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Nope Aug 2015
I was wrestling with the vaguest idea
A hint of a notion
When I glimpsed understanding
Like a sip from a magic potion
I witnessed a prophetic cataclysm
It was ablaze in the eyes of the sun
I wanted to tell the world
But I couldn’t find my gun
If you start to feel a little sleepy
You should maybe take a nap
In the aisle of a grocery store?
The Triumph of plastic crap
If I bathe you in the glory
And absolute knowledge of nothing
Will you still tuck me in?
And read me a bedtime story?
Nope Jul 2015
The alcohol scent on your breath
Drives me absolutely wild
Nope Jul 2015
When a yellow cab pulled right into my mind
A little too drunk to drive
I’ll just need a moment to collect what I find
A ride from a stranger? I don’t usually partake
But you smell like stale beer and cigarette ash, so I don’t mind
The rules of love, take one and leave one, I think I heard you say
So I just stagger back to myself, and fall a little more in love
With your beautiful drunken sway, the way
You just want to be used, and then thrown away
So you can add my memory to your exposé
Nope Jul 2015
The desire to purge
The desire to destroy
If it’s already broken
Can it still be enjoyed?
Nope Jul 2015
And so I stand on a mountain top
And bathe in triumphant glory
A witness to the birth of love
A true believer, as they say
But I share this dream alone
But I’ve shared this dream, alone
Two hearts diverged in the woods
And I, I took the one most fragmented
And that has made all the difference
Nope May 2015
A respite from the din
Deliberately placed upon my head
Soundly invading my mind
The battle is forced out in waves
A temporary reprieve from a losing war
I may succumb to myself yet
But I bide my time
Patiently waiting for a promise
Quietly riding a cyclone
Perusing the windy sands of an exalted sky
Watching the little dreams float by
Nope Apr 2015
Because, I was afraid that,
You would love me back
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