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Nov 2014 · 578
Before the Fall
NuurSeraph Nov 2014

*I reckon the autumn wind

bemused yet solemn

a stillness stains the blue

before the fall of crystalline

water drops busily commencing

communities, merging all as One

a more graceful union of individualities

migh'nt ever be lest we take

heed and follow their lead
Nature is the Ultimate Teacher
All things can be learned if we choose
to carefully watch her ways and those of her most innocent creatures :-)
Nov 2014 · 509
Into the Night
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
What will it take
Reaching out with
Supple touch
Such soft things
will suffer well

All good things
wait in hiding
with the Cresent
moon behind barren
tree branches
on the Other Side
of the night sky

All bad things
Cancel, Cancel
replaced with
Joyous Ease
and Wonder
for All and

Now I feel better
her Majesty
has come
The hum of the cold
still night strum
me into morning~
The hum of the cold still night strum me into morning~
Nov 2014 · 577
We All Do What We Can
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
my skin bubbles to blisters
when you rub me raw

your wet frost mornings
freeze my extremities

your fat cat percent of foreign air
brings on an attack of allergies

but who am I to despair
to wallow in the Dragons Lair

in life we all do as we must
to live and earn each other's trust
Most good-hearted people are just doing as best they can given their current circumstances & awareness...not intentionally trying to inflict harm on each other,  although sometimes this can be an unfortunate casualty of living our lives.
Nov 2014 · 593
An Unearthly Lament
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
~ somewhere along the tendrils of time ~*

In a not too far, not too distant past
I was spinning daily my alternate reality overlapping the real world daily
just to get by.

Why? you might ask
oh, sweet friend
I like the magic of pretend
the muted grey of everyday
I could not play
I found it way too boring.

I spoke a tongue all my own
I reveled till my mind was blown
by what my eyes could see.

Goosebumps would prickle my skin
as my dance would begin
from mourning to morning
I'd spin and spin ~

I left the Earth beneath my feet
In an instance
I knew her secrets complete
I felt a touch of divinous power
I rose much taller than the tallest tower

Until the day it became too much
I couldn't sustain this unearthly rush
electrical circuits began to fry
I had no one with whom to cry

I would not make it another day
I had to choose to walk away
My ethereal realm, I could not stay
but that's okay for still I roam
on grounded Earth I call my home.
Nov 2014 · 371
That pen will write
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I usually know what to do
if I can find
one good opening line~
the rest will tend to come out fine
within you can read a few fun rhymes
a general theme shapes out too
shares my unique point of view
at best it can be a test
of imaginations limitlessness
and patient persistence
but one good thing is rest assured
it's a ton of fun, the written word!!
and that dog will hunt...
Nov 2014 · 353
Feel It
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I can feel it in the room

Can you keep a peace of tenderness aside for me, *please
I think I'll be arriving on the late train into town.

As far as the feelings I throw out around You, Sweet
I never meant You any harm when I've trembled your ground.

I can feel it in the room

I move with purpose even when I know not what it is
I'm torn between my world of thoughtless visions and fantasy.

I've longed to pull You closer into me for You to see what I can see
We can start to lay the majik down and feel it in
your room.
Nov 2014 · 936
Upon meeting an Angel
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Such intense pleasure grows out of the Soul potted in phase shift Soil.
The Heavens watered her petals to bloom, flowers of everlasting peaceful serene.

I am drawn into calming bliss, basking in her intoxicant solution of fragrance ~ wafting in the wisp-ers of wind, rising my eyes to the heart of her mind.

*My humble Soul shudders ~
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
It feels kinda funny sometimes when the heart's in rare form.

I'm on stage performing a magic show when suddenly, I close my eyes and disappear~

{¡} !my Grand Escape! {¡}

I learned that one *before

the hat trick, so plain and basic
but I digress~

once upon a time, there was a princess born of more than just mere men. She often slipped sight unseen deep into the forest where she would play pretend. The tall towering trees would talk and tell her tales of mystery, speaking of Secrets older than time when Earth was churning in her prime. The stars would blink ON just for her, popping out of the dark night sky. Opening up the universe, she'd close her eyes and fly
but I digress~

I open up my eyes to see
the audience still sitting there.
I've got this silly hat,
but no bunny rabbit anywhere!

