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Sep 2014 · 1.5k
The Eager Introvert
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I remember the memory so vividly,
without a moment lost
I'm silenced by some technicality~
I mostly keep a Private life.

Introverted by some inner notion that prefers my own world to the outside one,
when there strikes an opportunity to overlap the worlds together~
*You bet I Grab it and Run!
Sep 2014 · 899
Innuendo ~ no Comprendo
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Courtesan rests upon satin pillows,
placed so many for weightless fare
Treasure box of lace and fragrance spilling out into her hair
Rich red velvet drapes the contours
of her silhouette
against the backdrop of an argalis mountain landscape
Thick rouge stain encircles her mouth and cheek,
now smeared askew as evidence of talking bodies friction
She wonders where he goes when he is gone~
He often wonders how good it feels when she comes into his candelabra room
Bedposts tell no lies...yes, this is true, mind you, no other girl would do the deeds he required of his staff in hand.
This innuendo ~ no Comprendo
What more details do you really need from me??
It's not like I sit and, have a seat~
Sep 2014 · 382
The Journeymen
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Come forth thither~therein lies the dust of Worthy wo/men

Paint not the Saint to be a sinner
pitch accordingly to Prophet's Call
Into Mourning crawls the Child
Twilight's mist brings forth a Wo/Man
Walks the path, long and narrow
led forward by the voiceless Word
Echoes bounce within his skull~
into Verse the messages heard
brought to Song the Sparrow sings
made to beat by Ravens Caw
Swinging Melody sways a Tree
beckons down the Tales of Fall
Onward walks the age'd Seer~
bend of back from Earthen pull
Through the curving Mountain trail,
frail with cane of gnarled wood
Upwards to the Peak he wanders
voiceless whispers the Miracle
Destination as was promised~
arrives the Cave of Oracle.

So now may he rest his weary bones for he has finally travelled Home~
Songs of Nature mark the way much like the poetry of wo/man.
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Biggest Picture
NuurSeraph Sep 2014

A Nearsighted mind will seek immediate gain, centered on self for short-term return
Such future self will look back forlorningly what was lost in fortunes vicissitude.
Farsighted sight seeks Value of Greater Plentitude.
Puts aside oneself in favor of the Whole investing in Now for Futures gain.
Communities celebrate as
the child plays
~ basking in Glory for the Coming Days ~
Realizing the importance of putting aside immediate gratification for a better, sustainable future
Sep 2014 · 576
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I stopped rescuing the past the day I stood up and fought back.
I faced raging men with fists in my face, red swollen eyeballs up against mine, spraying vile spittle from foaming mouths, hands began tearing~thrown against walls, flipped on the floor or down upon my desk, glass vase smashing~barely missed my head.
But, suddenly there comes a moment of sheer Survival, followed by a Rage of Seven Hells, an imbalance of Justice stormed through my Cells, razed up my Body~I changed to a Beast, the violence be got me, a War was unleashed.

My fists flew like lightening, I stabbed with bamboo sticks sharpened like spears, shot with a rifle,  but no..not at deer.
Swung my pistol against the side of his head, bust it wide open, spilling blood shed.
No I didn't **** him~ but broke him instead.

None of these things ever happened just once, many a details I'll leave out~it's done. But what I have shared paints a clue to the Source~fed fuel through a history~display of my Force.

I've escaped with my Life, my Dignity intact, a Self Respect that's stronger than smack.
A Warrior Soul with Courage galor, but no..I don't have to fight anymore.

Instead what's in place is a Calm so Serene that's harbored within once I destroyed the machine.
I stand up for Honor, Justice, Respect.
I abhor selfish liars and ghoulish thugs that prey on Innocence~I've had enough.

I Stand for a Cause to be True to the Heart~
Be good to your neighbor, go back to the Start.
Fix what is broken, the Lost must be Found~
the Cracked Foundations torn to the ground.

Build it back better~the Way it should have been from the beginning.

Use the Strength from a messed up past and Live out loud, Smile and be Proud~
If you made it through~I honor You.
Story of a Transformation. ..
Sep 2014 · 352
Flying High
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Every melancholy moment passes downward through the hands of time.

Every blissful reverie floats like fleece atop the breeze, ever freely upward rising, naturally with ease.

