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NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I am not a hypnotic, nor an ******
I am more like over flowing
a waterfall, of rushing Stimulant

I am an empty vessel, made of flesh and bone
I am not a hollowfull of mindless  things, gathering moss on stone

We are with one another, separate yet not apart
I am the Voice at the end of the Receiver
You can hear my Voice, but may not hear my Heart

If I talk to you with Words,
You might hear my Voice, or rather your perception of it, I will not know how it sounds or what you have heard

You might prefer it that way, I assume that's why you read Poetry

You can take a little bit of every poem and make it all your own

You create the image, the fantasy, the meaning, the mystery of the Soul that holds the Pen that wrote the words that touched your Heart.

Heart to Heart the Poetry bonds us, so simply, it's hard to conceive, how real the closeness, how deep the Intimacy.

....Of Poetry, It links Us together, not locked in time, but binds us forever.

Sweet, Sweet Poetry...Ahhhh
The beautiful Art of Poetry bears many gifts
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
As the new day dawns, I pledge a gentleness to be, To long I kept in Reserve, A levy breaks, with Urgent force one makes, what possibility I posed my Plea, I realize in this moment, all could appear to be....a Tidal wave is no way to make acquaintance...silly me, so much to offer, please pardon my naive tsunami, may I rewind ~ a second try....
A Pleasure to be reacquainted.
Well....I'm sure that's what the gesture might be if we could understand Tsunami....Whatever, my Pleasure at least.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Glorious Procession!
Stampede Proud and Mighty!
Gale~Wind Force could not stop this forward progression, such determination is note~worthy!

Under the Canopy of Tree Leaves, We watch from afar, silently a-gasp, still in silence, We watch the March of Structured Beings not of this Place and Time.
We know of our Elements and call it Home. We know of our common companions, our neighbors and friends as they too know of Us, but we do not know of these proceeding Beings .

As the latter of the soft Earth rest back to the ground from which it had been disturbed, I slowly turned to my Clan, and gathering,
"There is to be a Great Declaration, a Meeting of Minds that must find agreement on Middle Ground, for this is the Time of Conviction, no longer will they be Unheard."
There was a rustling of agitated whispering among Us, for We had seen this before.
"Let us go to Assembly, We must Prepare."

My Clan in the Canopy, soared, swung, and jumped down through the Trees. Some of the Others galloped, some spun Merkaba, surely to be there first, some fluttered by humming a pleasant frequency as they passed, still others flickered in and out of vision, always appearing in different spaces, One never knew their pattern of movement. In times of play many of us would place bets, laughing at our poor presumptions. Few of us ever guessed their appearance correctly.
But now was time for serious discussion.

I walked to the Center of the Circle Assembly and looked around at all the myriad faces of all the myriad races. I prayed for our safety and peace.
I looked up to the Sky,
"Whence They Came, They must return, after their piece be shared, let them understand, this Land is Our Land, and no fight do We want, this is where we were born and where We belong."
An overwhelming Sound reverberated the Ground in agreement of the Circle.
"We shall commence the Peace Invincibility Ritual at the Moon's Peak, the Priesthood will lead in Prayer. We will send our wishes to their minds, so they shall know. If they be of Holy Heart, they shall comply. If they contain not a Soul of Peace, they will vie for fight. Life for Life, in death We shall not die, We stand forever to do what's Right."

The Story ends brightly, our family still be here, only visible to those with Clear Mind and Holy Heart. This be the only way We would remain safe in our World, now not our Own. That's fine by us, We know how to Share.
A Tale I Wrote to Share
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I have been under Reconstruction, well, more like renovation with a few new  upgrades...Much Earned.

