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Nov 2017 · 164
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Take the time to calm your mind and choose your next decision
Some will lead and some will follow make sure you know your place
The only one responsible is a reflection in the pond
What I do is all for me and I still call the shots
The many people that I know I care for very much
The mind is always mend-able until it turns to dust
The best advice a man can give is not to give advice
Let the people find themselves let the people fight
Things always escalate with emotions in the way
But take them out and find a life in black and white and gray
Felling mad or sad or good they're feelings all the same
Just another part of life that no one can explain
Trust your gut emotions, you've had them since day one.
Don't take life so serious lets just have some fun.
I wrote this about 2 years ago and just remebered i had it. This year is the first year ive been really writing a lot, but ive always loved it.
Nov 2017 · 128
The end
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
As i journey into the abyss, I think about what i will miss, family and friends, but memories the most, because without them who am I but an empty host. The things i held to tightly quickly stolen swept away. No one ever told me it would be my very last day. I always knew it was coming but i could never have prepared. The end is nearing closer. Just know I love and cared.
Nov 2017 · 88
Thoughts up on the wall
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
I put my thoughts up on the wall, so you all can see my struggle, know that you are not alone, even when you're on your own. I can feel the pain inside you, i can see what's on your mind.

Sometimes life does not seem fair but know nothings guaranteed. You spill your heart out hoping, that someone will receive, all the love inside of you, and return it as you give. But love is not as easy to find as its to give. Be a gift to the world and have love unlimited.

