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Jun 2022 · 133
Nicki Langley Jun 2022
Every night before we closed our eyes the last  words that would leave our lips were I love you . Now silence fills the empty room leaving me to wonder when I love you turned into goodbye
Apr 2020 · 108
Nicki Langley Apr 2020
Today for the first time I finally realized something. All these years I’ve been lying to myself. Pretending to be happy and madly in love. And I don’t know what’s worse me pretending or nobody noticing
Feb 2020 · 158
One in a million
Nicki Langley Feb 2020
when I stumbled into your arms I wasn’t looking for love
I told myself it was just dream
And now here we are saying our vows
In the blink of an eye I found my one in a million
Feb 2020 · 106
Nicki Langley Feb 2020
Today I looked into your eyes like I do every morning
Like I have for the last two years
Except this morning was different
For the first time I saw nothing
Nov 2019 · 119
Thinking of you
Nicki Langley Nov 2019
That’s how many days it’s been since I uttered my last word to you. And yet even after all these days I still think of you. I think how even though I’m with him you will always have a piece of my heart. You will always be my one true love
Nov 2019 · 111
Nicki Langley Nov 2019
They say actions speak louder than words but you’ve taught me otherwise
Your actions say you love me by brining me flowers, opening the car door, and taking me on romantic date
Behind closed doors though all I hear is how I’m not pretty enough or I’m too fat
So what should I believe your actions or your words?
Apr 2019 · 477
Nicki Langley Apr 2019
Looking into your eyes is like looking outside after it rains
There’s a certain peace after a rainstorm
And I feel that every time I look at you
You are the peace to my rainstorm
Sep 2018 · 188
Love again
Nicki Langley Sep 2018
This is it.
It’s the relationship I’ve always dreamed of having, the one you see in romantic comedies. The one you always hope to find but are never sure you actually will. You make me laugh uncontrollably, let me know I’m loved, and accept my goofiness.
But most importantly you’ve made me believe in love again.
Aug 2018 · 170
Nicki Langley Aug 2018
I’ll never meet you, hold you, kiss you, or watch you grow up
I decided I just wasn’t ready to handle those things

At first I felt no guilt, no remorse, no sadness; I felt nothing

And now this cloud of rain follows me everywhere I go. And I see you in my eyes, and in his eyes. And I can’t help but wonder if I made the right decision by ending it all.
Aug 2018 · 198
Nicki Langley Aug 2018
You never got a chance to come into this world
Your dad and I would’ve loved to have met you
But we knew that we weren’t ready
We knew that we couldn’t provide you the life we wanted to give you
But I promise you we will mourn the loss for the rest of our lives and you will always hold a special place in our heart
Mom and dad will always love you and I know we’ll meet again one day
Jul 2018 · 168
Nicki Langley Jul 2018
I remember you getting out the wooden board. It meant I could finally get the fix I had been craving for so long. Line after line I fell more in love with you and decided we should take this back to your place. That night was full passion and heat; it was a high I never thought was possible.
May 2018 · 81
Nicki Langley May 2018
When I’m sober I love you.
I see a future with you.
I think of all the great times we’ve had together and how I couldn’t stomach losing you forever

