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Socally Picter May 2013
Perfection is overrated
and I love broken things.
The color of glass
and shattered dreams.
Socally Picter May 2013
The days can blend into one, I wouldn't notice.
Lack of ambition, a certain kind of content.
The drum dances silent just waiting for nothing.
Dull grows the flames that burn for an empty tomorrow.
Give me the pain of nothingness because I'm used to it.
My heart is growing cold just waiting for nothing.
Can't give up but too alone to give a ****.
What do I search for?  But for some lost thing I never had.
I know what I want...not this.
Socally Picter May 2013
I want to see if these are lies.
I want to hold these broken promises.
This day is wasted just not knowing.
Time waits for no man but we're two lost children.
Dressed like a clown and still wearing the crown.
Set fire to your lies and we'll never go cold.
I'm gone until you're not.
Dancing in the dark.
Lock the doors this is too much fun.
Just let me die not knowing.
Ignorance is bliss, and my heart is blistered from the "truth".
Socally Picter Apr 2013
I see her every day, and she always makes me smile.
I lost minutes just watching her glide.
She smiles and her laugh dances through the room.
Her voice sounds as if an angel is speaking only to you.
My heart drops from the sky when she leaves.
I sometimes just imagine that smile and that beautiful attitude.
It's closer to one o' clock now then I thought
I the lost day and I still don't know your name.
It's you that scares me
I look your way and fear holds my tongue at bay.
I'm not even brave enough to ask you your name.
You're like the girl of my dreams...


    ­                                                                 ­                                       ...I just don't want to ruin you.
Socally Picter Apr 2013
It is not the sound of sunsets smashing every night.
They die over and over for that makes them amazing.
A story that is not done is not yours to tell.
Ride with me, take my love and crash like thunder.

You're only reckless until you're wise.
The day ends so the night may begin.
What we'll do with this God only knows.
What we'll do with this only God can forgive.
I'm trying something new. I do not know if it shows, but that doesn't matter. I write for me. not you dear reader.
Socally Picter Apr 2013
Can't I just lay down and drift away
Why must my hand yearn for another
This warmth of my heart craves more.
I want her next to me....But I want to be alone.
Socally Picter Apr 2013
Pacing pacing shifting left and right in a flurry.
Run to the bath to dry heave, which does nothing.
Lop it off and hide it away with a smirk.
Calmly walk up the steps and toward him.

We touch and the rush feels me but not us.  
You've been here before oh so many times.
Open up with a straight right to your face.
You dance away and hint at a smile.
You think that's all I've got.

This is our first go and I want to make you remember.
I eat fist after fist fear of the knockout lessens but doesn't go away.
Your fists don't hold the strength to maim.
Your heart holds a fear in it tightly, and then you hesitate.

My steps toward you leaves the fear in your heart and spreads to your face.
I saw lighting from one but not again,you realize this.
Three left hooks to my head I trade for one to your gut.
You know I mean to hurt and you slow down.
Not stopping but thinking just enough to **** your reflexes.

You found yourself in the corner and saw me smile.
You block the overhand left and squirm away.

The bell rings

I drop my hands and can't pick them up.
Completely exhausted, I find a nice little bliss.
I get out of the ring and just hope I helped you a little bit.
I am not the prodigy it is you with the speed and endurance.
Now show the world we're not people to mess with.
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