I really wish they wouldn't stare
I'm not so great at magic tricks,
only the magic in my mind~

I'd really like to disappear
and be that princess right now  :-)
Just a fantasy take on stage fright or any frightening situation~ It would be more than great if when the panic sets in, we could just close our eyes and trade existences and be somewhere magical instead.
Nov 2014 · 481
NuurSeraph Nov 2014

the Excitement in the air is
welcome Refrain~
all blissfully blue and clear.
Charm-ing entanglements everywhere
boldly declare a holiday.

Take a break, implode the mystery~
Knowons faithfully pulsate
the heartbeat
of everyone, everywhere.

Do you dare to be aware?
let's learn to share our intimate existence :)
A little bit of Quanta with Quality.Enjoy :-)
Nov 2014 · 409
Rhyme & Meet-her
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Sharper blades that clear the Way
Tokens earned the more we play
Wild and freely smiling face
To coax us from our hiding place

The bigger, better and beyond
Floating lotus petals in a pond
I close my eyes and count to ten
Make a wish, to you I send

Will you be my make believe
Your loving touch, my warm reprieve
Like jewelry mounted precious gems
My solace when I make amends

I pray for Love to lift my days
Precision marked on warm soft rays
I truly hope tis just a phase
Will re-emerge from out the maze
more equipped to travel on
to journey's end, a brand new dawn
Feeling soft and lovey :)
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Today, I AM
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I have a mission:

today is a new day
this is always true
today is a sunrise
as the earth turns
the dark skies blue.

today is another chance
to look within
speak my truth
heal my heart
as living proof that
I alone am strong in faith

and so,

I walk my path today
to take my part in destiny
and write the pages of my life
exactly as I choose to read.

the author of my story
the ink of my words
the love of my life
the sky full of birds
the roots of a tree
the air that I breathe.

I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
Yes, I AM.
My mantra today :)
Feel free to say it with me if it feels right for you too.
Have a really great day!
Nov 2014 · 455
Here we Go!!
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
I spot the Time

~ twirling into thin ringlets~

like ribbons gliding
the length of room

I chase for the lead
and freely spin to catch
the tails end of time

~ribbons race~
about face and dosado

Dancing into another day
*ready set
here we go!!
Good Day to All and Everyone!!
Nov 2014 · 785
Backtrack Blindly
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Backtracking towards the Light
oh! Fakir,
brilliant shiny Bright
Neophyte hypnosis, take me In..

oh! Beloved,
fragile tendrils of my desire
heartfully hear me, hear Me..
my heartfelt Prayers,
I do not fear to tread into the highest vapours.

Clandestine Clementine!
not One Breath but Three
times itself, squared.

not forsaken, dripping drapes
blindsided, blindly onwards...
not forsaken Sight!
Hear me, Hear Me..
Bless'ed be my Name!
I honestly don't have a clue...
if you do, feel free to share your interpretation :)

(nothing meanspirited please)
Nov 2014 · 440
kind of Peace
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

Intimate utterances
worthy of a mourning
Kings' tears
may trace sounds
of blood Red roses
rising in his moistened
garden grounds.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.
Good morning :)
Nov 2014 · 552
Artefactual Purge
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Too much information
and my mind goes Crash!
a crouching canvassed crooner
bracing for the Splash!

Kept alight, at bay at night
to hone a zone of Vision.
Clarity ablaze despite
this Schism o' division.

Engrossed in battle weary thought
Art of War, ideally fought
We ring a ring o' roses,
Hang a wreath upon Death's door.

Inibriated image in a former
blurry self-defensive, nearest Sight
Autopilot megalotross
Keep it real and run it tight!
Just needed to be a bit silly

*Art of War by Sun Tzu
*Ring a Ring o' Roses nursery rhyme
*Keep it tight, venusoul7 profile description :-)
Nov 2014 · 691
One of Nature's Truths
NuurSeraph Nov 2014
In a Forest
We can See all the
Trees as One
when the
Leaves are Green

When Leaves start to
Turn and Fall
We become able to
Clearly See the
Unique Character
of each and every

Much the same thing
could be said of

Such is the
**Truth of Nature
written from inspiration from my Mom
Oct 2014 · 995
A Walk Upon the Waters
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
A walk upon the waters; nigh
Shalt not split thy vein
Lest furtive glances; sigh
To bear upon His Name.

