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Liana Feb 11
There are a dozen songs playing in my head
Melodies mixing together creating a mess of music
I am lying on my bed
Jumbled words like a sea without logic

Tears rolling down my cheek
For I left my heart open
It is strong but also weak
Things knocked it over and the glass is now broken

My ceiling fan stares down on me
Telling me all that needs to be done
I just need a moment in silence just to be
Things barely ever even seem fun

The whole day's energy
Was spent on keeping myself together
And now
I just need to be broken
I don't usually attempt rhyming, but I tried this time.
Liana Feb 9
"Forgive and forget"
They say

But I will not forget
Not because I want to remember
But because otherwise
I would get hurt over and over again
Like a moth going to a lamp
Bumping into it expecting the sun
But only being greeted
with a hard slap of glass
Over and over again

"Forgive and forget"
They say

I will try to forgive
Not because what was done was forgiveable
But because otherwise
The hurt and anger would be like rocks I had to carry in my heart constantly
I didn't even have a bag
My arms got tired
And sometimes they would all fall

"Forgive and forget"
They say

They don't understand
Sorry I have not been active once again. Life is so hectic lately and even when I do have time I feel too depressed to use my brain.

(This note was written by a cat's pur that faded away. Was the cat still happy but didn't show it or was the cat dead?)

I know the note is weird
Liana Feb 6
I felt like nothing was changing
Day after day
Of school

Then I look up at the clouds
I looked at them for a while
And I saw that they were moving

Take me with you
At least for a ride..
Liana Feb 5
I hate the sunset tonight
it shines for the children
for the heroes in all of their might
for the kitten who stares out the window
and for the young lady who cries every night

I hate the sunset tonight because it shines that very same bright for the angry man who does terrible things out of spite
the same bright for ruiners of people's lives
for the person who makes that young lady cry
for the people who believe that some don't deserve rights

I hate it because not everyone deserves to see that light yet it shines just as bright
One of the first poems I ever wrote. I was looking in Google docs for stuff from before this website and come across this.

(This note was written by a light that ate candles and got burnt out.)
Liana Feb 5
Thank you darkness,
For you have made it possible
To see the stars and moon
In the sky

Thank you darkness,
For without you
I would not have been able
To imagine the light
at the end of the tunnel
And so,
I would have no reason to keep walking towards it

Thank you darkness,
For you keep everyone
"In the dark"
And I wouldn't have it any other way
Because if we knew the future
There would be no point in having it
One of the best things, though misunderstood
Liana Feb 4
It's already late
Still hours worth of work to do
I fear I won't sleep
Problem was that I had a lot of English work. When I write I refuse to half-*** it so it's taking a long time.
Liana Feb 4
The things I do
For your approval
And your excitement
For my accomplishments
Usually aren't healthy
Or good
For me

The things I lose
For your happiness
And your calmness
Usually are the things that make me feel that way

The things I cover up
For your agreement
And support
Usually are the things I care about most

Don't tell me
I'm being disrespectful
When it's simply impossible for you to stay pleased for more than a few moments
I try
And I try
To no avail
I am done trying

I have opinions
If you don't like it
Don't see me
That's what I wanted
To begin with
Cleaning up my drafts

A child/teen is a person nonetheless. We are not numbers, possessions, or puppets.
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