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NDHK Jan 2013
These are the moments
in the still night
I dread.
The overwhelming ones
where you have nothing
better to do than
To remember over and over.
Dig into things you've seen.
Things you've heard.
To helplessly wonder and hope.
Try to lead yourself away from
You run scenarios through
your head.
Imagine conversations that will
never happen.
It leaves you feeling silly.
Knowing you're immersed in
a fantasy.
Even if it annoys you,
that you're lonely enough,
To indulge in these
wandering visions.
It gives a temporary idea.
Of what it would
be like.
If the one you want could be
with you.

NDHK Sep 2013
Giving up is easier right now
Than trying to hold on.
Sad thing though I knew,
You weren't mine all along.
Maybe in time we'll be distant.
Won't think about it anymore
Sad thing though I'll wish,
My hand is what you longed for.

NDHK May 2013
If I'm reading the signs,
The way I think I should.
Looking between the lines and
Stepping back for the panoramic view.

I've been walking a line that's
Leading faint like a concrete crack.
Been ducking low hanging tree limbs
And checking for two road tracks.

All the while believing
I'm blindly moving along.
The changes I've made were
Unbeknownst to me but there all in all.

It was recognized by others
And pointed out to me.
Unaware you are until an observer
Comes and helps you see.

You've become something different,
You've become someone of truth.
Respecting yourself, the life that you're living.
Giving compassion were bitterness once took root.

Finding meaning behind all
The natural actions you take,
Spreading those buried wings
Like a crane over a lake.

Appreciating the small things
And celebrating the big.
Waking up and realizing
It's about time that you did.

NDHK Sep 2012
Put me in a box,
All your secrets I'll keep.

Put me on your feet
When the wearing is weak.

Lift you from the breeze
That will blow in your ear.

Stand me on the ground,
I'll be the comfort too steep.

Blind me with your faith
In things you can't see...

Bury me around
What ugly answers you'd seek.

Find me in the dawn
When hope covets your sleep.

Race away, for now

And come back inside this hall
When you realize.

I've already taken that leap.....

NDHK Dec 2014
When you've got no where to go.
When you've got no one there.
Make some music from your heart.
And let your soul out bare.

NDHK Jan 2013
Don't want
To be
Your stranger
On a

Would like
To be
Your partner
In a

NDHK Jul 2014
I wonder,
If I licked the sticky parts
Of the candy label
Would it absorb on my tongue?
Fill me with colorful nuances
And flavorful personality
People would enjoy

NDHK May 2013
If you are going to
Consume anything,
A dessert, a secret, a feeling
Let it be always sweet.

NDHK Aug 2017
Thinking of you
Is the air conditioning
To my soul
In the sweltering heat
Of my life.

It's all
Strawberry wine,
Warm July nights
And slow, slow dancing.

NDHK Aug 2017
When he looks at me
It burns me
Like the midday sun
In late July
Reflecting off lake water.  

I'm surrounded
And I can't get away.
Even if I did
I would still feel his heat.

NDHK Sep 2014
Some nights I stay up counting my good deeds.
Wishing they would amount to something other than totals.
Maybe good deeds can.
Maybe good intentions will.
The meaning of a wish.
The want of a dream.
All we are, is not what we're content with.
Always hoping.
Hoping for something else.
Something more.

Does not knowing what we don't have, make a difference in what we want?
How can you miss something you never had in the first place?
How do you know that feeling really exists?
Or maybe...
You just hope it does.
Being full and satisfied with life right now.
Maybe that's enough until something comes around and shows you more.
Of what you could have.
Of what can add to your right now happiness.

And what if we know exactly what is missing.
Of what we did have but no longer do.
Of what was so temporary...
We didn't realize it's importance until it was no more.
How can we know a moment is
'The Moment' when we are in it?
Doesn't seem fair.
To believe we should hold on tightly to every now.
Then when it passes, it's a memory.
No time to catch up.
Like being asked to answer a question you hadn't heard.
How do we know that's it's all supposed to matter?


Especially when it's over.

