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  Jun 2014 Melissa G
Just Remember
No Matter How Sad You Are
That Tomorrow Maybe More Brighter
Than Today

Just A Random 15w Poem!!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope You Enjoy It!! ~~~<3
Melissa G Jun 2014
The loudest scream
Is the silence
That you keep
When your life is being

Before you came I was okey
After you came I was destroy.

I tell you secrets
I never tell
You come to ****
With your silent
Melissa G Jun 2014
You said "forever"
I believe it
I just turn around
And you leave me.

Everything will be okay
Of course.

Today you let
And i don't know
Who to trust.
Melissa G Jun 2014
Scars we have
Are impossible to erase
No one deserve
To live with them

— The End —