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Tije Nez Aug 2016
Have you ever seen a bird with broken wings try to fly? How about a kid with broken arms trying to hold the world up or how about a medic patching up a fatal wound? Have you ever seen someone with a broken heart find love? Words like fatal and broken they are all ending words periods in a sentence. They are the left over memories that only few remember and the lessons that no one teaches.They lack hope and they lack common sense. The only goal is to try just as the bird does, and you may think it isn't bad right? The birds on the ground trying to fly well that's all perspective, what if I tell you the bird is high up in a tree? Not so good anymore.  The worlds pretty heavy do I need to even say how that story goes? What about the soldier with the fatal wound, would you believe me if I said he lived? Yea you might believe it… If I didn't mention the word fatal. But there's a twist in the kid with a broken heart. He did eventually find love.. But it never seemed to find him. You can often patch up or repair things that break and yes bones will heal with time. Those arms will grow stronger and the soldier will be honored for his sacrifice. But the kid with the broken heart, you can't just give time to something that needs cared for, you can't wait for it to get stronger and you certainly can't patch it up. So you give it to someone to care for it in hopes they'll give you there's to cherish and protect.. Except when they don't all your left with is this emptiness and struggles to find reality.
You do what you can to survive
Tije Nez Dec 2015
There's a demon in my home and its lashing out every chance it gets, not at others but simply me, it leaves scratches across my chest deepest were my heart is. It wants to rip it out it doesn't want me to have my heart but when it comes down to it I don't either. There would be just to much pain if I got rid of it and lost all the love I had inside of it and what's left of my sanity. This demon never sleeps it tempts me with pills that make me forget who I am and what I am. It constantly trys to **** me and yet when I act and should have died im still here no longer fighting to Live but just living it seems if I no longer have the choice between life and death and am forced to continue to live and fight this demon. But with all that said and done I forgot to mention this demon I speak of.. Is really me
Tije Nez Dec 2015
I know longer can feel my hands and my brain is just all scattered, I can't tell if its the past or present that's killing me and which ever it is I wish It would do it already, right now at this time I can't even imagine the word love is real..i wouldn't know I hardly ever hear it,im not just speaking of you but some of it just in general. You told me to not take the pill but I can't help it when it helps me forget all this life is all the pain I've been through most of it for you. I've been beaten physically and emotionally for you I cut out my heart and handed it to you as I fell to the floor and bled out slowly. With my last gaze before my eyes shut i saw you drop it and walk the other way. You say you often wish you never would have loved me or kissed me.. But have you ever thought to think all the hell I've been through and all this pain I've endured just for you alone, constantly wanting to take the pill to drift asleep but I don't because I know you wouldn't want me to.. So instead I don't sleep and watch the demons around me tear at my chest and rip me apart alive only to see the sun come up and get out of bed just to see you a couple hours later. You mended me mended my heart when it was broken only for you to break it again and again and each time you mend it once more. I do grow tired of the pain but I don't grow tired of you,you may rip me apart from time to time, you may not actually take in account all I do for you, all the times I stand up for you when your not around. You never really have thought about what I've done for you because your to busy with him to ever give a cent to think about me. But ill still love you even with all this pain I hold in
Welcome to my life that I cant change
Tije Nez Nov 2015
What reason do you have to live if you no longer fear death and only welcome it?challenge it day after day daring it to come bring you down when you know it wont cause you yourself once tried to bring death yet you failed,but death does not wish to reap your soul he only wishes to send his demons upon you to torment you, when you sleep and you feel safest in your dreams he unleashes all if his demons for a nightmare that you don't escape he's got you while your asleep and he wont let you escape you may not fear dying but death is slowly winning and breaking you down
Tije Nez Nov 2015
I spoke to an angel today and she told me I looked a lot like an fallen angel, I spoke to the devil today and even he welcomed me home with open arms. There where days when light use to shine flowers would grow and the grass around me was green and what im left with now is withered flowers and dirt with one single flower left and with it what's left of my heaven that use to be but as long as the devil has a spot I have a home forever free from any pain he promised me he would make the pain go away and he turned my heart to stone he just didn't mention it would stay stone forever
Tije Nez Nov 2015
When love is at its most you do not think you just act upon what makes them happy even though your head may swirl and you'll ask yourself later why in the world did I do that, was it to impress them?Show them your fun side? Or maybe just simply cause you love them, the heart has its own code for the one it loves which is expressed
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01101100 01111001 00100000

The heart has its name tag and no its not my name but simply it is yours so it wont ever forget who it belongs too and if its ever lost all I ask is you find it and keep it for I have no need for it when all it wants is you
Tije Nez Nov 2015
I would be false to say these memories are broken when in fact they are shattered physically im here but mentally im long gone who would have guessed you'd be the one to do this to me everything fades away as if the sky is darkening in my brain the blackness clouds my mind I no longer can see and where the hell has my sight gone I use to think everything was crystal clear until you shattered those crystals shattered them into my skin poisoned me left me for dead no desire to look or even shine a light over here to free me from my darkness and yes I mean my darkness,it molded me crafted a new me im no longer normal my heart beats starting to slow until it stops but what's left of me no heart no brain no sight so all I do is  take one last look at a photo us and I let this charon sail away with me
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