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2h · 62
Liana 2h
I am not a possession
A number
A piece of property

I may be young
But I am a human
I am alive
And I have feelings

Time is valuable
And I refuse to waste mine
I’m so done with today right now. I’m going to bed.
3h · 55
Tease for death
Liana 3h
I stand in the road
Just a little longer
When I walk

Just a little tease for death
In our never ending game of hide and seek

It feels powerful
I’m fine
3h · 31
Liana 3h
Moths are beautiful
But their life is one of unfairness and tragedy

They are drawn to are lamps and houses
They think they are the sun
They are met with a hard surface
Over and over again

They have the wings
The patterns
The shape
But they are not what we call “pretty”
So we **** them
And let them slowly **** themselves
Which we would never do to butterflies

They are only supposed to come out at night
When it’s dark
But unfortunately
They like the light
I’m too exhausted to think about putting this is drafts or not so here we are again
1d · 48
Liana 1d
Disconnected families
With cellphones at dinner
So many girls starving themselves
Just to get thinner

I wonder how many people
Wish they were never born
I wonder how many people
Love the person that makes their heart torn

Why did the world make it so that
The people who are so kind
Have to get hurt from the fall from heaven?
Why must it make the people with cold hearts
Not be the ones to get frozen?

Everyone feels alone
Even though there are 8 billion of us
I feel right in between emotional
And emotionless

Maybe that’s just life
For there is no such thing as Utopia

Now though,
All we can do is exist
And then not
Be happy sometimes
But let ourselves also be distraught
Liana 4d
Dear seven year old,
Yes, there is a monster
But it’s not under your bed

The monster is in your head
But maybe it’s not even a monster
Maybe it’s just buried pain
Because they told you not to cry

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you should keep crying
Otherwise the tears will build up and flood your insides

The tears do not care for being stuck
They need to be released
Into the stars

Dear seven year old,
Yes, your plea for better times are being heard by the stars
They always will
Keep wishing on them

Wish on 11:11 too
Because to wish is to know what you want
And knowing what you want
Telling it
Makes it so much more likely to happen

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you still feel like the kid sitting under the slide and just observing life
And you’ve come to appreciate it

Observing, looking, watching
Make all the difference
Almost as much as writing

Dear seven year old,
6d · 1.2k
I can't
Liana 6d
I can't do brain
I can't do thoughts
I can't do friends
And I can't do smoking in parking lots

I can't do death
But I also can't do living

I can't do anything
Except for just giving
And giving
6d · 85
People on pages
Liana 6d
The people on the pages
Of those books that I hold close to my heart
Smell like home,
And are the light in the dark of my mind
Are so much better
Than the ones I know
In real life
The characters in the books I read set very high expectations. I wish they would be real...
7d · 248
Being alive
Liana 7d
Some days we moge podge upside down elephants to our doors at 11pm

And some we just lay in bed feeling everything and nothing all at once

That is the complex,
And beautiful
Thing about being alive
Liana 7d
I used to be filled
With such intense emotions
Every day
A tear and a smile
Filled the jar

It was filled with anger and sorrow
But also filled with beauty and color
It was like stepping on sharp rocks in a beautiful sea of blue

Now the water has been drained
And the rocks made into sand that just sticks uncomfortably to me

I do not miss the pain
Bruises on my feet,
Blood making a pool of self-hate on my hands,
Or do I?

I think I just miss the ocean water
I long for the light of the sun reflecting on it
And the creatures that call it home

I feel that the sea has been emptied
And so has my soul...