What twills apart my Being
Must extricate a feeling
Is truly trying triumph
For brew upon the brow.

If moorings mast is cracking
then ****** upon the wind
for deeper trust be lacking
my Bow I must rescind.

a Keeper of her stables
should roll up bales of hay
a Reader of her Fables
would wish to port her Bay

Make for meager living
In a time as starkly stout
To climb upon the mountain
Into the tempest, Shout!!
How I would imagine a centuries old poet's reflection upon the modern Self and greater society as a Whole. (This particular poet is a bit cynical:)
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
In the Grandest Scheme of Things, the Ego-Sense of Self seems Overinflated.

We are Sparks materialized in prescribed form of Primordial Source...

We are All the Sacred Wounds of her Original Innocence.

The greatest, most Honorable Occupation One can give to this life is the refinement of the Self.

In so doing, the raising vibration affects as ripples in a pond.
Effects Rate of Energetic State of Being~

Everywhere      All Around
Heart - Nothin' At All:
Oct 2014 · 281
State of Tragedy
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Marysville ~ God bless
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
"No man loves God who hates his kind;
Who tramples on his Brother's heart and soul.
Who seeks to shackle, cloud or fog the mind
By fears of Hell has not perceived our goal.

God-sent are all religions blest;
And Christ; the Way, the Truth and Life
To give the heavy-laden rest
And peace from Sorrow, Sin and Strife.

At His request the Universal Spirit came
To all the churches; not to one alone;
On Pentecostal morn a tongue of flame
Round each apostle as a halo shone.

Since then, as vultures ravenous with greed, We oft have battled for an empty name
And sought by dogma, edict, creed,
To send each other to the flame.

Is Christ then divided? Was Cephas or Paul
Nailed to the Cross to die ?
If not: Then why these divisions at all?
Christ's love doth enfold you and I.

His pure sweet love is not confined
By creeds which segregate and raise a wall.
His love enfolds, embraces Humankind;
No matter what ourselves or him we

Then why not take Him at His word?
Why hold to creeds which tear apart ?
But one thing matters be it heard,
That brother-love fill every heart.

There is but one thing that the world has need to know;
There is but one balm for all our human woe;
There is but one way that leads to heaven above;
That way is human sympathy and love."


Oct 2014 · 949
Loop d'Loop
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
We come looped back and forth
infinite upon this plane.

All experience gels into itself
catalysis gooing
yet remains ungoo'ed.

Who we are is figments
of this basket and that
collecting from this
dimension and that.

One spike strikes the mind
affecting conscious mental
aether electifies, plucking
synapse physically
reroutes emotional body
looping back into itself and out.

Perpetual film flowing
through lens
stamped and projected
onto screens of life
for viewing.

Movement may come from
any beginning, middle or end
looping is not linear
unless the loop is cut.
Felt Inspired by my Poetic friends
Onoma and Kensho
Oct 2014 · 398
Fear of Rejection
NuurSeraph Oct 2014

I'm Alone



I'm Afraid to be Alone**

Very random, meant to be moment of inspiration
In a nutshell...pun definitely intended :)
Much Love!
....We must remember....We are Never, Ever, Ever truly alone....We're just not, and that's that!
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Perpetual Blanket
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
I enjoy the perpetual blanket of unrefined cotton clouds snug tight against the night turned day, grey and unrelenting.

There is a thin film layer then
in between ~

     Me.               Myself.        &          Eye.

If I blink real hard and purposeful, I'm sure it would all dissipate....

Pin-popped balloons always do....
Sitting outside. My black leather coat has seamed to have shrunk....
Oct 2014 · 774
Cheruberries & Apocrypha
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
From the Swirl comes the Structure,
In the Structure feeds the Flow
and the Flow maintains the Focus.

So we can deduce
much like the pattern of life,
it begins as Freedom,
like colorful movement
exempt from rule.
While the other extreme,
the skill obtained of Focus & Form,
akin to miraculous mystery
wise sensuality
from royalty born.

Can you see the Procession
in difference yet alike?
Infancy is always Free
from Wisdom comes Sight
the Master of Vision
Magical Majesty
 ~Immaculate Precision.
 ~A Rainbow in the Light.

