,

while the soul slept in beams of light.”

- William Blake

Nassim Does It Better:

Between your thoughts is a silence which is the unified field, and when you become that silence, you become the unified field, and you become universal. Through the practice of non-attachment, and meditation, all of your troubles disappear because you cease to cling to the changing illusion of reality and you become free to experience what you always will be: pure, infinite, and universal consciousness.

All things already exist encoded holographically within the unified field, the structure of space-time, and it is conscious intention which determines that which is accessed and chosen to be perceived due to its own intentions. Nothing new is created, for it is already present within the field. And it is the highest level of our consciousness which guides us in the manifestation process we call life. We are all expression of the universe, looking back on itself as Nassim would say, and experiencing all possibilities within creation with our unique and individual intentions.

All that you want out of life is encoded within the field. Your intentions and your perception is what determines what you see and what you experience. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “There’s no place that God is not. If this God-force is everywhere, then it must be in you. And if it’s everywhere, then it must be in all that you perceive to be missing from your life as well.”
We are so many different things at so many different times I just think this is a version general and simplified.
nice to meet you
Apr 2014 · 580
EYes ROll• DoMiNo FiNgErS
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
If there will be a tolerating of a metered Tapping
Of finicky high pitch the flipping of flapping
If domino fingers find dancing refinement as pins in the roll of the promenade brigade

Then command to attention each private and captain, each Sergeant, lieutenant, Commander in Chief, and deputy director,  please seniors and majors...I've called an assembly, I'd like to keep brief.

To even presume some desire is pouncing, waiting in ready to Connect on Command, as if orders have issued external assignment, a repose from an otherwise comical stand.

There is nothing more perfect, and no one more clever, no motive for power 'scuse a Daft Rumour Spreader.

Just simply a-script from a quick keene observer, that was shoved to the seat like some kind of Sacrificial Meat.

In A-gaze, Stiff as Steel-Steering of hands
Gripping heat on the wheel in the front of this Monster Truck Madness Ordeal.

It's easy to jeer, laugh, joke and sneer from the drunk, detached comfort of Stadium Beer.

But, Wait, a Reminder!!
We are all in the Boat!
Don't yell at the driver
Then claim not to Float.

Oh, so I see, it's clearly
just innocence
do forgive me,
Cause it comes from the jarring, and scarring, manure in air, that boasts of boldly stout cheering fanfare, clamoring, yammering, death rally hammering, celebrating dirtiest, grittiest, most Carelessly Daring.

Why would the crowd be gathered if not to service-us with shocking engagement to consummate longing for Death's-Entertainment?

I've always found this sinister trait in human beings grossly Un-great.
Won't understand some strange, anomalous behaviors as absolutely peachy keen...actually they're quite disturbing and really Mean.
Apr 2014 · 564
Sweet Kindred
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
My circle, my Heroes, I ask for your blessing, I'm wearing my feathers, of an ancient Tradition.
I ask for Pardon , I saw the Hollow empty, I was rising into Tides with their spears, they'd thrown Plenty.
When I circled, my glance, I saw they had been waiting.  
I swirled to take in a little more, I burned freely in my rage-fed fantasy, just a couple verse...just what is needed I will Pour.
Sacred Churns, opened- Case, where there they've been , hidden Safe. Eternal Orbs of Light-use-Temple.
As when like Ancient Nights, in Tribal Ritual.
Shining as just is Clear as the Sky, Wings spread so as to Fly,
May coast above Surveyors, Safely
So Shall pass in Rays of Truth,
Cast Eye...
I felt an explanation was needed for that day past...It's a little late, but better than Never
Apr 2014 · 804
Eagle Eye
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I agree....just simply through my Experience.
I understand the fine tuning acquired & required as we unVeil New & refined Capabilities
~Waves of Revelation, surging inside of You
~ as you feel a Personal Amazement of all previous Moments ~synchronized~
Cosmical interconnectedness
The Entanglement
~that directed the bigger Picture of the a transformative situation
(Testing Ground).

I realize I gain in blessed gifts for my service through proper conduct, awareness through dichotomous states of Eagle Eye Concentration, incorporating full sensory ~Engagement~
... at the same time I Release a part of my Conscious Attention into ~Extended Awareness~
Bless my Befuddlement...I..I..mean I am having a recent frustration causing conflicting feelings about the role I see Myself contributing as in the Grand Procession of These Kind of Things....

