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 Nov 2012 Metallis
Jacob Oates
Look at me, look at me; I’m your drunk anomaly

Tear apart my message and my rep, but it don’t bother me

From a child you heard the phrase “don’t judge a book” but did ya hear?

People burning books right now, the covers gone, the judge is clear

Look at me, Look at me, I’m the new hypocrisy

Knowledge at your fingertips, but facts, no they don’t bother me

Faced with your derision, inhibition reigns the timid set

Patrons to the patriarchy, patent pending, don’t forget

Look at me, Look at me, I’m so happy to be free

Happiness is fleeting if it’s beating from the powers that be

Drug me up, *** me up, and tie me to the tv screen

give me tasty pleasures to keep me now from feeling mean

Look at me, Look at me, I’m a living entity

how much will you pay me to tell them how it’s all a dream?

Do I have to prove what is already true?

Do I have to prove what is already true?

I don’t have to prove a **** thing to you.
 Oct 2012 Metallis
Sarah Young
 Oct 2012 Metallis
Sarah Young
Smiles never ending
true hearts beginning
a little King's kingdom
a flower there grows
beauty from within
they found more than a friend
clouds telling future
future runnin with time
time proving
you were always mine
 Oct 2012 Metallis
Nannette Scott
No tales or horns here my friend

just a child's life cut to an end.

A child born a few days ago

and now into the ground they go.

A child who barely knew how to say

before the devil came it's "merry"way.

A child struck by the devil hard

whose cries and screams were heard from a far.

So while you think of the devil as the demon

maybe we should question who truly has no feeling.

— The End —