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This Holy Book
Of ancient words long preserved
Words of prophecies written and waiting to be fulfilled
Guiding our lives on the path of eternal glory.

This Holy Book
For a time confused me
Made me so broken and disappointed
Even sometimes I couldn't help but cry.

But This Holy Book
Promises of greatness and good things
Which is for me through Christ
So i wonder, if all I need is Christ ?

This Holy Book
I open and flip through its pages when I'm broken
In despair I hope for an uplifting
It is my counsel.

This Holy Book
When I feel all is over and done,
When the storms of life are against me,
It is my refuge.

This Holy Book
It is all I need for it is light unto my path,
In it lies deep things hidden from Man
Great wisdom made known to man by the spirit.

This Holy Book ;
When the earth shakes and mountains  fall,
When the pillars of the earth can not hold anymore ,
When the skies and it's inhabitants are no more,
Shall forever stand

This Holy Book
Makes known the greatness of our Lord.
His everlasting mercies and love,
Compassion and faithfulness,
Holy is His name

This Holy Book
I will ever cling to and never let go
In times of trouble, i will hold to my heart
I will confess it's words everyday
For I love my bible
The pain of the cross
Heaven's gates break open
As divinely annointed hands fell on us
Grace flowed from above
Adorning a congregation of youths gathered in love

Spirit broke out
Yolks broke off
Worshipping in his glory
Our beauty in the beauty of his holiness

Clouds gathered causing a down pour;
As the aroma of worship rose to heaven.
Angels descended into our midst ;
His presence was come.

A summer well spent reviving our spirit man;
Feeding our soul with the word in axhortations.
Camp is over and we all head home  
With a living stream flowing in us...
Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !

— The End —