I am mainly Elated , Honored, Focused, Excited, and, Well, gawddarnitt...*** me ma horsee ma...We's gots a good long ride, Theys'alls a'beans tellings....I hears
...just laugh with me...ahhhh
Phase In,Phase Out
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Oregon , Aura~Gone Away Be
Aura~Come , Aura~Came Me
Aura~Wash, Wash away Me
Aura~Fresh, Rest so Freshly
Aura~Rest, my Head Rest Lightly
Bless You, Oregon, Aura~Lighly
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
In No Strange Land

O World invisible, we view thee,
O World intangible, we touch thee,
O World unknowable, we know thee,
Inapprehensible, we clutch thee!

Does the fish soar to find the ocean,
The eagle plunge to find the air -
That we ask of the stars in motion
If they have rumour of thee there?

Not where the wheeling systems darken,
And our benumbed conceiving soars!
The drift of pinions, would be harken,
Beats at our clay-shuttered doors.

The angels keep their ancient places; -
Turn but a stone, and start a wing!
'Tis ye, 'tis your estranged faces,
That miss the many-splendoured thing.

But (when so sad, thou couldst not sadder)
Cry; - and upon thy so sore loss
Shall shine the traffic of Jacob's ladder
Pitched betwixt Heaven and Charing Cross.

Yea, in the night, my soul, my daughter,
Cry, - clinging Heaven by the hems;
And lo, Christ walking on the water
Poem by Francis Thomas, "In No Strange Land"
Apr 2014 · 399
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Deleted for reason unnecessary.

Meant only as a warning to be seeded for a cruel intention gathering.

Laddered In Lined up aggressive  position, I let to provoke, thus, to piled up Aggression , I knew it I,  too many times ,  my Grace be shown,  so let the balance slithe , till-so  recalled, receiver~ it Must be, a patient instinct  who be to believe her, so seed uncased tho no verse will remain, it is born of balance, born  & braised , to be removed, so leaves no trace.
Gently , a quick ferocity. No more gracious, why allow to sit and take this.  I do as brightly until for more than 12, I've been as called , a Moral Restorer, let to see , with justice vision, identify the hidden piece that makes at last, a global peace
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
When you're ******, baby
And I am drunk
And we make love
It seems a little desolate
It's hard sometimes not to look away

And think what's the point
When I'm havin' to hold this fire down
I think, I'll explode
If I can't feel this free now

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin out
In your cold

When I feel loved, baby
I join the road
And the world moves with me
And I feel love start just slip away
Silently, quietly take my things and go

And think what's the point
Think where's the hope when comin' home

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin' out
In your cold

And if you find one day
Find some freedom and relief
And with this freedom maybe
Maybe you will find some peace
And with this peace, baby
I hope it brings you back to me
Bring you home, take me home

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best that
I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cause I'm bored of hangin' out
In your cold

Oh, take me home
Oh, take me home
When you're ******, baby
Take me home
Sometimes when you feel someone is gone .... maybe that the door was closed?  
~ I know but it was locked?
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
"What's in the basket?", I asked her...
...she laughed nervously ~ slipped her head to the side. Her eyes looked up, ~ that's when I saw the moon.
I swear I saw the moon,
I pierced through to the moon to see more of the moon.
...oh How am I wondering Where I can to Find that something...
and just as I thought I was  then I saw a star behind the moon.
I didn't know there was a star behind the moon?
I thought she must know... she has too, right?
Her giggling, widening eyes, coy suggestion, I might be right.
"Why do you always ask me those silly questions we both already know, anyways, Goof,".......she touched my arm as if for stability.  Tentatively, gazed up at me with a sideways look.
" I guess I always enjoy a quick trip to your outer space, I always seem to find something New."
", anyways, What's in the basket?"

Instant Time Travel
Discovery is Internal, Eternal, Together, Reflected......
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
From the Swirl comes the Structure,
In the Structure feeds the Flow and the Flow maintains the Focus.

So we can deduce, much like the pattern of life, it begins as Freedom, like colorful movement exempt from rule, while the other extreme, the skill obtained of Focus & Form, akin to miraculous mystery, wise sensuality, from royalty born.

Can you see the Procession, in difference yet alike?
Infancy is always Free,
from Wisdom comes Sight,
the Master of Vision,
Magical Majesty,

    ~Immaculate Precision.
    ~A Rainbow in the Light.