NDHK Sep 2012
What you feel is what you do.
What you think is what you say.
What you see is what you know
What you hear can take that all away.

A glance,
A chance,
A hunch,
A lie,

Not everyone needs an alibi.

My love,
My means,
My trust,
My deeds...

Hold truth and strength
That begins and ends

With me.

NDHK Aug 2017
Ocean waters were never so blue,
Until I lost the sight of you.
The green that sprouts around my heart,
Taste of spearmint; cool and ****.
The subtext speaks volumes,
That which the voice cannot confirm.
That is why poetry is bittersweet release
For the soul that yearns.

NDHK Sep 2012
I dance
to inspire
my words
can't express

my rhythm
will grab
your attention
I blend in
with the rest.

NDHK Jan 2013
What a special kind of hell it is.
To have feelings so
Potent and unwavering.
They swirl you around in a fog
You don't want to be clear from.

To experience everyday
The anxious temptation
Of opening your eyes
Just wide enough
To reveal the barely restrained

If the light catches just right,
A heated glimpse
Becomes an unearthed inferno...
But doubtful reciprocation
Keeps you blinking.
This paradox of behavior inside...

To visually roam.
From point to point,
But not touch.
To inhale,
Hovering next to me
But not taste.
It's maddening,

It's leaking out of my actions
The longer I hold this in.
What's most of all frustrating
Is not knowing,
What you think.
You can't be that unaware.
Is it teasing or unconscious projections?

I catch myself mimicking
And analyzing
And hoping

Why yes, what a special hell this is.

NDHK Apr 2013
You describe me
Like a painting you saw
When you were drunk.

Stretching your fingers
For the sanguine face
Faded inside it.

That's when you whisper
You'll love me
Without any doubt
To hold you back.

NDHK Feb 2013
It's a little bit
How you can become
With a new understanding of
Your Self
And start seeing the
Of what you have now been made
In everyday reminders.
Maybe it's just the obvious
Of an average

NDHK Sep 2013
There's no shame here in what is.
Some people don't need logical explanations.
Some people are too inherently abstract to exist any other way.
So there in lies the beauty.
I see the puzzle not the picture.
I'm drawn to words not spoken.
I'm fascinated by the stillness not the motion.
I feel what I feel.
Intuition is a punishing pleasure.
Some people you just see.
Not with eyes of judgement but
With that familiar gaze of "me too".
Your gut and spine tingle with a backward reaction that you been there before.  
But you're only here now.
Mirror, mirror when you see that face.
You say what I think and I feel what you hide.
If you could turn inside out for just a moment,
it would be the greatest treasure to keep.
Shelve it,
so I could come home to it every night.
Giving it whole heartedly because you just know they are worthy of it.
Even if they think not.
A blessing not a burden.
So wrapped in fear but you're already vulnerable.
Maybe I'd rather not be the quick burn that's paper cup discarded.
Maybe I'd want to be the dug for deep china delicately held onto.

NDHK Jun 2013
having an unrelenting
and also impenetrable
in yourself can
all the unnecessary
and strongly undeserved
that shadows your

the patiently dormant
from lessons learned.
the fight of
within your softly
and open armed

the on going
toward your own
and remember your
through the difficult
that you have

and titanium strong
is what can

NDHK May 2013
A day to hold
A memorial for you
Is my memory of
You everyday.

NDHK May 2013
Something as simple as going to a movie alone.
It can be the best adventure.
It's nice to have wiggle room to just... go.
You don't have to worry about waiting for someone to tag along.
Don't have to worry that you won't get to sit here you want.
Don't have to worry about them stealing your popcorn.
Don't have to deal with their laughing at scenes that aren't really that funny.
And you get the armrest all to yourself.

Yes, it's nice to have that freedom of entertaining yourself.
But then sometimes...

After going to see your tenth movie alone.
You start to feel like you have too much time just staring at the lighting before the movie starts.
You've sat just about everywhere in the theater by then.
You wish there was someone there to turn to when something is funny enough to share.
And the  armrest sits there mockingly, like it's caging in your loneliness.  
And you realize... you never really do finish all you popcorn.

