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Nathaniel Nov 2020
God is broken, on our side.
We scream prayers to heaven
But they don't arrive.

And I've gotten so sick -
of complaining.
The fence is the trick.
It's mandating.

How we can ask to die.
Now life is just a picture-
to share with an ally.
Nathaniel Oct 2021
Good words.
The kindest thoughts.
The softest kiss can not keep you away.

The depth.
The internal screams.
I fold and my lower ribs break.

You can stay here.
I can never push you away,
but never take the tape from your lips.

I'll live.
Or do the best I can.
My knees are subject to you.
Nathaniel Apr 2019
You laced your trial with hatred, without reflection
Left yourself to ***** on the floor as an animal
But your mind is not a field of complexion
Its stationary, its cruel, its done its own rejection

Why could you not bring yourself to tell her you love her
If the words were empty, thoughts would not congest you
Let your emotions bleed into your mouth so you mustn't defer
Without voice your love will remain a whisper

Confidence is consciousness that stays forever with you
A skill mastered not in meditation, but repetition
The excuse of taboo itself is ironically unnew  
You cried, felt shame, and fell to, but her love never grew

Now you have no right to whine
When you see lover with a man who took his step
He completed his coast, but you're still in mine
Do not wait for love, because star do not align
Nathaniel May 2019

Breath in the salt

Let it flow through your lungs

Feel the spirit of the ocean
Feel the water in your veins

Be content
For it all belongs to you

You are the lord of the isles!
The God of the shore

Your vision is your limitation!
Take in your kingdom

This is all you deserve
This is your home
In continuation of "Oh! In the Cave There's Comedy!".
Nathaniel May 2019
If I stand upon false sand,
I must also feel lies in between my toes.

But the sun brings a warm comfort,
How could its rays be forged by a voice?

Could the breeze be a fan in the distance,
Strong enough to make the palms dance?

Could the fish be colored projections ,
On a clear blue screen that spans an ocean?

Could a cave hold a paradise?

Here reality is a coin,
And perception is truth.
In continuation of "Oh! In the Cave There's Comedy!".
Nathaniel Apr 2019
You creep behind refuge, exemplifying human nature
The dearth of your kindness kindles my feature

Your tongue must flavor of dust or dirt
For your falsehoods lay with incessant inert

When God formed you he fabricated sin
Stitched with worthlessness that festers within

I know your deeds and will sing them atop the trees
And your precious pride will perish with my lip's ease

I would do a charity and release your soul from the earth
And make the pain as profitable as your life was worth

Death will wear you as a cape in the afterlife
He'll carve his name in you everyday with a boning knife

It is a sad dawn in hell when you arrive
But it was your fate son, you mustn't deny
Nathaniel May 2019
If I fall into her allure never pull me away
With her in the garden is where I'm meant to stay

I wish to caress her soul only for forever
And for her I would conquer any endeavor

Love is not enough of an explanation
Rather destiny, fate, and a certain fixation
Nathaniel Feb 2021
Bless his heart.
Who's next?
Please, God, give all of us time.
Why are you so cruel?
Where is the reason?
He was a 17-year-old boy.
The salt was meant to melt the ice
and now it soaks a boy's blood.
A tragedy.

Rest in peace young boy.
'We have to do better'
Nathaniel Oct 2020
Straight down the river, dogs-
bark out their owner's logs.
Our friends need to some meat.

Leather wet from its streams.
I wonder what this river dreams.
Does its aspirations still beat?
Nathaniel Dec 2020
Look at the way the lights shimmer,
phasing in and out of reality.

