what is it good for?
where does it come from?
where does it go?
Love...a contagion that I'd rather not have sewn into my heart
it's an addiction
it's a carcinogen
I can feel the ****** opening my eyes
Love...pop the stitches
cut out the patch that has nestled in my sleeve
don't leave it be
expel this horrid feeling from my body
I don't want to be sick
I don't want to die with love inside of me
Love...a silent enigma working behind the curtain of a man
with cappuccino skin and gravity defying curls
vile is this feeling
bile starts to rise again and again
I don't
I can't
I won't
I shouldn't
but I will Love
and I will stumble in and be thrown out of Love
Love...let me rest
let me sleep
let me not dream of him
stuff the nightmares back in
I don't
I can't
I won't
not again