NDHK Dec 2014
It's such a taboo word.

When taken at the hand of serious passing.
The fear invoking accountability of it.
For those who live with it,
It means you will have a partner in life
You want to get lost from.
The invisible presence of the mind.
A constant follower no one else can conquer for you.

And they will try.
Those who care for you.

They try,
They will ask of and advise and encourage.
Through muffled ears held by depressions contempt ridden hands,
You might be lucky to catch a word or two.
The faint taste of truth you want to believe in, but can't convince yourself of.
Not every time at least.

Peace holding it's arms open wide for you to fall into,
While you yearn behind a self created glass case.
Not knowing how to step out.
And when you find a key that fits...another lock appears.
A cycle of almosts.

But you don't give in easily.
You learn your enemy, to one day defeat it.
You struggle and overcome and fall back and GET BACK UP AGAIN.
You always get back up.
It becomes a dance no rhythm could match.
A two step with four feet.
Struggle becomes a mission for you.
You are rebuilding and revising and trying, trying, trying.

Perfect happiness is an ill advised illusion.
But content is real.
A tangible plateau you can see the rest of your life from.
Where foods taste sweet and spicy and you can smell the flowers you stop for.
Music vibrates your bones and sunsets never being so vivid.
Being nurished by your loves adoration.
Feeling your childs heartbeat against your chest.

When depression slips in when you're not looking.
Sets up shop behind your back.
Take time turning around to face it.

Some who suffer this wonder if there is any purpose for them.
In this burdened life.
Those who feel alone among loved ones.
I'd like to think, if they can't focus on anything outside,
Maybe the challenge within IT.
Learning and growing from this sequestered state.
To better help others who may be in various stages.

And isn't that something...
To fight for your God given life?

NDHK May 2013
The high you give me.
No touch, no sound, just presence.
Trips me up every time.
Like a panic switch it runs,
Sending a fantastic current from top to toe.
Not sure whether to breathe or burn.

No wonder I chase you down
Like my next fix.

NDHK Oct 2012
that fallacious intimacy
arm around arm
with a nameless
It's easy to get
temporary satisfaction
from it.

Even though
you're chilled
and hollow inside.

The want
of not being lonely
can be too strong.
Keeping up
the exhausting task
of costant contact.
Never really
a bond deeper
than physical sedation
can tire out.

It will ash away
as soon as you move
an inch
in that position
which is holding
unstably present.
would be the ruiner
of that
shallow fantasy.

to be hundreds
of miles and moments
away from someone.
To be
alone and removed
from the one
who you have
a real, unrelenting
connection with.
To know
you are singular
in that very moment
but not unsupported.

Having them
somewhere you're not,
holding onto your
spiritual thread.
To achieve real
intimate foundation
in knowing the body
doesn't have to tie you
That's an ember that,
when set to breathe,
engulfs you both.

and feeling comfort
that when surrounded
by faces
and being unknown to them
is alright.
that person
who lingers in your mind
Is a whisper
off your lips
and is there
in that place you
left them.

They've penetrated inside
that fortress of caution
and self-preservation and
they get you.
They are there,
and carried with you.
With their hands
cradling and cherishing
your heart
like the treasure
it is.

The enormous responsibility.

To be
the keeper of
warmth and familiarity
and home.
Even though
being separated
from one another
you are reminded of what
exists between you.

concentrating and honing
in on the weight
which lives
That love
and loyalty
and equal respected commitment
to take care of what
the other is given.
The total
surrender of

That is something
worth wanting.
That is something
to daydream for.
is what we all

NDHK Jun 2013
When the lights
Are dimmed down
Sweet underglow.
Softly lingering music
Swaying around our heads.
Things I want to desperately
Fill your ears with.
Hum them rhythmically
Like hot honey
Sticking all around inside you.

NDHK Apr 2013
lay it all out here
shall we?

I just have this
inexplicable urge
to unfold myself
for you.