I know I can't stop taking the little pill
That just keeps increasing in size
But I don't know how much longer I can take it

I don't know how much longer I can stand in the this big hole that was once the ocean
I don't know. I should be studying right now.
7d · 305
Liana 7d
I guess the medication worked
I don’t feel depressed

I don’t feel anything anymore
So many more words to say about this, but there is something in the way. I can only hope that they will come out like the sun in the morning…
Feb 20 · 565
Poetry is my religion
Liana Feb 20
I may not believe in a god(s)
But that does not mean that I do not have a religion

I believe in poetry
Not everyone has a god, but everyone has a religion. For some it's art, animals, money, or music. For me, it is words, or poetry. At night I do not pray to God, I write poetry. I do not ask God for answers, I write to figure them out myself. Poetry is my religion.
Feb 20 · 134
Liana Feb 20
I sit there
Passively doing schoolwork
Only to look up and notice
There are groups of people who are laughing and smiling

At first
I am grateful not to be one of them
It's so much work to pretend to be happy
To pretend to find the jokes funny
But then I remember
That usually people aren't pretending
I have to remind myself to not look sad sometimes, I don't want the unnecessary attention it often gets me. I just smile and pretend as long as I'm surrounded by a bunch of people.

(I know that this one isn't the most poetic or great but I felt that I wrote too many things that stayed as drafts today. Sorry!)
Liana Feb 19
I do not wish to be mature
I do not wish to be wise or responsible
I do not wish have an older soul
For it is not of my own doing

My house was on fire
And I was caught in the flames;
Of course I deteriorated quicker
And I learned how to not burn and become ashes

What should have taken a while to start to turn brown at the edges
From the sun and the warm pavement
Just took being born there

I do not wish to be able to take care of your child so well
For it was because I took care of my father when he couldn't do it himself

I do not wish to be able to avoid conflict easily
For it took practice to master

I have been molded
I have been been burned
I have shaped
I wish I weren't
But I am
And here we are today

I am a mix of grieving and grateful
Feb 17 · 132
Death is right there
Liana Feb 17
People fear death
Or more so,
What happens to our consciousness when our bodies can no longer be vessels for it
And I think
It is much like leaving the womb

You have this whole world inside of there
You like it (sometimes)
But you know you must eventually leave
And you don't know to where

You think it's probably far away,
But in fact it's
Right there
Only inches away

I think death is
Right there
I don't know if that makes everything more or less scary
Liana Feb 17
He ran into the street
The light was red
He made a car swerve

"You could die"
I scream at him from the sidewalk;
Eyes red and full of tears

"I want to,
And you want me to
So it wouldn't be that bad!"
He screams back
I just suggested upping the phone volume...

Everything is loud and out of control
Sounds of city surrounding me

So I just stand there
11 years old and alone
I don't know what to say
So I say nothing at all

He makes it to the other side
I don't know how to feel
He feels far away yet still too close
And I know I'll have to go closer

Let me present to you
The beginning of my birthday evening
Many more parts to this one

FYI the other person is my dad
Liana Feb 17
"I don't deserve anything"
She says
Tears pouring down her cheeks
Like little pieces of her soul

Were they claustrophobic
Or is there a hole where they should be now?

"You deserve everything
That's just Fred"
I tell her while caressing her back
Trying desperately to soothe the pain

She says with a break in her voice that hurts to hear
I wish I could all of her's

"Fred is that monster in your head that tells you exactly what you don't need to hear"

"I hate Fred
And I hate me"
She says
I hear the desperation in her voice

"You're my friend
And I love you
Which means that I have to love Fred too
Because he is a part of you

Fred is just pain
He's often forced into these small nooks and cranny's in your mind
But it's dark and scary in there
He thinks he's helping you
And feels he has to come out sometimes

He's just bruised and broken
And that's fine
We all are
I still love you"

She says that she doesn't
She says she wants to die
I know how the world looks right now in her eyes
And it's not beautiful

I tell her that I'm there for her always
And that she's wonderful
That the world is awful and ugly
But also stunning

I tell her that those people don't know her
And that those words in that letter might have hurt her
But do not define her
And that some other ones might even comfort her

And after many more tears,
A coconut ice cream,
Some comfort food with a comfort show,
And a warm embrace,
Fred finally held her hand
And maybe,
She hated him a bit less
By the end
My friend had hard time, I won't go into it because it's her business, but not pleasant stuff.
Feb 14 · 127
My old room
Liana Feb 14
It turns out that
My room
Or what used to be my room
Still smells of me and my mom painting it on a Saturday afternoon
Even if it's empty

