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1d · 239
What I want
zoe 1d
When you look at someone
I want to be looked at

When you smile
I want the smile

When you laugh
I want the laugh

When you walk away
I want to chase

When you love someone
I want it to be me

Its selfish to think, to even want you
because at the end
it's her and not me.
1d · 3
zoe 1d
When I first met you I fell in love
I didn't know who you were,
neither did I care

We spent a lot of time together
and feel harder for you,
Every time our eyes locked

At first it was cliche to think we would last,
I was stupid I know
but you can't blame me for being delusional.
2d · 39
zoe 2d
Every time I feel some kind of emotion
I come here
and let all my feelings out.

Its stupid
I know it is,
but i can't stop feeling safe and secure when I write

When I write
I feel free
to write what I feel and think
by writing poems.

In the end I understood
that not everything can be said out loud
so i've learned how to speak my emotions

To something wonderful
like writing
7d · 254
zoe 7d
I was always there for you,
When you needed me the most
I never left you.

But then you met her,
You stopped talking to me
Even ignored me.

The day I needed you the most,
You weren't there and instead
You were with her.

It made me feel different,
Like someone who never existed
I felt worthless.

Stupid even to think you'll be there for me,
But you were with her instead.
Feb 28 · 235
The word
zoe Feb 28
I remember the day you told me you loved me
I thought you did,
But you didn't.

You never loved me
I was stupid to think you did
You never loved me.

I remember when you called it over
With a simple word,

Every time I hear that word
That stupid word,
I break down.
Feb 24 · 39
zoe Feb 24
I hate to think I was the one for you
I can't bring myself to accept it,
I denied it.

I look at pictures we once took together
The presents you once gave me,
It's all in the same place you left them
I can't get rid of them,
not now not never.

I see you smiling with a girl that isn't me,
Its stupid I know
but how can you move on so fast?

I know it's pathetic
You never loved me and I will never understand
Your game.

A game where you come out satisfied and I come out hurt
I don't deny it anymore I know your game,
I understand I was just another one of your games.

It's sad I know but now I look back at my mistakes
I was blinded by your game
it made me understand something,
You never loved me you only loved the way you toyed with me.
Feb 24 · 92
Same old trick
zoe Feb 24
I look up at the sky
I don't want to look at you,
It sickens me to even know you're next to me.

I can't bring myself to look at you,
You are still the same.

You lied when you said you changed,
I feel for your trick again.

I feel stupid for trusting you and thinking you changed
I hate myself for thinking you would ever change.
I was an idiot.
Feb 21 · 107
zoe Feb 21
literature has many uses in life
but I like literature for one thing,

Sometimes I look back at time and remember why I like literature,
it reminds me of you.

The way you wrote poems and stories,
the way your writing expressed your feelings
helped me realize you always loved me.

You wrote me poems and poems expressing your feelings,
at the time I was an idiot that didn't understand

I now love literature but it's too late now.

I was late on catching your feelings,
And now i know you loved me
But it's late,
You moved on.
Feb 21 · 34
First snow
zoe Feb 21
It's the first snow of winter today
for the first time this year,
it felt like something was missing.

The snow was calm and steady,
soft and melty.

It was delicate with every touch,
every touch of snow I felt reminded me of tears
tears that brought me back to reality.

I was really missing something,
no not something.

I was missing someone,
I was missing you.
Feb 14 · 54
zoe Feb 14
I never really hated the rain,
until I met you.

You loved the rain,
so did I.

You took me out on rainy days,
went on walks in the rain,
even danced in the rain.

Now I see you with another girl doing the same things,
now I hate the rain,
more than I hate you for leaving.
Feb 14 · 57
zoe Feb 14
He was a boy I fell for,
I loved him,
But he didn't know.

He was always clueless and I loved that,
But I wasn't the only one,
There was more.

Other girls who loved him the same way I did,
I told a friend my feelings,
I thought she will support me.

I was wrong,
She loved him as well.

I told him how I feel for him,
But he didn't feel the same.

He loved her
not me,
I spent days feelings guilty for liking someone who doesn't belong to me.

I blamed myself for everything
And it was all because I liked a boy.
To everyone who liked a boy but he didn't feel the same towards you but for your friend he did.
Feb 14 · 48
zoe Feb 14
The moon is beautiful,
It's bright
And it's the light in the dark.

It's someone's love,
Someone's favorite thing,
Its also someone's everything.

No matter how ugly or distance,
People might think it is,
It's not.

The moon is the most beautiful thing out there,
Just like you.
For the person who loved the moon
Thanks for reading my poem.
(I made this poem after reading your comment)
Feb 14 · 231
zoe Feb 14
It was always us,
Your the oldest, I'm the middle, and he's the youngest child.

You were always happy, He was always rebelling
And I was always hiding

Hiding in both shadows,
Like I didn't exist at all
Always pushing me aside.

You always blamed your problems on me,
He was always fighting with me.

I accepted everything blamed my self for everything,
Hating myself.

I was always judging myself
hating my body,
And life.

I didn't feel anything anymore, and
Now I tell myself I'm okay
I'm not.
Just a poem about siblings always pushing one away and making them hate and blame themselves
Feb 14 · 59
zoe Feb 14
I remember the day I met you
your smile,
Your laugh,
your personality.

I feel for you,
I was blinded by love that I didn't realize,
I was wrong.

I never wanted to fall for you,
never wanted to be hurt by you.

I was blinded when you said I was the only one, I thought you were right.

But no
I was wrong,
I was just someone you played with just like the rest of them.
Feb 13 · 55
zoe Feb 13
The flowers in the flower vase
Red and withered
On the table where I stand.

The flowers that have been there since the day you left
A year ago
On the same table you placed them.

Every Time the date turns 14
Of February it hits
reality hits.

You left me,
and left those flowers there as an apology.

Now everytime its valentines I remember the day you left my life,
leaving me alone with the memories of you when you loved me.
Feb 12 · 172
The moon and the sun
zoe Feb 12
Look at the moon
far away
alone in the distance

Look at the sun
far away
shining in the distance
surrounded by planets

Just like you and me
people notice you but not me.

— The End —