We all have our struggles and our hopes and aspirations. You are not alone in any of these endeavors. Just keep your course and stay true without a hint of hesitation. I promise you youll pull through, this life will soon get better.
Nov 2017 · 109
All i do
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
All I do is give, and all they do is take. Is this life I live, bound to be my fate? Or is there something more, when will I receive, the love that i keep giving everyone I meet. Its starting to get harder to wake up and be glad, this life that I am living is starting to make me mad. I try so hard for nothing, the results I can not see. Its love I'm holding out for, but my time keeps passing me. I hope that someday someone will spark inside of me, those emotions that i long for very desperatly. I will give my love out unconditionally. I wont let this world take that away from me. So give and expect nothing, just pass along the love. Lets make this world better i fear it is our job.
Nov 2017 · 105
Messy mind
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
There's things I think about that i never turn to words. Inside there is a dialogue that tells me what should be heard. When I speak ive played it out and guessed what will come next. I dont know why but Im feeling like my minds a ******* mess. I guess that it's a problem that i probably should address.
Nov 2017 · 109
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Seeing a smile on a strangers face has a way that makes me grin. Knowing there is happiness in places ive never been. To think that there are people that I will never meet, puts things in perspective and makes me really think. There isn't time to ponder on if I should wave or not. Might as well just say hello, and give them a head nod. You never know who needs it, some peoples worlds are dark. That smile that you give them just might be the light to spark, a feeling deep inside of them, that the worlds not so dark. You might just save their life today you might just make their week. I guess youll really never know what strangers you may touch.
Nov 2017 · 133
Im sorry.
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Im sorry that I messed up, called you names and made you cry. These emotions can be too much, for me to keep inside. I honestly do love you, but your feelings aren't the same. Its things like this that happen, that make me go insane. I know it shouldnt matter if you love me or you don't. But really I can't help to feel that I'm inadequate.
Nov 2017 · 113
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Most people want to understand. On our path to understanding we like to think we understand. But no one searches to understand while thinking they understand. So we all must try to understand. Never stop pursuing understanding.
Nov 2017 · 232
I want to be wanted
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
We all just want to be wanted, in a world where we all die alone. Someone to make our lives better, just by a simple hello. Its hard to find someone whos special, in all of the ways that we want. Its easier to be all alone, but I want something more so ill fight. Theres got to be more to this life. Ill search til ive found the right one. Always keeping my eyes open waiting for the one that ill love. Ive been alone longer than most, Im not sure if its good or im toast. I won't settle for anything less, than someone I think is the best. Its not worth it to jump love to love, ill save it and wait for the one. But I can be lonely alone with no one. That's alright life still can be fun. Waiting to find the right one.
Nov 2017 · 110
I cant pretend.
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
I dont know if I can pretend, to be the guy that holds your hand, anymore, right now. The things i said that didnt matter, changed the way I thought of you, I know it all seems kinda messed up but I'd never do wrong to you. I can't act like you didn't hurt me, you scarred me way down to my core. You had my heart in the palm of your hand girl and you dropped it right down on the floor.
I wont hold on any longer to the memories that we made, I'm a fool to think that you loved me, ive never felt more betrayed. I will pack my **** and leave town, start fresh somewhere new. Somewhere nobody knows me as the guy who's been running round town with you.
Kinda funny how it ended with you stabbing me in the back. Never saw it coming though gotta at least give you that.
Things will never be the same. I gotta get you outta my brain. cause all your causing me is pain. I wont ever be the same.
I need to find my will to wake up and move on far away from the pain. But my lifes been cold and empty, now that you've gone away. I can't keep waiting for the answers I have to start searching on my own. Soon it will be clear that I can get through my life alone. I dont need you by my side. When i said i did I lied. Girl I thought you were the one. But all you thought of me was fun. It's ok i understand you must have found a better man. Not like I didn't treat you right. Always let you win the fights. Now Its cold and hard but here it is. Go **** yourself you stupid *****.
Nov 2017 · 126
Live on
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
The way you are, lives on way longer than you live.
Nov 2017 · 323
Forget me
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
You ever wish the rest of the world would forget you exist? Get some time to yourself, get some time to just think. Without interuption, and no obligations. The worries of life left behind. It would just be you and your mind. To dissect the problems that plague your own thoughts, first thing you must disconnect. Escape from it all, and base who you are on the fact that your fully unique. No one can be you so own it and be cool with the fact that life has to end. Live in the moment experience and grow up so one day you can pass on, your treasures your medals and all of your special things you acquired in time.  But more than the gold and things you can hold pass on the way that you are. Plant seeds that will grow until they are old so one day they will plant their own seeds. Then in a way you never leave.
Nov 2017 · 454
Heart games
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Falling in and out of love will leave you empty and alone. The touch of a new lover will be your only goal. The things that could once make you smile, will send shivers down your spine. The memories of a long lost love imprinted in your mind. You cant connect the same way those feelings forever left behind. Its hard to repair the damage a broken heart can create.
Nov 2017 · 152
Can you hear me
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Theres times when I feel tiny in this great big massive world. Its times like these i wonder if you all will hear my words. Or am i writing nonsense just to ease my mind. These are the things I think about all the ******* time. It doesnt matter much to me to matter much at all. But sometimes I will wonder if my voice is heard at all. Am I screaming into darkness not an echo to be heard? Or is there someone listening who needs it in their world. I guess ill never know for sure what impact i may have. People might not read these words until after I am dead.
Nov 2017 · 93
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
You asked me if i was lonely, depends on what you really mean. There are times when i feel sadness, when youre not here  with me. When we spend our time together you make me feel so warm and alive, my soul has found just what it craves, when I look into your eyes. I know youd never hurt me on purpose or for fun. I guess that this is what they meant when they said id find true love.
Nov 2017 · 116
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Every day when i wake up, I am thinking bout what i can do, things to make you happy, just to be sure youre pulling through. When I see you feeling empty, inside I feel the same. I don't know how to explain this, but I truly feel your pain. It matters that your happy, for my own mind to feel fine. I know that its not fair, but I depend on your smile. Without it I feel empty, dark and cold you hold my fire. I hope you understand, that i loved you sweetie pie.

Honey id die to love you, I miss the way you held my hand, how you said that i would always forever be your man.  Now all of it feels so empty. What ever happend to our plan? I can't help it but to think that all of its a sham, now its gone, all along, with every other thing related to you, who would think that id ever say, that it would be better off this way, maybe there will come a day, where I wont be missing you.

The days seem cold and lonely, now that you have gone. I wish that i had maybe tried, to stop before you were gone. But i was kinda selfish, took our love for granted babe. Now all that I have left of you, is the memories that we made
Nov 2017 · 95
Matt Perkins Nov 2017
Is love a feeling in your gut or is it something more? Is it pain and suffering to keep you wanting more? Will I feel like crying when you leave and slam the door?   Or will you tell me its ok and pick my heart up off the floor? Will we scream and hate each other after just one fight? Or will you always have my back until we leave this life? I just want to know right now is it worth the pain to try? Cause i find you very beautiful I could see you by my side. I wanna feel true love right now more than just the butterflies inside. Ive thought I found the one before and it turned out to be a lie. I owe it to myself to try at least just one more time. I don't want to leave this life with no one by my side.
So i will take a chance with you, and see where it takes me, I want a story that seems like make believe. Something more to life, I want to live my fantasy, with you by my side, this love I feel is crazy.
Not sure if its finished or not. Feel free to add to it.

— The End —