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Sep 2022 · 134
The Drink
Nope Sep 2022
The depths
I despair
One more sip
And I'm alone
So close
But I'm not proud
It could end
Right now
But I don't want that
And that's not what this is about
So I breathe
Even though I can't
I'm deep enough now
And the emotions are confusing
And I love you
And that blurs into her, mom
I can't reconcile this
And here we are on the precipice
Of a child's love
This is painful and my burden should be yours
Yet here I am carrying it
I hope you've reconciled our distance
Cause I'll just keep driving
I just don't know any direction but forwards
And then the song changes
And I can't live without you
In my mind
When I die
You two become one
And my love is justified
Jun 2022 · 159
Nope Jun 2022
My curse is to go on living
No reprieve
No rest
I must suffer to the fullest
Until my debt is paid
And I return this life
Until the end
Jun 2022 · 184
Nope Jun 2022
The sadness surrounds
But I'm weak
And the constitution
Lies deep
A part of me weeps
Brother I can't do it
Jun 2022 · 125
Nope Jun 2022
Wasted words
Almost spoken
But I bit my tongue
Jun 2022 · 106
Nope Jun 2022
I never wanted to let go
But I was at least a decade away
From loving you
You and me
Just weren't meant to be
Jun 2022 · 128
We were so close
Nope Jun 2022
Circling around
Each other
So close
But never connected
10 word
Apr 2021 · 146
The Weight of the Empty
Nope Apr 2021
When I was little

I would press my face

into the space

where your back touched the seat

and I would sleep

While you drove us home

I dont know if ive ever admitted to myself

how much I needed you

But these arent words of regret

because I know I told "you"

many times

so many times I shared my heart with you

I needed to know "you knew"

"I" needed to know

that this was one regret I woudn't carry

In your absense

I don't remember where we were coming from

and I don't remember arriving

all I remember

Is the weight of the empty

space in between

Loving you

and being me
Dec 2020 · 114
Nope Dec 2020
How do I explain
The 37 years
of rejection
That I have carried
In my heart
And now that I know who you are
I don't want to know you
A lifetime has passed
In a single moment
There's nothing left to rhyme
Apr 2020 · 91
All Is Forgot
Nope Apr 2020
Woe are my dreams
And woe that is naught
In time though it seems
All is forgot
Nov 2018 · 150
For Now, or Forever I Guess
Nope Nov 2018
I could write a thousand words
Just summarizing what I read between yours
But I don't, or I won't
I think it's time to let "this"
ride off into the sunset
The horizon has been patient
and enough is probably enough
So, I'll say goodbye
For now, or forever I guess
I think the only lesson
We are meant to learn in life
Is how to let go
Jun 2018 · 160
This Pen
Nope Jun 2018
And so I write
These lines, they leech
These feelings, they speak
And I just, need
A gentle caress
A love, not less
My heart, it breathes
My breath, it needs
And I mourn and bleed for these things that I need
I grasp at the wind as the restlessness sinks in
And I always come back
Around to this pen
Jun 2018 · 165
Her Walls (10w)
Nope Jun 2018
I want to love you
But your walls, I can’t
Apr 2018 · 148
My God
Nope Apr 2018
My God
I just want to kiss you
But you don't exist
Can you taste
These lips
Nov 2017 · 172
Were You Ever Real
Nope Nov 2017
And so I sit, listening
Music plays and I…
I feel
And I think, “This song is you”
And I wonder who you are now
I wonder if you were ever real
If the emotions were real
Why can’t I let go
Mar 2017 · 200
Nope Mar 2017
A time spent in the clearing
And in the darkness…its thoughts
And growing and moaning and…fear
Here they come
Visions of Monet
Do we run?
No, we stand our ground and hear what they say
Sep 2016 · 348
You Never Knew
Nope Sep 2016
So subtle were
My thoughts of you
That I wonder how
You never knew
Sep 2016 · 265
Still I Jest
Nope Sep 2016
Only about 500 songs remind me of you
So that’s not so bad
Why am I always so aware of you
Like a compass in my head
Pointing me to the west
Still I jest
But we both know it’s true
Sep 2016 · 193
Without a Care
Nope Sep 2016
Words could never express
All this breath, I waste
And those songs, they taste
Like heaven, as if
He sent a memory
For us to share, but where
Oh where have all the times gone
All those moments we shared
Ill forever bear, those midnight whispers
An unintended stare
That smile, without a care
Nope Jun 2016
The darkness just creeps and creeps
And bleeds and blinks
My poor memories can’t catch a wink
When I sleep, at the bottom in the deep
He never even tried to climb back out
Just built a house and settled down with a mouse
Does your headspace dream
Are those your screams
Both reds and blues in these vivid dreams
May 2016 · 295
I Just Want to Leave
Nope May 2016
A prisoner in the constructs
That you created blind, in my mind still I find
Darkened spaces and places and traces of rhyme
I pushed you away so many times
Yet here you are, defining the rules of my dreams
Such pretentious themes, still alarmed by your screams
The shadows aren’t as frightened as you are it seems
Though their velvet lined gloves, are blacker than ash
Like little white doves or maybe a rash
No those words don’t make sense, now! maybe I’m tense
I just want to leave, so I wrote what you read (RED)
Can’t you see what I’ve said?