The heavy mind or heavy heart
feels the gravity of thought,
the weight that pulls apart the knit
from the weaver's tapestry,
slowly bit by bit.

Such be the resistance,
Like sandpaper friction,
diligently burns away
with Hunger*
Eating holes in our Souls.
Imagining our thoughts and feelings passing through us..the warm ones rise us upward, the cold ones sink us down.
Learning which ones to hold onto is somewhat akin to learning how to fly.
Sep 2014 · 569
11:11 ~Calling Card
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I'm yet done finding Me
The search wades through Eternity
Luckily,  I've got your number
Exact coordinates and geometry
Is it the symmetry or dimensionality
that makes the majik seem just right?

In our little corner, the whirling dervish dance makes us 4th, including the Sun.
If we claim a Solar System, why not include the Sun, after all our daze have come.

From what we collectively perceive, the four dimensions let it be. Wrapping up a poignant point~pyramid mythology.

This subject being deep and vast, I'd prefer to leave it where it's at. Doesn't mean I won't come back...remember,  I've got your *number.
Just about to sit down to write and glance at the clock turning 11:11, so I didn't need ponder the subject more...that definitively deciding what to write from.
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I am captivated by a thought of old
Yeller in the streets of Madagascar.
Shot me dead indeed for standing up
to digs of my deeds done wrong.

But what of his Sister, and did he miss her
for fiesta on Friday last~Until a droopy~eyed mistress crooned a ****~a~doodle~doo straight against the face of death.

They loved Prima, come subtle still life into the night.  Brought Passion'd brink of tears, thrown forlorn wisping shutter to my skin and I am Thought.. thinking I migh'nt be lost to soon to this moment mi'amour.

Charging hunted into the streets, taken by day or by night. Overrated artform of statuesque mystique, compendium of gods have struck me mortal and I am Death...dying unto pleasures infinitum.

Quell into question the material mourning, noon and night. Antidote to antithesis is Imagination...imagining everything in nothingness all at once...banging out existence, through the vacuum...all the way to Madagascar.

Take my place, take my bullet for me on the other end of old Yeller and I will take your end on the other side... of You ...being Me.
Let thoughts meander from rich words in the background
Sep 2014 · 597
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Pretty, pretty Ponderosa
~butterfly dreaming
pretty much like a Lion
indoors sleeping
Pretty, says pretty girl,
Whatever do you mean?
Pretty women much prefer
Exquisite Angel Queen

Pretty cool, pretty soon
Autumn comes a'rollin'
Pretty much like fresh of breath
first thing in th'mornin

Pretty Sun, first of light
after hot and heavy night
Lush of Love, howling Moon
Rush of touch in my room
Precious one, Yes You,~my One
Please let me love you more
than pretty much any other
ever has before

Pretty, pretty Ponderosa
Will never let this end
...but tell me baby, tell me
*Will I ever love again?
In honor of an overly used word
:-) Enjoy
Sep 2014 · 261
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I have a hard time
living life
until I've lived it.
Then nostalgia
kicks my head in,
takes a bite
~reminds me that
the memories hurt
just as good as
the real thing.
There are parts of my life that hold such sweet memories, but I don't often reminisce because the pain in my heart messes with my head
Aug 2014 · 4.3k
Dew Drop Mornings
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Signals cross dissonant chills along the surface of my skin,
Prickled hair rises up under the brush of my touch.
Warm sensation waves attention
as flags fly high warning shots into the sky.
My eyes wide shut abruptly
in case the wind blows particulate
along the curving arch of my vision,
flipped back open upon collision,
batting down waterfalls in between curtain calls
as clapping hands of a broad audience
pass the winning touchdown play onto poppy seed fields.
My Love runs long and deep like the river through lost canyons,
hiding unknown along the moist horizon of dew drop mornings.
...Oh, me?
I'm doing just fine fair weather,
Light as a feather, am I.

