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Sara Ackermann Apr 2013
Everyone's stomping about
heaving a long-winded sigh
looking weary, exhausted, deplete.
Garage door slowly creaks and whines open
someone leave
garage door closes.
Silence ensues
crickets chirp their nightly song.
A fool comes down
making endless, vein-throbbing noise.
Make it go away.
Bring back the peace of silence.
Sara Ackermann Oct 2012
Rapidly spiraling
always downward.
Never up.
Envisioning in my mind
of blood running down my arm
my face
my stomach
my legs & ankles.
Feelings of nothingness.
Wanting to cry, throw up,
and turn away with guilt and regret.
Suicidal Tendencies come forth,
beckoning and pushing me away
from the temporary refuge
I had inexplicably found in dreams.
Regrets pile up around me
little post-it notes on the walls
covered in despair and insanity.
Incomprehensible thoughts running through my head
screaming in agony I bleed
scarlet rivulets create a river of inconsistencies.
Sara Ackermann Sep 2012
It's too loud to act upon inspiration.

Silence cannot be gained when humans are awake.

Useless talking and a response of irritation.
Talking commences and whining ensues.

Just shut up already.  You have no point.

Why are you still making noise.

Go to sleep and stop hanging around me,
creating bothersome sound and pushing me around.

Silence falls when humans sleep,
the world comes back to life while minstrels weep.
Sara Ackermann May 2012
The lines in my hands
tell you their wisdom
while the tears in my eyes
tell you I've cried

The things they've done
and what they've seen
haunt me by day and night

While fireflies go across the sky
My regrets and mistakes crowd in
choking me and making me disappear
beneath their heaving darkness

A ****** cross
is all I see
condemning me to silence
for eternity

Without a voice
without a word
I become invisible
Sara Ackermann May 2012
The cold rush of water hitting the bottom of your stomach
Knowing nothing but the uncertainty of no emotions
Being frozen in space,
while meaningless images, thoughts, and sounds whirl around you
The verge of depression,
or perhaps the unknown afterwards
The feeling before and after crying
Or before you fall asleep
Sara Ackermann Jan 2012
you say to smile, and then you hit me
these contradictiing words screaming through my head
as my cheek stings from the blow of your hand

we break and fall apart
and sometimes burn to ashes
but again I come back together
unable to escape the pain

the emptiness inside me
begs to be called free
somebody please come save me
from this menace heart

why won't he just leave me be
alone in the dark
to rot in this hallway
I start burning in my sleep

He comes to save me
from the flames of death
crying that he's sorry
and bringing me outside

We go to his house
the safest place right now
He is sweet to me
being kind that night

Then in the morning
he hits me again
and knocks me out
it's the last I can take
I barely make it through

I wake briefly to see his face
shining wet with tears
saying that he's sorry
once again

I weakly lift my hand
to touch him gently
on the cheek
and tell him I love him

Then I disappear
from his world of life
and such is this
a bittersweet ending of love
um so I haven't really edited or gone through this except for spell checks, so don't hate on it.  Anyways, I just randomly wrote this cuz I was feeling like crap and wanted to disappear. Bye.
Sara Ackermann Sep 2011
empty and alone
I feel cheated
as if something was stolen
things are missing
a heart
a soul
a life 
a laugh
a smile
a chance
they are gone
everybody is hiding something
never trust again
never love a human being again
wings spread out
flaring behind my back
fetal position
hands covering ears
tear silently falling
who knows
there may not be a future
a knife lifts up
glass shatters
I am dead
and then there is white
all around
indeed I am truly dead
for that is what comes after death
it's over
I'm falling apart
we will never be together.
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