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Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
ive been waiting and waiting
for you to finally tell me how you wanted me
the same way i want you.
and now that you have, im terrified.
not terrified of loving you, but terrified
of losing you.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
we began like a
reverse fairytale.
starting with happily ever after.
in the beginning your eyes
were more powerful than your lies.
and someone like you was incapable of sin.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
"first love"
i guess that would be you
you wrapped me in your arms and
filled me with every desire
i ever wanted
untill my desires changed
and i no longer wanted
what i used too.
so i pushed you away
until you broke
until we broke.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
lets lie in bed and dream
of other universes
where we are still happy.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
I give so much of myself away it hurts. I always give more love than I will ever receive in return. Everyone takes and takes from me, every little piece of my heart stripped away, they always say that it would be borrowed but they forgot to put it back when they were done.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
one day
i will be okay
one day
i will wake up and feel happy
one day
i will stop crying
one day
i will stop giving my everything to people who dont deserve it
one day
i will smile and mean it
one day
i will be free

what if one day was today.
Moonbeam Dream Sep 2019
missing you.

but not chasing you
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