The spot on the wall
"Happiness: an endless chase"
I wrote at 11
Still lives hidden in the corner
Liana Feb 14
Big tree
On my front yard
It is a beauty
And it brings back so many memories

I'm a little curly-haired toddler
Walking around it
Swinging from the branches
Trying to fly
Little did I know
I already was

Then I'm 7 years old
Playing hide and seek
Hiding behind it
Both from my friend trying to find me
And the cruel world

And finally I'm 12
Hugging it
Thanking it for all its done
Stroking it while the tears strock my cheeks
I whisper
Knowing that it may be a long time until I will be able to be comforted by it once more

The wind blows

Now I stand in front of it again
"Hello again, my friend
I've missed you"
I had dinner with my dad tonight in his house/my house before he kicked me and my mom out. I haven't been there in like a year. It felt so good to see everything again, even if he was himself (aka not the most pleasant person.)
Feb 13 · 172
What am I?
Liana Feb 13
I do not exist
Everyone thinks I do
But I don't

I am an idea
A *****
I am a construct
(That you people are dependent on)

I am an imaginary, non-physical, number on a screen
I am a piece of paper
A card
A circular piece of copper
That is often the determining factor
Between life and death;
Survival in this cruel world

There are ones with much of me
And lucky ones they are
They have access to services
And being treated with the common needs that should come with being here
And being alive

And there are some that are unlucky
And lack me
They live hard lives working and tiring
Even though I don't exist
Who will tell them
That this should be pointless?

I can be stolen
And broken

I am manipulated like a game
No one enjoys to play me

I'm supposed to measure
What someone's labor is worth
But I don't

Factors slip by me
Such as garbage men
Almost the same as doctors
Being needed in society

I breed selfishness
And greed
There are so many families I do not feed

I make you feel trapped and worthless
I am cause for death
I should be abolished

What am I?
Money should be abolished. Mixed feelings on this, it's not very poetic--but it is something I strongly believe in. I am open to different opinions and perspectives!
Feb 11 · 146
Sun And Moon
Liana Feb 11
Bright and beautiful
With daisies in her golden flowy hair
The sun rises each morning
Bringing light, warmth, and comfort
to all the people
As long as they don't look right at her

If they look at her directly
Their eyes burn
Because they see that she is burning

She quite literally spreads her sunshine
She doesn't have much left for herself sometimes
So every night she lets her lover
Take a turn in the sky

Shiny and beautiful
The light in the dark
The moon crosses the sun
To take over the night

They share a quick kiss
And the sky fills with color
But doesn't last forever
They wish they could see each other longer
But they have matters to take care of
The moon now owns the night

But the sun isn't the only one
Who brings comfort;
the moon is often the only one there
For the terrified and sad
The creative and restless

The dreamers are awake.

The moon is there
Constantly changing
But there
A reminder that things don't ever stay the same

But eventually
The moon wishes to see their love;
The bright and beautiful
Even if it's shortlived

Sunrise lights up the sky
And the sun is ready to shine once more
Not sure how I feel about it but posting it anyway
Liana Feb 11
There are a dozen songs playing in my head
Melodies mixing together creating a mess of music
I am lying on my bed
Jumbled words like a sea without logic

Tears rolling down my cheek
For I left my heart open
It is strong but also weak
Things knocked it over and the glass is now broken

My ceiling fan stares down on me
Telling me all that needs to be done
I just need a moment in silence just to be
Things barely ever even seem fun

The whole day's energy
Was spent on keeping myself together
And now
I just need to be broken
I don't usually attempt rhyming, but I tried this time.
Feb 9 · 140
"Forgive and Forget"
Liana Feb 9
"Forgive and forget"
They say

But I will not forget
Not because I want to remember
But because otherwise
I would get hurt over and over again
Like a moth going to a lamp
Bumping into it expecting the sun
But only being greeted
with a hard slap of glass
Over and over again

"Forgive and forget"
They say

I will try to forgive
Not because what was done was forgiveable
But because otherwise
The hurt and anger would be like rocks I had to carry in my heart constantly
I didn't even have a bag
My arms got tired
And sometimes they would all fall

"Forgive and forget"
They say

They don't understand
Sorry I have not been active once again. Life is so hectic lately and even when I do have time I feel too depressed to use my brain.