But look! the Earth shakes proudly the rocks upon her back.
Cast no Stones, She moans
...and you?
How do you do?
Aug 2014 · 371
Own It (10 W)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
We're All where We're supposed to be
*Just Own it!
We are all moving, swerving, stalling, reversing through the track roads of life independent & together. Fighting our situations hurts more than working with our situations, as yucky or wonderful as they may be momentarily.
Everything changes, nothing stays still
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Blessing & Curse
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

I was gone long ago
Today is not a day
Tomorrow leaves a shadow
Of yesterday's respite
Forever is never mentioned
in the freedom of Now
Worlds are torn apart
in the blink of an Eye
Measurements are irrelevant
No ruler is required
Time is subjective
Internally projected
Mass Consciousness
is both a Blessing and a Curse
We each understand Life differently
Life is Time & Time is Life
Aug 2014 · 973
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Tell me how good does this get to be born unburdened by the hand of another's gift

Tell me in language sublime of the scented wood in a forrested bliss of an ancient rhyme

Hear my prayer in a hallowed tongue flowing from the sacred river's babbling brook of thy kingdoms come

Listen closely and let them go, let them leave the maker's sign so they may find the hidden treasure that once was mine

Then from your glory, do not dispose the higher knowing that pour us forth eternally that we may grow in brotherhood, a timeless creed, a sisterhood of holy seed and greater good

Well intact, well ingrained, well to do forever fallen upon our promise of Shangri~la's eternal reign

We are One
One in the same
Spoken from the mouth of that which has no Name.
Aug 2014 · 396
Spinning Spiral
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
when You're
     on this
of Life...☆☆☆~~~~
                    at the Water~~~~
¤¤¤~~~It will....::::~~~¤¤¤☆☆☆☆¤¤~~

        ­               that All is~~~¤¤¤~~~~~
~~¤¤¤¤♡¤¤¤¤~~  but adrift along...
Opening verse of a song I once truly enjoyed performing. It was about the course of the next revolutionary rebel...where ever
he/she may be...Also, such inspiring poems this early morn have brought me to such a merry madness~~~~♡♡♡~~~he he☆
Aug 2014 · 541
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
When I am Sad I get Scared
When I get Scared I seek Control
But I have had Control before...
over my life, the people in it,
and then the darkness came,
and We fought...they came
in swarms...Alive...I had to
decide to relinquish Control
And upon my own gauntlet...
That piece of me died.
Because it wasn't right
to own that kind of control.
I don't know now what to do
When I am Sad....
Except that at that moment
Gracefully deliver my senses
of Control over to that which is
ever truly in Control anyway...
Aug 2014 · 293
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Like flies to a flame, comes Wicked this Way...
Such Sweet Sorrow ... does not know what burns it.
Sometimes too many eyes can **** you...
...look the other way...
Aug 2014 · 467
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
We come unglued in this life, we come undone. That which is not lost to youth must surely wander on...

Frozen movement, wearing scapegoat fur, cracked creation of warred disorder cast settled souls upon yonder plains ~ twisted paths in chattered maze of spiral green
~ my mist, your haze ~
I'll walk your mile of pained duress
~ from violent fog, my sweet caress ~
come beside me, not behind, we walk along forever tied by spirit words~
(the Churchman's kind)
~What once was lost, in you I Find.

If truly there be no hope in life
~ no will, no chance admidst this strife ~
then never would we have cut the cord,
come into life to journey forth
~ this is our birthing that feels like death ~
the Lookinglass sees this Best.

Can't you see that's how we're dressed
That's why We come **Wireless
Aug 2014 · 387
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

There is an element of clarity in knowing nothing is truly empty.
Yet, may I pour a little confusion in your cup to taste~
most of everything is empty space.

Inspired by Creation herself~ and all her gooey goo
Aug 2014 · 270
Same Thing (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Same Thing
Spacing Out
*Thinking thoughts you're Not Aware of
Inspired by a conversation I had with my Mother this morning. I was trying to explain how I can't recall some details of a particular movie due to "spacing out", she retorts " honey you were just thinking thoughts you aren't aware of..."
And I was kinda like stunned in a moment of scratching my head, going huhh...
♡♡♡ I do Love my Mom!
What a Trip ♡♡♡
Aug 2014 · 378
Spinning Spiders
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Caught in Webs
Wrapped in Silk
Save for supper
Mouth of Milk
babes to suckle
lest they wilt

Now know this is not so for some vacate the nest, no incubation needed, some born are ne'er to rest

Come now ~We move in Tandem
Take only what You need
Wha'st not the midnight Siren
Calling Us to heed
Catch not the hold of Silence
We march ahead indeed
The waves of Life may take us
Our song shall set us free