Deep unto the dreamy wood
Walk We, one Faerie to ‘nother
Swift~ Shift
Slighted plea
what cares of Noumenic Clemency
divide amongst they~
who do not know or care to see
forever to possess perverse tales
to talk away the mystery.
Swift ~ Shift
acrimonious possession
Sudden urgency
Cares Not~
Divide amongst Noumenic Novelty.

Coming birth of Elementals
entrancing ingenuity
foreseen such heavenly conception.
Ironic irreverence of Elements
pure Majesty
Still in Expectance of
blessed Faerie’s redemption
They ~ who do not care
will never know and ought never see.

This is about Strife.
The way one Group tends always to find flaw with another Group, finding all the differences to hate, ignoring any similarities to love.
A repost from earlier this year. I had a hard time trying to find a connection with myself and others then... Now, I feel good and wanted to share this again
Oct 2014 · 695
No Trickling Stream
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
I've seen a vast Ocean of Eyes
darting back and forth
left and right
undulating sequence
along the Moonlit night

this is No Trickling Stream you See
this is a raging Ocean of White froth Life

Herein lies the Chasm of Awareness
or Stairs of Consciousness,
if you need
the Praying Mantis shifts its Eyes
(Kneeling in the Blackness)
Down the very bottom of this
deep dark Ravine

We are the Creatures
We are the Seeds that We sow
We are all Mirrors

Tell me....what more must Eye know?????
Watching Life of Pi
turning my head and holding my breath a lot.
oh yeah, and shedding a tear or two..or three...ok, I lost count
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Of Grace and Fortitude
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Gone are the vanities of yesterday.
I'd lost myself in visceral volcanoes spewing forth the molten ash of pretense
~ my ruptured soul erupting abruptly everyday and everynight.

Why the fragile faun must lay vulnerable under the dark circling sky, overcast as vultures spy their prey.  
The smell of fresh blood, the open wound ~ the end of days and innocence.

The birth of something sinister to survive in a world of eat or be eaten.
One day if hope prevails, the wound will heal and the mask may be removed to reveal the faun who once was ~ may now live again.
A gentle creature of grace and fortitude. AMEN
Sometimes we must wear the very mask of those who prey upon us in order to survive amongst them.
Never an ideal circumstance until you find a way out~
Oct 2014 · 5.8k
Child of Goa
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The village by the sea
an homage to simplicity
a rare treasure
of true community
a place paused in time

Climbing coconut trees
Wells song with water
for drinking, cooking
to bathe and be clean
A corner of the coast
let it all hang out
a beach side hippy retreat
where nightly bonfires
burned in celebration
yearning for a freedom
not found in their former
The Masquerade called
the US of A

My god parents raised me true
my Madrine and Padrine
speaking Konkani
so pure
the essence surreal

A child of Goa
I will always be
girl in the sands with
her head in the clouds
I will always be
a child of India
no matter where
I find my earthly home
I will always know
from whence
I truly came
Dedicated to my Godparents
Oct 2014 · 923
Imaginations (Sinking Kiss)
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Wicked sharp imaginations
catch my heartstrings
with heavy hooks,
bait me in with yummy chum
throw me back as likened
anchor for their massive fleet

As above, so below
silence my descent
gracefully floating
to Marianna's Trench

Phosphorescent illuminessence
strangest of them all

deepens in free fall

Body numbing
death's succumbing yet
my mind lives on brightly
flashing forward and behind
for all my moment's mem'ry

Light is fading
as I sink into abyss
only death besides I have
*Imagination's Kiss
Sinking peaceful,  slowly into a vast ocean with only the mind's calming moments of imagination & memory to keep company
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
I said Babe
well aren't we a little bit old now
for this crazy game?
Is it safe now
that winter's gone?
But I think we could use a little memory
to add to the database.

I saved a little bit of money
I put it in a vault
hidden behind the face on the red room wall.
I took everything I wanted
I took everything I need
all in a day
or maybe they just want me to leave.

All of the people
all of the people stand
standing to wait
waiting for the concrete to break.
All of the people
all of the people take
take it away
you know maybe you just made me believe.

