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Feb 2021 · 198
Pads not Paper and Pens
Tapiwa Mesah Feb 2021
Paper, Pens and Pads
Well I'm allergic to paper
Ink on trees, metals on wood.

Pens injecting dead trees,
Trees shot dead by metals on wood.
Dead logs become houses,
For beings whilst chasing out the bees.

I prefer Pads not Paper and Pens.
Forest are getting deforested every minute, hour and day. It scares me, the extinction of indigenous trees and shrubs. Its so sad how some of us have lived to get reference of certain trees from museums and books, I wish i could have existed in the past to see the beauty of the unaltered forests. I hope we preserve the little that we have now for the generations to come.
Feb 2021 · 593
The things we love.
Tapiwa Mesah Feb 2021
Ran I ran, towards the majestic fall,
My demise luring me with a grin.
Coated with smiles in disguise.

My inner whispered awesomeness and all,
I felt even my little tufted hairy chin,
Dancing to the chilling breeze's cries.
Well this one is about a somebody who is trapped by certain events in this life that are so luring, perfect, and so beautiful but in the end only results in his demise.
Feb 2021 · 260
Beautiful morning
Tapiwa Mesah Feb 2021
The day dawned just like any other day except for the kisses of the rays that gave a soothing sensation to the skin. On that day Chipo out rightly agreed with herself that her skin was doing well even without a thin plastering from the skin doctor. The streams made a beautiful sound and the fauna gave a harmony hymn, complementing the whistles of the waters.
Feb 2021 · 424
The 21.
Tapiwa Mesah Feb 2021
Shadows glooming despondency uprightly,
Focusing a glim of shame and imposed abandoning.
''You look greatly molded in depression,
Your burden to me looks fancy.....''
That was a misery softened evil ****,
Piercing through into my shallow hollowed ears.  

Our rep casted her eyes aside,
Hoping to swift through a refreshing outlook.
The sight of it burdened her eyebrows,
Her lids stashed with a haulage of anger.

The wicked lingered in every set of a piece,
Even the tiny, lest we forget about the shiny.
It dug through and through to the cores of her bliss,
Sowing pandemonium, doubt and crime.
What crime?

Crimes of self doubt, crimes of hopelessness,
Cries for help, cries for a decent revitalizing wave.
Miles of cries led to crimes,
Cries of eyes for miles.

We are within the evil, daily
We brew it steadily.
Our hope, not a strategy; is that we live,
We survive this feeling.
We are 21.
In this piece "Her" is referring to a large portion of young people plastered together within the currency of depression, self doubt, purposeless existence. I titled it "The 21" because that's the day young people are celebrated in Zimbabwe, alas the young people are nowhere near the need to be celebrated but to be rescued.
Jan 2021 · 172
Tapiwa Mesah Jan 2021
The dream was shattered on our watch,
The glass took them more time to furnish
than it took for them to break, clutch.

Thought you were covered, alas,
They only got your back, not back to back.
Hesitated from a distance, waiting on us,
It threw blames, its eyes screamed. Catch!
Tapiwa Mesah Jan 2021
And I gazed as...…

The grass withered from the shores,
Gravitated towards the blooming faces of the union,
For with a clouded glance it was a mirage,
That only could reflect from the banks.

The rivers narrowed and narrowed,
Distanced themselves from the bloomy,
rosy, happy and colorful bud.

If it was for the fauna, it stomped the stems,
grazed the infancy out of the bud.
Exposed now it was, as flora had withered and gave up.
The union stood alone, deserted and weakened.

How did you survive? I asked a question.
The bud answered....

Our weakest joins were covered, plastered and,
illuminated by a gift of time.
A gift that requires only patience and steadfast,
A species that has what we lack.
Apr 2020 · 166
The Wait
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
The debut blew him into ashes.
Picked up the salty dust
Carried on to discover your flaws
Weathered and renewed by your past.

Next! What transpired in its lifespan
You grew within the glory of being healed
Survived the most tragic, barbaric plan
Of which the emotions had courteously drafted.

