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1.1k · Oct 2018
i MUST confess?
Monica Oct 2018
This is a confessional poem

but what crimes have I committed?
I have not pled
guilty or

Maybe innocent by reason of insanity.

I am not under a lamp
in a windowless room.
No officers are grilling me.
I have nothing to hide
yet nothing to tell.

This is a confessional poem

but what are my sins?
I don't tell those to
just anyone who

I am not on my knees
in a reverential box.
There is no screen
with a priest on the other side.
I am not being

This is a confessional poem.

But why?
Because I use the

All this is
is my pen, my paper,
and you.

And I ain't tellin' you nothin'.
1.0k · Jun 2016
Stuck in the Middle
Monica Jun 2016
The weird thing about life
is that you’re always
in the middle of it.

Whether you’re starting
a new job, or starting
a family, or ending
a relationship or moving
to a different place,
you’re still right in
the thick of your life.

The only true
beginning and ending
are birth and death.

So, it seems that
with regard to life,
we are like an author
who is at an impasse;

They know the beginning
of their story, and they
know how they want
it to end, but they have
intense difficulty with
the middle.

How does the
protagonist get to the
point where she meets
her true love, or get
that job promotion he’s
worked for his whole life?
How do the adventurers
find the buried treasure?
How does the ax murderer
ultimately perform his perfect ****?

The middle is the most crucial part.

It’s also the part that is
hardest to get through,
as a reader and a writer.
We are either desperately
wanting to know what
happens at the end, or
reveling in the simplicity
of the beginning.

Life is the same way.
I miss the simplicity of my
You know, the part of life
where you’re confident
in yourself, and where you
just love everyone
around you.

You’re not cynical,
or jaded,
and you know
you’ve got a huge
expanse of life ahead of you.

I also long for the “end.”
Not death, necessarily, but
the part of my life that is
predictable, and safe.
I want to know that
I’m going to be okay.

I want to know that the
way I feel right now
isn’t the way I’ll always feel.

The way I feel right now
is what makes trudging
through this middling
part of time so horrendous.

it's what gives me
the hope that I can write
a spectacular ending.
1000 · Nov 2016
Eyes on the Road
Monica Nov 2016
There is a water bottle
on the side of route 3.
It's blue and it's plastic
and it's ***** and old.

Reusable, but unused.

Just a piece of garbage
lying on the side of the road.

I look at that water bottle every day.

I take comfort in knowing it's there.
Through every season of
the last year and a half it
has remained in the same spot.

Sun beating down on it,
leaves gathered around,
covered in snow,
it stays where it began.

Whatever music I'm listening to,
whatever emotions I'm feeling,
through elation from a grade
or depression from a breakup,
the water bottle is there.

What a concept,
what a constant,
what a weird thing to notice
on the side of the road.

But there it is every day,
a ***** blue water bottle,
and unimposing,
but such a big part
of my daily routine.
Monica Jan 2017
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
It seems the morality of the world has thinned,
and it's hard for me to differentiate
how to be good, and how to be great.

There's so much bad stuff swirling around,
and unfortunately, as I have found,
it's so easy to get swept up by society,
and so easy to be remiss in one's piety.

I long to be a better person.
I don't want to just worsen and worsen.
Can you help me be a saint?
Make me in your image, the way only an artist can paint.

I just need your guidance and your aid,
I need to have more confidence in the me that you made.
Because if I stare really hard right into a mirror,
There's a person I'm becoming, and frankly, I fear her.

Help me to be in the world and not of it.
Help me to embrace my true self and love it.
And in the face of the world's ignorant braying,
help me to just keep on loving and praying.
950 · Apr 2016
Manufacturing Error
Monica Apr 2016
Becoming who you are
Is not an easy feat.

You have to shed the skin
Of many failed versions.
Prototypes are stowed away,
Blueprints shredded.

Which laugh works?
Is this personality too loud?
Will I be a loser if I don’t go to that party?
Or to that event?
Should I modulate my voice?
Am I too much of a nerd?
Am I not enough of a nerd?
Do these glasses work with my face?
Do these clothes work for my body?

