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Mar 2019 · 476
Nisha Mar 2019
Some ones warmth to melt my frozen heart
Another hand to wipe my never ending tears
Ears to listen to me screaming inside
Lips to tell me its going to be okay
A beating heart to understand how lonely I truly am
Feb 2019 · 194
Long Distance
Nisha Feb 2019
How do i know if he truly loves me
Are love is too far
I can only see his words
The distance is frustrating

The temptation is tempting
I wish to see his hand in mine
Are actions can't be seen
How do i know if i could trust him
Happy Valentines Day
Feb 2019 · 555
"Write a happy poem"
Nisha Feb 2019
Can you write happy poems
he says but happiness or at least when i experience it I can't describe the feeling of being happy

I know that happiness shouldn't be take for granted it doesn't stick around for very long or it can appear in intervals but at the end of the day it still lingers as it fades away
Inspired by my friend Joel
Feb 2019 · 636
My Stalker
Nisha Feb 2019
He wants me to be his possession
Because that's his obsession to possess me
You can stalk me from your screen
But please remember that the "me" that you try to preserve is a figment of your imagination
This poem is from real experience.
Feb 2019 · 332
Tear Drops
Nisha Feb 2019
As the tear drops run down my face
I don't wipe them away because
there will be more along the way

I don't mind the headache that follows
Its the dried stained tears that bothers me
There harder to wipe away

The tear drops...
Jan 2019 · 159
Empty Shell
Nisha Jan 2019
Trying hard to find a purpose
So many paths to choose from
but none seem right for me

I just feel empty... like an empty shell
Washed ashore from the sea
With nothing to make me feel whole

Even the quality of my words are hollow
Without a purpose...
Like a vacant deserted shell
Jan 2019 · 461
I won't be a puppet
Nisha Jan 2019
If I want to wear a purple a scarf, I will
If I want to have oddly unique friends, I will
They assume that i will just allow myself to be a doll in a dollhouse
They want me to be a mindless fool following trends that I can't afford
I won't be a puppet for anyone
I dress how I please
I act how I am
I laugh all I want
I refuse to believe that difference isn't an option
I wasn't placed on this earth to be plastic robot on a shelf
They want me to be something else
They want us to look a certain way and be buried into screens
I will not be a puppet
Jan 2019 · 152
My Kryptonite
Nisha Jan 2019
He makes me speechless
I could never get the words out
It's hard to find words to say
When I'm only thinking about him

He is my kryptonite
My temptation whom I desire the most
The voice the helps me sleep at night
He makes me the happiest I've ever been

I can't stand being so far from him
Yet I'm scared to get to close
He has made my heart shatter before
But i hope it will be different this time
Jan 2019 · 129
My Mother is Gone
Nisha Jan 2019
She use to love us unconditionally but now her love for us is fading into a vast sea of nothingness
Even though I wasn't what she desired i tried to be more like her, i wanted to shine in her eyes as she did in mine
She was Bobby Flay in the kitchen and a confident woman about how she wanted things to be in her house
When mom lost her job I lost the best mother ever it was never the same
My Bobby Flay never stepped into the kitchen again
My confident mother fell into the depths of depression, she sanked that's how i knew I lost her
She lost the twinkle in her eyes, the spark that gave her purpose
The constant days she stayed in bed locked away from the world so it wouldn't hurt her
The endless amount of pills that she gave up on, she was no longer happy
The goodnight kisses disappeared with her
Shes alive but truly dead inside
My mother was gone
She's had her ups and downs but this broke something deep inside her
She was never the same again...
Jan 2019 · 128
What i fear the most...
Nisha Jan 2019
I can feel the sharp pain that haunts me through out the day. It hurts when i sleep, eat, breathe, laugh, and even just to move. It doesn't hurt when i cry so it easier to give in then to endure. It knocks on every door wanting to be let in as if it demands it, it hurts you over and over, and it comes when you least expect to taint you with something that hurts you the most. That's Pain

I feel invisible daggers slicing me with every move but with no daggers

lava being poured on my neck but no lava

The feeling of being hoisted high but no rope

Its getting worse, its swallowing me whole, it wants me to feel pain
But it is pain I fear the most

— The End —