The spinning Spider gathers up cocoons of Young who choose to slumber amidst the rolling thunder ~ takes them under ~ this Time deemed best not be asleep

Come then, Run!
Run afront!
Come on high!
Be Awake
Let us Rise!
No more Weary!
No more lust for Greed nor Cowards
Let them lay for Spiders spin
Let the Web cast take them in!

and how the story ends depends if ever it does begin
~《 so does it 》~
Web of words~I wonder
Aug 2014 · 415
Greet the Day
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

The Cradle of Night has Broken,
the Light comes falling Down,
the Ravens start to Gather,
in every Tree around,
their Caw it calls to Morning,
Bring forth the Day's embrace,
the yawning stretch of Day light,
peeks through it's shiny face
through puffs of cloudy pillows,
the Sky has come awake
from dark and dreamy slumber,
the Stars have gone to Sleep,
except for One remembers
to Shine it's Light beneath.
A soft and sweet relief
Good Morning
Aug 2014 · 597
Blame the Mob
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Collapse already!

This time has passed already, in case you hadn't guessed, but surely you can  bet, I am ****** and ready to go, toe to toe?!?
What does that mean???
Are we dancing the waltz or the tango cause I can't really tell.
This back and forth, spinning around, lock and pop, Eye to Eye has got me so high, I'm pretty sure it's about that time to
Collapse already!
But bring me down easy, though I wouldn't afford you the same...cause I'm mean and ******* and ready to go, and No!
this time, not toe to frickin toe!!

*....umm...that was an unusual free flow...I don't feel relatable to whatever this is I have written here...although I could blame it on the Best of the Mafia series I've had playing in the background and that's a hilariously unusual scenario in itself. Such a trip...I had to share.
Blame the Mob...
Aug 2014 · 626
Welcome to my Nightmares
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

Here lies below a (very) brief list to review, welcome to my nightmares,
I bid you adieu....


Back in the day, when I was a kid
I'd so many nightmares, oh Yes! indeed I did.
There were monsters in my closet and under my bed, gnomes that would hunt me and hags on my chest.
Zombies were mobbing, roaming my street, right out of Thriller, minus the beat.
I would get so scared that I'd tremble at night, restlessly sweating, awaiting the Creeps, I muffled my sobbing under my sheets.

So, now that we've visited those very few, let's look on to my Teens for new mares to review.

Sooo....Nighttime falls, and here we go, where I meet up with sleepers, ghouls, the undead, on stretch of empty highway, I'm deserted with dread, except for the drones swooping down overhead.
I've had my fair share of falling dreams, nighttime terrors, and muffled screams, ones where I'm blind, buried alive or running like molasses while helplessly knowing that something is coming to do me harm, all filled with a chill~guaranteed to alarm.

As I grew older, into my twenties, I'd dream of ex~lovers, back then I'd had plenty.

Some were seductive yet chillingly cold, setting a jealous scene to unfold. Some were so vicious, I would wake up crying, still others were heartless and hauntingly frightening in their callous displays of cheating and lying.

Of course, now in my thirties most of my mares center upon guilt, and regretful dispairs.
Reliving my shame, the losses and tragedies, taunting me with the full scope of all my inadequacies.
I still often get the nighttime paralysis, I can't move a muscle, though lucidly I realize that this time the fight seems to come from inside.


So now that I've shared an abbreviated list of some of my nightmares, well, you get the gist.

I hope you've enjoyed a jolly good read, just don't be afraid when it's your time to sleep.

For a more detailed recollection of any one dream, give me a holler or a blood curdled scream.
:-)) Sweet Dreams :-))
Aug 2014 · 626
Love or Malt Liquor? (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

Drunk on Love or Malt Liquor,
Does it really Matter??

*|\~•~/| buzz is kicking in
Aug 2014 · 509
So Profound (10w)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
What a pretty little leaf, so profound
that little leaf
All is All
Reflecting All
Macro or Micro
Some Prefer to contemplate one or the other sometimes. Nothing at ALL wrong with that.
Aug 2014 · 426
Manifest Amazing
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Life can be amazing, if we know the how's to bring it forth.
One must however mention that some thrive in the tension, some shine in the light, some glow proud in night, some slide through contention, and some search for
First, find out what ticks your tock, then fantasize what makes you rock, and don't be timid in your dreams, think big, and believe, in all that you may conceive.
The stronger the web that you weave, the easier the Universe will retrieve, your hopes and desires will manifest right before your very eyes. I swear it works if you decide to follow through in whatever life you choose for you.