I see you my small friends-
keep your dance humble and bright.
Nathaniel Nov 2019
Firm on the hands of the God's man
Bleeding through responsibilities and dinner plans

Think firm on your own charm
Think to philosophize your own arms

Look in the glass and hate yourself
Heal, then offer your lonesome help

A sage reflects his own heart
And picks and tears it apart

To criticize the fair is to release pain
For, the criticizer only has all to gain
Nathaniel Feb 2021
in the wake of this moment
we hold our dry faces with hands

in the wake of this moment
we hold to be better brands

in the wake of our seclusion
we grasp to what we know is true

in the wake of our seclusion
we gasp for a holy few

in the wake of our improvement
we prove to be sink further to delusion

in the wake of our improvement
we prove to find some solution

in the wake of this written glass
we see a cloud beyond the horizon

in the wake of this written glass
we hear the final siren

May technology lift us to Elijah, to accelerate us faster into the ground -  irises bleached with pictures of the screen.
Nathaniel Oct 2020
See to it, my dying song be played.
Teeming through treetops the birds made.
Rest all of Saturday, for Sunday has fate.
I’m hoping for some time gaining mistake.
Nathaniel Apr 2019
Strip back your false innocence
Everyone knows it's a cloudy mist
Show us your yellow teeth and
Show us your rotten fist
I no longer know you
Sessis, upon you I wish death
Nathaniel Feb 2021
The test of our hearts is when we lay on the floor.
Naked and deprived of who we are.

May blanked love hold us in it's cotton hands.
To learn to love - to learn to stand.
Nathaniel Aug 2020
As lightly as a newborn fawn takes its first steps - my hands will hold your face. With the faithfulness of a rosary - may I close my eyes to you.  To lean my head against your own. Let our minds marry and dream in one.
Nathaniel Feb 2021
Some hopeful wish-
to get away.
From the far,
the lost,
the yesterday.

Feel the dreamer-
**** and hearty.
Drinking sweet,
and clean,
soul of barley.

Echoes linger-
in mind's forth view.
Of troubles,
ever old,
and screaming new.

Patient they wait,
white and faceless.
Time to pass.
Too young-
too graceless.
Nathaniel Jul 2020
So soft so still
We wonder upon woes
Singing our songs
Nuzzling our nose

Hard of hilltops
Spinning so splendid
Flying on flutes
Playing our pretended

Oh joyful oh joyous
Happy are the harps
Laying in lingerie
Spinning with sparks

Keep the keeper
Calm in her comfort
Drowning in dreams
Sleeping in slumber
Nathaniel Sep 2018
Eyes close and minds clear
Old time is frozen in new fear
Sweet serenity joins in spree
With lips of honey
and the smell of lime trees

The fog has lifted and faded away
And the mind is awoken by the light of midday
The poet wishes for nothing more
but to sit and enjoy the stone cold floor

No comfort of distraction
to distract his mind from action
Only his pen is rightful upon the bricks
he finds true rest on his frigid fix

Solace surrounds the thinker
who's mind slides free
and rhymes go linger
Nathaniel Nov 2020
Stay away from that shine.
It cries for you.
To wrap yourself around her.
Weep away from that counter.
Nathaniel Mar 2019
Eerie psalms ***** a trill down my neck
Words are absent but the definition is lucid  
My body is hypnotized to follow the call
But my mind is a statue to the manipulation

Until I hear the harp of an angel
conjoined with the choir of sirens
The like of which has never touched Earth
blanketing my ear with its ******* song

All that I have lived does not compare
And I would end it all or begin a new
just to hear this harp forever in time
The harp that has given me new life

It speaks to me for I appreciate it's mastery
I do not resist for it only wishes good
And it continues to play with only one request
I must invite myself into the cave

Poetic entry number 1 of my project "Oh! In the Cave there's Comedy"
Nathaniel Aug 2020
Deeper into cold-
orange leaves fall like snowflakes.
Chilled with destined fear.
Nathaniel Aug 2020
Slit deep in the archway-
a phantom hollers.
For random keepsakes-
of tandem scholars.

One governs the Onset-
the second, the Coda.
A reckon to two takes-
pass a beckoned nova.

Madness sidles a soul-
to the coast of resent.
Where boast finds shapes-
the most unbent.

Echoes calling for Coda-
to warn of her face.
Which mourns the meek-
and thorns her grace.

To wonder of knuckles-
that fill ****** fist.
She kills those who seek-
to spill into mist.

No bed sheet drapes clean-
now lost to the few.
Who loft in their weak-
soft cradling queue.