It’s redundant

*It’s dead
Apr 2016 · 296
Have You Seen Me?
Nope Apr 2016
The stripes that line
The dots that mine
Those nostalgic thoughts
That fade with time

Unconscious crimes, like
A musician’s rhyme
Strung through the halls
Where symphonies divine

I cannot accept
What I cannot find
Have you seen me
*Am I still alive
Mar 2016 · 272
Madness, I Swear
Nope Mar 2016
The trip back home gets longer every year
And the decades don’t know
How much time you spend, Here
Like a book or a novel, a weary man’s wish
The dreams that we shared
Have long been, relinquished
Or relented or returned
Or accepted as burned
When everything said
Is bathed in sadness
The world seems lost, and I swear
This is madness
Feb 2016 · 303
Shadows in-Kind
Nope Feb 2016
I’ve traveled further in a night
Than most have a right
Beholden to a darker shade of green
Dare you bask, In a midnight stream
Or expose what these lies have dreamed
Deep in mind, dilapidation or rhyme
In the recesses and dark confines
Splintered fractures and shadows in-kind
Or in tow, or in line
Or exploding in time
I can’t seem to wake up, though I know that I've tried
*Lots of edits
Nov 2015 · 285
The State Of Emptiness
Nope Nov 2015
I hate myself for all the years I’ve wasted
Toxic clouds of regret for all the fears I’ve tasted
Symbols and lines that lash, vines or rhymes
So many indecipherable tries and lies
Or visions of my own demise
A recluse in my own mind, alive
So much time I’ve spent counting the hours that I’m breathing
Barely able to surmise, an inaudible sunrise
Or the cries of surprise, when I smell the truth
Of all these highs, as I rise
A glimpse, of another sleepless night
A hypnotic glimmer or an optical shimmer
A moment of peace, as I slip
Into that right, state of emptiness
Oct 2015 · 383
What do I want from life?
Nope Oct 2015
To be crushed by the weight of a sunset
Astounded by the beauty of a single snowflake
Intoxicated by the aroma of a rainy day
Entranced by the sound of the merciless wind
Engulfed by the flame of a naked touch
To love, with reckless abandon
Oct 2015 · 207
Nope Oct 2015
If Romeo had lived
And Juliet wasn’t cold
And the pages we turned
Weren’t the memories we sold
If the fire was lit
And the flames never died
And the channels we changed
Didn’t flicker with lies
Anyone interested in helping me complete this one? I seem to be at a loss for words...
Oct 2015 · 236
Nope Oct 2015
I cast my mind upon the wind
With the intention of soaring
But I awaken to find myself, instead
Gazing at a river of loss
Dreaming of being swept away
Misplaced abandon
Completely at her mercy
I am Conquered, yet free
A tumultuous fury
A memory
Are we
Oct 2015 · 364
Just A Time-Worn Dream
Nope Oct 2015
Buried in the sand
On the beach where I stand
My dreams like sea turtles
Have long since swam, away
Who will meet my needs
A Million miles though it hardly seems
Like a worthy investment
Just a time-worn dream
Sep 2015 · 366
We The clowns
Nope Sep 2015
Wake me up all pretty and neat
Just in time to take our seats
Pretending to be nothing, not even imagination
We blissfully enjoy an overactive stagnation
A parade of novelties passes us by
Provocative gestures masquerading as lies
Let’s play hide and seek while they pause
In the space between these words, I’ll bet there’s a cause
Hopefully we find some strange familiarity
Or at least a lack of sophistication or clarity
“Ladies and gentleman!” he says, with notable affliction
And we all turn and stare, entranced by the addiction
The computer desk protests munch greedily on their controls
And the Hybrid driving pseudos’ snort coal up their nose
“Send in the clowns!” he shouts
And the lollygags cheer
Then the homos and sapiens share in a beer
Sep 2015 · 290
Instructions Below
Nope Sep 2015
Step 1: Put on your favorite love song
Step 2: Read each word slowly and wait about 4 seconds before reading the next word
Step 3: Let your imagination fill in the blanks