Over and over,
The plans change,
And you change,
And you try to find the best
Version of yourself.
And you wonder why
There’s more than one
To begin with.

You wonder what happened,
To the innocent kid
Who thought her elementary school
Friends would always be there,
And who thought she could do anything.

You look back on yourself
As an athlete.
You look back on yourself
As a writer.
And you wonder why
You became this person
Who will just settle
To get by in life.

You wonder why
You’re constantly at
The drawing board,
Why the things you really
Want to do in life
Are impractical,
And why the things
You’re going to do are
Only semi appealing.

How did you get
****** into this society,
And how did you become this

Automaton with no autonomy?

Why can’t you decide
What’s best for you
Without being wracked with

Looks like you need to be
So we’ll scrap this model
And get back to you
With a new one.

Try not to break it.
900 · Jun 2016
Monica Jun 2016
Tick tock went the clock,
through monastery halls,
synchronizing the actions of men,
building up modernity’s walls.

Creatively destructive,
yet fleeting,
modernity was paradoxical,
according to the Harvey reading.

Art had expanded,
abstraction arises,
and Sigmund loves his mom,
more than anyone realizes.

Our friends the id,
the ego and its super,
tell us who we are,
Freud has the world in a stupor.

A catch-22 for dear Pablo,
who will sleep with a ****,
but is terrified of syphilis,
as is seen in his art.

There was power and truth,
and Foucault says we’re repressive,
but suddenly things change,
Postmodernity becomes quite impressive.

PoMo cares not for beauty,
or what pleases the public eye.
It’s style for style’s sake,
in the buildings stretching toward the sky.

Uma dances with John,
a young boy finds a severed ear,
Joaquin loves his OS,
PoMo film is, well,

Yuppies love pastiche,
their lofts were once a workplace,
they’ve coated them with chrome,
they’ve gentrified the space.

Unlimited breadsticks
have soiled the very Italian name,
Baudrillard says it’s simulacrum,
there is no truth, it’s all the same.

We traipse through this
postmodern world,
not knowing postmodernity
is where we are.
We wear workboots to fashion shows,
we worship that reality star.

We think we’re special snowflakes,
and skinny jeans make us cool,
and media exposure’s made us cynics,
quite impossible to fool.

What we don’t realize is that
we are not our own,
we are pseudo individuals,
through PoMo we have grown.
written for my Contemporary Civilization final
705 · Jul 2016
Peaks and Valleys
Monica Jul 2016
         fall down deep into a
Tears, rage,
bottled up emotions.
All pour out.
All explode out
from within you.
There is no hope.
There is no joy.
Everyone is
out to get you.
You have no friends.
They all hate you.
You’re not good at anything.
You are...
               You’re on top of the world.
          Life is swell,
          and everything is a grand joke.
          Crying from laughter,
          not from sadness.
          Dancing about,
          But knowing it’s only
          a matter of time until
          you descend back down,
     ­                                                 down.
615 · Feb 2017
Perception! Hearsay
Monica Feb 2017
"This is art!"
pronounced the woman who was blind.
"I've seen better,"
mused the man standing far behind.

"You're missing the meaning,"
his aunt told him over the phone.
"What a provoking piece,"
posted the professor online, sitting alone.

"A ****** depiction,"
said the professor's Facebook friend.
"You are ignorant,"
typed the lawyer, pressing send.

"I must have it!"
boomed the lawyer's wealthy client.
"But you haven't even seen it,"
the lawyer reminded the business giant.

"I don't need to see it!
I'll just send them a lot of cash!"
Four days later at his door,
the businessman found a pile of trash.
Monica Jun 2016
The clock makes
a sleepy revolution.
The hands are dragging,
moving so slowly.

Agonizingly slow.

Time won't move
fast enough, it seems.
But why
should it move faster?
What is there
to look forward to?

It feels like if
we could just get to
this enigmatic "future,"
we would be safe
and life would be good.

So we dawdle away
the present.
The present that was once
the future.
We just wait.
We don't realize
that we are in control.

We ruin ourselves
with false hope
for what lies ahead.

We brush away the chance
to choose our own fate.