Every onset must close-
while time is stone.
A climb without crest-
is rhyme laid alone.

Inferno marked through eyes-
the onset bows to hate.
And sweat, drowning vessels-
wet with ruined fate.

Shining on to such nothing-
the cheap martyr goes.  
Now sleeping with devils-
keeping their clothes.

Damp with foul meaning-
Onset and Coda are few.
Left in debt to the meddle-
that beset their old view.

Error to their contribution-
their cries created none.
With eyes full of remorse-
time flies again in one.

An end is our greatest desire-
so to begin is our fear.
Our kin kills the same horse-
that we shrill to spear.

Deep in the portal of question-
there dwells a stuttered pain.
That yells to complete the course-
so to knell once again.
Nathaniel Aug 2019
Queue the laughter.

I'm building a justified war-
Sorry little animals dirtied and poor.
Eat portioned joy you faith-filled fools-
Soured with lemons tasting of ardor.

Perhaps my beast feels shame-
Wither my ego or find he to blame.
Sink the crescent ship below blue-
Fill the sea with smoke and flame.

The dark woods are a bear's back-
Smelling breaths of heady lilac-
Rummaged pines sticky with lines.
Here, there rest no lies or fact.

To let you know of what's today-
We are breaking the yoke in a brand new way.
Sword-toothed sharks battering at our waves-
Keeping the skeptic fish at bay.
Oh in the cave there's comedy is still being written, have a lot to release.
Nathaniel Aug 2019
I'm on the verge of restlessness-
but I feel so new.

I'm on the end of righteousness-
could I live for a view...

or a moment.


Eating, sleeping, repeating just to hear some moaning-
where does the end feel fine?
When do we know it's calling time?

Do words last longer when you write them in rhyme?

I sure hope so.
I really wish so.
Nathaniel Aug 2019
Hanging over a wood shed-
You explained it all.

The shot the finish-
The silence and the call.

A tongue of truth-
An orchestra of teeth.

A surface of symbols-
With answers beneath.

You built us a Kingdom-
Founded upon woes.

To know we are here-
And to be here to know.

You are magic, you are fine-
Blessed be your spoken flowers.

I'd share your honest throne-
And be the prince of nothing that matters.
last one
Nathaniel Apr 2019
There's no more love in America
Fake faces on screens create a hysteria

Unattainable perfection develops a depression
That feast on self hatred and drinks self aggression

Our bodies are not molded of clay created by selection
We are birthed of mistakes that mold our perfections

Our lives are forcibly drenched around image
But *** shouldn't be peddle it should be privilege

Before all of this, love was a time and a place
A moment that was told by heartfelt embrace

That created a lone eternity for a pair of lovers
Where happiness dwelt under and above the covers

Now it is manufactured, sold, and looted
Only we would take something pure and make it polluted
Nathaniel Mar 2019
Do you hear?

Do you listen?

I felt your breath
But I also felt another
My ears discovered, in this very cave
An eternal body and an eternal coward

Do not share an ear to he that loathes you
Let your mind explore your exceptional thoughts
Thoughts of philosophers, born of gold and wisdom
You stand above man and above he

Ill treatment towards your being is rooted in jealousy
For they hate the perfections that leave them sleepless
Their journey is childlike to what our eyes have seen
So they develop an abhorrence to your presence

Do not let this shake your ground
A man on his silver horse must ignore those who trudge on feet
And the feline must not concern himself with rodents
Their pain is individual, you have met worst

Let me show you you're undying potential
With me you're most natural fantasies face reality

Poetic entry number 4 of my project "Oh! In the Cave there's Comedy"
Nathaniel Aug 2018
Simple, not sustainable  
The mind of a coward is uncontainable
free to bleed on pages for hours
but his work is not adaptable
call attention for fraud
because he's an alienable
monster of a man  
god bless the bland
god bless the stranger
Unaware of the danger
that a free pen cost
A mind and a soul for paper
Not a writer a maker
only less convincing
then the man
assuring everyone of his winnings
and when time slays the man
his writing will be where he stands
on the cold ground
with a warm pen in his hand
Nathaniel Aug 2018
The persistent air pushes upon the pebbled shore while the sun warms every breath
How manly of me to ponder of every man’s proper dream even when there is no man left
He silently thinks to himself as the tiny stones stick to his feet upon every stealthy step
I will travel to bear witness to this mistress from the bare islet.

