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dawnie Oct 2019
I've never met someone like you
someone that could put words
into constellations
your terminology leaving
me hanging on by a strand
of disgusting infatuation
just enough to keep me in your
never enough to keep my hopes
just faintly there to keep me craving your dispassionate rendering of this false love
dawnie Oct 2019
you don't cross my mind
you cross my heart
and hope I die
pins and needles in my eyes
I don't think you're happy
darling I won't lie
but it's your fate
I'll let you live your life
just know I love you
and that you're killing me
with all your fake laughs
and your lack of energy
you're fading and you don't
give a **** about me
but you're dragging us all down
it's the end of my humility
you're ******* bolts into
you ******* coffin we're
both going down silently
there's still nothing I can do for
you if there were I'd fight
this violently
dawnie Oct 2019
the last thing I remember about that night
is you saying you'd always love me.
I don't remember anything the next day past the words 'I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you this'
not even the numbness.
But I know I never want to know that feeling again.
Sometimes, I get so angry that I say I hate you, like you did this to me.
How dare you take away the only girl I've ever loved
but I think I understand now.
you didn't do this to me
it's not your fault that the ******* in this world bash on little girls
it's not your fault that most people don't concider your ex drugging and ****** you "actual ****" because she was a girl.
it's not your fault that your parents were unsupportive in all of your ventures.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there to watch you perform in your plays
I'm sorry I couldn't always be there on your worst days and I'm sorry that I can't believe in god if you're not here.
I love you.
distance couldn't change that
and neither can death
dawnie Sep 2019
"my chest hurts and I don't know why"
that's a mood
that's my constant dilemma
I'm nothing if not yours and you're nothing if not unobtainable
who am I and who are you
those are questions for the century
smoke your life away
like the years you waste are ash from a cigarette
screaming gets old just get your point across
again I'm nothing if not yours so who have I been all of this time
dawnie Jul 2019
we're so so pretty,
pretty, pretty.
we're so put together,
we're so-so as far as
okay goes.
but we're alive none the
we're all so ******* pretty
when we take our clothes off
we're all so ******* pretty
when you forget our names
we're all so *******
when we need a shoulder to cry on
we're all so ******* petty when we
beg you not to go
and we are all so ******* strong
you'll never understand us
dawnie Jul 2019
you know, some people judge me
they say that I can't love and I'm crule and no one will ever be 'exciting' enough to make me stay with them
it just so happens
that I wake up every morning to think about how you drum your fingers on your steering wheel
and if you're so into a song you'll close your eyes and purse your lips and tap your hands on the side of it
and how funny you are without trying
and how smart you are
and that ******* laugh I love
the genuine one. not the fake one.
and how sad we are together.
you give the best hugs of all time
and I absolutely love the way you say my name, not 'dawnie', Desirea
you made me love the sound of it.
hearing your voice after a hard day was such a better pick me up than coming home and smoking *** spaced out on my couch.
I love you.
dawnie May 2019
The sun
chasing-- haunting-- the moon, a beauty.
We thrive in the midst of their war, of their loving hating moving conflicts.
Silvery scars on her surface; the moon, she bears the scorch marks of a relentless fight.
Most slick tendrils of fiery hatred
Have wrapped her up and burned her flesh.
The moon weeps for herself as no one else will.
She tugs at the water urgently needing to submerge herself,
To sooth her searing craters.
But never far enough behind comes the vicious hateful sun.
She hides  some nights.
Between, behind, in the shadow of planets surrounding her.
Mercury, though his role is most minor, has the most darling sense of humor
Jupiter, who's sheer size enticed her in, he was most sweet and
gave her a new found confidence
Pluto, a fighter, a sick one with a soft spot for the melodious moon, a final yield in her harvest of sanctuary. He loved her and she loved him.
No one on the surface noticed or played mind to the day that
The moon began chasing the sun.
The tables had turned, she would no longer run or hide or be hurt.
With Pluto in her shadow, an ever loved presence, she could rest at peace.
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