(This note was written by a cat's pur that faded away. Was the cat still happy but didn't show it or was the cat dead?)

I know the note is weird
Liana Feb 6
I felt like nothing was changing
Day after day
Of school

Then I look up at the clouds
I looked at them for a while
And I saw that they were moving

Take me with you
At least for a ride..
Liana Feb 5
I hate the sunset tonight
it shines for the children
for the heroes in all of their might
for the kitten who stares out the window
and for the young lady who cries every night

I hate the sunset tonight because it shines that very same bright for the angry man who does terrible things out of spite
the same bright for ruiners of people's lives
for the person who makes that young lady cry
for the people who believe that some don't deserve rights

I hate it because not everyone deserves to see that light yet it shines just as bright
One of the first poems I ever wrote. I was looking in Google docs for stuff from before this website and come across this.

(This note was written by a light that ate candles and got burnt out.)
Feb 5 · 396
Liana Feb 5
Thank you darkness,
For you have made it possible
To see the stars and moon
In the sky

Thank you darkness,
For without you
I would not have been able
To imagine the light
at the end of the tunnel
And so,
I would have no reason to keep walking towards it

Thank you darkness,
For you keep everyone
"In the dark"
And I wouldn't have it any other way
Because if we knew the future
There would be no point in having it
One of the best things, though misunderstood
Feb 4 · 442
Monday Night Haiku
Liana Feb 4
It's already late
Still hours worth of work to do
I fear I won't sleep
Problem was that I had a lot of English work. When I write I refuse to half-*** it so it's taking a long time.
Liana Feb 4
The things I do
For your approval
And your excitement
For my accomplishments
Usually aren't healthy
Or good
For me

The things I lose
For your happiness
And your calmness
Usually are the things that make me feel that way

The things I cover up
For your agreement
And support
Usually are the things I care about most

Don't tell me
I'm being disrespectful
When it's simply impossible for you to stay pleased for more than a few moments
I try
And I try
To no avail
I am done trying

I have opinions
If you don't like it
Don't see me
That's what I wanted
To begin with
Cleaning up my drafts

A child/teen is a person nonetheless. We are not numbers, possessions, or puppets.
Feb 3 · 186
Liana Feb 3
A strong sense of smell
But I can't smell out the lies

A strong sense of hearing
But matter how many times I listen to our recorded conversation
I can't hear what I said that made you snap

All of this makes me wonder
If you're right and it's me
Or if it was you all along
Clearing out my drafts because I have a lot and I've decided that it's okay to also post pieces that I don't like as much.

(This note was written by a cactus that was born with thorns. He realized his ways and no longer blamed you for bleeding when he ran into you. With support, he cut them off one by one. Some stayed, but most left. My hopes.)
Feb 3 · 151
They watch eachother
Liana Feb 3
She looks at her from a distance
With admiration and envy
For she's beautiful
She wonders why she couldn't be

That girl being watched
Looks at her
And thanks how she would do anything
To look that way
For she thinks that she is this sicking word;
Happened to me the other day, the girl came up to me and told me I was beautiful and how she would **** to look like me. I felt so ugly that day and was watching her thinking the same thing. I told her how she was beautiful and how I was thinking the  same thing about her which left her shocked. It was a nice moment.
Liana Feb 3
Do you ever feel
Like you're a bug?

I mean
Think about it
They get punished
For just existing
And in the world we live in
We are born in to this madness
With the only escape
Being death

Bugs come in all different shapes and sizes
Still bugs nonetheless
But when we see an ant just minding it's business
We step on it
And when we see a butterfly
we take a picture

Bugs get squashed
By people

People get squashed
By people

Do you see what I mean?
Maybe not the most poetic thing, but a thought I had.

