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Oct 2019 · 140
Good bye
N Oct 2019
You reassured my decision
I made firmly and wisely
to not let you in
A monster you are
the worst kind
you'll perish with that attitude
of scorn, loath and hate
You think you're being a hero
as you take the breath of innocent souls away
You walk in darkness
I held onto the delusion
that you weren't the demon
you could be grace
But as the time on the clock
rotates in a slow ticking circle
I see that you sir are my biggest hurdle
Getting the thoughts of you out
that are flooding my mind
you are the master of erasing time
I ponder
I sit
I grieve
I once let the scare tactics you had
control me
but with time and fate
I'm afraid to say
with a bit of Gods grace
you'll never see the day
Oct 2019 · 189
It Can Wait
N Oct 2019
It is morning time
The air feels crisp
Time to tidy up
There's so much to do
The baby squalls,
Alerted of the noise of the vacuum cleaner,
He needs some attention
At last,
Things can wait
These are the glory days
as they say
"Babies don't keep"
and children don't stay little for long
Oct 2019 · 691
Time Freeze
N Oct 2019
She whispered
Get lost in the breeze
Enjoy this moment
Let time freeze
Live in the present
Forget the foreseen
Events of the future
Just let be
Oct 2019 · 95
N Oct 2019
You're like a tornado that won't stop ******* in things that make you more powerful
You have no feelings while destroying people and everything they've worked hard to build
You have no sense of reality
You do things without a reason or why
You do things to benefit you
All the while you fool
Are also destroying yourself too.

— The End —