Give it a try...or don't
Remember, you decide.
Just flowing positive poetry
Aug 2014 · 326
Seventh Seal
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
She is a Changeling
Born is She to Shift
Torn away from lasting molds
She lives a life~
Unspoken, Untold.

I could not bear to waste away Her Magnificence if as like trash~
She is a Whirling Dervish, a Spirit Blessed of the highest Caste.

A Hurricane in the Breeze,
a Resurrection, my Reverie.
Bless her Soul, She has Suffered Well, her Legacy, only Time will Tell.

Her Secrets though I dare not proclaim, won't be for naught, Shall She Rise to Reign, it is only through Her that our Truths are revealed, I bow in Awe, in Prayer I Kneel, my Faith She will Test, my Heart She shall Heal.

                Born is She~the One.

Daughter of Fire, no longer shall be concealed.

                     It is She~the One.

          ~*the Seventh of the Seven Seals.
~ Inspired by Ancient Sacred Texts
Aug 2014 · 303
Heaven is in my Head
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
I ride the Vacuum, from Black to Blue,
Swirls of Sky, never in Vain,
if I remember anything, it won't be Heaven's Hue,
It shall not be the sacrament offered by any Name.
It might be better left unsaid, though
Heaven is in my Head.
So be there nothing to recall, if I've already recalled it All.

*All of Consciousness already knows everything, it is merely the act of Remembering comes the Higher Mind
Riding in through Space & Time
Aug 2014 · 316
Let Down (for now)
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
To be so invested in Peace
just to see it torn to Pieces
is tormenting and twisted
I aimed so high I missed it
The current events are packing a lot of heat. It's getting hot in here~
Aug 2014 · 425
Lend me your Ears
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Who gets the Blessing of Bliss...Who??
Do You? Do I? Do They??
I say nothing, in silence I comply
I'm not able to be heartless or ragefull
But of this I surely know..
In Silence I hide from the Sword of Sorrow
God help Us...God help Us All!!
In return, my prayer I go to You with gift of Promise, I Swear!!
No Care of ****** backlash, I've shared the Way, that's what I swore to do for You and now I'm numb, in my hovelled place of change, shifting in the resistance.
Forgive me my human weakness for I am no Mythic Maestro, merely a Woman of Silence...of Silence...I Swear too!
I Care for Us All, forever and ever
Aug 2014 · 415
What's Been Left Unsaid
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Seizures sever bitter ties better
than anemic atrophy ever could.  Cancers to slow but a hell of a heart attack would do, just real tiresome after awhile

Ya dig me?
Now, don't get me wrong, a bullet to the back of the head takes the Salami all day long, but it ain't bitter, quick severing involved  
See, I sever, that's what I do, You got a bitterness that needs to go, I'm the One you ring, yeah, I'm the lucky bloke, got nooks for this kinda thing  
Lemme tellya...
~ Written from a Spector's point of view~

Slow Suffering is a bitterness, quick severing of Suffering seems more attractive choice
Aug 2014 · 355
Sweet Angel
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
Hello Sweet Angel
What have You Done??
Watery~eyes, wading in the Water
Wings are wet, weighing down, sinking in the Water
Hello Sweet Angel
Where will You Go?
Super~moon, sharpening tides pulling You in
Shake your Wings, shake them off, float upon the Waters
Goodbye My Angel
What must I Do?
Wishing You Well, hoping, I pray You'll soar the Skies again soon.
A gesture for Sweeter Days
Aug 2014 · 485
NuurSeraph Aug 2014
I walk in, You walk out
You climb up, I climb down
I move farther from You
in search for the Truth
from outside
to remind myself
of the feelings inside.

Of destitute transgressions,
I failed to mention what's jarred or come loose, is now hanged from the noose. Battered and Bruised are the Eyes of the Wise,
Driven to hide inside
caves dark and far from the Lies.