(This note was written by a light that could not turn on, but you thought you could turn it on when you wanted to. Is that enough?)
Feb 3 · 134
Take a moment
Liana Feb 3
Just for a moment
From your reading of poems

Leave your house
Or look out your window
And see the sky

Take those terrible emotions
And feel them
Set them free
In a scream
A painting
A song
Or maybe a poem

Just for a moment
Turn off your phone
Open the blind
And just exist

We need to think those bad thoughts sometimes
So they don't pile up and overflow our mind
(this note was written by my apologies for not being active. I was busy trying to paint a frog and focusing ******* not exploding into a bunch of little tiny pieces. I'm still working on the frog but took a little break.)
Feb 1 · 140
My Tree
Liana Feb 1
I saw my tree today
The one in the big open field

It was raining
My socks were wet
My legs tired from the walk
But it was perfect

I placed my hand on the textured bark
I felt so whole
And infinite

I was home

Walking around it in circles
My hand stroking it as I do
Just like I had done
What seems like forever ago

Memories come
Flow in
Like a peaceful stream

It's just like the tree next to it
And the one next to that
But this one was mine

Not because I planted it
But because I felt it pull me in
Even when I was a little girl
Even then
I felt we were one
(this note was written by a staircase that leased to another staircase that leased to another staircase)
Jan 31 · 118
Why I Make Art
Liana Jan 31
I make art
Because the brush strokes
And notes
Can explain my pain
With much more brevity and depth
Than anything I could ever say outloud

***** pretty flowers
And sunsets
If they don't make you feel anything
For perfection isn't realistic

I do not make art those who seek Impressiveness and the showing of skills
I make art for myself
My heart
My soul
And others who seek feeling deep feelings with me

The messyness
Says a lot more about me
Than the grade on the paper
Or the comment I heard one girl say under her breathe

I make art
Because without it
I don't think
I would be
(This note was written by a towel that just wiped your troubles away. You'd have to shove it down your throat and die first, but whatever. :D)
Jan 31 · 121
Blindness Haiku
Liana Jan 31
They see his glasses
But they can't see how truly
Awfully blind he is
After years of emotional abuse and trauma the only apology I ever got as his daughter was something like this:

I'm sorry I'm so loving, caring, thoughtful, open minded, loving, and generous. I'll always be like that, no one can take it."

(That except with many spelling errors because I think he's probably dyslexic)

I think he truly doesn't see.
Jan 29 · 317
Liana Jan 29
Having trouble finding the
Umbrella to stop the sorrow from flooding
Me constantly; luckily once in
Awhile, I look up and it's
Not raining anymore
Ups and downs

(This note was written by a laundry basket filled with clean clothes. Did you check before you threw all of them in the machines?)
Jan 29 · 90
Liana Jan 29
I fear
We are being striped
Of our uniqueness
And individuality
For when I look around
The crowded classroom
I see sameness
Or at least
Many, many masks

And beliefs

Are we all
Becoming a blur
Of fakeness
Or are we all
Ever so different
when we're not performing?

I suppose that is why
The openly different
Seem to feel so alone and estranged

I am all one for unity
But I just see maks
Unless I look very hard
And see a tiny twinkle in someone's eye
And I close my eyes
And listen hard
I think
I might hear some silent screams
I guess it's true
And they aren't truly happy
Write this is math class, word for word what I wrote on the back of my assignment

(This note was written by a strawberry who ate carrots. Don't judge her.)
Liana Jan 29
Little girl wondering and wandering
This beautiful and treacherous world
And observing

She's a sponge
The water was polluted
By the careless
And manipulative
By her own blood

Is that why she picks her skin off now?
To see him come out of her?
Trying to squeeze out
Little by little
Her pain?

