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Tom Morrissey Sep 2018
Break us down, It’s easy
Have you heard of the telomere effect?
Caps at the end of your chromosomes
They shrivel down with all types of stress
They get bigger with a smile
They hold in your health
So it’s again very simple
Do great things and gain this wealth
Let the thoughts wiz bye your peripheral
Sadness and anger all the same
There’s a holy grail in awareness
There’s death with guilt and shame
Create your existence
Be fantastic, and become unbound
Love everything around yourself
And spread that love around
Tom Morrissey Sep 2018
Contribute to my angst
Allow me to suffocate on thought
I can barely hold myself together
And then I worry about you a lot
Trying to determine my place
It’s hard, I’m sure you know
I’ve been delivering a smile to the world
But I’m afraid it’s lost it’s glow
I’m catapulting further
Unsure of where that is
For a moment I had clarity
And now it seems I never did
Is there truly no purpose?
Are we connected and blind?
Even if we’re eternal
What the **** is with the mind?
Why do I have to do this?
Succumb to the workings of the past
These laws are dipped in currency
And I’m done replacing time for cash
I don’t really care too much for answers
Despite not knowing a thing
You can keep your God, and scientists
You can keep just about anything
All I want is you now
Do you understand?
What is? Is not important
And the self selfishly withstands
I won’t imagine why we’re here
I won’t keep striding
All I want is to see you
From behind the wall your hiding
Tom Morrissey Sep 2018

These symbols are true

As true as our journey between them

Like a light switch

Until the bulb extinguishes

On or off

Our energy is all woven together

Permanently forever

But as a whole we choose to accept this cosmic gift with a stern *******

As we still won’t except the unimportance of DNA’s geographical structure
Tom Morrissey Sep 2018
Rapture finds us all
Don’t hide
Don’t tread carefully either
Create your memory
Do this for yourself
And hope towards everyone alike
Tom Morrissey Sep 2018
Sit me above the trees
That’s where I want to be
There’s no other life for me
I want to be the top
I want to reach but never stop
Just stretching out indefinitely
Tom Morrissey Sep 2018
Gargantuan existence
You are not a loan
Stop letting them take
It could be yours to own
Tiny little blip
We’re all leaves on a tree
But it looks like disconnection
Like the grains of a dune sea
Stop the false of sense
Chasing up to the clouds
When you reach a destination
Satisfaction locks you down
Groan for importance
Aspire for more
Let them all grovel
And drool upon the floor
Become apart of the process
Stop orchestrating its lies
You’ve been going to the movies
When the greatest show’s behind your eyes
Tom Morrissey Aug 2018
So hopelessly hopeful
But the gears in my cheeks need oil
Give light to me
Be the world
Anticipate joy
Hear kindness
Fill your infinite heart
We’re together
Find happiness
Love this emotion
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