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Nope Sep 2015
Wake me up all pretty and neat
Just in time to take our seats
Pretending to be nothing, not even imagination
We blissfully enjoy an overactive stagnation
A parade of novelties passes us by
Provocative gestures masquerading as lies
Let’s play hide and seek while they pause
In the space between these words, I’ll bet there’s a cause
Hopefully we find some strange familiarity
Or at least a lack of sophistication or clarity
“Ladies and gentleman!” he says, with notable affliction
And we all turn and stare, entranced by the addiction
The computer desk protests munch greedily on their controls
And the Hybrid driving pseudos’ snort coal up their nose
“Send in the clowns!” he shouts
And the lollygags cheer
Then the homos and sapiens share in a beer
Nope Sep 2015
Step 1: Put on your favorite love song
Step 2: Read each word slowly and wait about 4 seconds before reading the next word
Step 3: Let your imagination fill in the blanks

Nope Sep 2015
I like to slow down
Right as our lips touch
And pull away before completing the kiss
I'll gaze into your eyes
And run my thumb
Across your bottom lip
Nope Sep 2015
She suffers the silence alone
But secretly loathes the solitude
You might see her in the distance
A shadowed, huddled form
Quivering in the darkness
Weeping in the stillness because
There is a lovely soul inside
That no one sees
Nope Sep 2015
Do you ever look back and wonder
What would I have done if I’d have known?
That that was the last time my eyes would see
That my heart would slowly break with every mile
That as I stared out that window
And beheld, the most beautiful arrangement of snow
The most serene fields that silence could know
That I would rather drown in the pain
Than ever let you go...
Nope Sep 2015
As I slowly come to realize that
I only remember echoes of past events
I am awash in the fluidity of possibility
The probability that I may indeed
Rewrite my history
Nope Aug 2015
Stolen moments
A photograph or a rhyme
My secret indulgence
Always on time, but
Time isn’t cyclical
Though a memory is
Echoes of the past
Unforgettable voices
Your image taunts my soul
Footprints through a puddle
Dreams like dust
I slowly forget
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