I want to
ask you all kinds of
odd and intrusive

I want to
climb inside and
pick apart  
that makes you tick.

at the same time
I anticipate
being surprised
by the things
I couldn't know
about you

I want to wind up
this thread
between us
and see why it's there
and how I can
keep it.

You make my
mind whirl
and my heart beat
so slowly,

Like it's waiting for you
to catch up.

Does this sound insane to you?

I'm the one thinking
these things
and feeling...
Always feeling
when you are
around me.

I see you
and maybe yearning?

If I had
a white flag
to wave for you
I would.

my insecurity of
being overwhelming and
keeps us both from
taking those
first steps
toward each other.

NDHK Jan 2015

It's not exceptional nor is it extraordinary.
It just is...
A brief journey through a half life.
She was given home to be born into that was furnished with doubt and anticipation.
A surpirse gift.
She had parents who loved her and raised her.
An adventurous and curious child.
She made way into the territory of her youth that was sometimes dangerous and sometimes timid.
That didn't stop her from exploring and wondering.
Pushing bounderies of her own mind and the surrounding world.
She climbed the highest tree just to fall effortlessly onto the ground waiting for her.
What could of been an instant end resulted in a hospital visit.
Left to her was a concusion and a willfulness to conquer fear from then on.
She was learning but not alone.

Forward some years and the little girl becoming a woman.
Being of compassion and loyalty she was a good friend.
Maybe sometimes too good.
An irrational chain of events one night out of thousands more to come would test that girl.
A time where her will and mind had been altered irrevocably.
An innocence stolen.
Still she trudged ahead for there was still life to be lived.
Even though at times, she questioned if her's was worth it.
She was a fighter at the core.
Cause and effect may be taken into account at this point.
Things had changed for those around her as well.
Here she was unceremoniously given the duty of caring mother-like for a child sibling.
Thrusting through an abandonment of the other half of a two pillar support.
Naturally and with some rebellion she mustered up the task and did what she felt she had to.
It was not expected but necessary.
She was learning but not alone.

As time moved on she moved with it.
Experiencing love for the first time she lept into it with ferocious dedication.
Trying to use the knowledge she had witnessed and apply it to the grown up world.
In this endeavor, a garden to be planted where a flowerbed had stopped blooming.
From it a seed of life becoming and unbecoming before it's time.
A warning of maturity perhaps.
Then later a gift of responibility to come to fruition.
A living, breathing love.
Not without it's concequences though.
With this joy also came trepidation.
A new seed growing but with possibility of delays or death.
A birth defect, chromosome abnormality the doctors warned.
A lifetime of disability or a short lifetime resulting in eternal rest.
The girl knew that no matter what came about she would want to bring this life into the world.
It deserved a chance.
So with that a baby came immense joy.
And to this day no negative physical affects.
The gift she will be forever greatful for.
She was learning but not alone.

Years pass and memories are still being made.
People have been lost but not forgotten.
Now a woman, she masters her life with hopeful hands.
Her health was always a loose branch in the wind it seemed.
Sickness came in the form of kidney infection and dying organs.
Car accidents and permanent aches.
Feminine ****** duties being taken away.
Genetic self sabotage.
Mental illness and straining to swim above.
She was learning but not alone.

It was a long difficult road in a short expanse of time.
Her life that she was constantly improving and trying to understand.
Now brings us to the point of a recent harrowing situation...

It's Christmas time last year and the snow is fickle.
Family is spread out and travel is a must for her little one to connect with everyone.
So she gets into her car to journey across the counties.
It's uneventful outside.
Work and bills and hobbies are what consume her daily life now.
But she is always focused on being a good mother.
So that's the reason for the ride, not the excuse.
Cruizing the same highway she's been down hundreds of times already,
She thinks nothing of it.
It's just what she has to do.
Traffic is sparse but other vehicles out now are semi trucks and hastily driving holiday commuters.
The radio is on and the child is in the back seat commenting on the passing scenery.
She is patiently answering questions and focusing on the road.
Up ahead of her some hundred feet on the snowless stretch she sees a car wiggle a bit.
Tightening her hands on the wheel she just knows this isn't right.
She can't move over to her left.
She slows down under the speed limit just in case.
But it's inevitable.
She's going over that samw spot in a few seconds.
Now as she does, her body suddenly kicks into instinctual safety mode.
The car doesn't wiggle.
It starts to fish-tail.