We self-destruct
when life doesn't go
as planned.

We forget
that we never
had a plan to begin with.

We are our own
worst enemies,
but we need
someone else to blame.

So we blame "life."

Yeah, that same one we
501 · Oct 2016
Monica Oct 2016
Laughing at yourself is easy.
Self deprecation is hilarious.
To others, anyway. And to you,
to an extent.

It's good to laugh at yourself,
but you've become a joke,
a punchline,
a caricature of who you
wish you were.

You're a fun house version of yourself,
and ugly.
In your head you're a smart,
savvy person with a
great body.
In real life, you're dumpy,
and messy.

You feel out of control,
your thoughts are lapping you.
You're still at the
starting line.
You'll never win
this race. Accept your
participation trophy and
move on.    

You're the only person
who knows what you're feeling.
And guess what?
You have no idea how to
express it.
465 · Nov 2016
Election Imperfection
Monica Nov 2016
****… SPLAT!

The mudslinging,
Left winging,
Right winging,
Promise singing,
and stress bringing
may now commence.

Two households,
both alike in their
traffic stopping,
secret swapping,
state hopping,
story dropping,
bubble popping

with their
hope dashing,
donation cashing,
constant bashing,
piece of trashing,

try to
get elected,
be selected,
not rejected,

but their
free wheeling,
shady dealing,
sends us reeling.

Hill and Don,
the battle’s on,
our wits are gone,
next week
we’ll see who’s won

Who will be the next
1600 Pennsylvania Ave resident?
Our 45th United States president?
453 · Jul 2016
Monica Jul 2016
Letters flash in front of my eyes,
like a dyslexic
advertising a show
that no one wants to

Thoughts on the bottom of a lake
where patiently I cast my
hoping for a bite,
but nothing feels like

Words doing the backstroke,
swimming through a
riddled with confusion,
never reaching

Hands poised on the keyboard,
awaiting further
not knowing that my
writer’s block will lead
to my eventual
358 · Jun 2016
Monica Jun 2016
I should miss you.

Shouldn’t I miss you?

After so much time together
I feel like I should miss you,
like there should be some
vacuous hole in my chest
whose edges are inflamed
and achy.

I feel like I should
want to be with you again,
like I should want to
love you again.

But I don’t.

And it is scary to think
about how easy it was
to let you go.

And it is scary to think
about how easy it would be
for someone to let me go.
345 · Feb 2017
The Fractal Cashier Blues
Monica Feb 2017
With a flick of the wrist, items pass hand to hand.
You hear a beep, and place what you’ve scanned
into a bag. “Would you like paper or plastic ma’am?”
“Paper for the canned goods, plastic for the ham.”

You ask “how are you?” a dozen times a minute.
You get a cold, “fine.” You know their heart’s not in it.
People whine as they empty their cart of pricey food.
Aren’t you lucky to hear about their bad mood?

Hours upon hours, you follow the same exact routines.
There so long you know 4066 is the code for green beans
without even being asked, it’s just there in your head.
You wish you were somewhere else, preferably your bed.

The lines peter out, the crowds begin thinning,
As the last hour approaches you can’t help your grinning.
When you’re finally done you feel at peace, you feel zen,
But you know the very next day, it all starts again
325 · Jun 2016
The Storm Inside
Monica Jun 2016
Thunder rumbles through my mind,
muttering and grumbling,
angry at the world.

Lightening cracks and flashes,
illuminating the next thought,
exposing the darkest corners and crevices.

From the dark clouds pour
millions of ideas, millions of notions,
each worse than the next.

The constant rain
leads to a flood, and
all inhabitants are advised to
stay home tonight,
safe from the deluge.

It’s just too bad that I’m drowning.
319 · Mar 2016
Same Old
Monica Mar 2016
Always doing
What you're told.

Never ever
Being bold.

This cycle of life
Is what some would call
A rut,
Or a stalemate.

It lands you
In the doldrums,
It makes you a person
That you hate.
318 · Jan 2016
Monica Jan 2016
“I only wish you knew him… before”

You had a stroke when I was four months old,
And that made you so very different.