I walk out, You walk in
You climb down, I'm climbing closer to You in search for the Truth for Time being without meaning, flocked and flayed around the Rack ~ taken aback beyond our Youth in spite of the Proof, We are praying to play, sprayed and sprawled against the Wall, taking shape and design, in part quite Divine.

The sharpest part is plunging in, opening to
Rise in the Truth
from outside
to remind yourself
of the feelings inside.
Rambling Roost
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Witness Chair
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
I've been swinging from the Witness Chair hoping and praying, often contemplating
When will the Agenda End and Blossom of Freedom Begin?

Apparently, Softly shake my Head and Smile,
We've made it to the last Mile
....of this Life Long Marathon...

Raise your arms in a V for Victory and set Sight ahead, you'll see the Yellow Banner tape there for You, the One, to Break.
Turn it ON
Jul 2014 · 2.8k
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
There are those truly Wrenching, Heartwarming Moments where I Die a Little Death.
It drowns me just as deeply....
Jul 2014 · 498
Until This too Shall Pass
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Dreams stream meaning anxious grieving like I'm lost in freezing frost cracking crisis vast madness condensed in a sense I wake dense heavy and weary confused and crazy restless as the fury who knows something is coming closer~closer still closer dust to dust flaming flashes my ashes to ashes until this life too passes.
Quick free flow reflecting disturbing dreams I've been having.
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Duties of Duality
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
If I did not notice the Silence,
I would not know varieties of Sound
If I did not know of barren desolation,
I would not meet with Wonder the Nature of The Mother
If not blankets of numb Paralysis take Me
I could not feel Elation of Sensation
If not He, then not She
Duties of Duality is precurse to Selfless Compassion
To Change the World, One must know the Scales of Balance that Mediate the Self, once in Centerline, the Soul can Shine a brilliant Intention that Manifest in Action an Energy of Transformation aligned with Earth. Our Prayers be Heard and appreciated, accepted in Heart of the World shall cometh forth a prosperity and Worth Divine for You and I
So all the Children will Understand Intuitively, merging Mind Eternally. Destiny entwined with Currents We Ride, You decide the Destination.
Changing the World One Heart at a Time.
Jul 2014 · 536
THE Pain~filled Poet
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Has every Poet felt THE Pain?
Well...considering we are human beings, and every human, at some juncture, has Been in Pain, then Yes, every Poet has felt Some Pain.

THE Pain is the brand that tunnels in and twists You through the Grate, until SNAP! You Break...wide open, a blazing bonfire, Flame of THE Pain has digested and phased Your Matter into Vapor, You are released in Smoke from the Fire,
Catharsis of Inner Core,
revealing an own
Inner Nova all Your Own.
As Your Essence mixes within the Mist of the Etheric Brain, you find your Calling, and your Mind breathes again and releases an expression of Healing.
Found In the passion of Musical Musing, the stories of the Glory of Redemption, the Color Splashed Canvas, the Prolific Poetic Artist, the Kindred You shall Find.
Those Deep Works that Speak to the Seat of Your Soul,
the Goosebumps that Follow,
the Feeling of Connection are just but a Reflection of a Kindred Kind.
The Kind that if You Met You would finish each other's Words before the first Sentence need be Spoken.

If You can Know what I mean, then I bet You've Felt THE Pain.
If You are a Poet, then Yes,
You are a Poet who has Felt
**THE Pain
Pain can Paint the most Prolific
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Mesmerize This
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Mesmerize This~
Tantra~sition of Life
moves way beyond *******,
of your mind into another~
must merge gracefully, mixed~
engorged gorgeously~
Please Me.  
You must trust~
The Solution.
So Much Desire... To Merge
Jul 2014 · 561
?? Un~Human Behavior ??
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Forget passing Judgement, in passing particularly.
You will be misled by your presumptions anyway.

This travesty on First Glance Judgement is a dupe on everyone, including You.

Not much remains natural in so called civilized society, you see.

What makes You think your natural instincts can't be fooled?
Are you deviated inside? ...don't lie now...could be why You just can't seem to feel at ease, comfortable...natural most of the time.

We all wear masks baby, not just at night... ALL the Time, honey, every single minute you go outside into the world, at the store, at your work, You wonder why You need a costume to survive, don't You Sweet One...Don't You???

