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Tije Nez Nov 2015
Im not saying im perfect but I could change your whole life,im not saying im the best but I do know how to make you smile, im not saying im the one but Id walk to the other side of the world to see you,im not saying im the closest to you but I would see you any and everyday day you wanted me to, im not saying im better im just saying ill always love you till the day I die and all I want is a chance
Tije Nez Nov 2015
Im not back doing this again like I was  earlier in the week am I no couldn't be its to early for that but I simply can't go without saying,id endure any amount of pain in the world, id endure all of the pain in the world if you would see how much I truly care for you when  im with you there is no moments of sadness just like there arnt any moments without laughter my smile has never been bigger and I've never been more myself around a girl like you. I've been broken yes yet you continue to mend me each time no longer just my heart but all of me and I no longer care how many times im broken only because I know you'll be close by ready to mend me. Memories of us constantly tangle around in my mind some of which hurt like crazy but I adore them to much to let them go, tis I am your lover and I shall never let any moment pass without it being already concealed in my head you are by far the best thing that has happened in my life
Apologies if its not very poetic trying to keep my own unique flow
Tije Nez Nov 2015
I was sitting by the fire keeping warm reminiscing on memories of us since that seems to help time fly, now the fire has died and I walk these streets feeling the cold slowly freezing over my skin but the cold feels good relaxes me I feel at home in the cold, is it that my mind is constantly racing that manages to keep me so warm? Is it that a thought of you crosses my mind and my heart beats faster and warms me? Hey might just even possibly the combination of the two but I do know for fact you have this amazing ability to numb any of my pain. I can't help but write  about you especially on nights like these when I can't shake this feeling but I can't even explain thus feeling. I miss you more than ever right now but you wouldn't know that right now. Ten thirty one, nights not getting any younger sure is getting colder, is it that I miss your warmth  could that possibly be it? Maybe just looking for excuses to say I miss you, when it comes down  to it that's all it is I miss my arms around you, I miss that unstoppable feeling I get when im standing next to you. If I haven't said it enough I miss your smile and laugh that is oh so contagious, I miss your voice that is all I can hear when we speak, I miss when we look into each others eyes and the world freezes and above all I miss the I loves yous that only come once in awhile  but is a million times better than  never. These walks are no longer what they use to be especially on nights when the moon shines bright and all I can think of is looking into your eyes on that Friday night , I no longer look upon the ground but to the moon who always accompanies me on these nights when most people are sleeping im writing not just for you but for me to calm my nerves and really take time to take in the air and the beauty of the night sky I always fine that I am longing for the perfect description of most things involving you, how does one describe your perfect personality and your perfect heart, I may just try to write your breath away whenever I write but as long as you get a smile atleast once I know that what I wrote did what I would hope.I write a lot for you but what else am I to do with my time when I could be writing of love?there really is nothing more calming then writing for you since I know its true and will always stand true can't help but compliment you tell you I love you any chance i get, Learned in life you never know when the last time you get to say I love you is, so I love you and  you'll see this world doesn't matter to me and I would give up all I have just to breath  the same air as you till the day that I die because i  can't take my eyes off of you
Tije Nez Nov 2015
Although broken my heart may be and lost my mind is nothing will ever replace these memories of what could and was, ive been stabbed in the heart a million times before but im still here im standing strong because I know I have you yes im insane yes im as lost as can be but in the end I know ill always have you and would never learn to hate you for I will always and forever love you
Dont really know what to call this but there is definitely reason behind all words written
Tije Nez Nov 2015
Would you watch the sunset with me? Will you let me be by your side and make me forget my shattered memories? Could you possibly even slow down time so we could watch that sunset for eternity and not give a care in the world and just relax in its beautiful rays? The sunset so beautifully striking  that I wish I could see it everyday that it may be the background to my world and may the slightest light brighten up even the most darkest days. The sunset that makes the heart beat the sunset that makes you smile and at last  the sunset that gives you the most memorable images in your head, could you slow down time so we could watch it for an eternity?
Tije Nez Nov 2015
I spent to much time thinking about what I was missing from the past and never stopped to think that I had all I needed here with me in my present and would have been my future if I would have stopped and just opened my eyes instead I blinded myself and left myself lost in this world no longer understanding where I am going no longer know my way home, head is constantly spinning no longer understand the meaning of up and down and not only am I blinded in my reality but in my dreams filled with nightmares that bring me to hell every night but I couldn't bring myself to say I don't deserve it
Tije Nez Nov 2015
Why do these demons constantly torment me and bring me deeper and deeper into that horrible darkness all I want to do is escape but I feel them grasp my ankles there is so many how could I ever escape im lost im dazed and they already have pulled me in they control me I feel me shifting I no longer care, I no longer feel, what is possibly happening to me  how come they wont let go? what have I done to deserve this? why couldn't they let me be? this torment is to much no matter how much I run or how well I hide they find me and drag me under once again I miss the light and where has my flower gone it was beside me and no its gone with the rest of what I cared why why do these demons torment me so
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