You were different from the man my parents knew,
Different from the man grandma married,
Different from the man who made everyone laugh,
Different from the man who would jump onstage.

For thirteen years I knew a man,
And for thirteen years that was the only version of you
That existed.

Post-stroke you grew alongside me.
We were the same age,
We were kindred spirits.

Even though I didn’t know you…
I still think I knew who you were.

The man I knew was independent,
The man I knew could use only one arm,
But would open packages with his teeth,
Rather than ask for help.

The man I knew was determined,
He taught himself to write,
Using his left hand,
Instead of his right.

The man I knew was caring,
Even when he was sick,
He put us before himself,
Blowing kisses,
Rather than getting us sick.

The man I knew was patient,
He helped me plant sunflowers,
And we watered them until they grew,
To be taller than me.

The man I knew was talented,
He built a whole table,
With only one available arm.

You taught me to be aware,
When I had to move my toys,
So you could walk through the living room.

You taught me to be lighthearted,
Making jokes to me,
Even as you laid dying in the hospital.

Life doesn’t have to be so serious.

I know I got so much from you,
I know you’re probably a big reason I love the stage,
A big reason I love to laugh,
A big reason I’m so sarcastic.

And while I love hearing stories,
About who you were “before,”
I know that the you that I knew was absolutely

I still knew an amazing person,
And I can only hope that one day,
People will talk about me as fondly,
As they talk about you.

The thirteen years I knew you,
Were some of the best of my life,
And even though I know I’ll lose,
More of the people I love,
You were the first,
And so you hold a special place.

The last five years have been strange,
Seeing your chair empty,
Seeing your bed gone,
Seeing the backyard devoid,
Of random construction projects.

I miss you,
And I love you,
And I’ll see you one day soon,
And then I’ll know you as you were,
311 · Feb 2017
Meet and Greet Anxiety
Monica Feb 2017
Um, I'm from a small town.
You probably don't know it.
You've probably never been there,
but you've probably driven through.

Oh it's a few miles from here...
have you ever heard of it?
That's okay, not many have.

I mean it's not exactly near there...
do you know the other towns in the area?
Okay. Fine, yeah it's near there.

Let's play 20 questions.
Maybe that will help.
Is it bigger than a breadbox?
No, not really.

Honestly, forget it.
It's a really tiny town,
not much left to say.
But it's where I'm from.
308 · Feb 2016
Monica Feb 2016
If you're not
Then you're

That is why humor
Is important.


If the source
Of your laughter
Is someone else's tears,
You're doing it wrong.
299 · May 2016
Anatomy of Confusion
Monica May 2016
Head tilting up slowly
to face the mirror,
to face the music.

Eyes wet and bloodshot
from the tears,
swollen from sadness.

Heart aching,
for no reason at all
except that is what it feels
like it should do.

Mind clouded by insecurity,
by doubt, by stress,
by fear.

And who the hell knows why?
298 · Feb 2016
Monica Feb 2016
That time at the beach
When I got caught in
A rip current,
Everyone told me
The same thing.

"You're supposed to swim parallel to the shore."

The thing is,
How did they know that,
And I didn't?

I almost drowned,
I was at the mercy of the ocean,
And all I had to do was

Swim parallel to the shore.

This reflects life,
When it seems like
Everyone else knows what to do,
And I'm missing that crucial
Piece of information.

Now drowning in life,
Drowning in school,
Drowning in work,
Drowning in my thoughts,
I wish I could just

Swim parallel to the shore.

Let the waves wash over me,
And bring me safely home.
275 · Feb 2016
Monica Feb 2016
Encased in a
I traipsed my way
through childhood.

What I knew then:
People don't drink until they're 21,
*** is if you're male or female,
People you love are always there for you,
Friendship is forever.

What I know now:

274 · Mar 2016
Monica Mar 2016
I dare not voice
My feelings,
Because I don't know
How I feel,
And this uncertainty
Terrifies me.

It's not the feelings
That scare me,
But the lack thereof.
The emptiness
Is cavernous
And nothingness
Echoes inside me.