Deep unto the dreamy wood, Walk We, one Faire to ‘nother
Swift~ Shift , Slighted plea, what cares of Gnomonic Clemency
~ divide amongst they~ who do not know or see
~ forever possess perverse tales to talk away the mystery
Swift ~ Shift, Acrimonious Possession, Sudden urgency
Cares Not~ Divide amongst Gnomonic Novelty ~

Coming birth of Elementals
entrancing ingenuity foreseen such heavenly conception
Ironic irreverence of Elements pure Majesty
Still in Expectance of blessed Faire’s redemption
They ~ who do not care will never know and ought never see.

This is about Strife.
The way one Group must always find flaw with another Group, finding all the differences to hate, ignoring any similarities to love.
Assyllium Moratorium Serophis et E Pluribis Unum
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself

Well~Come on Up
I've not much Time, but I've brought the Love
ReCreate This Right
And Move Us Through to the OtherSide
Alas! Know We Show, Our Heart is Real no matter Where We Go
...Null is Right to let the Breath of God just pass Us by...
That's Why
Why I Try
and We Try
ReCreate This Right
...I did not Want to Know, now but I See What's been going on.....

If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself

So Above still We Hover so...
In Dead of Night, from Above, Below
ReCreate Our Light
Reflect it back for the rest to Shine
Alas! We show, our Heart is Real no matter where we go
ReCreate this Right
And Move Us through to the Other Side
The Wildest Write
To leave Their Legends and Lores behind
With Words they Show
For those with Mystic Minds to Know
We all want to believe and All can Conceive what's going on!!!!

If We keep on Expanding forever
Then I Fear just how Lonely We'll get
Like the Stars, We All Burn out Together
...become the Ember that Cradles Itself
This is a beautiful song I wrote the melody to many years ago I will share soon
Apr 2014 · 441
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Funny how simple poetry, beautifully unchanged in time. Is met with prose of those with guilt and blame and abandonment and the withdrawal of love or acceptance.

Amazing what a soul sharing simple beauty must pay for the sufferings of those she does not and has never known.

Now that is food for thought and that's to much to think about well, ***** to be....
Apr 2014 · 557
Rotation (FULL Spin)
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Rotation is Optional

What makes up the Dance of the Spin, whence to forth have came of This from??

What happened to have Spun such a Spiral to arise,
~ of such likes as this kind, from the Void of Shadows unspeakable Bliss, what only Knows of this depth's Abyss.

I decline, this current paradigm, make to rumble, thus impending rise would grow beneath to tremble
the ground, of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer...on bended knee...before the alter of the quaking Core.  
If not the many visions before, mine have eyes once forseen, then from the Sacred Secret,  it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother are rightfully addressed, our tears will flow, bring heave to our chest .  
It is then will we contend, of what such Powers we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter without Vision in Center, the Dance of the Spin
For surely we fall Dizzy, Heavy our State....Flux will Flash if not with the Flow, that throes asunder now thrash and grow, stronger than this only One we all know, With Hope we pray for what we sow...but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
My first ever poem on HP
From the NS collection
Apr 2014 · 301
Songs I've Felt
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
...She had been punctured from the inside~and Her shattered Core harnessed the wailing waves of this Primordial Mourning.
... Into violent vibration arose the Creation of this Principle...
~ We are all but the Sacred Wounds of Her Original Innocence.

It's not the Sound...It never was the Sound~
It's what I heard before I fell back into this All again~so Now all the Things I've Lost~ I find It All in Time...
I can't pretend It anymore.

It's not always in this Place to Go and Live and Lose and Love and Be All that ever was...

No one tells You anymore what to expect so You just have to guess...and You guess...and You get what You get.

But You won't know what You knew before...Oh No.    


That's restored to Everything that could ever have been explored..

...And You fell to It All again because You knew It was something that you would have to find..

Lost in the Rhythm again Love...
No one but Eye could be able... too wrapped Inside.

And Gone...Emeraldly
And Gone In...A Head

And I fell again to Heavens Dance~to Heaven's Bed.

I guess I took out of my Heart...
I guess It made Itself known why I Love You so~

Nothing here pretends to know~it just goes on and lives and grows and knows that it falls back to its Heaven


and Heaven begins again.
Never, Never did It end too long to go back again...No!
~too long to know that Nothing lasts Forever.