And the days
the days feel a little bit longer now
and the morning's bright.
If we escape now
and leave this place
I hope heaven has another open door for us
when the day is getting late.

I saved a little bit of money
I put it in a vault
hidden behind the face on the red room wall.
I took everything I wanted
I took everything I need
all in a day
or maybe they just want me to leave.

All of the people
all of the people stand
standing to wait
waiting for the concrete to break.
All of the people
all of the people take
take it away
you know maybe you just made me believe.

Woke up late still half asleep
but the airport line out in the street.
Baby I know you wanted to stay
but the weekend rush won't let us wait.
Woke up late still half asleep
but the airport line out in the street.
Baby I know you wanted to stay
but the weekend rush won't let us wait.

All of the people
all of the people stand
standing to wait
waiting for the concrete to break
All of the people
all of the people take
take it away
you know maybe you just made me believe

Panama Wedding - All Of The People Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Oct 2014 · 518
This Writing Hour
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Dim lamp light casts
a poetic dance of shadows
from the corner of my
quiet office space
tracing words neatly
in my scribe's notebook
I rassle the pen skillful
to print.

I notice my paced breathing
holding back ever so carefully
the cowering anticipation
of the haunting lull
a writer dreads in times
of fevered inspiration.

My handwriting is strong
and simple, neat and tempered
but I soon expect the sneak
of the serpent scrawl to
wrap around my wrist
and pull me in tighter to
the tempo of a poet in heat.

I brace myself and breathe
deeply, purposefully I release
a humming hush of air
from my loose lungs.

I tend to tap my right foot
to the beat of a silent drum
rarely in rhythm with my
right writing hand.

Here comes the scrawl
I feel I can't control
Is it lack of strength
or the sheer thunder
rolling thoughts on paper??
I think it is a little bit of both

Where are you dear
fellow poets in your
casting hour??
Conjuring up words
to share our wants,
needs, fears and doubts
so perfectly
...or not....

The point is in the
actual act itself
isn't it??
Taking note of my writing demeanor...wondering about other poet's writing experience...
Oct 2014 · 685
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


Come Waves of Wonder
Wash Me Over

A bountiful Breeze
Of endless Mystique

Raise my arms
I float into
Ambrosia Bliss

This is my Oasis
A Place of
Timeless Grace


I recall All things
(unyeilding & brave)

The kind of Grace we cannot erase
A peaceful Smile on a Child's face

A Place and Time





This is the place where I want to go *
We can accomplish Anything when We work Together
Doncha Think?
Oct 2014 · 890
[Plank of Insanity]
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
My marginal dysfunctions like a panther saunter gliding me out to peripheries edge.
We won't comment on loose banter, someone says.
My mind circles the time as the crow flies,
too disturbed for reentry, tweets the parakeet.

Phase out with allegiance to no one,
Phase back in with desperate facade.
I am blank, bleak and broken.

Well...that's just the token to get us back in ...the Dahlia wasn't always black to begin with you know, so many colors remain to absorb our sorrow.

So lost, forgotten and frail...
a ghastly scene so serene and forsaken.
Do not fret my fellow faire, we are ghosts of crimson lore, pathos to the people...morose...together on the edge of forever.

Interlacing fingers, we stand then walk the plank of insanity...who will hold my hand??
The mind is a beautiful act of celebration...
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Dancing back thru Doorways
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
What is it like on that Otherside~
that place where time slows to a still...?

What can you recall in those precious moments of deeper contemplation~
acceptance of destination...?

with peaceful mind~
Soft and Knowing.
Reflecting on transitory moments~
what steps in our life make for graceful movement at those moments??
Oct 2014 · 288
Cosmic Quest
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The Cradle of Life is gently lulled back to sleep. Seven Stars of Orion cry out from their nest of Creation~

Who shall suckle the hungry babes?
        The Milky Way is dried up and sore

When will we learn the way back home?
        No reservation is reqired
        The Door is wide open to All who
        seek solace from their suffering

Where hides my next of kin?
        So afraid to step out from behind the
        dark veil of infancy~

What is our Destiny?
        Eye shall read from the Sacred
        Scrolls of Life

I beg to question the answers unknown so I may always wander forever searching....
So many questions~
Oct 2014 · 498
Age of Hypocrisy
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The greatest Expense to our Humanity~

