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NDHK Jul 2013
People question why
unfortunate circumstances
happen to them,
and why are they alone.

I believe we need
to experience these things;
for our souls to grow.

Though we are never
sent out as sheep without a
guardian to follow.

NDHK Jun 2013
Reach in and ****** the parts
I keep hidden.
You might pull back confetti pieces
Of me that have lingered.
Open your mouth gently
To taste the unspoken words
Behind my lips.
Devour a malachite trail from my core
And have it melt down your throat.

NDHK Jun 2013
Touch the back of my hand.
Feel that tremble.
That simmering warmth radiating
Into your palm.
You do that.
You bring that from within me.

Control is all I know,
And you make me lose it inside.
I ache to scream about it from
The fullness of my lungs.
Unsettle it from under my skin.

Just a chance.
Just a change.
Around and around the possibilities
Swarm like thunder clouds
Needing release.

Finding bliss

NDHK Jun 2013
When the lights
Are dimmed down
Sweet underglow.
Softly lingering music
Swaying around our heads.
Things I want to desperately
Fill your ears with.
Hum them rhythmically
Like hot honey
Sticking all around inside you.

NDHK Jun 2013
I want to reveal
things about
and have you
seek out their
I want you
to pour over me
the pieces of you
I don't know

Maybe we need
to stop.
Stop allowing all
the doubts
infused from everyone,
to keep our
thoughts tied.

What have we
to lose
time and hiding.

In my gut
I feel a weight
could be evaporated
from us.
A light
glowing dim between
could be
Completion and
a knowingness of
who we are already
is not a hole
either are trying
to fill.

Maybe we just want
a hand to hold
after our struggles.
A comforting embrace
to melt into
after our pain.
A heart to accept us
and love again.
we just don't want
to carry fear around

Intimacy is something
vulnerably created
and hardly given,
I know.
Spiritual connectedness
is the highest of highs
and I think
we're both wanting
to fly.

NDHK Jun 2013
You had this haze
filling up the room.  
I couldn't seem to
trample through the maze
without following your
I sat still
and molasses like
as I watched the colors
bounce from floor
to walls
back onto you.

The stiffness
in my smiling cheeks
was a soreness that
helped me enjoy
the realness of those
The thoughts running
dialogue through
my tethered mind
wanted to pour out
into the reality of then
but they held steady

what if I could just
let loose,
melt enough
to spill on your floor
the ideas of conversation
between us.
I wanted to
loosen control
to the point that
you would have
a front row seat
to the inner workings
of me.

Always a thinker,
an analyzer,
a day dreamer.

Snapping back into
the now of then
every so often
I was scared.
to believe that
a situation I have been
embarrassingly replaying
for months in my dreams
had come to
Not wrapping my mind
around the truth
in front of me
that I was here
and you were here
and this was.

It's a vulnerable confession
that I had gained
extreme pleasure
in just your company.

In just your single company.

I wish
I could stop
the perception
you have of me,
but even more so
I wish I could
actually know.
In straight lined
bold words,
I wish I could
read out loud
what it is of me
you see.

NDHK Jun 2013
I've realized
No one can move
Like you can,
When you dance
Oh, so close
Behind me.

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