Lady luck will guide me to the lovely lady if love is luckily true
If the spirit of the island is in the land she will lead me to something new
An experience so inexperienced even the experienced never knew
What terrible terror for the townsmen who never truly took to

A relationship

Yes, that’s what he forever never-forgetting wished for
A beautiful girl in her beautiful world to walk with him on the shore
A soul to simply grow old with and solemnly swear to love to the single core
A hope filled heart hopefully was all he needed for the other half to adore

The man curiously gazed up and saw he had completed the end of the coast
He had been walking all day wondering about a woman that he barely knows
To him she seems like she is standing in his way but to her he seems a ghost
He looked out at the riptide, smiled, for he maintains the memories he had engrossed
Nathaniel Oct 2021
We'll make a change.
I'm gonna pack up a case, and never return.
Throw my money at the walls-
in hope of some change.
I'll hang up picture with a frame-
to hold us in place.
A dedication to cause.

Who places this unholy just?
In jest, we all fall prey-
to the cruel being of time.
But there's a small chance-
that she'll hold you close.
Wrap you in her arms-
to turn reality warm.

The streams on your cheeks-
will run dry as clean towel.
The tenseness will fall from your bones-
like a well smoked rib.
We'll let time make the call.
And hope that she treats us well.
We leave our throats in her hands.
Nathaniel Oct 2021
To the being - lost with love.
Bring him some - a healthy dove.
The aching time - I'm lost too.
The arching rhymes - the hopeful few.
Where's my love? Is she born?
I'll crawl through the creek and storm.
To make a wish - rushed but true.
Lead us towards something new.
Nathaniel Sep 2018
Troubled by the same being over the years, sweet breath chilling my spine. God told me stories of how he has seen me cry and watched me fall and I smiled when he finished but now I am not smiling anymore. Now I am troubled.
Nathaniel Mar 2021
Where did my love turn? Did it flow out of my chest when I first drew blood? Did the angels break their faces to turn away? Has God banished me? For I have never felt so alone. In the observation of another I would never fall to my knees, but these scars holds me to dust. Is this how dust thinks?
Nathaniel Jun 2019
There is something hiding behind your face.
I can tell because you have a subtle twinkle .
Not just in your eyes, but hidden in your features.

It's like you know something ,
or maybe you're up to something.

I can't find out what it is.
You are the only one that knows.

Does it shine because only you can hold it?
Does it make you happy knowing only you have it?

I see that it makes you happy.
Your lips heel.
Your eyes illuminate.

You have a certain twinkle.
Nathaniel Jun 2019
O Sweet almighty my lover lies-
Carried to mountains that silhouette skies.

By a demon mightier than your power-
Scheming to *******, force, and abuse her flower.

Who wolfs such hate, vile and cruel?
Me! For I am the beast that fathers no rule!

Ignorance envenomed my scrupulousness ears-
And gave tribute for lust to find what he hears.

My compass became dwindled but pointed true-
Such guidance, yet pique and repulsion grew.

She watched my footprints with rapt eyes-
And scoffed at my kind-furred disguise.

O why was I a fool to a lover so dapper!
Now the water runs unclean in the cold shower.

Rancid is a man who records his ***** being,
Grim is the one that goes without seeing
Nathaniel Jan 2021
So, the secrets they say.
Are over the pit and under the clay.
Written, in some cryptic mist.
Never to hold and always to miss.
And if - the data it creeps.
Between the cracks we'll be here to keep.
The servers, away from thin ice.
So we can share our own demise.
Nathaniel Feb 2021
In the blink of an eye.
What's forgotten tomorrow-
will not warm this winter air.

And files and taillights.
Bring in an order,
but that's not why we're here.