I dare not voice
My feelings,
Because I don't know
How I feel,
And once I say the words,
I can never
Get them back.
267 · Feb 2016
Monica Feb 2016
Poems are cliché.

Admit it,
They are.

No matter how hard
You try
To write a poem that doesn't
Come off as lyrical,
Or flowery,
Or rhythmic
In style,
You will fail.

It's just in the nature
Of a poem.

Poems are little spurts
Of wild and crazy thoughts.
They are
Carefully measured,
And placed into meter,
And occasionally rhyme.

They are walking contradictions.

And so am I.
Because I hate
And here I sit
A poem.
245 · Mar 2018
Monica Mar 2018
Sometimes my phone sends me an error message.
“Storage almost full,” it tells me.
“Your device may not function properly.”
My device and my mind have that in common.

Words march across pages, grabbing me and
pulling me in, but in the end I am left in
the real world with the stories I have consumed
swimming in my mind. The words are a part of me.

Tattooed on the insides of my eyelids.

When I close my eyes, I am Jo March.
I have sold my hair. It was my one beauty.
Beauty is important because my sisters and
I are supposed to be Little Women.

When I close my eyes, I am Sal Paradise.
Dean Moriarty and I talk for hours.
We dig everything from New York to
‘Frisco, as we continue On the Road.

When I close my eyes, I am Lizzy Bennet.
Mr. Darcy has snubbed my family and myself,
and I hate him. But I love him. If only the two of
us weren’t filled with such Pride and Prejudice.

When I close my eyes, I am Hermione Granger.
I am the brightest witch of my age, and only I
have read Hogwarts, A History. Without me,
there probably would be no Harry Potter.

When  I close my eyes, I see the error message.
“Storage almost full,” it tells me.
“Your device may not function properly.”
So I open my eyes.

Who am I?
224 · Mar 2018
A Haiku to Barnes and Noble
Monica Mar 2018
Why are all your books
and all of your other stuff
so **** expensive?
211 · Mar 2018
Dimmer Switch
Monica Mar 2018
Who turned the dial on the wall
of the world and turned the bright
and happy person in the mirror
into a dim and fuzzy figure?

Who turned the dial on the wall
of the world and created a haze
around the things that usually
beget joy and enthusiasm.

Who turned the dial on the wall
of the world and morphed the
noontime sunshine into a
perpetual twilight?

Did they turn the dial on the wall
of the world, or did they only
dim the light over the dining room
table in my own mind?

Maybe it's just me.
197 · Jul 2017
Monica Jul 2017
It's over there.
No, not there.


You know, that place.
With that guy?
No, not him.
The other guy.

That guy who did that thing.
Yeah, that's it.
That one day before
the day with the other thing.

185 · Oct 2018
Bad Poetry
Monica Oct 2018
Little Bo Peep
has lost her keys.
She doesn't know
where to find them.

Even more disturbing
to Little Bo Peep
is that "Peep" and "keys"
don't rhyme.
185 · Nov 2017
Monica Nov 2017
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
A minute till the show feels like it is a year.
Fools rush in, but you’re fearful of your tread.
Your TV’s black and white, but Lucy’s hair is red.

The cover is destroyed, the book not rifled through.
Those eyes convey a lie, those lips insist it’s true.
Her face is so serene, but her heart has run amok.
He’s doing it all right, but he’s never felt so stuck.

The dress looks old fashioned, but it is in fact on trend.
There’s an ellipsis in the air…
but a period at the end.
170 · Mar 2018
For the Birds
Monica Mar 2018
Shout into the void and your
words will become binary code.
Stay on this screen for a minute
and wait for the picture to load.

It’s a picture of dystopia. 280 characters
give us the power to create or to destroy.
Short, angry blasts are our Orwellian lingua
franca with the virtual hoi polloi.

Threads that were for weaving and sewing
are now for lacing into those who
disagree, and sowing seeds of doubt and
anger to incite a riot behind you.

There is only one mind on this
site, there is only one thought.
It’s about “like” at first sight, and
not about love, like we’re taught.

Do you see it? Is it clear?
We have become our words.
It’s difficult to admit, but we should
leave the tweeting to the birds.

— The End —