Sep 2015 · 273
A Kiss
Nope Sep 2015
I like to slow down
Right as our lips touch
And pull away before completing the kiss
I'll gaze into your eyes
And run my thumb
Across your bottom lip
Sep 2015 · 207
No One Sees
Nope Sep 2015
She suffers the silence alone
But secretly loathes the solitude
You might see her in the distance
A shadowed, huddled form
Quivering in the darkness
Weeping in the stillness because
There is a lovely soul inside
That no one sees
Sep 2015 · 221
If I'd Have Known
Nope Sep 2015
Do you ever look back and wonder
What would I have done if I’d have known?
That that was the last time my eyes would see
That my heart would slowly break with every mile
That as I stared out that window
And beheld, the most beautiful arrangement of snow
The most serene fields that silence could know
That I would rather drown in the pain
Than ever let you go...
Sep 2015 · 245
Nope Sep 2015
As I slowly come to realize that
I only remember echoes of past events
I am awash in the fluidity of possibility
The probability that I may indeed
Rewrite my history
Aug 2015 · 288
I Slowly Forget
Nope Aug 2015
Stolen moments
A photograph or a rhyme
My secret indulgence
Always on time, but
Time isn’t cyclical
Though a memory is
Echoes of the past
Unforgettable voices
Your image taunts my soul
Footprints through a puddle
Dreams like dust
I slowly forget
Aug 2015 · 383
Knowledge of Nothing
Nope Aug 2015
I was wrestling with the vaguest idea
A hint of a notion
When I glimpsed understanding
Like a sip from a magic potion
I witnessed a prophetic cataclysm
It was ablaze in the eyes of the sun
I wanted to tell the world
But I couldn’t find my gun
If you start to feel a little sleepy
You should maybe take a nap
In the aisle of a grocery store?
The Triumph of plastic crap
If I bathe you in the glory
And absolute knowledge of nothing
Will you still tuck me in?
And read me a bedtime story?
Jul 2015 · 544
Alcohol (10w)
Nope Jul 2015
The alcohol scent on your breath
Drives me absolutely wild
Nope Jul 2015
When a yellow cab pulled right into my mind
A little too drunk to drive
I’ll just need a moment to collect what I find
A ride from a stranger? I don’t usually partake
But you smell like stale beer and cigarette ash, so I don’t mind
The rules of love, take one and leave one, I think I heard you say
So I just stagger back to myself, and fall a little more in love
With your beautiful drunken sway, the way
You just want to be used, and then thrown away
So you can add my memory to your exposé
Jul 2015 · 402
Nope Jul 2015
The desire to purge
The desire to destroy
If it’s already broken
Can it still be enjoyed?
Jul 2015 · 320
The Prophesy of Love
Nope Jul 2015
And so I stand on a mountain top
And bathe in triumphant glory
A witness to the birth of love
A true believer, as they say
But I share this dream alone
But I’ve shared this dream, alone
Two hearts diverged in the woods
And I, I took the one most fragmented
And that has made all the difference
May 2015 · 332
Somewhere Lay
Nope May 2015
A respite from the din
Deliberately placed upon my head
Soundly invading my mind
The battle is forced out in waves
A temporary reprieve from a losing war
I may succumb to myself yet
But I bide my time
Patiently waiting for a promise
Quietly riding a cyclone
Perusing the windy sands of an exalted sky
Watching the little dreams float by
Apr 2015 · 244
I Ran...
Nope Apr 2015
Because, I was afraid that,
You would love me back
Apr 2015 · 759
Nope Apr 2015
Halfway there
And you turn around
Walking right to me
Climbing to the top of your tippy-toes
Your lips grab mine
And erase my mind
Apr 2015 · 462
Thoughts and a Lonely Man
Nope Apr 2015
Thoughts and a lonely man, dusky silhouettes
Candlelit reveries, faithful, fallen
Desperate words, pages wept
Winters breath and an empty world, rested on a knee
Pleasures failure, fallen leaves
Resentful verses, shattered sheets
Spring promises and a hopeful man, Romance roused
Life awakened, colorful sounds
Harmonious lyrics, printed passions
Summer Dreams and an expectant future, Inebriated senses
Memories lived, brightly burned
Hypnotizing texts, Unforgettable stories
Thoughts and a lonely man, dusky silhouettes
Mar 2015 · 430
Poisonous Kisses
Nope Mar 2015
Your lips are slick with tales of shame
And I can taste your bitter lies
Little trails of kisses
Like Poison to my mind
Mar 2015 · 431
Ode to Wicked Sins
Nope Mar 2015
Searching for a dream is a lie
If I could swim through the fall
Then summer would be mine
Last seen, in the corner of my eye
Just beyond the clarity that skips across the sky
Dancing on the edge of an eyelash
Normality’s the enemy, she’s foreign to my mind
Bodies grinding, the skin turns raw
Do you take your drunken promises
With ice and a straw
Ode to wicked sins, another hopeless romance
I guess you have to find yourself
To ever stand a chance
Mar 2015 · 304
Leaving The Emptiness
Nope Mar 2015
I can feel your hesitation, as your hand pauses on the doorknob
A solitary, shaky breathe, as your steel ended nerves, turn
And push, letting the door swing open, cautiously waiting, for
The darkness to recede, the blackness to slowly creep back, into hiding
Your outward, sharp cry, resounds in the stillness, as you gaze
Upon the of dust, and stagnation, of this empty heart
Cobwebs and gray filtered light keep watch over this air of emptiness