~Just your Soul...just your Holy Sigh, You leave the rest behind because You can't refine and You can't resign in this
until you've lost your Heart~
The broken pieces You can find went Home~

...Are never's just to find them again...That's All.      
A special stash passed from the recent past
Apr 2014 · 326
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
That's more like it anyway.
Twas my pen name for years.
~ I just try not to splinter and multiply to much anymore.
They say multiple personalities isn't good for you.
I don't quite agree, it just depends on how you work with it.
Hello it's the new old me Venusoul7 the former V
Apr 2014 · 328
When you got a DoppleBanger
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Gotta change my calling card and business card and letter V. Some back of girl with toppled hair has declared her V.  
Go for it doppleBanger version V!!!

Congratulations !!!! Yeah!!!!
I'll be fine boowoooooweeVe
Apr 2014 · 997
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
You know what I've been fantasizing about around my projectory...besides some stimulating evening entertainment...I like the art of BellyDance. It's sensuous and extreme mastery of smooth kundalini up and around the body.
Yeah, right...I know.
No, but seriously, imagine man, our own Island. Yeah, our Own Island. The Crew would celebrate the SkyClad Moon around a wood fire, the tribal drum patterns interlacing trading Ecstasies of rhythm beat into our hearts coherent waves generating yes by us, through us, into the night's Enchanted Moon. 
Oh she and her seductive powers moving tidal waves into the hours splash crash and receding just to come back for more. You Know What this is about you know what it stands for
yeah, and if we want to bring it into our human sexuality, mating powers, let's trade energies why not talk our bodies into majesty
~ see what happens• usually magic from my memory I like magic I like cosmic kinds of bliss in exchange for a mystical talk with God~ Lets work it out. Of man & ladies know, all the crazies, no end to the amount of this kind of party. let's make the magic happen this doesn't have to stay imagination I know how it manifest and if you have questions come see we will figure out the rest ...
Need a vacation
Apr 2014 · 308
I read emptiness
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
Who likes to inspire from the bowels of experience??
Or like some amusing fools, the excrement of ignorance????

We share for Inspiration, Connection, Resurrecting Thought Provocation.

Now We is not All...Some write words worthy of a toilet stall.
....Let the Toilet have it's Magic...for such Excrematory Occupation.  Go sit with yourself on your throne and write to your @#~$#@ Content...

(This is for my utter bewilderment...why pollute something I pray stay sacred...Again, I realize this is my opinion...Maybe I could open my mind to poetic profundity./. I acknowledge my judgement call..I have a standard, and it's my fault if I am disappointed....

I hope the Creative Kindred I Appreciate and Cherish know... We are We together forever...Writing Poetry
So wondering what to make of a such have intent to harm Some because How Dare They??? Be Great...
Mar 2014 · 365
No Retreat
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
Felt Me Back into the Seat
I'm just Passenger on this Retreat
Quest permission for Revision of my Record. Was Reckless for good Reason, I thought so of back when I lost my heart and soul, my friend, so why wouldn't I flee fierce pierce through the Wind, air collapse upon I pass. A mushroom bloom, a ghastly rust, I oxidized the tempered dust, magnetized me any metal, Electrified the blooming petal, What good be Flower without Me thorn.
Spun Out Vortices, Afflicted Storm.
I was focus to test my fate, I had no care for my own state. I learned to walk a demons trail, they taught me well of how they hail.
I thought I'd surely reasoned, I had trespassed.  However, was not the case..."jest how??" You Ask.
Well, let not such tales go to waste, put to good, quick, make haste.
I know mine enemy, and so have sworn, march until cast furies torn, the wicked from the weathered wasted born. Make great again, attest, transform.
I rest my case for being born.
Look man experience is master... And wisdom the sister and knowledge the brother... encourage
Mar 2014 · 818
Lost like This
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
I start rolling up in words
I'm not controlling
I don't Mind, I never Did
I'll tell You why I lost in Lace
a trace of Time.
Romanced by Humid Heat of Night
Acrossed by Archer's pointed bow
I still stay by, I still won't Go
I drift a picture into Motion in Your Ocean,
I like how it reacts.
I wish to say I'd really like that.
I won't, but will
that's friction's mount,
pull in so tight, push back, Pour out.
Just never stop,
fill me up to the Top
and tilt it right out the Spout.
Mar 2014 · 513
NuurSeraph Mar 2014
Copy you this, and properly that
Under a tow o'prudent MeOrKat
Fate maybe or Folly, makes deeply enticing. I cannot commit, I'll take the time. It's ripe to spin into oblivion the numbers phase outly In, a swirling feeling is Beginning Again, a rush, On Us I must be going back Inly out.
And vaguely so~So please forget or just don't Know - what matters now if we never do Go?
Where oh where did that fantasy fly oh where oh where oh me oh my
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