Some watched a movie
While the one I wanted to be awake was asleep
I thought to myself
This is how you want the year to be?"
I wanted to start my year off walking
And running
And letting music move me
Which is the very best
And most infinite feeling
I want my year
To feel like my walks
They were whining about so many little things
They forgot why we were doing this
They forgot
How this is a congrats
For completing
The **** year
That was 2024
When a better time
To thinks about that
Then when high feeling
This powerful
Amazing way?
As soon as the ball dropped I was putting on my shoes
P.S. I seem to be with people constantly so I fkn have much time for HP the past couple days, I am so sorry I couldn't show my support!
(This note was written by a kite that wouldn't fly. It was scared of heights.)