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La vida
es un acto
de viajar
de aquí
para allá.
you can see by my walk
my nature is true
you can see at my body
that was figured out by you

all the wait on my heart
is nothing more
than a big illusion

planned for you
for all that you do
for all the storms
that you saved in your
broken heart

which doesn't get enough
from a lost
from a choice
who decided not to be available to us

and when I think I'm save from
your little brown eyes
when I think you can not more be found
I dream with your face

and everything stay the same
the roots of my family tree
are shallow and malnourished,
breaking through the Earth's skin as a reminder
that it cannot always keep the ugly
hidden underneath.
my DNA is a life sentence for a crime
I never wanted to commit.

my father called my brother a king
before he even left the womb.
a solar eclipse that has lasted years
because of my inability to escape his shadow;
though, I'm not sure I ever will.
the world will always be his stage,
and I, just a poorly constructed backdrop.

my skin has turned
black and blue back into flesh.
I hope, one day,
my mind takes a lesson from my body
and learns how to forget you.

they call him the all merciful god,
and I can't help but to laugh,
because the only thing he promised
to those who hurt me was forgiveness.
I prayed up until the day
god changed his phone number.
atheism is a learned behavior;
I only wonder when god stopped
believing in me.

I live my life in reverse.
I drink coffee at midnight,
read the epilogues first,
go to bed in the morning.
I spent my childhood in this grave,
now it is time to dig myself out.
Rain falls in abundance
The music keeps playing
People get up to leave
But the rain doesn't stop me

I hop up on stage
And dance to the music
This is the moment
And it is all mine.
Best festival of 4/30/16
Sometimes I get tired
and sometimes I get sad
but I promise I will not lose hope
not even just a tad
A little hope goes a long way
Can't it just be you and me
in our little piece of insanity?

— The End —