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 Oct 2013 Nathan P
 Oct 2013 Nathan P
Open up my mind,
Take a look inside.
Aren't you curious what you will find?
Every word I've said, every tear I've cried.
Out in the open,
For all the world to see.
Every thought that's passed through,
Everything I thought I may be.
It's all right here for you,
I just want you to see.
It's a crazy place,
This mind of mine,
A place made of whispers, and maybe a trace
Of a thing they call shine.
Shine it up, rise up
To the call, to the challenge.
I can make you new, take your hurt, set you free
The worldly pressures no longer burying me
My broken heart for all to see
My unlocked soul to absorb all misery
Give me your hand, let me turn you free
I can save you, redeem you since they crucified me
Stack your griefs at the hill of sacrificial victory
I am with you forever, so breathe easy you'll see
Trust me, I love you, just come follow me
Signed, sincerely your savior †o be
 Oct 2013 Nathan P
Jonny Angel
I spied her in a dream last night.
There was a silence to her full lips.
Moon glow reflected the miracle in her blue eyes,
wide in disbelief, the end I did cry.

Ocean waves crashed at our feet, intertwined,
her arms around me nesting in the small of my back.
I felt sheltered from the icy wind in her soft embrace.

I will never forget her pretty child face
the last night
I was entranced
by the grace of God.

I think about her often,
the streaming tears I did drink,
the last night
I said goodbye.
 Oct 2013 Nathan P
David W Jones
He draws open the shades
Of night letting in the light
Of day reveals a vacant space
In the corner of his soul

Loneliness flees at the
Touch of her hand upon
His shoulder

Overwhelmed by
Her beauty as it radiates
From within her spirit

Her mesmerizing intellect creates
Irrational behavior against
His intelligence slipping within
The breadth of euphoria

He contemplates a
Vast vocabulary to express
His overflowing emotions
None of which he deems

His throat parched unable
To utter his deepest sentiments
He reaches for her hand and
Places it upon his heart
Etching the word “forever
Written by David W. Jones (1MereMortal) Copyright 2011©
 Oct 2013 Nathan P
Dorothy Parker
All her hours were yellow sands,
Blown in foolish whorls and tassels;
Slipping warmly through her hands;
Patted into little castles.

Shiny day on shiny day
Tumbled in a rainbow clutter,
As she flipped them all away,
Sent them spinning down the gutter.

Leave for her a red young rose,
Go your way, and save your pity;
She is happy, for she knows
That her dust is very pretty.
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