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 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
i saw you, you were standing, alone, where i once stood with you
you seemed so lost, not knowing which way to turn your sad eyes
they dont smile as you try and walk away.
my shadow, did you not sense it, did you not feel it tugging at you
to hold me once more the genius of your madness has left me sane with love
no longer do those voices inturupt the conversations in my head
i dont chase fantisies anymore i have a hard time catching reality
can you hear my breath whisper in you ear turn around i am here
 Dec 2012 NDHK
Robert Bly
Sometimes a man can't say
What he . . . A wind comes
And his doors don't rattle. Rain
Comes and his hair is dry.

There's a lot to keep inside
And a lot to . . . Sometimes shame
Means we. . . Children are cruel,
He's six and his hands. . .

Even Hamlet kept passing
The king praying
And the king said,
"There was something. . . ."
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
when a whisper turns into a rumer none is safe
the essance of a battle can be found in the vortex of the combatants
if the mistakes you make are muliplied you can subtract each one by love and commitment
i heard you...i heard you... i heard you... what did you say
if you feel alone on this earth you won't alone you still have your ego
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
how intrusive it was for that evil feeling to inturupt our love affair
did it not understand the rules of human emotions
did it not know it needs to ask if its ok to intrude and get permision to do so
how dare it pick on the weakness instilled in all of us
 Nov 2012 NDHK
a thought
 Nov 2012 NDHK
just a thought. when i lay with you i know im safe, and when you hold me i know i'm loved. when you breath on me i am alive,and you open eyes i'm heaven bound. come then, hold my hand and walk with me down this path of ectasy, to a place we both pine for. then i'll ask if i was yours and you were mine could we love for all of time or is it an illusion in our minds.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
we were to like two ships on the open sea we drifted into each other's path the horizon grew bright, the sea calmed . my search for life had ended with you. when we came to meet your eyes met mine we sailed on the crest of the waves. the sun was warm, our spirts high, and the wind whispered in our ears.but like winds that blow in all directions we found ourselves on diferant courses. and with each turn of world we'll meet, to shar a moment of life.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Colleen Mulcahy
The world is quiet, up here by the sky. The wind lingers, filling my nostrils with the smell of the mountain. The clouds wrap around me caging me in a thick white box. The cold misty air brushes over my bare skin sending shivers through me. The trees wave me to come closer and shade me from the whipping air. But I don’t go. The sudden gusts lift me off my feet and sway me back and forth like a feather in the breeze. The grass dances, brushing against its self, humming, singing. The stream slithers through the soft rocks crumpling as it brushes the earth. The rain starts to play as it runs through the field.  Then the dark falls on the mountain, and the moon blazes in the night, lighting up the stars. And the world is quiet, up here by the sky.
Botanical garden of love,
show me the path back to life.
Show me the path to righteousness,
not the path to the knife.

Botanical garden of love,
in all your beauty,
if I abide by the rules,
will you free me?

Botanical garden of love,
grow unto me.
Make me one with your beauty,
only you can set me free.

Botanical garden of love,
paint me with the skies.
I wish to never be forgotten,
by her soft brown eyes.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Lord Byron
She walks in beauty, like the night
     Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
     Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
     Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
     Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
     Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
     How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
     So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
     But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
     A heart whose love is innocent!
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