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Michelle A Ford Mar 2021
The body count piled and the bad was in the win
She muscled her ambition to throw her hat in for the sake of a win

Knowing quite well what she was up against
Scoffing and peoples deliberate ignorance
Knowing what they saw as they always watched her life
Thinking she would never ever try and make it rite

She speaks to angel demons and the dead
Silly fools its not just in her head

The Blood of a God
23 and me


Hoped for the best it would not come to blows
That she was most abhorred from as you know

Maliciously molested by many an eye
This time she vowed and with not even a joke but to be the why

Spines will break and souls will cower
For this time she is working for her Father

Lighting crashed and it imploded at her feet
No entrance of exit wound could be seen how reet

The thing that she heard that now is sticking fast.....
If she ever figures out who she is each day ....***.....could be our last!!

Stephen King wrote it and Nostradamus did proclaim
Many a trials would encompass through my soul someday

I am not boasting and braggart I am just stating the facts
So when you approach you better know how to act

I have made this vow on a cold March night
To kick *** of the evil and make well by the right

Check check and 1 2 1 2
I know your eye mic is on he can see you!!

Insanity you wish I was not who I am
I will not throw into a ward for the sake of mad man

My heart was trialed left dead many on repeat now the reaper you see
Come right or beat feet

A  prediction you ask have you not looked to the sky...the milky way and things that are just passing way... the storms in space a warning you know ... better look out here down below

I will tell you this in 20 days or so you will see the lesson of what i type you will know!!  I do speak to the Heavens and they are Universally ****** you stalagtites of wanna be power  oh you have to go.........
Michelle A Ford Mar 2021
The avoidance of such has cause he nothing but strife
It is about time she started dealing with bad people and her life

She knew a woman who feared nothing but her
That woman was somewhere hoping when shed come thru

I tried to demonstrate love but you refused to let it be
Now you silly fools I will choose me

The beast within was sleeping waiting never dead
For me to announce my arrival who's spear the first head

Ridiculed and labeled your fool for a long day
Now it is my turn to shine and engage

The fiery dragon you poked with a stick
Will now no longer heal but release and sic

I allowed many a battle to be lost
Not that you won i conceded within said rite

Now that I have my permissions to defend and restore
Your going to wish the power was not withing me anymore

Mention my name and it had better be in good taste
Your wicked  tone be shown I was never in haste

Remember I tried and this warning you read
God wont save you he sent me to do this deed

Michelle Ann~~~~at a wicked awful hour in the early am of March 5th 2021

*are we having fun yet???
Yes. I am many a things you will not understand ....but with time you will see and experience all things while you watch!  Heaven is ****** and I'm NOT that kinda Angel!!  The Universe has waited many a moon for the season of Harvest to be rite!
Michelle A Ford Feb 2021
She never knew the truth and still until this day seemingly always kept far away
Instantly erratic con=stantly at arms Always in the way of many a
Searching for knowledge getting increasingly more unaware the violence is
Michelle A Ford Feb 2021
Hiding in the shadows
The blood watches
Running from the impact of  likeness

Creeping closer to her destiny
They flee
Scatter like roaches to a light

Why ask why
Nobody knows

Epicly saved by the ones she left behind
All Family
If a river runs through it
How can I deny

Blood runs
Family never dies

My journey to California has humbled me more!  I am greatful for all my lessons!  I am sorry to those hurt by me in the process.       Delivery is best done thru self!  Saving and being saved by those that love me ....won't lie some in secret!  When and if you fall always know She loved them all!!
Michelle A Ford Feb 2021
The Cali Cliffs in a Distance
Remind me of your hard Climb
Watching your body through the toxic screen entices my body and my soul to the point of intoxication

Drunk strung right across the Country anxious and the levels of toxins becoming less deadly as my soul purifies my essence strengthens

February 4th 2021 @ almost 11 Pacific Time
Michelle A Ford Jan 2021
I know you don't know who i am but **** how can this go on
Hellaciously I continue amongst the row of thorns
Rising up day and day again to succumb to defeat?
When oh when will I taste the sweet salvaged victory

Across the Country and far away .....
The stretch did complicate
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