The floor moans in agony, announcing your arrival, as you approach
The center of the room
my solitude
You expect to feel loneliness, sadness
But oddly you feel nothing, there is nothing left in this room to feel Shhh
Something stirs, a sound in the distance, voices, commotion, something
Is coming, you feel terrified, you begin to panic, you run, never looking back
Leaving the emptiness
*completely intact
Mar 2015 · 332
Broken by Silence
Nope Mar 2015
Another moment passes
But here I sit, unyielding
One thousand lashes later
My composure sits in the corner, slowly breaking
When resolve dissolves, you’ll touch my face
And for a second, our lips will share eternity
When it’s all said and done
*It’s only the silence that’s left hurting
Mar 2015 · 292
Nope Mar 2015
Somewhere*, I swear it
In the veiled twilight
Or the shadowy moonlight
At the ****** of the hottest summer day
Or the deepest, coldest winter night
The world is torn asunder, and
Love is given a new meaning, as
Your burning heart, consumes my fiery passion
"Haunted by a notion, somewhere there's a love in flames"--Berlin
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Vague Understanding
Nope Mar 2015
I've always loved you, admired your free spirit
Please, for the love of all, just listen
Your soul is the most beautiful
Of everything I have seen
And I would have taken that from you
As it is written
The love I gave you *was freedom
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