Splotchy recollection takes over here.
From that exact moment, it could of been only a few minutes but it felt limitless.
As the car started to take a life of it's own she heard the voice of her daughter in the background.
A mantra of 'It's okay, we're okay" flooded out of her mouth automatically.
She tried to right the car but her hands could have been invisible at this point.
Half rotations from left to right eventually lead to doing a 180 degree motion.
Stopping the swivel just before the car impacted the dividing medium on the highway.
At unaided 55 miles an hour she was now looking into the windsheild of another car in the other lane.
The momentum pushing the slippery cage of metal backwards now.
She was a dichotomous fog of confusion and awareness.
Only lasting a few more seconds the car wipped it's way back East.
Sliding back into the lane it was originally in, it kept going.
She now could see the edge of the ravine getting closer.
Where the highway ended and darkness started.
A 20 foot drop if you fell sideways.
Scared chatter from the backseat.
Radio on.
And then suddenly nothing.
Like catching a glass from falling off the table the vehicle just stopped.
Everything turned off.
It was over.
Just sitting alone on the road.
No horns were honked and no one was hurt.
Her breathing was the loudest thing to be heard.
After looking back quickly to make sure her little girl was alright,
she closed her eyes for the first time since this all began.
That's when she felt it.
Something she has felt before but only faintly throughout her life.
When things were wonderful and when they spiriled down.
When she had felt great happiness and overcoming sorrow.
It was an electricity that bloomed in her belly and down her back simultaneously.
It grounded.
It soothed.
It overtook.
She was learning but not alone.


You could say it was a fluke or maybe luck.
For me it was something better, bigger.
As I continue on my life's path wherever it leads me, I just know.
I know that things happen for unknown reasons and we want to make sense of them.
Sometimes we can't.
All I can say is that by suffering through the pain and bad, we value and appreciate the good.
People have terrible situiations to live through but they live through them.
We find the meaning to our lives sometimes in mysterious ways.
Sometimes you have to attribute things to faith, undoubtedly.
And when it's not your time...
It's not your time.
I still survive.
What's your explanation of my story?
Something I haven't already thought of maybe?
When you can find another reason for it, let me know.
Until then I dare you...

Tell ME that GOD doesn't exist.

NDHK Apr 2013
I'll be
your ******,
If you'll be
my speed.
Always give out
We'll only take
what we need.
I'll draw out
the moon,
If you hang up
the sun.
We can melt
back down,
Into each other
as one.

NDHK Apr 2013
Things don't turn out the way
You'd hope they would.

You just have to believe,
That what you remember
About the life you had,

Can still be worth

NDHK Dec 2014
You want someone who will brave a stormy sea for you?
We forget, we're likely to run into a rainstorm on land first.
Having someone there who'll jump puddles with you.
The little things growing into big things.
Not everyone can be a skilled sailor but anyone can hold an umbrella.

NDHK Dec 2014
They say real eyes
Real lies,
So when you're hypnotized
While you socialize,
It's time to decide
Should you anesthetize
Or recognize
The time
To cut ties?

NDHK Dec 2014
Thoughts and feelings
Like midnight waves at your back.
You can't tell if they're receding from you
Or about to swallow you up.

NDHK Sep 2012
Don't want to go out to dance.
I want to hear a band
A good band,
A live band.
Music that has a soul.
Rhythm you can feel.  
Like thunder in your bones.
Swaying on your feet to a foreign flaming beat.
Get lost on the sound of beauty.
That carries through your blood.
Into  your mind.
It lights your fire inside.
I don't want to think,
I just want to melt.
Breathe it in...
Taste it...
Feel it swell.

NDHK Sep 2012
I hope you smile at me today...
Because this morning,
I missed the sun rising.

NDHK Dec 2014
What I wouldn't give for my dream of the beach,
Instead of existing in the tide...

