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 May 2013 NDHK
Enzo Badia
 May 2013 NDHK
Enzo Badia
Well let’s take it slow.
There’s no rush, tonight is all yours.
Take your time,
Pull on my lapel,
Go ahead and bite me
As I tighten my grip on your hair.

When you’re ready
I’ll lay you down gently,
Pull of whatever is left,
Tell you everything’s okay,
Caress your soft chest,
Until I’m sure you’re
Dripping wet.

Tonight won’t be something ordinary,
Nor something from a fantasy.
Its somewhere in between.
You’ll feel like magic,
But I’ll make you remember
The harshness of reality.

There’s no need to panic
When everything starts shaking.
Its all normal and expected,
So ride on my dear,
Till your back starts breaking.

Eventually you’ll memorize
The pattern of our bodies
When they move from side to side.
Its quite the strange delight,
Hearing your beautiful tune
As I hit you from behind.

When its time to close,
Scream my name, let it show.
Dig your nails into my skin,
Get your body to bend,
Get low.
Gasp for air, beg me to stop.


After reaching the end.
I’ll lay you down again,
Covering you with soft kisses,
Thanking you for fulfilling my body’s wishes.
Then we’ll lay here together,
Studying eachother with dreamy eyes,
Hoping that tonight,
Won’t be the last time.
Written on December 24th, 2009.

Nothing like Christmas and lust to break my second ecounter with Writer's block.
 May 2013 NDHK
Lauren Poxton
 May 2013 NDHK
Lauren Poxton
Your soft lips met with mine,
you and I lost and entwined,
you trace my outline with your fingers
and your sensual touch lingers.
I quiver, I quake,
this is an ****** I cannot fake.
 May 2013 NDHK
D Conors
i love you (when you're)  rambling
i want to hear what you say after work
i want your face in my hands
i want you in my studio with a glass of wine
(telling me things)
i want
D. Conors
30 June 2010
 May 2013 NDHK
D Conors
today you took me by surprise,
bright smile, dancing eyes,
loosened the noose on yet another lonely day,
wherein the depths of these shadows I do lay,
again, you came a-light,
golden skin, heart a-flight,
taking the time to share some of your life with me,
the very essence of your softly sweet vitality,
beauty, you breathe the skies,
today you took me by surprise
D. Conors
September 2010
 May 2013 NDHK
Carly A
 May 2013 NDHK
Carly A
You smile and laugh,
Lightness incarnate.
I think about corrupting you.
I want to feel your skin sweat under my fingers, 
Watch your muscles clench.
I'd **** to bring a moan out of you,
Die to hear a grunt.
I want to taste your hostility,
Heated and ashamed.
I will rip your evil forth.
To see it spill through you,
I bite my lip.
The levees are cracking,
I can see it in your eyes.
 May 2013 NDHK
jerard gartlin
 May 2013 NDHK
jerard gartlin
i'm sorry you find it necessary
to put other people's body parts
inside your mouth
like you're some teething mental infant,
or maybe you're trying to take the place
of the baby we're pretending never happened…
…****.  i need a moment. .. …. …

******* got you into this
so you think ******* will get you out?
it's ******* funny i have to flee the ******* country
to get free from your fingers' guilty grip
on a sad mind that can't ******* forgive himself,
on a mind muddied with so many mistakes
i get light-headed every ******* morning trying to decide
which regret to let ruin my day today,
but thank god you've always been there to remind me.
i thank that great guy in the sky
that you're always there
willing & ready
to rub it in.
maybe i just loved you too much,
i guess,
& you loved me just enough
so i'd still do favors for you
& god isn't that what Shakespeare was talking about?
we were rarely a well-written romance
but we ******* NAILED tragedy.
& i told you that first night
as we talked over
some movie i didn't care about
in some language i'll never learn,
that i ******* hated musicals….well
you must've read my subtitles
because you still sing inside my head sometimes.
 May 2013 NDHK
 May 2013 NDHK
There are loves that can create a new universe, there are
loves that would fill outer space
where stars are just drops of mango juice
and every person you wish wrote poems about you, does.

A macrocosm so vast that
tragedy is only powder and cold coffee does not break
my heart anymore, sadness does not fit in

an oven but float, phantom-esque, in black air
no longer pollution
that slowly asphyxiates, hardly discernible in our palms of
tangible love. You will not have to tell anyone that you
love me because the whole world is our bedroom.

I felt I was dangerous the first time
you tried to **** me, like I would be too tight
and shatter every last porcelain bone under your skin.

Like my body was a vacuum ******* you in
unable to escape, inland something other than a stranger.
Instead, we became the cosmos
pouring fruit-juice-stars on the unlucky and the unloved.
 May 2013 NDHK
 May 2013 NDHK
This poem is dedicated to you.
You are the  best.
Silence. The most powerful of all nature.
There would be no comedy.
There would be no tragedy.
Imagine a world where we lived in silence.
No one spoke. Only body language.
Nature in its glory. Freedom
You are the best.
This poem is dedicated to you.
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