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I follow the clouds passing
For what seems like hours I just stare
And although it is only here I'm standing
I could be anywhere.
A lone tree stands out
Against the stormy sky

On the far side of
The lawn in our garden

Surrounded by snowdrops
Quite a pretty picture!

Keith Wilson March 2017

that dissolve
in a glass    
of wine,
or simply   
fly away,      
the heart      
with them.
Does a butterfly
dream and is that dream of me
as I dream of her.
They  took  me  to  Windermere  today.
Just  to  put  Father  Christmas  away.

They  said  ,,We  haven,t  got  much  time
we  have  to  be  back  at  twelve  to  dine,,

I  didn,t  really  see  the  point
I  hadn,t  time  to  inspect  the  joint.

Flying  here  flying  there
Seem  to  have  no  time  to  spare.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.UK,  2017.

— The End —