The political Investiture to further the
Facade of Integrity

A Cracked Clock is Broken Every Time of Day

"Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed, Nothing Harmed


bassnectar lyrics in quotation, Nothing has been broken
Global Diplomacy does not work when its influence is overseen by immoral bullies (psychopathic rule)
Oct 2014 · 486
Be Gentle
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
look up to the night
the sky says it all
I've been
to the core

please be gentle

I feel fragile and small

its only this moment
but this moment is real
just as the flip side
shall rise to the front

*please understand compassion is key
I have it for you, please have it for me
Trying to process a lot right know
Oct 2014 · 486
Stranded at Sea
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Swimming thru
the panoramic sea, is me~
torrents attention maybe
too lazy, skies suprise~
would it be just a dream
or a smile
'en visage' of the moon
if my latitudes
were few
but incorrigible?

I break in align and drift for days
toasted flake for fish food, I make~
unto land, my eyes it seems
as tho' no shade
could dialate my mind, for dreams~
I must gather what waterlogged
faith I can find.

Should it take onwards of years
to guess my position
yet cannot despise for
my own limitations~
the pull of the Earth
will most definitely make
for the best
most accurate

*Until that Day,
I remain
Cast Away
This is a poem dedicated to my memory of that Tom Hanks movie where he's stranded on an Island for years yet still has faith and vision to set sail to be discovered...
Could someone remind me of that movie title, please?
Thanks and Enjoy
Oct 2014 · 376
Here Comes the....
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
The beautiful Tree-Birds still twittl-e-tweet despite the reproachful View.
Watching the black arrows of Prideful Judgement snap like dry, brittle twigs against the Broad Walls of Love, Light and Acceptance
{of All Creeds of Wo/Men}
Every single time there is LIGHT...look out for a backlash of is The Cycle that never seems to End.
All for the Beauty of Balance~
Oct 2014 · 593
My Offering
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Immaculate Memory

Show me Everything

Bless me with your Sterling Secrets
barred from Eyes too soon to See.

Open your Arms
as I lay before You

Vulnerable Exposition.

Unzipp the Sky ~
Unburden your Breath

Breathe Eternity
Gentle Whispers

over my Soul
Let me know your Stories.

Through all my Lives,
I realize with Open Eyes

the Tears may fall and Spirits rise~
You Cradle mine as Sacred

I fall before You~

*Utter Absolution.
A recollection of various moments in Prayer.
This is written to be purposefully intense, as it is meant to capture a sacred decree between devotee & Divine.
Enjoy :)
Oct 2014 · 336
Winter Daydreams
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
Daydreams play out
on a screen before me.
Lavish in many
laughable moments ~
teasingly just out of reach.

Treats on a stick, skipping ~
They frolic about, to and fro
the children know
to jump and then fall
flat in the snow ~
Arms go up and down
Legs go left and right
Sweet Angels they are~
Such playful delight

Day dreams are real things~
as much as you wish them to be.
I look forward to making a few snow Angels, myself :-)
Sep 2014 · 395
Internally Sound
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Internally the structure is sound~
The mosaic glass tile weeps thick at the base, a phenomenon as evidence of time.

The stained color is light at top, growing darker the lower the eyes travel down~
The piece takes on the element of flowing water submerged in heavy sorrow.

Indeed, I would not argue to disagree~

*It is truly a very sad thing to feel so lonely in this world set on fire.
I recall the ancient glass murals in the churches and cathedrals throughout England and Europe. The pictures took on  a sorrowful, deep mystique due to dripping sands of time ~ the mosaic glass being thicker & darker at the bases.
Sep 2014 · 492
The Emerald City
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Distinguished* ~ one seasons' stronghold
Lavished ~ yet it leaves no mark
Harkened ~ still it bleeds no stain on us
Ravished ~ some lost to the dark

My King!
My Queen!

My Majesty!
You state your Name by Divine Decree,
yet Silence has claimed your Kingdom.  

For Eye could cast one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) sparkles into the night and no one would care to notice.

What a shame, says Eye...too wrapped inside.

Tho' one day soon a Flame unfurls and
wisp-ers condense into new Worlds so that once again we must all commence the Journey to reclaim our Innocence.