She knows better ways too
For she walks
Dances in to the night
And reaches out for the stars
They heal her

She cries
She needs to release

I think she has wings
Will she notice?
And when she does
Will she dare to fly?
Where will she go?

I hope she wont fly alone...
(this note was written by a rocksicle because I like them better)
Jan 28 · 128
Less Than
Liana Jan 28
I feel less than
For I am a number
Or maybe an object
For seven hours a day

I feel less than
For I am different
And you are under people
If you aren't the same

I feel less than
Because I can't make my own decisions
And the people who do
Don't understand what it's like
To be in my head

I feel less than
For even my own haunted mind
Seems to rule over me
(this kite was written by an alien called humbeisvalizbs that was too lazy to think of anyyhing better for this note)
Liana Jan 28
Work I have to do
Piling up
Making no room for thinking
Or peace
Or quiet in my brain

So many
I learn nothing from them
Yet I sacrifice the things that keep me alive
For those report cards
With an A as a grade

I beg
And sob
And plead to my mother
To let me stay home
Because have barely slept in days
My brain no longer functions
And that despite my medication
My panic stays

I didn't have time for reading
Or smiling
Or poetry
And for that last one
I'm sorry

Tomorrow I will try harder to read everyone's poems
And write some of my own

But for today
It's 10:30pm and I still have two tests, history homework, eating, and a shower to take take care of
(this note was written by tiredness)
Jan 25 · 109
Dermatillomania For Me
Liana Jan 25
The bump on my skin
Like a bomb
I feel I must make sure
Doesn't explode
Even though in reality
I know it won't

I peel it off
But that sets it off
What have I done?
Now there's blood

Why does it feel rewarding
To see the bright red liquid
Pour down my hand?

The pain is a cue
To feel mad
At myself
For I have caused it

There's just one more spot
I need to peel
I swear this is the last one
But it never is

I just pinch
And peel
And pick
Until my physical pain
Can outweigh my mental one

I'm sorry that it worries you
Or makes you feel awkward
But I can't
"Just stop"
Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. People allways tell me that I need to stop. I know. I can't.

(This note was written by a cashier that was a ******* and used butter knives as her bed.)
Jan 25 · 353
Rules With My Mom
Liana Jan 25
Date her
Kiss her
Marry her
She deserves a be happy after all

Just don't crack her anymore
She might shatter
My mom doesn't need another abusive relationship. I don't need another abusive father figure. Took her 26 years, a kid, and a lot of pain to leave him. My mom's going on dates and such which is fine with me, I just hope history won't repeat itself.

(This note was written by a blanket that let the cold in. What's the point?)
Jan 25 · 96
I do believe in ghosts
Liana Jan 25
I do believe in ghosts
But I don't think they need to be dead
To cause fear
And horror stories

They can make things happen
That should never happen
And make people see things
That they shouldn't see
Even when they're breathing
And their heart is pumping their cold blood

I do believe in ghosts
But they don't haunt houses
They haunt minds

They screech open the doors
To anxiety and panic
Making a terrible noise
In my heart

You feel as if they're in the halls of your very being
Watching you
Maybe even controlling you
Whispering loud enough
So that only you can hear

I do believe in ghosts
But I don't think that they can walk through walls
Because people right next door
Have never seen the same ghost that haunts me
They can only hear
And screams
When it jumps at me

I do believe in ghosts
Because I have one
That haunts me
My dead people are stars

(this note was written by a painting of everything. Literally everything. Everything when piled over eachother looked like nothing.)
Jan 25 · 207
Prove it
Liana Jan 25
"This isn't a book, Liana"
"Things are as they seem"
"This isn't science fiction"
"This isn't a dream"
My friend tells me
Blames it on how many books I read

"Prove it"
I say

She can't...
Let me talk about how we could all be in a sophisticated virtual reality machine please!

(This note was written by a trash can that no one thought to look in. They thought it was just full of trash. It was filled with answers to big questions, and a whole lot of cash.)
Jan 24 · 411
People Haiku
Liana Jan 24
Far away we are
But at least when we look up
We see the same sky
Experimenting with Haikus

Everyone from here might be millions of miles away, but I take comfort from the fact that we all see the same sky when we look up. We might have a different perspective or opinion on it, but it is the same sky.