Ask Yourself...Is that the way we need to be living??
I always wondered why humans go out of their way to be un~human....
Jul 2014 · 606
What a Story!!
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
No telling what these times will trace along the fabric of our space

Each field of View projects a unique skew to piece in place the larger Screen to Scan the bigger Pattern of this raucous Reality.

Who think You to have Eyes to See such Chaotic Commotion Accurately?

Shucks, Not Me!!!!
Sweet Stars, Can You??

Oh my, whatever shall We do?!?
Who's got the latest Smartphone?!
It's time to test for real IQ, this is no laughing matter, hand it over....

"Siri, Where Can I Find Jacob's Ladder??"
Searching. Searching. Blahdditty, Bhahdditty, Bhah....And?

"Ahh for crap, you don't think you can help me with that?!?"*

...I won't even bother asking Where Heaven's at, I'm gonna have to check the Bibles, the Gospels, the last of the deadest Sea Scrolls, for sure I'll find some kind of clue, I've got to talk to a representative, and figure out just what to do!!

We'll be in the next millennium before we coordinate an Earth Committee to review...right, Sooo ...hmmmm

Ahhh Soo, here it's been, alas the puzzle pieced...

"Seek First and Ye shall Find, the Kingdom of Heaven lies Within"

Well then, not far to find some kind of satisfactory Solution.
If We all agree it not so necessary to see the Larger Screen...if We simply pay close attention to our own appointed part, all the parts Groove grandly.

Heaven is Here, We find Help within our own Skin, Proper Purpose to Talk to Ourselves in Peace....Plentifully Indeed.
...And Closely with your neighbors, family, and friends...don't got none, there's space right Here, Join In!!
True Change starts with Compassion.
We All are in this Together All Over the World. Let's Act Like It.
NuurSeraph Jul 2014

Wanders -- he

The mountains applaud

The mother feeds the hungry babe

The mother feeds the hungry babe

On clothe so softly

Cleanse away the down-trod ill

Cleanse away the down-trod ill

Just like sunshine captures

The hungry mother searching far and wide

The hungry mother searching far and wide

The sunshine world

Shall reveal in hues of red

Shall reveal in hues of red

Blood bath blissfully

That we are more of -- WE

That we are more of --WE

That the tyrant knows

All the churches fall down

All the churches fall down

Defunct -- discombobulated -- dead

Retreat -- deep relief
Another Good One with J.R
Jul 2014 · 440
Krak thru Kokoon
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Not to ever come this way, to late, I have
Impulsive quandaries of selfish pleasure
To go from searching to soaring mad
It wasn't had, not to ever come this way again
I lay not so harshly with regret, my actions sought ancient delicacy, potent
Dilute substitute, or lure be lazy, it's amazing how my brain is changing, for the good, I am grateful, if truly Time is able to regress, I confess starting over for the best, lay to rest, I must accept, not to ever come this way again.


Served its purpose, now I know to sever such a sweet piece, grieve my lovely, ***** dust, this I must, keep moving on, forward, let it bury deep beneath, in a tomb, sarcophagi, another life I lived and died.
At least I can say I gave it a try.
Boy, did I.

A mention to regeneration....of life, of body, of mind, of spirit, of heart....the essence of what you were...observed from upgraded version of self...saying goodbye
Jul 2014 · 795
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
~•||\::/ ||•~

Have We no Words to say?
I ask as You ask
the Silence all the same,
wakes from Stillborn Being
not far away, remains in the quiet
sake of Sacred Space.

Twas our yearning,
reaching out into each-
other's Hearts
which sought to reach
the higher Mind,
pulling up so as to meet
the precipice of our feet.

Unbreakable, the ground
feels sound of solid mound to most,
but still, some weep
the warmth of safety.

We have birthed the Heavens
with each Word,
Let our Will be brave and mighty,
vaster than the vastest Sea,
be th'essence of Eternity.
Manifest intent through Prayer,
from unending patient Plea,

We are One

We are never gone away
thus We may not stray
from Fruited Path
paved upon Community
of much the finest Character,
of such the likes as We.
Courting Connection from out of the Silence
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
/// ;;
// •  • ||


Come to me

When I see the Light--  of None


( let it be done )

It shall Spring Forward

We shall
Wither & Burn

the Light to return

The Light to become .....