NDHK Mar 2014
When you get pieces of a person and put them together,
Do you paint a new picture of them for yourself?
Or do you choose to love them for what those pieces make up?
Believe people are mosaic and meant to be appreciated,
For the parts that make them whole.
Light and Dark.

NDHK Sep 2012
If you laugh,
I will smile with you.
Indulge in the happiness you have.

If you swing,
I will sway with you.
Around and around keeping time.

If you break,
I will bend with you.
Stand just enough to be a tower for both of us.

And if you love,
I will believe in you.
Open myself for your heart to fit inside.

NDHK Jul 2013
An illuminated room.
Twinkling lights strung up carefully
like the constellations outside the window.
Around the two of them the essence of frailty and incense hung in the electric air.
The low hum tension sizzles.
So close, every breath shared back and forth.
Finally the silent standoff is obliterated and the outpouring of words run over a thousand times bursts forth.

"What do you think I want?
You think you have me figured out, huh?
Use that keen mind of yours and tell me what it is, you think I want from you.
A pledge of forever?
All of your attention every day?
You think I want to have you give up all of your time to me, be at my beck and call?

I want this.
I want what has been between us since we first met.
I know you're probably nervous and unsure what's going on.
I am too.
But I trust my gut.
And tomorrow might not save me.

When you know, you know, right?
This is why it seems so hard.
So I'm telling you what I want.
I want you.
I want this moment.
With you.

I want this moment and if I'm lucky I could be given another and another after this.
And maybe,
if the universe allows,
we can take those moments and string them together and something more,
something bigger can come of it.
But for now I will be grateful for this moment, here with you.

Because you mean something to me.
I care deeply about you.
You're my friend.
I love you.
And I will never regret a day of knowing you if this moment is the only one we'll ever have together.
Because that's what it is.
That's love.

And even if it scares you, you deserve to hear it.
This is my truth.
I'm not asking you to handle my feelings.
I'm not ashamed of them.
There's no need to be rash.
I'm here.
I've always been here.
For a time I've been waiting and trying to understand myself.
But it's never gone away for me.
This connection.
The chemistry swirling between us.

So now that I've given more breath with all that, when I'd rather be holding it in to kiss you until my lips went numb.
You have a choice.
You can either clam up and push me away.
Or you can pull me in...
And kiss me..."

NDHK May 2013
There's no eloquence here
Just take off your clothes
So I can see your honesty

NDHK Sep 2012
This here I lay my story
For all the world to see

From my lips to your eyes
The story of you and me

Life chased me down and
Breathed your name into my heart

It woke me from a dreaming place
Begged new life to start

In the shadows of my mind
You always linger there

Leading up to now and
I've met you here

NDHK Jul 2013
I have always wanted to reveal my parts to you.
The ones that outline the framework of a work in progress.
This hopeful woman that yearns for compassion to her passion.
A want of understanding but understanding that, just the wanting to, is enough.

I can't show you the photos in my mind to connect you to my stories.
So I'll have to settle with painting fragrant pictures with my words.
Using my tongue to splash the sunset of August across the wonder of my childhood.
Pulling my lips wide and bright walking you through the many moments of my self discoveries.
Eyes of sorrow emulating deep winter rains of learning life the hard way.
Plucking the air with fingers that have raged and comforted, that have fought and prayed.
This ballet of language from my body
can lead you through the was and where of what is here and now.

Although, like photos that have been neatly arranged to progress a lifetime,
the learning of this person I am will still be a too dimensional saga.
Unless the tools which I've given are used to paint and sculpt me into something you can hold.
So mold and unfold the parts of me
you have come to know.
Then forget everything you've learned and just
Love me as a whole.

NDHK Apr 2013
I get these
They're like save me
I'm sinking
Inside of my own mind
It's winding
Like a tadpole in a sink hole
Blinded by need
I feed
Off the land of my past
Wasting it
With churning thoughts
Of what could of been
Should of been
My life
With a plan that's
Only seen the skylight
Not the soil
It grew from.


— The End —