To cause and to carpet-
this brown leather loophole.
That's filling despair.

A whip brings of an old-
oiled animal nature.
Spread enough to comb hair.
Nathaniel Apr 2019
At the end of the world there forms an array of islands
Each of which bathes in the heat from the sun's shine
while the breeze off the water sways the palms in silence
and the waves on the bleached shore form coastlines

In the distance, the small islands shelter the light blue horizon
And upon a narrow gaze, the water is flooded with dye
Fish and coral erupt with colors that glisten like diamonds
Separating the decorated ocean from the painted sky

I take a step onto the sandy land but before I can take another
I am greeted with a warm breeze that smells of salt
and my eyes stare at the bleach white foam off the water
Leading me to a world of tropical beauty with no halt
In continuation of "Oh! In the Cave There's Comedy!".
Nathaniel Aug 2018
Gracious is the girl whose eyes look soulfully into your mind
None of her movements show elements of hurt, her motion so divine
Fluidity upon her sweet careful lips, who sip bottled wine

Her body creates a religion that no God could ever compare
A heavenly choir charms the clouds whenever she is bare
But every man she’s ever met could never take a slight glare

For her beauty was not created for mankind’s unsacred desire
Pleasure was not in her description unless you were to only admire
Heaven for the first man to witness the soul purifier

When she spoke, a certain note, came out like an angelic song
Her voice had a certain charm that switched every brain on
And upon a listen the girl’s noise could be heard from long

Her face was fabricated by the greatest artist of time
Chiseled in hedonism, during his limited prime
Every feature independent but beautiful in his mind

He worked on the slight curve of her hips for years
And molded her to perfection, stained with blood and tears
If Eve was flawless she was sheer
Nathaniel Jun 2019
Who am I to shape my own perception
A mad man? Or perhaps worst. . .
A man who is self aware of his own sanity
But never has lunacy tasted so balanced

The waves on the shore serenade me
And the palms bow to their new king
But if all is common and all is real
Then I am not worthy of godliness

I ponder of creation above the skies
But unafraid of an invisible creator
Even the poorest man knows my ways
I am not sculpted in perfection

Perhaps my greatness is shown fate
Or crippled in a scene of a shoreline
Paradise is untimely for my fault

The lavender is laid in the sand
And there is no text written
I am still a shattered man without a cause
I am unworthy. . .
In continuation of "Oh! In the Cave There's Comedy!".
Nathaniel Aug 2018
I remember under the willow tree that one night everything was alright
All stress and emotions was gone from my chest we were lost in the moonlight
That one moment I took to when I looked at you, that’s what inspired me to write
And your deep brown eyes looked whiter than snow and brighter than headlights

Call me hopeless fearing emotion when I was younger but now I’ve found another
Person that understands me, calls me names other than my mother
And when that cold air hit your face I was there to warm it a fire
Not quick to think but when I find someone great I don’t want to push them futher

Now I wonder of someone I don’t know as well as I should
Love sounds great but in this era it burns faster than wood
But the way the light hit your face next to that willow could
Remind me of pure contentment, only know else place in childhood

So in the spur of the moment I placed your lips on mine
I couldn’t see but I imagined everything around clearly and the stars aligned
My mouth felt compassion and my heart dropped to the baseline
I knew under the willow was where I wanted to spend a lifetime
Nathaniel Dec 2021
Secrets… caught in the attic.
Over our heads, we dread.
Eating the wood crumbs. So somber. So well-done.
Ghost overhead. Munching on our beds.
Help. Hopeless. Dreading the whale. Over and compass.
Threatened by heat-like scales. Cutting us open.
Upon what end. Is this the end? I hope this is. I hope.
Nathaniel Oct 2021
With fists full of wheat pipes
we jump on a whim.
We'll shower the gardens with
gallons of sins.
We wear a posthuman poison
like a three-piece suite.
The love of this generation
is an empty truth.
Nathaniel Mar 2019
If I don't die young I'll be a disappointment to myself and others
For if I grow old all I will know is regret
I want them to write about me when I'm dead not sit by my bed

— The End —