Since This was a Special Deal and about time I hadn't really thought about the little intricate moments when you take great joy that your Central Heating is running so much quieter and You can't believe  what a difference it's made, or how the new Marble Top in the Kitchen is just so nice to use and at noon it catches the mid day sun so perfectly.  The pipes are are back in order and you can't get over how beautiful the front yard looks with the new trees and lighting concept, blah, blah & blah..
This was only Analogy
Really, All Renovation & Upgrades have been on my other home, Got a few special treatments...Much Earned.  
A couple examples I Will share...
So, I have noticed for the past week, My skin and face have noticeably tightened, smooth and brighter than the lights in my room....
Not showing off...or indulging in Self flattery, That's not my reason for Sharing..., so  I will tie it all up with a blueberry bow...
It has a good deal to do with environmental change.

Other fun thing is my morning moods are totally different. I'm up with sunrise, singing and dancing around, cracking jokes and not needing Coffee, that's humorous in It's Oddity alone.  
Last but not least, I got blindsided by an unexpected Powerful electricity current so stunning when I looked up at the person who had approached.  I mean this was high Voltage Energy Current, sending Very Clear Signal Communication. It was Mutual and Most Amazing, I got butterflies  in my tummy yesterday and energy level was flying  

I've not had this deep connection to Anybody for 9 years...heart and soul were out of order.....But today, I confirmed at least they were not broken beyond repair, my Heart's transmission must have kicked in and it Revved real soul glowed brighter, the light bulb still worked...must have been a power surge correcting the circuitry.  
I Felt Human Today, Human Emotions that had been latent....and forgotten.
Was very special experience for me.....
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Movements stumbling along the Blue Charade
Comets mumbling, circling endlessly across the Space
Rainbows gathering, must align in Spectrum Properly
Buddings Blooming, constant push of breaking through to Flower

All things must struggle, this is the condition of living things
Not reserved for human beings, we are not that Special
All of this must overcome Obstacles to retain the right to life
Complacency is Death, Lack of Movement is your ticket to the OtherSide.

All things born of a Conscious World, are inherently Conscious
Like genes past down from Mother to Child
This Trait is the birthright of all existence given to Earth
Use this Gift well, and respect it in all things, including People.

Respect your own Consciousness, Use it Well, Listen and Learn
It is boundless in what it offers to the Listening Ones
Be a Listener, Listen to yourself and Others
Do this Well, You will be Blessed in what you Hear

Express your Consciousness freely, and You will be Free
You hold the keys to Freedom, True Freedom lies within
Burst forth into this World, it also is your inherent birthright
No Authority has claim to take that away, so don't let them.

We all know this, I just decided to type it up as a reminder to myself and Others.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
It is a good thing, but sad when what ones sees is Ugly
Hateful Actions are not Cool.
Just sayin'
Have a Blessed Day
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
I play Mediator, mediating between two strongly influencing Forces.
They are of different spaces, but each knows of the Other.
I listen to them both osmotically, they are often at odds with each other.
I am a practiced listener, objective enough to understand the nature of their Stance.
I retrieve below the surface message, the empathic persuasion in me does this well.
Such accounts for any bipolarity I might exhibit in thought or emotion.

One Force thrives on impulsive pleasure, in behavior there is tremendous energy and manic spontaneity.
No concern with inhibition or societal conventions. I must always keep in check a childish tendency to center motives solely upon itself.
This is when I make intervention and repeat the Lesson of Conscious Expansion....
I have Authority and so of course this Force listens and quiets it's power back to steady periphery.

The other Force is Otherworldly.
So Extreme, it by far surpasses me in ability.
This Force I tap into, I listen to its subtle inflection, it's Perception is uncontainable, it's Language is unexplainable, but Understandable to the Sensitive Senses.
Here is the Gift, that must be earned, must be learned and respected in the Temple of my Soul.
It must be carried through the plight of Spirit searching, knowing no discontent or schism, no division, or derision.

I draw down this Force, I pull up on the Other One.
Puts me in center position.
I Am the Mediator

I am the Borderland between these two worlds that exist in Me.
I will attend to my duties.
I Am the Mediator
of Me.
Duplicity is commonplace
Multiplicity is rare but there
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