I found a half that was whole
Gave me a piece, a pinch to live,
On and believed that love was for all.
Good came not, not to all,
But those who could trust the wait.
Apr 2020 · 143
How was i to know.
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
The love of a woman
That soothed my soul
The pureness of her heart,
Quenched my little desires.

I changed my ways,
For i knew not of the vows,
That i was committing to.
The chains of sorrows,
The portions of happiness.
Apr 2020 · 165
Forests pains
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
How well do you know me
I've cried and smiled
They took away the shade to my roots
They cut my arms, my wings.

The sun smiles, the sun cries
I merry for such a prize.
For again my shade blossoms
And my arms stretch once more,
Beyond my reach.

I'm a tree in a forest,
And such is my pain.
Apr 2020 · 177
I'm not lost
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
A flower blossoms
In the midst of muddy swamps
It stands around the algae,
The petals smile even at the bees.

The grin of the little seeds
That the wind blows effortlessly,
Is sprayed to places and places
And preaches love and nothing else.
Apr 2020 · 127
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
Passion drove the Cart
The Cart moved forward
Resilience kept it in motion
Determination fueled the zeal.

Perseverance gave the thoughts,
Of the greens and the flowery views.
A place we've only seen in dreams
Where prayers have all the powers.
Apr 2020 · 137
The Pits
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
A place of many fears
Is a place with no peers
A level of loneliness
Way so beneath our hopes.

Rock bottom was the scariest
The envisioning of our past
The dew and the heavy mist
To wake up again from the East.

Don't frown don't despair,
Its a place of strength anyways
Where second chance awaits
To be grabbed by the horns.

Pick up yourself and stand again!
Apr 2020 · 123
Tears of the Sun
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2020
Thick dark cloud above
Shadows our paths of all
The pain and sorrow ooh no!
Our weeps get the wipes.

The tears of the sun
Graces them all in one
A love from above that no one,
Has ever dreamt of or sat upon.

There comes the rain
The thunder that scares the enemy
Tears that wipes the agony
Love that erases every inch of bygone.

It was the rains of the summer
The gratitude of the dark cover,
that assured us that it was over.
Smiles were thrown all over.
Apr 2019 · 179
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2019
How am i going to figure it out
when the figures are faint.
How am i going to stay up,
If you look down on me,
Or maybe i don't look up to you.

Flora worshiped us in the pathways,
On our way to bliss,
To say least of the sunflowers.
The grass made a run,
Yellow honey combed flowers would bow.

We lived us in the epic times,
Whispers and the silence on us,
Wow!! It gave us goosebumps .
It was magic perfection,
None from the witches and wizards.

Prime you were to me,
Only I would understand,
Alas you didn't get me.
You became even, not only me
Would get into you.

Now I've figured it out,
Not all figures are prime.
I'm not going to stay up,
You look down on me.
And I'm never going to look up to you.
this poem is about how a person changed or grew from being this person to that person. It is subjective if the person changed in a bad way but all still is change, unfortunately it is perceived a bad change by those that you would have left or decide to go separate ways with.
Apr 2019 · 141
What is my purpose!
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2019
I doubt i know you,
What does it take?
To hop to and from,
The passions and desires,
I still hustle to get there.

My domain is in blitz,
Realization and actualization it is.
What does it take?
I've hoped to and from,
I still hustle to get there.

Blurred is my passion,
Skewed is my position,
Crooked is the vision for myself.
I glance from a distance,
Hoping for a moment to spare,
Its only a mirage to stare.

I doubt i know me,
Rejected by the future and the past denied
Am i the lost one to find?
I hope for the truth to abide.
Apr 2019 · 320
My Fear
Tapiwa Mesah Apr 2019
liberate liberate my views,
fly away fly away my fears,
I am ashamed, i am scared of my clues,
tangled, mumble up my fuse.

In case i lose,
I am happy for once
for i know how it feels.
liberate liberate my views,
fly away, fly away my fears.

— The End —