(This note was written by a W-rex who has no name. He carried a backpack full of shame.)
Jan 23 · 133
What fathers are for
Liana Jan 23
I don't need a father
To call in the middle of school
When he's feeling like ****
And he wants to bring that on to me

I care that he's crying
Even though I don't want to
Either way
I don't need this from him

He takes your kindness
And uses it against you

It's not something I can deal with anymore
I'll simply not talk to him

I need a father
To make me feel comforted
And supported
And loved unconditionally

Not so I can be manipulated
And forced to grow up quickly
This is unedited, not so good, but needed to be written.

He feels the need to call me in his episodes, and it's always unpleasant. I'm done with it.

(This note was written by rage's pencil. It was broken into many pieces and smelt of metal.)
Jan 22 · 758
A Monster Or Pain?
Liana Jan 22
Dear monster in my head
I want to see you
Really see you
Inspect you
And understand you

Dear monster in my head
I promise if you come out of the shadows
I'll push away my anger

So don’t worry
I’ll clench my fists

Dear monster in my head
I wonder what made you this way
Why you seem to hate me
Why scream these dreadful silent whispers
To me almost constantly

Dear monster in my head
I’ve only seen your beady red eyes briefly in a dream
And I want to observe the rest of you
For if I can’t always control you
I want to understand you


Is it you that see now?
Are you that figure coming out from the depths?
I can’t breathe
And I’m crying
But wait a second
You're stunning
Not like a sunset
Or a pretty girl
You just feel that way

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I am so sorry I called you a monster
When you were just in pain

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
All bruised
With tear-stained cheeks
And terrible memories

It turns out that those beady red eyes
Was just the blood bleeding from our hearts
And that you actually have green eyes
That have some yellow near the iris
Just like me

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I forgive you
And I hope you can forgive me one day
For making you hide in the shadows
Out of sight
And in my mind

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
Let us feel this pain out loud
Holding hands
Watching good and bad days go by

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I love you
Even though sometimes you make me cry
I feel like recording a 4-minute film of this, so I can show what the hurt looks like.

(This note was written by a fish who wanted to get caught in a net. At least someone would love him.)
Jan 22 · 195
Halls Haiku
Liana Jan 22
The halls swallow me
Luckily I don't notice
Thanks to my music
It's so loud and crowded when moving classes, the only way I can do it is if I have music on so I can tune everything else out. Just discovered a band called "Gang Of Youths" which was on shuffle today.

(This note was written by microwavable doorknobs)
Jan 21 · 271
Cold outside
Liana Jan 21
Even though
The ground is covered in snow
I know if you dig a little deeper
You'll find it to be warm
There are some people I thought I might never end up liking or being friends with, but I only saw the show. Of course, not true with everyone, but nevertheless.

(This note was written by a shirt that ate cobbler and then sat on air to watch a pen skydive)
Jan 21 · 299
Please don't leave
Liana Jan 21
I'm sorry
But you have to stay

I'm not ready to make a star for you yet
I make a star for every person that I lose. This is about my grandma, but also about some of my friends that I am concerned about. She wants to stay, they don't. This also goes for you. Yes, you. Please stay here with the rest of the mentally ill poets taking it one day at a time ❤️❤️❤️‍🩹
Liana Jan 21
My mom smiles
But I see the tears in her eyes
I can feel that shes willing the tears away

She tries to keep strong
Because she's the only one who does that for me
But I can handle it now
So I say
"It's okay
You don't always have to be fine
Or strong
I can be strong for you now
So let go"

And with a blink
The tears roll down her cheeks

"I love you"
I say
As I give her a hug

I feel her pain in that embrace
I want to take it away

Sometimes I forget
How much she's been through too
(this note was written by a hat inside of a hat inside of a hat inside of a hat inside of a hat)
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