When I’m high I hate you.
I see our future come crumbling down right before my eyes.
I think of all the fights we’ve had and how much better I would be without you.
May 2018 · 166
Nicki Langley May 2018
You tell me how men should treat me like you treat mom, but we both know Mom deserves better.
Remember the times she layed awake crying, knowing you were holding someone else the way you used to hold her?
So when I let a man treat me less than my worth how can you be mad?
After all I’m following your example
May 2018 · 172
Nicki Langley May 2018
Every day I don’t wake up beside you it gets harder to breathe.
I feel my lungs gasping for air yet it seems I’ve forgotten how to breathe.
I long for the day when I finally learn how to breathe again.
May 2018 · 178
Nicki Langley May 2018
Laughter and a crackling fire filled the air. None of us caring about what lay ahead. For while we would soon embark on our journeys we would always remember that night.
Apr 2018 · 174
The first time we met
Nicki Langley Apr 2018
It was a Friday afternoon on a bright sunny day. You laughed at my stupid joke and made one of your own. Then you asked for my number. I hesitated because cute boys like you never ask for my number, but I gave it to you anyway. And everyday since then I’ve been falling more and more in love with you.
Apr 2018 · 164
The first time
Nicki Langley Apr 2018
Do you remember our first time, well my first time, and your millionth time?
I remember how scared I was and how you calmed me down. I thought this is it. I made the right decision by giving it up to you.
Do you remember walking out the door and never looking back? I remember feeling lost and broken.
I gave you something I could never give anyone else. I gave you a piece of me that I’ll never get back.
Mar 2018 · 183
Loving you
Nicki Langley Mar 2018
One week. That’s how long I’ve know you. Every time I’m with you I feel myself falling more and more for you. And even though I’ve only known you for one week; I knew since the day I met you I could love you.
Mar 2018 · 147
Nicki Langley Mar 2018
Today we would have been together for 5 years.
But 3 months ago you confessed to me you never loved me.
You told me I was your consolation prize.
Your heart belonged to a girl you loved since the day your eyes locked when I first introduced you.
And now I’m picking up the pieces of my broken heart, and trying to learn how to love again
Mar 2018 · 161
Nicki Langley Mar 2018
I miss being in love.
I miss remembering the small details about a person. Like the face they make when they get excited or the small freckle on their cheek. I’ve waited so long to have that feeling again. Because being in love and being loved back is one of the best feelings in the world.
Feb 2018 · 174
Half of a percent
Nicki Langley Feb 2018
Only half of a percent of my life was spent with you.
And yet I’m reminded of you everyday.
When I hear our first slow dance song I remember the way it felt to be close to you.
When I hear someone say your name I hope that you’ll be right behind me telling me you miss me.
And even though you spent such little time in my life I can’t help but miss you.
Because that half of a percent was the greatest time in my life
Jan 2018 · 208
Nicki Langley Jan 2018
7th grade English class was when we first met
Slowly we became friends and after awhile best friends
You were there for me when I had my first crush and then my first heartbreak
One day you disappeared without a word
And I just hope one day you can find your way back home
Jan 2018 · 181
Nicki Langley Jan 2018
Do you remember the way we said goodbye?
I walked toward you and you kissed me
I told you goodbye and you said that goodbye is not forever
My head knew it was but my heart never learned
Dec 2017 · 238
Nicki Langley Dec 2017
Everyday I try to forget you
I try to forget our long conversations, the way you smelled, your contagious laugh, and the way you scrunched your nose
But what’s worse of all is trying to forget you when you were never mine to begin with
Oct 2017 · 221
Nicki Langley Oct 2017
You came into my life at just the right time
You made me feel loved and wanted
But when you got dressed I could see it in your eyes
I was just another number to go and tell your friends about
Oct 2017 · 316
Nicki Langley Oct 2017
I get lost in the depth of your eyes
They’re a beautiful sea that longs to be explored
And I can’t wait for the day I can explore every inch of your beautiful sea
Sep 2017 · 213
Nicki Langley Sep 2017
I remember your breath on my neck
I remember your hand on my thigh
I remember waking up sore
I remember my clothes being scattered around the floor
But worst of all I remember the look in your eyes as I asked you to stop
Sep 2017 · 200
Nicki Langley Sep 2017
Everyday I waited
I waited to feel your touch
I waited to wake up next to you
I waited for one more kiss
I waited until my time was up
Sep 2017 · 205
Nicki Langley Sep 2017
I saw the color of your eyes
The color I longed to see
But when you walked away
All I could see was your blurry figure
For the tears in my eyes had consumed me
Sep 2017 · 215
Nicki Langley Sep 2017
You lit a fire in my heart
One that burned brighter than the sun
When you left me the fire died
Leaving nothing but embers for someone else to start

— The End —