To become
what IT IS !

To become
what IT WANTS !

( come child
Walk the lonesome night for awhile )

As we too

To become what we want


Look !

See !

From the tenemented  fire escape

Sees all the children
Sees them take to the barren streets

Within the chilly evening

Looking for love



He sees her looking to him

The Inside Detective

Deceptively Protective

( for by the essence of his presence --

He tries to inspire them
To come Home)

Protector of Truth !

Invader of Lies !

Bringer of faith to those who survive

Out on the streets
& the Darker Side

To rescue the Truth
Bring Hope in what's Right


A part of the people

One inside

She looks back to her room from the fire escape

Feels the courage
Shares his grace

Walks she proudly
The night

Stands in the darkness
Under street light

Faces the loneliness

But it's alright

Knowing he is always
By her side

so proud of that great work Jeffrey we did a good beautiful piece
Jun 2014 · 389
Spilled the Beans
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Spilled the Beans, not the Milk this Time
Although I could have Cried over Either
I did a Tad in the Beginning,
Fell Faint Three Times,
Still Went on My Bike Ride,
Found some Moments in between the 1st and 2nd round of
Body Dis~temperament.
Well, of course I Deemed it
Quite necessary,
I certainly couldn't stay Weary,
I don't like
non~autonomic Breathing
Spilled 'em Efficiently,
I Did.
Kept the Time flow consistently, Although I inserted a good spread
of sample spattered examples, splashed like perfectly placed motes in a Pond.
I'd say my Delivery was something akin to
Plenty Heavy yet entertaining.
Varied Emotion in Motion.
Alright, Alright...
The Can of Beans was really my Therapy Session!!
Resilient Success!!
I might Mention...
Analogy is an Amazing Thing
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Eleventh Heaven
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I'm relaxing, laying around, sometimes in Silence and sometimes with Sound
11 is a Power Number so I counted the words and it felt right to leave it at that
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
What's been Done, is Done, lest you hit Rewind.
The Default button is Play, Now, and Now, and Now, Everyday.
Some can find Fast~forward, that takes a forward kinda Mind, with Vision that looks a Mile down the Freeway, not just up ahead at the beat up Chevy on the Street right in front of You.
If You  like to press that button a lot, you get to knowing what's coming. You're still in the present but the Future's in Your Sight. It can save You from Trouble, move a few lanes over, miss the pile up a mile up ahead. And that's just staying with the positive end of that Spectrum.  
Now, Pause gets tricky, sticky, usually interesting, but certainly dangerous.
I suggest You only press that One when you have to use the bathroom or get a soda from the fridge.
In the case you've played the fast~forward game so long, that you've found yourself too far up ahead,
You can always press the Pause button, knowing you'll have lots of time to fill, and If you tend to have self destructive or addictive traits or just tend to self isolate, this Pause can Cause Pure Chaos and it will all fall down on You, in your Head, in your Mind, with no one there to save You from Yourself.
Remember, you're still so far ahead, and completely Alone.
So, If you survive Yourself long enough for someone to finally catch up, they probably won't understand You or how You got in your Situation.
Hopefully, they'll have a care for your strange affair and help You to Un~pause, get You Unstuck and moving again with the rest of Them. That's a Blessing, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
Run along and Live in the Now, oh, and stay away from the Stop. That One must be respected and Solely reserved for God.
I'm an Engineer, I like to See how **** Works or Doesn't
Jun 2014 · 467
Come On People, Now....
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Spirit Caustic
Sacred Covenant
It All Vibrates in Front of our Faces
We Called the Circumstantial Frequency, Forward, Before Us
You Did, Didn't You?
We All Did!!
Isn't that a tremendous Power to Ponder?
What a Gift AND Responsibility?
You must Be A Whole Lot of Amazing
To Be Granted Such a Powerful Position
Hey, we're All Still Learning....The Body is an Awesome Piece of Delicate, Yet Far Advanced Technology
Let's All Get Together, Talk It Out...
In less Someone's found The Manual, of Course...Man, Bring It With Ya!!
We'll just Work It Out ,
Put Our Collective Good Intention Together and Attend to This, Prosperously.
Spread Positivity, Please
It's Highly Contagious
Side Effects Include:
Inner&Outer; Peace
Abundance for ALL
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