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Tije Nez Nov 2015
This ever so haunting past why can't it leave me be why does it constantly torment me I constantly feel as im trapped in a box that slowly decreasing in size crushing me but not just me my heart and it wants to beat it wants to beat free it wants to know what its like to breath and feel in the now and focus on what's best in the present instead of chasing its tail in the past why can't that winter leave and not come back why does it constantly snow with the sun never showing never allowing the sweet taste of sun to open up my heart and show it the world is new and its better to not be afraid and to leave the pain behind why can't it just be free and know what its like to see the sun and be warm why can't the cold disappear? One day I hope the sun will shine and all will balance in the world and show me the green grass that grows so beautifully
Tije Nez Nov 2015
I have spent this past week building the wall back up since I last saw you so I can try and return to my life but i saw a picture of you today and that alone tore the walls down back to rubble, I cannot escape nor can I shake these feelings that constantly tear down these walls, they cry out for you and dream of what could be if you where here but you've taken absence and left them confused so all they do is build themselves back up brick by brick ready to tear themselves apart at just the chance of hearing your distant but beautiful voice
Tije Nez Nov 2015
To the ones that say they need to see their blood run red and to those who say you need a blade to feel real,you already are real to me I can see your smile although it may be fake I can hear the words you speak even if not to me and at last I see the happiness that emits off of you but I know its all a facade I can see the tears that have been shed I see your broken heart so endlessly hanging on by a thread, let me mend that broken heart let me wipe those tears away and tell you everything will be okay cause i'm here now let me protect you and be your guard let me hold you and show you how beautiful this world really is let me just be there in your life and ill gladly let you be there in mine

— The End —