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Wanderingsoul Sep 2020
The eyes dont lie.
Try as you may,
Your eyes will show the words
That your mouth struggles to say.

The eyes don't lie,
So when i see your smile i see the truth.
Sometimes i wish i was blind.
Wanderingsoul Aug 2020
It was raining, the little bird was in a hurry
To find a shelter, he was really worry
Finally when he saw a banyan tree
He sighed in relief and couldn't control his glee
There were 3 other birds, all were alike
When he approached them, he was disliked
They told the little bird to go away
Because the tree was only for them to stay
The little bird was confused and asked why
They told him he was different and should try
And be more like them, otherwise bid goodbye
The little bird was sad but he took his flight
For rather he be free and fly high in the sky
Then be told to change and later cry.
Wanderingsoul Aug 2020
Looking at the timeline
Seeing you with me doing all the good deeds and the crimes
You were with me regardless of any circumstances
But the irony is that you were just a shadow every time I glanced....
Wanderingsoul Jun 2020
They say we're crazy
We're useless
 And making stupid excuses
 That we are hopeless romantics
  But we do know what a heart is
  It burns when it cracks
  It really burns
  Please take me away
Someone to have my back, I need that one... I need....
Wanderingsoul Jun 2020
It was 2:00 am, when that occurred
Saw you burning, right in front of my eyes
Not sure, if what I saw, was a mirage
But your screams stated otherwise
2:30 am, saw you lay there in the ground
It wasn't really you, but just brunt ashes
Oh! How I wished, you wouldn't have saw me
Not at that period of time
Why, my love, you had to see the real me
That I tried so hard to conceal
But, why didn't you understand
That I killed them for our future and safety
They tried to take you away from me
How could I even let that happen, tell me
But, then you had to interfere and ruin my plan
Now, where do I go, from here all alone, at 3:00 am
Wanderingsoul May 2020
You have potential! They said
I smiled and shooked my head
For I forgot who I am or rather was
After they told me, I was in a rush

You can reach the sky! They exclaimed
I smiled and yet again
Thought of those dreams, that they said were petty
And forced me into reality

You can be limitless! They tried once again
I smiled for the last time ,
Remembering the times, when I was really one
But alas! I locked myself and didn't try  ever again.
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
The sky is indeed blue ,
The land is alas! suffering from a flu.
People awaits for some ray of hope
But the fear had everyone *****.
Not roaming or going outside and acting like a team,
We will make sure, it was just a bad dream.
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