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NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Dreams stream meaning anxious grieving like I'm lost in freezing frost cracking crisis vast madness condensed in a sense I wake dense heavy and weary confused and crazy restless as the fury who knows something is coming closer~closer still closer dust to dust flaming flashes my ashes to ashes until this life too passes.
Quick free flow reflecting disturbing dreams I've been having.
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
If I did not notice the Silence,
I would not know varieties of Sound
If I did not know of barren desolation,
I would not meet with Wonder the Nature of The Mother
If not blankets of numb Paralysis take Me
I could not feel Elation of Sensation
If not He, then not She
Duties of Duality is precurse to Selfless Compassion
To Change the World, One must know the Scales of Balance that Mediate the Self, once in Centerline, the Soul can Shine a brilliant Intention that Manifest in Action an Energy of Transformation aligned with Earth. Our Prayers be Heard and appreciated, accepted in Heart of the World shall cometh forth a prosperity and Worth Divine for You and I
So all the Children will Understand Intuitively, merging Mind Eternally. Destiny entwined with Currents We Ride, You decide the Destination.
Changing the World One Heart at a Time.
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Has every Poet felt THE Pain?
Well...considering we are human beings, and every human, at some juncture, has Been in Pain, then Yes, every Poet has felt Some Pain.

THE Pain is the brand that tunnels in and twists You through the Grate, until SNAP! You Break...wide open, a blazing bonfire, Flame of THE Pain has digested and phased Your Matter into Vapor, You are released in Smoke from the Fire,
Catharsis of Inner Core,
revealing an own
Inner Nova all Your Own.
As Your Essence mixes within the Mist of the Etheric Brain, you find your Calling, and your Mind breathes again and releases an expression of Healing.
Found In the passion of Musical Musing, the stories of the Glory of Redemption, the Color Splashed Canvas, the Prolific Poetic Artist, the Kindred You shall Find.
Those Deep Works that Speak to the Seat of Your Soul,
the Goosebumps that Follow,
the Feeling of Connection are just but a Reflection of a Kindred Kind.
The Kind that if You Met You would finish each other's Words before the first Sentence need be Spoken.

If You can Know what I mean, then I bet You've Felt THE Pain.
If You are a Poet, then Yes,
You are a Poet who has Felt
**THE Pain
Pain can Paint the most Prolific
  Jul 2014 NuurSeraph
sigh.. deepest prayer..
.. of them all..
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Mesmerize This~
Tantra~sition of Life
moves way beyond *******,
of your mind into another~
must merge gracefully, mixed~
engorged gorgeously~
Please Me.  
You must trust~
The Solution.
So Much Desire... To Merge
NuurSeraph Jul 2014
Forget passing Judgement, in passing particularly.
You will be misled by your presumptions anyway.

This travesty on First Glance Judgement is a dupe on everyone, including You.

Not much remains natural in so called civilized society, you see.

What makes You think your natural instincts can't be fooled?
Are you deviated inside? ...don't lie now...could be why You just can't seem to feel at ease, comfortable...natural most of the time.

We all wear masks baby, not just at night... ALL the Time, honey, every single minute you go outside into the world, at the store, at your work, You wonder why You need a costume to survive, don't You Sweet One...Don't You???

Ask Yourself...Is that the way we need to be living??
I always wondered why humans go out of their way to be un~human....
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