There's a bump there
On my skin
I need to peel it off
It's making mad
I scratch at it
Pinch it
And then rip it off
What have I done?!
I think as blood starts gushing out
I am such pain but I have to keep a straight face
I knew I was doing it
I knew I was picking at it
But then again, I didn't at the same time
I hide my injury
But it hurts terribly
I want to keep it a secret
But it's killing me
I need them to know
So that they can stop me
Because as much as I hate to admit it
I am not in control of me
After it bleeds
It is a scab
And it's taller then the rest of my skin
I need to pick it off
Once again
And when I do
It bleeds again
I am mad once more
At myself
For I did not stop my urge somehow
Like I promised myself I would
And this time
It comes back as a scar
And it taunts me for the rest of my life
A living portrait of my mistake
That gives me a look of judgement
Whenever I dare to glance at it
I can't spell the name of the disorder, but it *****. Several people have messaged me saying that they have this too, and I want to make sure we never have to feel alone in it. This is only a part of it, and it may look different for different people so don't compare :)