*"Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My"!!!
Dear Toto, I couldn't help but envision those beautiful ruby red slippers

* References & Quotation taken from the movie The Wizard of Oz and my Poems Songs I've Felt & Unfurling the Flame and a previous comment I made on a Jim Morrison Poem.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
FREE (10w)
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Compliment cost



Sincerity is an expected given....
Sep 2014 · 592
Beam Me Up
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
A plotting mind linking line by jotted line in hopes to find some form of vitriol to sooth the untempered soul before the coal has been toiled and burned out.

No matter the highest heights or crashing lowest of lows.
This I know not if my hand-glide will sail smoothly

or will Tempest roar too soon before?
I come crash-landing to the floor.

!!Beam me up God-dy!!
~in blaze of blue-bellied rays~

or something akin to Eternal Light...
s o m e
a c h i n g
*E t e r n a l-l y
Sep 2014 · 424
Cuff to Cuff
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
My fateful thoughts
have broken me
as I am not sure
that which feeds
from what~
cradles an irritable
bellyfull of volatile
to pay for last respects
Like will birth Like~
as if braiding colorful
compliments on
two Lovers' wrists.
My devil Red steel,
I brand You~
Bound together
Cuff to Cuff
by clasping
Crocodile teeth
Sep 2014 · 642
Banshee Howl
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Instincts may rise and fall
with fitful breath
never to soon
to swallow
undercurrent that
pulls you
over troubled
Oceans all too often

When restless dreams
bring sleepless
out of the
swell of night~
Fifty nine prayers
will bowl you under
Twelve years of Starless skies

Ten Stone men
ruined catacombs
a heartless
Banshee Howl
steal all thee
yearns for
wretching from
the pit of soured insides~
the deepest
to be released.
Not dark just a tinge weird in a weird kinda way. Actually, this is reflective of a purging process~
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Y R there Words?!?
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Pins in a haystack
Needles in the cushion
A knack knick whack-a-patty
Push n tha' tooshin

Waggle wiggle bumpin thump
hungry hippos roast a ****
Candy apple, hide-n-seek
Count to ten, you best not peek

Wormy wiggle, rigga ma roll
rat-rug boat-tug sac-de-Cul
Almost done, have words with fun
Yup giddy yup giddy, "Run Forrest Run!!!"
Joe Cole Challenge
Having Fun with Words!
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Clarion Horn
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I am not apt to dance with fleeting judgement
Gone awry, left of right
A pain stained glance through her window
Strikes a splintered gaze in spite~
loyalties sworn in the moment,
shifted by the hands of time
reaching out with subtle movement
crashed onto the seaweed shore.
Coral kiss may not recover, unresolved and underscored.
A talon's reach amidst the plunder grabbing bodies off the floor
diving swiftly out and under
shifting upwards, on the run.
Phasing inwards contemplation
in between the Earth and Sun.
Moonlight walkers jubilation~
infiltrating everyone.
Cast a spell of Celebrations,
right of left, to keep the balance
turns the page
for brand new season~
blows the Horn of Clarion.
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
I walk upon the patchwork shadows of the forest floor. My eyes are hypnotized. My stride falls in time with the rhythm of a fickle nature. An open clearing comes across my field of vision, my Mesmer broken by sprawling lawns of soft down green. Like a gleeful child, I run the perimeter of the vast expanse. With eyes skyward I spin around till treetops and sky become one. Loose footing breaks a dizzy tumble to the forest floor. A light head and light mind have I to close my eyes, drift peaceful sleep in heavens bed.
This is a journey of distraction and focus~ finding rewarding pleasure in a playful retreat.
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
There is a forest called Truth around the corner. I go in search for dialogue. So many perspectives there are to offer. One comes back more alive in their concept of God.
I feel a lightness in the falling leaves, stirs within me a freedom and acceptance of dying. Many creatures shuffle amongst the brush, skyward eyes enjoy the critters busy climbing. Up the Tree trunk towers, along the arm~like branches, up and down collecting food in preparation for the season called Winter. So many intricate sounds joined together of varied pitch, tone and timber make for lively conversation. Philosophies smooth ******* mates for various creations of Thought to incubate my ever expanding Understanding, the flowered fruit of Reason.
This is a journey of birth and death, walking calmly in nature ~ reflecting for peace and understanding.
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